NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#863: The pattern opens

Before the Daoist temple . 道观之前。 Xu Yu both hands shoulder after behind, looks at front Daoist temple, does not fear quite the same as. 徐御双手背负于身后,看着面前的道观,浑然不惧。 His surface is seemingly light, probably there is no protection, but in fact, his whole body has tied tight, prepared momentarily fight. 他表面看起来平平淡淡,好像根本没有任何防备,可实际上,他浑身早已经紧绷了起来,做好了随时战斗的准备。 He must face, is Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他要面对的,可是青天圣人 He is how negligent. 他怎么敢大意。 Even if he is confident now, can tie with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 哪怕他如今已经有信心,能与青天圣人战平。 But he still does not dare to belittle in Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 但他仍旧不敢小觑于青天圣人 Goes all out, with the full power truth, he knows. 狮子搏兔,亦用全力的道理,他还是知道的。 Xu Yu, I have not gone to ask you to trouble, you also dare to look for me unexpectedly, when really has Chu Yuan to cover you, don't I dare to cut you?” 徐御,我没去找你麻烦,你居然还敢来找我,真当有楚缘罩着你,我就不敢斩你了?” The ice-cold sound passed from the Daoist temple together. 一道冰冷的声音从道观之中传了出来。 Came! 来了! Xu Yu had not answered, the vision concentrates, was looking toward the place of sound emanation. 徐御没有回话,目光一凝,往着声音发出之地看了过去。 He just looked at one. 他刚刚看了一眼。 The next quarter, felt anything suddenly probably, the under foot jumped, the figure just like the ghosts and demons, withdrew several kilometers. 下一刻,忽然像是感受到了什么,脚下一跳,身形犹如鬼魅,退后了数千米。 When he withdraws, greatly is in charge to kill from the void bang, hits in position that in he was. 在他退后之际,一道巨大掌印自虚空轰杀而出,打在了他原本所在的位置上。 This palm, will tear directly void, the terrifying Saint prestige fills the air. 这一掌,直接将虚空撕裂,恐怖的圣威弥漫而出。 Escaping is actually very quick.” “逃得倒是挺快。” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) figure appeared in shatter void, is looking at Xu Yu distantly. 青天圣人的身形出现在了破碎的虚空之中,遥遥望着徐御 Meaning that he has not continued to begin, seems like wants first and Xu Yu communicates one first. 他没有继续动手的意思,似乎是想要先和徐御沟通一番先。 The thoughts that but Xu Yu has not wanted to talk from the start, tread on on void, rune in flashes through void, his figure changes to a ray, kills to go toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 徐御压根没有想要对话的心思,一脚踏于虚空上,一枚符文于虚空闪过,他的身形化作一道光芒,朝着青天圣人袭杀而去。 In the killing midway, Xu Yu has changed. 在袭杀的中途,徐御已然变了个样子。 He at this moment, wears the gold to fight armor, grasps ancient lance, solemn war-god appearance. 此刻的他,身披黄金战甲,手持古矛,俨然一副战神模样。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” A Xu Yu lance thorn to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 徐御一矛刺向青天圣人 This lance is coercing the infinite strength, making the world change color, its aura practiced breathing exercises the level obviously, the might that but erupted, was actually close to Sage infinitely. 这一矛裹挟着无穷力量,令天地变色,其气息明明只是练气层次,但爆发出来的威力,却无限接近圣人 This!!” “这!!” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) pupil shrank fiercely, feels a fatal threat. 青天圣人瞳孔猛地一缩,感受到了一股致命威胁。 He are panic-stricken. 他内心惊骇无比。 Never expected that Xu Yu has grown this degree. 没想到徐御已经成长到了这种程度。 Xu Yu of this little while, really can put to death his! 这会儿的徐御,是真的能够诛杀他的! Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) transfers the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold hastily, making his strength reach the peak, then takes out an ancient seal, lost toward Xu Yu body. 青天圣人连忙调动天道加持,让他自身的战力达到巅峰,而后取出一枚古印,往徐御身上丢了过去。 Ancient seal changes against the wind, changed to Fangshan Yue -like in a flash, suppression ruthlessly goes. 古印迎风变化,转瞬间化作了一方山岳般,狠狠的镇压而去。 