NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#864: Decisive Chu Yuan

Chapter 865 decisive Chu Yuan 第865章果断的楚缘 Heading west state edge, close to the place of eastern divine land. 西行州边缘,临近东神州之地。 Two streams light/only flashed rapidly. 两道流光迅速闪了过去。 Sees only Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to pursue Xu Yu. 只见青天圣人在追击着徐御 Two people launched a chase war. 两人展开了一场追逐战。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) spells to go all-out to fly. 青天圣人拼尽全力飞行。 Xu Yu is also the strength that puts out to nurse escapes. 徐御也是拿出吃奶的力气逃。 Two people pursue, optional strikes, hits the ground is split up, in the heading west state the innumerable lives therefore meet with a disaster. 两人追逐之间,随意的一击,都将地面打得四分五裂,西行州内无数生灵因此遭殃。 But two people may simply not manage these. 但两人可根本没有管过这些。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) pursues wholeheartedly, the oath must cut to kill Xu Yu. 青天圣人一心追击,誓要斩杀徐御 Xu Yu has a mind to entice, runs away full power at the same time, did not forget that maintains the distance with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 徐御有心勾引,全力逃窜的同时,也不忘记和青天圣人保持距离。 In a flash, two people close to the eastern divine land border. 转瞬间,两人就接近了东神州边境。 Close to the eastern divine land border. 在接近了东神州边境。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) mind trembles fiercely, probably remembered anything, stopped the step of pursuit fiercely. 青天圣人心神猛地一颤,像是想起了什么,猛地停住了追击的步伐。 He looked up to the eastern divine land border. 他抬头看向了东神州边境。 At this moment, his thought some delay, but his instinct does not want to approach the eastern divine land. 此时此刻,他的思维有些呆滞,但他本能的不想靠近东神州。 This is not good, couldn't catch up? This?” “这就不行了,追不上了?就这就这啊?” Xu Yu is actually follows to stop, then spoke such a few words. 徐御却是跟着停下,回头说了这么一句话。 His these words fall. 他这句话落下。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) instantaneous anger ascends, the eyes were covered by dusky gas, his appearance becomes fierce. 青天圣人瞬间一股怒火升腾而起,双眼被一层灰蒙蒙的气体遮盖,他面目变得狰狞起来。 I want you dead!!!” “我要你死!!!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) goes crazy probably, kills to go toward Xu Yu, as if will want tearing into shreds. 青天圣人像是发了疯般,朝着徐御袭杀而去,似乎想要将之给撕碎。 Xu Yu had a scare, worms one's way into toward the eastern divine land that side hastily. 徐御被吓了一大跳,连忙往东神州那边钻了进去。 Two people had a chase again. 两人再度发生了一场追逐。 However, when Xu Yu steps into that moment of eastern divine land. 不过,当徐御踏入东神州的那一刻。 He had not flown again, but stopped, turns the head to look to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), on the face has the happy expression. 他就没有再飞行了,而是停了下来,转头看向青天圣人,脸上带着笑意。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) disregards as before, toward the Xu Yu rush. 青天圣人依旧不管不顾,往着徐御冲杀而来。 Be careful.” “小心。” Xu Yu very calm, but the opens the mouth put out two characters. 徐御非常的淡定,只是张口吐出了两个字。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) gawked, he stopped the footsteps. 青天圣人愣了一下,他不由停住了脚步。 Does not understand that Xu Yu is what meaning. 不明白徐御是什么意思。 When he is puzzled. 正当他不解之时。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The world vibrated in this moment fiercely. 天地在这一刻猛地震动了起来。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) looks up, sees only golden light to shine to come toward him, along with the golden light illumination, a huge pressure also arrived. 青天圣人抬头看去,只见一道道金光朝着他照射而来,伴随着金光照射,一股庞大至极的压力也降临了。 Enormous and powerful heavenly prestige fills the air, but. 浩荡天威弥漫而至。 Wanting to suppress Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 欲要镇压青天圣人 Under this heavenly prestige. 在这股天威之下。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) stuffy snort/hum, the entire body, fell in the ground but actually, this giant heavenly prestige tries to crash his entire body. 青天圣人闷哼一声,整个身躯都倒了下来,落到了地面上,这股巨大天威试图将他整个身躯压垮。 But Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is powerful after all, heavenly prestige suppressed him merely, cannot suppress him directly. 