NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#860: Holds the dream?

Does Chapter 861 hold the dream? 第861章托梦? In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 When the Immortal World Heavenly Dao arrives at Zhang Hao and other in front of the people, recounted its meaning. 仙界天道来到张寒等五人面前,述说其意思。 Zhang Hao and the others five people of hears word, gawked, immediately one by one all complied. 张寒等人五人闻言,愣了一下,随即一个个全都答应了下来。 Their five people each other look at each other one, has none to flash through. 他们五人彼此对视一眼,都有精光闪过。 In this year time, they had long known their duty. 在这一年时间里面,他们早就知道了他们的任务。 Undercovers! 卧底! Buries the undercover in most deep place! 埋藏在最深处的卧底! Now the Immortal World Heavenly Dao must to them the destiny, announce them to all living things, how they will reject. 现在仙界天道要给他们气运,向众生宣告他们,他们怎么会拒绝呢。 Arrives at a higher position. 走到越高的位置。 When they expose the status, is more helpful! 等到他们暴露身份时,就越有帮助! Back thorn from undercover!! 来自卧底的背刺!! The Immortal World Heavenly Dao may not detect quite the same as the wishful thinkings of these five people, he heard five people saying that the innermost feelings were also a feeling. 仙界天道可浑然没有察觉这五个人的小心思,他听到五人都说可以,内心也是一阵感慨。 Thought that these five little fellows are sensible. 觉得这五个小家伙懂事。 Such being the case, you then go out instantly the Land of Heaven assignment, later Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) will aid beside Land of Heaven your, he will tell you, you then must make anything.” “既然如此,那你们便即刻出去天土任职吧,稍后青天圣人会在天土之外接应你们的,他会告诉你们,你们接下来要做什么。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks to five people, said. 仙界天道看向五人,说道。 Yes.” “是。” Five people of natures obey. 五人自然听从。 After a talk. 在一番谈话后。 Five people then instantly leave, is going toward Land of Heaven beside. 五人便立即动身,往着天土之外而去。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao gazes after five people to leave, at once lets fall that side the vision the sea of nihility. 仙界天道目送五人离开,旋即将目光垂落虚无之海那边。 He as if had seen the Chu Yuan form. 他仿佛已经看到了楚缘的身影。 Wrests away his half Immortal World? 霸占他的一半仙界 He wants this Chu Yuan to have a look, his is Immortal World others can bribe. 那他就要这个楚缘看看,他的仙界是不是别人能够染指的。 Extremely wild many exists to keep thinking about Immortal World. 极荒多少存在惦记仙界 Can before him, not probably lose? 可在他面前,还不都得铩羽而归? Only Chu Yuan, dares to occupy half Immortal World, this is not courts death. 区区一个楚缘,也敢占着一半仙界,这不是找死么。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 The sea of nihility. 虚无之海。 The Chu Yuan mind returns to the Heavenly Dao large size, he opened the eyes slowly. 楚缘心神回到天道大号,他缓缓睁开了双眼。 He first is simple by the strength of Heavenly Dao, has swept the eastern divine land with the northern immortal state and ensure two states are well. 他先是简单的以天道之力,扫过了东神州与北仙州,确保两州无恙。 Quick, Chu Yuan looked at the places of two state. 很快,楚缘就看完了两州之地。 These two states that he runs have no issue. 他掌管的这两州没有什么问题。 The eastern divine land prospers as before, and in sustained development. 东神州依旧繁荣,且持续的发展中。 The northern immortal state rapidly is also restoring, but estimated that needs to restore to complete some time, cannot actually be anxious. 北仙州也在快速恢复,不过估计还是需要一段时间才能恢复完成,倒是急不得。 How did not know Xu Yu that boy.” “也不知道徐御那小子怎么样了。” Chu Yuan is preparing to discover Xu Yu, now how having a look at this little fellow to cultivate. 楚缘正准备找出徐御,看看这小家伙如今修炼如何了。 But he just had a thought. 可他只是刚刚起了一个念头。 Has not had an action to perform. 还没有所动作。 