Facing ancient seal. 面对古印。 Xu Yu was concerned with, is a lance thorn to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 徐御不闻不问,就是一矛刺向青天圣人 Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! The ancient seal town/subdues kills. 古印镇杀。 The Xu Yu body gold fought armor to erupt a golden ray, forcefully ancient seal shouldering. 徐御身上的黄金战甲爆发出了一层金色光芒,硬生生的将古印给扛了下来。 Ancient seal is unable to pose the threat to Xu Yu. 古印无法对徐御造成威胁。 But ancient Maoke on Xu Yu was big on the threat. 徐御手上的古矛可就威胁大了。 If Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) were given to stab by Xu Yu, that does not die also the severe wound. 要是青天圣人徐御给刺中,那不死也得重伤。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) knew certainly this point, displaying movement that he does utmost, avoidance in the past. 青天圣人当然知道了这一点,他竭尽全力的施展身法,躲避过去。 Under Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), can certainly avoid Xu Yu full power strikes. 全力之下的青天圣人,当然能够避开徐御的一击的。 How Xu Yu possibly easily lets off Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), strikes inadequately, the backhand is the continuous move displays to go. 只是徐御怎么可能这么轻易放过青天圣人,一击不成,反手又是接连不断的招数施展而去。 Incurs the move to have the invincible meaning, whether there is the person can keep off the potential greatly. 招招都带着无敌之意,大有无人能挡之势。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is frightened really by the strength that Xu Yu erupted, defense of being forced. 青天圣人着实是被徐御爆发的战力吓到了,被迫的防御着。 However, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is lives for a long time, after slow the god has come, started to launch the counter-attack. 不过,青天圣人到底是活得久的,在缓过神来后,就开始发动了反击。 A Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) counter-attack, the situation changes immediately. 青天圣人一反击,局势顿时发生变化。 From has been pressed hitting by Xu Yu, gradually got turned into give-and-take. 从一直被徐御压着打,逐渐变化成了有来有往。 Two people wars are held. 两人的大战在进行着。 With time points passages, two people are who cannot be in the upper hand as before. 随着时间一点点的推移,两人依旧是谁也占不了上风。 Without a doubt. 毫无疑问。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) and Xu Yu tied! 青天圣人徐御战平了! Two people no one is have the advantage, 两人谁也无法取得优势, This result, makes Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) be shocked. 这种结果,是让青天圣人感到震惊的。 How long did he cultivation? The number is innumerable. 他修炼了多长时间?数都数不清。 But Xu Yu? 徐御呢? The considering everything, there are 20 years? Perhaps no! 满打满算,有二十年么?恐怕没有! But is such a person, tied with him. 可就是这样的一个人,和他战平了。 How even if he whole-heartedly, is unable to occupy a winning side again. 哪怕他再怎么全力以赴,都无法占得一丝上风。 Cannot keep Xu Yu! 绝不能留徐御 In the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) heart lit killed intent. 青天圣人心中点燃了杀意。 He really wanted to remove Xu Yu. 他是真的想要除掉徐御了。 Makes Xu Yu grow again. 再让徐御这么成长下去。 When next Xu Yu looks for him again, perhaps was he assigns/life the day of falling! 等下一次徐御再来找他时,恐怕就是他命陨之日了! Can the Immortal World Heavenly Dao be able to preserve his matter, he wants not to bring to think. 仙界天道能不能保得住他的事情,他想都不带想的。 Is impossible! 不可能的! The Xu Yu back has Chu Yuan. 徐御的背后有楚缘 Chu Yuan can tow the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘拖得住仙界天道。 When the time comes death he. 到时候死的还是他。 Moreover the Immortal World Heavenly Dao because of his falling from the sky, will not make war with Chu Yuan mostly comprehensively. 而且仙界天道多半不会因为他的陨落,全面与楚缘开战的。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) more wants more to fear, he raised to kill intent thoroughly. 青天圣人越想越怕,他彻底升起杀意了。 After a move drives back Xu Yu forcefully. 在一招强行逼退徐御之后。