NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#865: Zhang Hao is promoted

Land of Heaven. 天土 When the Immortal World Heavenly Dao returns to here, ruthlessly toward vented an anger in all directions. 仙界天道回到这里时,狠狠的朝着四面八方发泄了一顿怒火。 He was mad obviously unbearably by Chu Yuan. 他显然被楚缘气得够呛的。 However, after calming down. 不过,在冷静下来后。 Five Saints that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will dispatch immediately, Zhang Hao and the others all gave to summon. 仙界天道当即将派遣下去的五圣,既张寒等人全都给召唤了回来。 Zhang Hao and the others received the order of Immortal World Heavenly Dao, naturally does not dare to violate, all returned to Land of Heaven rapidly. 张寒等人接到仙界天道的命令,自然不敢违背,全都迅速的返回了天土 Venerable.” 尊上。” Zhang Hao and other people all face the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to salute. 张寒等五人全都面向仙界天道行礼。 Their five people follow Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), calling the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is Venerable. 他们五人都跟随青天圣人,称呼仙界天道为‘尊上’。 Blue sky falls from the sky, at that time were you doing? Why doesn't advise against him?” “青天陨落,当时你们都在干什么?为什么不劝阻他?” The vision of Immortal World Heavenly Dao fell on Zhang Hao five Saint body, made noise the inquiry. 仙界天道的目光落在了张寒五圣身上,出声询问。 Falling from the sky of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), is enormous to his loss. 青天圣人的陨落,对他的损失极大。 Lost a Sage level strength, lost the first step of struggle of destiny. 失去了一个圣人级战力,更是失去了气运之争的第一步。 Is Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that part of destiny to belong to Chu Yuan body without a doubt. 属于青天圣人的那一部分气运毫无疑问会归于楚缘身上 Moreover, he also lost an exceptional subordinate. 而且,他还失去了一个能力出众的手下。 This is the loss is simply serious. 这简直是损失惨重。 Therefore he is angry very much. 所以他很生气。 And he did not understand very much. 并且他很不理解。 Why these five Saints do not advise against Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to go to the eastern divine land. 为什么这五圣不劝阻青天圣人去东神州呢。 Returns to Venerable, I in am south a day of state, was remote from the heading west state, regardless of I can detect, is unable to conduct the movement.” “回尊上,我所在是南天州,距离西行州本就遥远,无论我能不能察觉得到,都是无法进行动作的。” Gluttonous ti immediately on opens the mouth. 饕鬄当即就开口了。 A meaning, was too far, he cannot manage. 一个意思,太远了,他管不着。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao regarding this, is naturally speechless. 仙界天道对此,自然无话可说。 Returns to Venerable, at that time we had not thought Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) will really go into the eastern divine land, therefore we have not cared, therefore has not advised.” “回尊上,当时我们都并未觉得青天圣人会真的闯入东神州,所以我们并未在意,所以没有劝阻。” stone Su and other people also follow to open the mouth. 石塑等三人也跟着开口。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao indicated that can also understand, had not investigated. 仙界天道表示,也能理解,没有追究。 Venerable, I should be at that time am away from Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to be recent, my little while is happen to visiting Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), in its Daoist temple, witnesses Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to have the conflict with that Xu Yu with own eyes......” 尊上,当时我应该是距离青天圣人最近的,我那会儿正好在拜访青天圣人,在其道观上,也是亲眼见证青天圣人与那徐御起冲突的……” Zhang Hao just prepared to say. 张寒刚准备开口说起来。 His voice has not said. 他话音还没说完。 Then by an enormous and powerful heavenly prestige breaking. 便被一股浩荡天威给打断了。 Sees only the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to stare at him. 只见仙界天道正凝视着他。 Since you side the blue sky, why you hadn't advised against the blue sky at that time?” “既然你当时就在青天身边,为何你没有劝阻青天?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao asked such a few words. 仙界天道问出了这么一句话。 His vision is staring at Zhang Hao. 