NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#880: Taoist trinity arrival

The extremely wild deep place, a golden light beam stands erect. 极荒的深处,一条金色的光柱屹立于其中。 The ray of light beam sending out shone this extremely wild places. 光柱散发的光芒照耀了这片极荒之地。 During was extremely wild should be full of the darkness everywhere. 原本极荒之中应该是四处充满黑暗的。 However this place, forcefully by this light beam illuminating. 但是这片地方,硬生生被这条光柱给照亮了。 At this moment, in this golden light beam nearby. 此时此刻,在这条金色光柱的附近。 An important goods form is gathering, regarding golden light beam. 一大帮身影聚集着,围绕着金色光柱。 This important goods form Sanqing, the Western two Saints, Nüwa, as well as some unknown powerhouses, were big group of Hundun(Chaos) demon gods. 这一大帮身影正是三清,西方二圣,女娲,以及一些未知的强者,还有就是一大堆混沌魔神了。 This important goods form looks at the golden light beam, discusses spiritedly. 这一大帮身影看着金色光柱,议论纷纷。 Always felt that this thing arrives, is not the good deed.” “总感觉这玩意降临,不是什么好事。” Your this is not the idle talk, is criticizes mostly, in brief, cannot make this inside thing arrive.” “你这不是废话么,多半是来清算的,总之,绝不能让这里面的玩意降临了。” Without the issue, we stops up here, again horizontally how is inside thing can? Also can come out to bring death inadequately?” “没问题,我们堵在这里,就是里面的东西再横又能怎么样?还能出来送死不成?” We stop up here, Saints of the three orders lead, inside thing decides however cannot come out.” “我们就堵在这里吧,有三位秩序之圣带领,里面的东西定然是出不来的。” Hundun(Chaos) demon gods all in opens the mouth. 混沌魔神们皆在开口。 Is the Taoist trinity of head as well as his others has not actually opened the mouth, but the vision is staring at the front golden light beam. 为首的三清以及其他人却并未开口,只是目光盯着前方的金色光柱。 Front golden light beam has no movement. 面前的金色光柱根本没有任何动作。 They have not worried, but is waiting for patiently. 只是他们也并没有着急,而是耐心等待着。 Obviously has to guard the meaning here. 明显有想要镇守在这里的意思。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Entire vibrated extremely wildly suddenly again. 整个极荒忽然又再次震动了起来。 This vibration not the golden light beam causes at present, but is other places causes. 这次的震动并非眼前金色光柱引起的,而是其他地方引起的。 However the vibration is not very big, but is the vibration of that small scope. 不过震动并非很大,而是那种小幅度的震动。 But this vibration makes this group of Hundun(Chaos) demon gods as well as Taoist trinity and the others the look change. 但这场震动却让这帮混沌魔神以及三清等人都神色一变。 Including Sanqing, the Western two Saints, on everyone face revealed the anger. 包括三清,西方二圣在内,所有人都脸上都露出了怒火。 Some people in extremely wild foundation. 有人在动极荒之本。 Refining up the extremely wild foundation. 炼化极荒之本。 Who ate the bear heart leopard guts? Dares so?!” “谁吃了熊心豹子胆?胆敢如此?!” A Hundun(Chaos) demon god angry incomparable opens the mouth. 一名混沌魔神愤怒无比的开口。 Deciding however is that Immortal World Heavenly Dao, the extremely wild foundation refining up, can only use for Immortal World, that son of a bitch also dares to come out unexpectedly, I and others turned back rapidly, goes back to cut that boy!” “定然是那仙界天道,极荒之本炼化出来,只能为仙界所用,那狗东西居然还敢出来,我等迅速折返,回去斩了那厮!” Also the Hundun(Chaos) demon god opened the mouth. 又有一名混沌魔神开口了。 Although the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is half Great Dao Sage, but had/left Immortal World, anything is not, any Hundun(Chaos) demon gods do not fear it. 虽然仙界天道是半步大道圣人,但是出了仙界,啥也不是,任何一名混沌魔神都不惧之。 If Immortal World day true understanding had/left Immortal World. 如果仙界天道真出了仙界 That this Hundun(Chaos) demon god also really had confidence that cut the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 那这名混沌魔神还真有把握斩了仙界天道。 The Hundun(Chaos) demon god in has been added extremely wildly holds. 