Suddenly, intermittent golden light from the vault of heaven sparkle , the ray covered the sunlight, one passes shortly, the entire sky turned into golden general probably, not only sacred and was full of the dignity. 突然之间,一阵阵金光自天穹闪耀而下,光芒遮盖了阳光,一眼看过去,整个天空就好像变成了金色的一般,既神圣又充满了威严。 Immortal World all living things face the vault of heaven to kneel down in this moment all, this is not they hopes. 仙界众生在这一刻无不面向天穹下跪,这不是他们所愿。 But they are unable to resist. 但他们无法抗拒。 These golden light transmit along with an intermittent pressure. 这些金光是伴随着一阵阵威压传来的。 All living things are unable to prevent. 众生根本无法阻挡。 However all living things of eastern divine land with northern immortal state, quick had the strength of resistance. 不过东神州与北仙州的众生,很快就拥有了抵抗的力量。 Because Chu Yuan acts, kept off these pressure outside two states all. 因为楚缘出手,将这些威压尽数挡在了两州之外。 The sea of nihility. 虚无之海上。 Chu Yuan stands, whole body blooming golden light, vision staring vault of heaven. 楚缘站立而起,浑身绽放金光,目光凝视天穹。 This is the ghost who that Immortal World Heavenly Dao does. 这是那仙界天道搞的鬼。 He does not know that Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants to do. 只是他不知道,那仙界天道到底想要干什么。 Releases what pressure for no reason. 无端端释放什么威压。 The release releases. 释放就释放。 Aren't you releasing to your two state good? Can also includes the eastern divine land and northern immortal state? 你对着你那两州释放不行?非要把东神州和北仙州也算入其中? Chu Yuan thought Immortal World all living things are innocent, he must retaliate, by pressure resentment heading west state and south day of state. 要不是楚缘觉得仙界众生无辜,他非得报复回去,以威压怼西行州与南天州。 Doting parent this. 护犊子这块。 Chu Yuan that is most excels. 楚缘那是最为擅长的。 This Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants to do anything.” “这仙界天道到底想要搞什么。” Chu Yuan looks above the vault of heaven, ray that has not diverged, is somewhat puzzled. 楚缘看着天穹之上,那迟迟没有散去的光芒,有些不解。 This Immortal World Heavenly Dao is to make anything. 仙界天道到底是想要做什么。 When he is suspicious, the enormous and powerful sound hands down from generation to generation together. 在他心生疑惑之际,一道浩荡至极的声音传了下来。 Now observes Immortal World to be chaotic, people have no means to make a living, the ad hoc five Saints enter, governs Immortal World, looks at Immortal World all living things to comply with the commands of five Saint......” “今观仙界混乱,民不聊生,特遣五圣入界,治理仙界,望仙界众生遵从五圣之令……” Dispatches south to day Sage gluttonous ti......” “一遣南方至天圣人饕鬄……” Two dispatch the East to god Sage Zhang Hao......” “二遣东方至神圣人张寒……” Three dispatch the West......” “三遣西方……” Four dispatch......” “四遣……” This enormous and powerful words, announced a matter. 这一番浩浩荡荡的话,宣告了一件事情。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao dispatched five Immortal World Sage WTO entries. 仙界天道派遣了五位仙界圣人入世。 All living things regarding this, are shocked. 众生对此,感到震惊。 In sea of nihility Chu Yuan regarding this, is shocked. 远在虚无之海的楚缘对此,也感到震惊。 He is shocked, is not these five Sage. 他所震惊的,不是这五个圣人 But is the names of these five people. 而是这五个人的名字。 Said accurately, is the names of two people. 准确的说,是两个人的名字。 Gluttonous ti? Zhang Hao? 饕鬄?张寒 This, this is not the second child and small 15. 这,这不是老二和小十五么。 These two names, how will appear. 这两人的名字,怎么会出现。 Chu Yuan subconscious thinking hits the name. 楚缘下意识的以为是撞名。 But in the vault of heaven golden light, five forms appear. 可是天穹的金光之中,五道身影从中出现。 After Chu Yuan feels five forms the aura, immediately recognized, the two, are not his two disciples. 楚缘感受到五道身影的气息后,顿时认了出来,其中两人,不就是他的两个弟子么。 Second child and small 15, was this revolting enemy? 