青天圣人终归强大,天威仅仅是压制了他,并不能直接将他镇压。 This......” “这……” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) also at this moment, sobered completely. 青天圣人也这一刻,完全清醒了过来。 He filled at this moment in a terrified way. 他内心此刻充满了惶恐。 Here is the eastern divine land! 这里是东神州! That Chu Yuan domain! 楚缘的地盘! He by Xu Yu deceiving!! 他被徐御给骗了!! That compounded drug hoodwinked his mental! 那颗丹药蒙蔽了他的心智! Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) in this moment, saw the light suddenly completely. 青天圣人在这一刻,完全顿悟了。 He by pit. 他被坑了。 By the Zhang Hao pit, by the Xu Yu pit! 张寒坑了,被徐御坑了! That Zhang Hao has the issue! 那个张寒有问题! Realized that this point Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), just wants to exhaust the whole body strength to send greetings Land of Heaven. 意识到这一点的青天圣人,刚想用尽全身力气传音回去天土 But has not waited for him to send greetings. 可还没等他传音。 Suddenly. 突然之间。 A god of journeys light form kills from void, is the Chu Yuan god brilliant number. 一道神光身影从虚空之中杀出,正是楚缘的神光大号。 Chu Yuan to kill Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), opens 2nd continually. 楚缘为了杀青天圣人,连开两号。 Transfers heavenly prestige to suppress Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) at the Heavenly Dao large size, to guard it to escape. 以天道大号调动天威压制青天圣人,以防其逃跑。 Carries to execute the immortal four swords with the god brilliant number, puts to death Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) personally. 以神光大号携带诛仙四剑,来亲自诛杀青天圣人 The Chu Yuan god brilliant number opens, then loses to execute the immortal four swords immediately. 楚缘的神光大号一开出来,便立马丢出诛仙四剑。 Executes the immortal four swords to hold in god in addition light/only, cut directly, even/including Jianzhen do not have the arrange/cloth to become, cuts by the main body. 诛仙四剑在神光的加持下,直接斩了过去,连剑阵都没有布成,以本体斩去。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… Four swords have been delimiting void, cut four terrifying incomparable sword marks. 四剑在虚空划过,斩出了四道恐怖无比的剑痕。 Under the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) panic-stricken vision, four swords pierced his entire body ruthlessly. 青天圣人惊骇的目光下,四剑狠狠洞穿了他整个身躯。 A sword destroys its state of mind. 一剑摧其神魂。 A sword destroys his bone. 一剑摧其根骨。 A sword destroys its dao heart. 一剑摧其道心 A sword destroys its passing. 一剑摧其过往。 Chu Yuan will utterly destroy these four characters to display peak. 楚缘将斩尽杀绝这四个字发挥到了极致 Does not give Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to stay behind including a vitality. 连一丝生机都绝不给青天圣人留下。 Merely one puts in an appearance. 仅仅一个照面间。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) falls from the sky!! 青天圣人陨落!! Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is not until death clear, why Chu Yuan begins, must with so the stance, write off him directly. 青天圣人至死都不明白,为什么楚缘一动手,就要以这般姿态,直接将他抹杀。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Above the vault of heaven resounded several stuffy thunder. 天穹之上响起了几声闷雷。 But does not have any phenomenon appears. 但没有任何异象出现。 The eastern divine land, the day of northern immortal state is Chu Yuan. 东神州,北仙州之天是楚缘 Chu Yuan does not allow the phenomenon to appear, the days of these two states will be impossible to present any phenomenon. 楚缘不允许异象出现,这两州之天就绝不可能会出现任何异象。 However compared with eastern light of divine land and northern immortal state. 不过比起东神州和北仙州的平淡。 The heading west state and south a day of state wanted crazily, ten thousand thunder galloped, the blood rain, Sage fell from the sky the phenomenon to show suddenly incisively. 西行州和南天州就要疯狂了,万雷奔腾,血雨骤然而下,圣人陨落之异象展现得淋漓尽致。 With phenomenon, an intermittent terrifying heavenly prestige. 伴随着异象的,还有一阵阵恐怖至极的天威。 Chu Yuan!! Why you must cut under me Sage!!” 楚缘!!你为何要斩我麾下圣人!!” Had the anger sound to pass on together fiercely. 一道带着怒火的声音猛地传了过来。 This is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao! 