他目光就那么盯着张寒 Clearly, Zhang Hao does not give a satisfactory answer, he will not let off Zhang Hao. 很明显,张寒不给一个满意的答案,他绝不会放过张寒 Venerable, you do not know, the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) condition was very at that time strange, he was been probably same by what thing control, I have advised, but his least bit is not willing to listen, I must help him cope with Xu Yu together, he does not want.” 尊上,您不知道,当时青天圣人的状态十分古怪,他好像被什么东西控制了一样,我已经劝阻过了,可是他半点也不肯听,我要帮助他一起对付徐御,他也不愿意。” Zhang Hao said repeatedly. 张寒连声说道。 Un???” “嗯???” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao gawked. 仙界天道愣了一下。 Such matter? 还有这么一回事? Yes, Venerable, is what is all about, moreover Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) as if was extremely not at that time sane, but also once spoke to insult you.” “是的,尊上,就是这么一回事,而且当时青天圣人似乎极度不理智,还曾出言辱骂过您。” Zhang Hao said. 张寒又开口说了。 This Immortal World Heavenly Dao is not clear. 这一下仙界天道不明白了。 Before this Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) falls from the sky, not only does not listen to advice, but also insulted him? 青天圣人陨落之前,不仅仅不听劝,还辱骂他? This is how possible. 这怎么可能。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao opened the Immortal World years river, wants to examine. 仙界天道打开了仙界的岁月长河,想要进行查看。 Nearby Zhang Hao sees this one, was all frightened the ghost to brave, almost without turning around runs. 旁边的张寒见此一幕,被吓得亡魂皆冒,差点没掉头就跑。 His opens the mouth comes, but he has not thought completely, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will open the years river to conduct the examination directly. 他张口就来,可他完全没有想到过,仙界天道会直接打开岁月长河进行查看的。 But quick Zhang Hao was also calm. 可很快张寒又冷静了下来。 This matter is Master nods. 这件事是师尊点头的。 He is inconsiderate, he believes that Master will also certainly settle for him. 他考虑不周,他相信师尊也一定会替他善后的。 He worried that so many to do what. 他担心那么多干什么。 Yes, Master so loves in him, how can the pit he. 是的,师尊如此疼爱于他,怎会坑他呢。 Zhang Hao calm looks at the movement of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 张寒冷静的看着仙界天道的动作。 Sees only the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to transfer the empty shadow of years river in void, conducts nosing. 只见仙界天道在虚空之中挪移出岁月长河的虚影,进行查探。 His original intention examines the dialogue of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) and Zhang Hao. 他的本意是查看一番青天圣人张寒的对话的。 When but he noses full power, presented strange one. 可是当他全力查探时,却出现了诡异的一幕。 When Immortal World Heavenly Dao examination, actually gawked. 仙界天道查看时,却是愣了下来。 Because he discovered, in some time that Zhang Hao and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) are together, is all chaotic, is unable to examine. 因为他发现,张寒青天圣人相处的一段时间里面,全是混乱的,根本无法查看。 He can see Zhang Hao to visit Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) one. 他可以看得到张寒拜访青天圣人的一幕。 In Zhang Hao enters all after Daoist temple, chaotic, is unable to examine. 但是在张寒进入道观后的一切,就混乱了起来,根本无法查看。 Also cannot say that is the confusion. 也不能说是混乱。 But probably by an invisible strength erasing all traces, or seemed like related to some type of thing, but is unable to demonstrate. 而像是被一种无形的力量给抹去了所有痕迹,又或者说是像是涉及到了某种东西,而无法显示出来。 How is this matter?” “这是怎么一回事?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao wrinkled the brow, he thinks subconsciously is hands and feet that Zhang Hao moves. 仙界天道皱紧了眉头,他下意识以为是张寒动的手脚。 But changes mind thinks. 可是转念一想。 Zhang Hao where has this skill. 张寒哪有这种本事。 Difficult to be inadequate...... 难不成…… Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) by extremely wild that side person planning? 青天圣人被极荒那边的人给算计了? The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was pondering, who will plan Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 仙界天道在思考,谁会算计青天圣人 But nearby Zhang Hao sees the result of projecting, relaxes quietly. 