老二和小十五,这是叛敌了? No wonder recently, has had to swallow the heavenly materials and earthly treasure information to appear, originally was these two goods runs that side the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 难怪近些日子,一直都有吞噬天材地宝的信息出现,原来是这俩货跑去仙界天道那边了。 But, these two goods, how possibly can the revolting enemy. 可是,这俩货,怎么可能会叛敌。 Chu Yuan does not believe, his disciple meets the revolting enemy. 楚缘绝不相信,他的弟子会叛敌。 He wants to ask these two, may feel that the present scene, did not ask appropriately. 他很想去问问这两人,可又感觉眼下的场景,不合适去问。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is staring absolutely. 仙界天道绝对在盯着的。 What a pity does not have the means that quietly asked Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti. 可惜没有办法,悄悄的去问张寒和饕鬄。 The brow of Chu Yuan wrinkles slightly, he is trying to find the solution. 楚缘的眉头微微皱起,他在想着办法。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… In he feels wronged. 就在他感到困扰时。 The god brilliant number and god light/only trumpet in swordsmanship river gave an information to come simultaneously. 远在剑道长河之中的神光大号和神光小号同时传递了一道信息过来。 The gods can only accomplish! 神光可以办到! The gods can only span any hindrance, conducts a similar Huteau dream the thing! 神光是可以跨越任何阻碍,进行一种类似于托梦的东西的! And this type of thing, once displays, others are unable to detect. 并且这种东西一旦施展,他人是无法察觉的。 Good function!” “好功能!” Chu Yuan after understanding this function general idea, acclaimed one. 楚缘在明白了这个功能大概之后,不由赞叹了一句。 The gods light/only also really have the infinite possibility. 神光还真是拥有无限的可能。 He comes across the difficult problem each time, the god light/only would providing the new function to him automatically. 每次他一遇到难题,神光总会自动给他提供新功能。 Or is not the god light/only provides the new function to him, but is he has this ability, was more similar to one type forgets? 或者说,不是神光给他提供新功能,而是他本身就拥有这种能力,更类似于一种遗忘了? Also seemed like his ability is too many or, many to is unclear. 又或者说,像是他的能力太多了,多到已经记不清了。 When must use, will record automatically. 只有等到要使用时,才会自动记起来。 In brief, his ability was very useful is right. 总之,他的能力很有用就对了。 Holds the dream? Can try.” “托梦?可以试试。” Chu Yuan looks up all over the sky golden light. 楚缘抬头看着满天的金光。 He prepares to Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti holds the dream, inquired well. 他准备给张寒和饕鬄托梦,好好询问一番。 But is not the present holds the dream. 但绝不是现在托梦。 Must wait till the disturbance in the past, conducts to hold the dream again. 得等到风波过去之后,再进行托梦。 Otherwise he feared that will affect Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti. 不然他怕会影响到张寒和饕鬄。 Although does not know that these two are what situations, but Chu Yuan always believes, his disciple, will not betray him. 虽然不知道这两人到底是什么情况,但是楚缘始终相信,他的弟子,绝不会背叛他。 He is very self-confident, very self-confident. 他很自信,非常的自信。 Zhang Hao was the vegetable/dish, but filial piety, was not lower than Ye Luo. 张寒是菜了点,但孝心方面,可不比叶落低。 Gluttonous ti is also likewise. 饕鬄也是同理。 Or Daoless Sect more than ten disciples, are basically similar. 或者说,无道宗的十几名弟子,基本上都是差不多的。 Respects about him. 对他都十分的尊敬。 If said that some disciple will betray. 要是说某个弟子会背叛。 Chu Yuan kills does not believe. 楚缘是打死也不信的。 However mentioned that more than ten disciples. 不过一说起那十几个弟子。 Chu Yuan cannot help but wants to go slightly 17. 楚缘就不由自主的想去了小十七。 This...... 这个…… This disciple he really does not teach clearly. 这个弟子他真的教不明白啊。 Explains religious doctrine for a year, cultivation base backs up. 讲道一年,修为倒退。 This is anything...... 这算是个什么事…… ?? Second, two send together. ??第二更,两更一起发。 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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