混沌魔神在极荒是得到加持的。 Has special in addition to hold to be the same in Immortal World like the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 就如同仙界天道在仙界有特殊加持一样。 No need, you stay here although, is defending here, extremely wild that side, gives us then.” “不必,你们尽管留在这里,守着这里,极荒那边,交给我们即可。” Most Exalted Lord Lao this time is opening the mouth slowly. 太上老君在这时缓缓的开口了。 His sound is very light. 他的声音很平淡。 But a word made all Hundun(Chaos) demon gods halt. 但却一言令所有混沌魔神止步了。 All Hundun(Chaos) demon gods each other looked at each other one, drew back silently. 所有混沌魔神彼此对视了一眼,默默退了回去。 They choose to comply with the order of Most Exalted Lord Lao. 他们选择遵从太上老君的命令。 Two Junior Brother, Western two Junior Brother, go one with me together.” “两位师弟,还有西方两位师弟,跟我一同去一趟吧。” Most Exalted Lord Lao caught the eye gently, looked at Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder, then turned the head to look at Western two Saints, so opened the mouth. 太上老君轻轻抬眼,看了一眼元始天尊通天教主,而后又转头看了一眼西方二圣,这般开口。 Friendly.” “善。” Four people all nod. 四人皆点头。 Five people also leave, change to five streams light/only, in shuttle in Jihuang, fast vanguard. 五人同时动身,化作五道流光,穿梭于极荒之中,快速的前行。 ...... …… The Taoist trinity carries with the Western two Saints, in in Jihuang the fast vanguard. 三清携同西方二圣,于极荒之中快速前行。 They flies, while is talking. 他们一边飞行,一边在交谈着。 „Does Immortal World day true understanding have courage? Dares, refining up the extremely wild basis?” 仙界天道真有这个胆子?胆敢出来,炼化极荒之根本?” This is the words that receives and instructs to ask. 这是接引发问的话。 Was difficult saying that he does not dare to come out before, was only because of us, at present we are far away from that side Immortal World, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao took risks, did not say certainly.” “难说,他之前不敢出来,只是因为我们在而已,眼下我们都远离仙界那边,仙界天道铤而走险,也是说不准的。” Tong Tian Founder says. 通天教主开口说道。 Valley /span > good, said that we did not go back to be right certainly in brief, whether or not the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, must kill it extinguishing, moved the extremely wild basis, disrupted the order, when executed.” 谷/span>“不错,都是说不准的,总之我们回去就对了,无论是不是仙界天道,都要将之灭杀了,动极荒之根本,扰乱秩序,当诛。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning ice-cold said such words. 元始天尊冰冷冷的说出了这么一番话。 His facial features are dignified, the tone has the chill in the air. 他面容威严,语气带着寒意。 In nearby flight proposes eyeball one revolution certainly, immediately follows to open the mouth. 在一旁飞行的准提眼珠子一转,当即跟着开口。 Good, this disruption order, cannot forgive, when executes, the treatment I take the lead personally, decide however disrupt existence of order these, all extinguishing killed!” “不错,这种扰乱秩序的,绝不能饶,当诛,待遇我亲自打头阵,定然将这些扰乱秩序的存在,全都给灭杀了!” Raises certainly strikes while the iron is hot was saying. 准提趁热打铁着说道。 Most Exalted Lord Lao is silent, is only the static flight. 太上老君沉默不语,只是静静的飞行。 His brow wrinkles slightly. 他的眉头微微皱起。 Because he felt slightly familiar aura in front. 因为他在前面感受到了一股略微熟悉的气息。 Whose aura he does not talk clearly that is. 他说不清那是谁的气息。 But is the feeling somewhat is familiar. 但就是感觉有些熟悉。 Most Exalted Lord Lao feels odd, without the disclosure, is flying peacefully. 太上老君感到奇怪,没有声张,安静的飞行着。 Five people fly, besides Most Exalted Lord Lao, other four people have been talking. 五人一路飞过去,除了太上老君之外,其他四人一直在交谈。 And is raises certainly calls ominously, obviously has the meaning of flattering the Taoist trinity, threatened that must take the lead. 其中就属准提叫得最凶,明显有讨好三清的意思,扬言要打头阵。 