而旁边张寒看到投影出来的结果,也是悄然松了一口气。 Really, as he expected. 果然,不出他所料。 Master has really helped him arrange all. 师尊果然已经帮他安排好一切了。 He was too tender, on all matters were inconsiderate. 他还是太嫩了,对于一切事情都考虑不周。 Yeah, critical moment, must depend on Master. 哎,关键时刻,还是得靠师尊 Otherwise his wave may be miserable. 不然他这波可就惨了。 Zhang Hao.” 张寒。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao opens the mouth suddenly, spoke a few words. 仙界天道忽然开口,说了一句话。 Got back one's composure in nearby Zhang Hao hastily, arrives in front of the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to salute. 在一旁的张寒连忙回神,走到了仙界天道面前行礼。 Venerable.” 尊上。” Zhang Hao doubts looks at the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, does not know that the opposite party must say anything. 张寒疑惑的看着仙界天道,不知道对方要说什么。 Why this matter I have known probably am, since Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) falls from the sky with you have nothing to do, that is not then no need to say anything again, starting today, the original Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) position, all hands over by Zhang Hao takes over control.” “此事我已大概知晓是为何了,既然青天圣人陨落与你们无关,那便不必再说什么了,自今日起,原先青天圣人的职位,全都交由张寒接管。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao light opens the mouth, said such words. 仙界天道淡淡的开口,说出了这么一番话。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Not is only Zhang Hao, other four people were also shocked. 不仅仅是张寒,其他四人也都愣住了。 They have not thought completely, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will say suddenly. 他们完全没有想到,仙界天道会忽然这么说。 What's wrong, what opinion do you have?” “怎么,你有什么意见么?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao makes noise the inquiry. 仙界天道出声询问。 Five Saints shake the head hastily , indicating not to have the opinion, was only their some surprise. 五圣连忙摇头,表示没有意见,只是他们有些诧异而已。 And most surprise, when belonged to Zhang Hao. 其中最为诧异的,当属于张寒了。 He thinks must capture the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) beforehand power, but also is somewhat troublesome, never expected that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao gave on own initiative, this let his surprise. 他原本以为要夺取青天圣人之前的权力,还有些麻烦,没想到仙界天道主动给了,这着实让他诧异了一下。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looked that five Saints do not have the opinion, nods, set this matter. 仙界天道看五圣没意见,就点了点头,定下了此事。 Regarding the performance of Zhang Hao, he watches. 对于张寒的表现,他是看在眼里的。 On the talent is not most certainly. 论天赋不是最绝的。 But by the ability, is in these five Saints is strongest, and has the talent of command. 但论能力,却是这五圣之中最强的,而且拥有统帅之才。 In five Saints, although gluttonous ti is strongest, but indistinct most has the prestige and influence, is actually Zhang Hao. 五圣之中,虽然饕鬄才是最强的,但是隐隐约约最具声望与影响力的,却是张寒 Moreover five Saints seem like headed by Zhang Hao. 而且五圣似乎是以张寒为首的。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is clear, therefore gave a Zhang Hao bigger power. 仙界天道对此非常清楚,所以给了张寒更大的权力。 Moreover, then, the heading west state, a south day of state, the town/subdues kills the person of Daoless Sect full power, as long as the person of Daoless Sect enters, executes summarily, if you cannot take, may summon me.” “另外,接下来,西行州,南天州,全力镇杀无道宗之人,但凡无道宗之人进入,格杀勿论,若是你们拿不下,也可召唤我。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao issued this order. 仙界天道又下了这种命令。 He hated Daoless Sect thoroughly. 他彻底恨上无道宗了。 Five Saint hears word, silent, some do not know that should say anything. 五圣闻言,都沉默了一下,有些不知道该说什么。 Their here, two Daoless Sect pass on the disciple. 他们这里,两个无道宗亲传弟子。 Remaining three, all are the subordinates who Daoless Sect passes on the disciple. 剩下的三个,全是无道宗亲传弟子的手下。 This...... 这……
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