这是仙界天道! He steps into my east divine land, I look at him is not feeling well, therefore cut him, how, what opinion do you have?” “他踏入我东神州,我看他不爽,所以斩了他,怎么,你有什么意见么?” Chu Yuan looks up to the vault of heaven outside eastern divine land, smiles lightly, spoke such a few words. 楚缘抬头看向东神州之外的天穹,淡淡一笑,说了这么一句话。 His whole body strong winds erupts, but the god light/only has no change, as before encirclement all around. 他的周身狂风大作,但神光却没有任何变化,依旧环绕四周。 Executes the immortal four swords also to circle in the god light/only beside, is protecting Chu Yuan. 诛仙四剑也盘旋在神光之外,守护着楚缘 He, does not fear the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他,丝毫不惧仙界天道。 You extremely? Steps into the eastern divine land, do you begin? Your subordinate Xu Yu steps into the heading west state, I all do not have the movement, do you actually so handle affairs?” “你是否太过了?仅仅是踏入东神州,你就动手?你麾下徐御踏入西行州,我皆无动作,你却如此行事?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao melts the figure obviously, the high stand in the cloud layers, is overlooking Chu Yuan. 仙界天道显化身形,高高站于云层之间,俯瞰着楚缘 Xu Yu goes in the heading west state, you have not begun, that is your matter, in any case I am this, under you also five Sage? Do not let them step into the northern immortal state or the eastern divine land, otherwise I cut in the same old way!” 徐御进去西行州,你没动手,那是你的事情,反正我就是这样,你麾下还有五个圣人是吧?千万别让他们踏入北仙州或东神州,不然我照样斩了!” Chu Yuan smiles lightly, so said. 楚缘淡淡一笑,这般说道。 You!!!” “你!!!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao whole body golden light flicks, his anger. 仙界天道周身金光一闪一闪的,他十分的愤怒。 „Do your what you, want to fight with me?” “你什么你,想要与我一战?” Chu Yuan raised the head to ask such a few words. 楚缘抬头问出了这么一句话。 He does not fear the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他丝毫不惧怕仙界天道。 Both large sizes here. 两个大号都在这里。 Moreover he grasps Immortal World half of sources. 而且他掌握仙界一半本源。 He does not believe the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to want with him to perish together. 他不信仙界天道会想要与他同归于尽。 Fearing of putting on shoes barefoot! 穿鞋的怕光脚的! Obviously, just like Chu Yuan expects like that. 显然,正如楚缘所预料的那般。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao, does not dare to fight to the last ditch with Chu Yuan. 仙界天道,根本不敢和楚缘死拼。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao stubbornly is staring at Chu Yuan, looked for a long time for a long time. 仙界天道死死的盯着楚缘,看了许久许久。 In the future, do not let me see that under you person enters the heading west state or south a day of state, otherwise, I will not be polite.” “日后,别让我看到你麾下之人进入西行州或者南天州,否则,我绝不会客气。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao left behind such a few words, the form moved, changed to a ray, vanished in same place. 仙界天道留下了这么一句话,身影一动,化作了道道光芒,消失在了原地。 Chu Yuan looks that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao leaves, laughs at one, has not cared, puts out a hand to wield, executes the immortal four swords immediately hidden. 楚缘看着仙界天道离开,嗤笑一声,也没在意,伸手一挥,诛仙四剑顿时隐去。 His form flashes, vanished in same place. 他的身影一闪,也消失在了原地。 Stands in same place Xu Yu in same place for a long time, somewhat cannot get back one's composure. 站在原地的徐御愣在原地许久,有些回不过神来。 Did this all walk? 这就全都走了? Was his duty, accomplished even? 那他的任务,就算完成了吧? Xu Yu touches the head, the innermost feelings jump for joy. 徐御摸了摸脑袋,内心还是十分雀跃的。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) died! 青天圣人死了! That hatred in his heart, should put down. 他心中的那份仇恨,也该放下了。 However, on the other hand, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) death, although by two Senior Brother pits, but with him is the direct causes and effects? 不过,话说回来,青天圣人的死,虽然是被二师兄坑的,但是和他才算是直接因果吧? That this causes and effects, calculates his head? 那这份因果,还是算到他头上来的? Considers as finished, manages his many causes and effects to add the body, his Xu Yu has not feared! 算了算了,管他多少因果加身,他徐御就没怕过! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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