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) pulled out beforehand Zhang Hao decisively to his god light/only compounded drug, will swallow. 青天圣人果断的掏出了之前张寒给他的那枚神光丹药,将之吞服了下去。 In compounded drug entrance instance. 在丹药入口的瞬间。 A powerful strength spread along his body. 一股强大的力量沿着他的身体蔓延了开来。 In an instant, the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) imposing manner rises suddenly, for several seconds within, spanned several social classes unexpectedly, may be called the terrifying. 刹那间,青天圣人的气势暴涨而起,短短几秒之内,竟跨越了数个阶级,堪称恐怖。 Driven back Xu Yu feels this imposing manner, on the face also changes. 被逼退的徐御感受到这股气势,脸上也是大变。 What this thing knocks is what medicine? 这玩意磕的是什么药? This was also too terrifying. 这也太恐怖了吧。 However, happen, his goal, to not strike to kill Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), but directs Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to leave. 不过,正好,他的目的,不是为了击杀青天圣人,而是引青天圣人离开。 Did not fight with you, you cheat.” “不和你打了,你作弊。” Xu Yu leaves behind such a few words, a hand medieval lance stroke, makes fluctuates together, is killing to go toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), immediately turns around to leave. 徐御留下这么一句话,手中古矛一划,打出一道波动,往着青天圣人袭杀而去,随即转身离开。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) wields conveniently, then solved Xu Yu the struck. 青天圣人随手一挥,便解决掉了徐御的这一击。 Immediately, the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) look feels cold, looks at to leaving Xu Yu, wants not to bring to think that pursued directly. 随即,青天圣人眼神发冷,看向离开的徐御,想都不带想的,直接追了上去。 Perhaps he himself does not understand oneself are making anything. 或许他自己都已经不明白自己在做什么。 At this moment, in his mind, only then a few words. 此时此刻,他的脑海之中,只有一句话。 This child does not eliminate, must to become Dahuan! 此子不除,必成大患! ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Daoist temple. 在道观之内。 Zhang Hao looked at two people of going far away, the corners of the mouth is rising, showed the smile. 张寒望着远去的两人,嘴角上扬,露出了笑容。 Swallowed the bait. 上钩了。 Unsurprisingly. 不出意外。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) must not have. 青天圣人得无了。 „The thing in this Daoist temple cannot waste, must pack to be good completely, but the thing were too many, me also useless, might as well find an opportunity, delivers to the Daoless Sect that side.” “这道观内的东西可不能浪费了,得全部打包走才行,不过东西太多了,于我而言也没什么用,不如找个机会,送到无道宗那边去。” Right, this method, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao every gave so many things one time, might as well say with some Junior Brother also that three subordinates, temporarily stopped a number of things to get down each time, delivers to the Daoless Sect that side.” “对了,这个法子可以,仙界天道每一次都给那么多东西,不如和师弟还有那三个手下说说,每次都截留一批东西下来,送到无道宗那边去。” Zhang Hao at present one bright, suddenly thought of such method. 张寒眼前一亮,忽然想到了这么个法子。 He felt all of a sudden the pattern opened. 一下子他就感觉格局打开了。 How on to give Daoless Sect to make the contribution. 论如何给无道宗做贡献。 This, he plays clearly. 这一块,他是玩得明明白白的。 Moreover, him, is in Daoless Sect, contribution highest. 而且,他算起来,也是无道宗之中,贡献最高的吧。 Builds up the shadow strength. 建立暗部力量。 Does an inside job the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 卧底仙界天道。 Now must add one to transport the commodity to enter Daoless Sect. 如今又要加一个运送物资进无道宗 This each is the extremely high contribution. 这每一笔都是极高的贡献。 Even Big Apprentice Brother, by the contribution , is still less than him to be good completely. 就算是大师兄,论贡献上,也完全不及他好吧。 He, Zhang, is the Daoless Sect disciple's first person!! 他,张某人,才是无道宗弟子第一人!!
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