Quick, their five people then start the place that approached the vibration transmission to come. 很快,他们五人便开始逼近了震动传达而来的地方。 When five people , the one by one look became felt strange. 当五人靠近之后,一个个神色都变得奇怪了起来。 Not right...... 不对…… Why they detected the Great Dao strength. 为什么他们察觉到了大道的力量。 Moreover incessantly four types. 而且不止四种。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is impossible to have the Great Dao strength. 仙界天道不可能有大道的力量。 Can have the Great Dao strength, only has the Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 能拥有大道力量的,只有混沌魔神。 But Hundun(Chaos) demon god all that side light beam. 可是混沌魔神全在光柱那边了。 Then who can also have the strength of Great Dao? 那么谁还能拥有大道之力呢? Chu Yuan disciple! 楚缘的弟子! Suddenly, five people stiffened. 忽然之间,五个人就僵住了。 They do not know why the Chu Yuan disciple will appear here. 他们不知道为什么楚缘的弟子会出现在这里。 However they are very clear, if this matter did not negotiate clearly, might offend Chu Yuan. 但是他们很清楚,如果这件事交涉不明白,很可能会得罪楚缘 Un? Raises certainly, you just did not say, you take the lead, said that ruthlessly, that present you go, we wait for you here.” “嗯?准提,你刚刚不是说,你打头阵么,说得那么狠,那现在就你去吧,我们在这里等你。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning said such a few words silently. 元始天尊默默的说出了这么一句话。 He does not want to brave to offend the Chu Yuan risk, completes this negotiation. 他也不想冒着得罪楚缘的风险,去完成这一次交涉。 „? Senior Brother, this inappropriate......” “啊?师兄,这不合适……” Raised certainly exhibited the bitter melon face immediately. 准提顿时摆出了苦瓜脸。 Is inappropriate? Weren't you just said very of pleasant to hear? To be how inappropriate?” “不合适?你刚刚不是说得挺好听么?怎么就不合适了?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning frowns. 元始天尊皱起了眉头。 This......” “这个……” Brought a prisoner before a court the hemp certainly. 准提人都麻了。 He rather goes all out with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, is not willing to offend Chu Yuan. 他宁愿和仙界天道拼命,也不愿意得罪楚缘啊。 Chu Yuan is what background, they may have to guess 12, offends Chu Yuan, that is not courts death. 楚缘是什么背景,他们可都有猜测一二的,得罪楚缘,那不是找死么。 Ok, let alone, the clear/pain fellow daoist sent the disciple, I thought that does not have what evil intention, should have anything, I and others passed on the line jointly.” “好了,都别说了,楚道友派弟子来,我觉得并非有什么恶意的,应该是有什么事情的,我等联手过去就行了。” Most Exalted Lord Lao actually understood clearly anything, stood, opens the mouth slowly. 太上老君却是洞悉了什么,站了出来,缓缓的开口。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Other four people cannot say anything again.:. 其他四人也不能再说什么了。:. Only can go toward the front flight with Most Exalted Lord Lao jointly together. 只能联手与太上老君一同往着前方飞行而去。 They flew a while, then saw the distant place is sending out four Ye Luo of strength of Great Dao and others. 他们飞了一会儿,便见到了远处在散发四种大道之力的叶落等几人。 Similarly, Ye Luo and the others also detected Sanqing and arrivals of Western two Saints. 同样的,叶落等人也察觉到了三清与西方二圣的到来。 They see Sanqing and Western two Saints, the look is one happy, took back the strength of Great Dao hastily, bleeds off these darkness completely, then turned around to welcome to five people. 他们看到三清与西方二圣,神色都是一喜,连忙收回了大道之力,把那些黑暗全部放走,而后转身迎向了五人。 They succeeded. 他们成功了。 Successfully Taoist trinity looking. 成功把三清给找出来了。 It is not right, cannot say looks. 不对,不能说找。 Should say, was attracts...... to provide some quickest for you really people not to think Master was the mortal the renewal, Chapter 906 Taoist trinity arrives at free reading.:. 应该说,是吸引出来了……为你提供最快的不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧更新,第906章三清到来免费阅读。:.
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