NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#861: The layout buries alive

Several days later, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao dispatched five Saints the disturbances passing slowly. 数日之后,仙界天道派遣五圣的风波才缓缓的过去了。 In a day and night. 在一日夜里。 Situated in a south day of state, float in gorgeous palace above vault of heaven. 位于南天州,一座悬浮于天穹之上的绚丽宫殿之中。 At this moment, Zhang Hao sits cross-legged in inside, he is swallowing heavenly materials and earthly treasure as before, practices. 此时此刻,张寒盘坐在里面,他依旧在吞噬着天材地宝,进行修行。 He swallows the heavenly materials and earthly treasure speed to be somewhat slow. 他吞噬天材地宝的速度有些慢。 Only can practice industriously, can guarantee that cultivation base grows at the maximum speed. 只能勤加修行,才能保证修为以最快的速度增长。 Zhang Hao swallows heavenly materials and earthly treasure to cultivate, while is still pondering the matter. 张寒一边吞噬天材地宝修炼着,一边还在思考着事情。 At present he is Immortal World Sage. 眼下他是仙界圣人 Was sealed by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao imperial edict as ‚the East to god Sage, has part of Immortal World destiny, and south its duty, defends a day of state for Immortal World day true understanding east. 仙界天道敕封为‘东方至神圣人’,拥有一部分仙界气运,且其任务,是为仙界天道真守南天州之东。 This position is good. 这个位置还算不错。 Very high. 已经很高了。 But also by far insufficient. 但还远远不够。 However, he alone is insufficient, but is counted others, that was enough. 不过,他一个人不够,但算上其他人的,那就足够了。 His that three subordinates, were divided that side the heading west state to go, guards the heading west state. 他那三个手下,都被分到了西行州那边去了,镇守西行州。 Gluttonous ti , the north of day of state south guarding with south. 还有饕鬄,也在镇守南天州之北与南。 Their positions were high. 算起来,他们的位置非常非常的高了。 It can be said that they had defected can cause heavy losses to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao the ability. 可以说,他们拥有了反水就能重创仙界天道的能力。 But Zhang Hao finds it not enough. 张寒觉得还是不够。 He wants in the development some time. 他想要在发展一段时间。 Had better be able replace that Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) position. 最好能取代那个青天圣人的位置。 Arrived that degree. 到了那种程度。 Once they defect, that Immortal World Heavenly Dao may not only cause heavy losses is so simple. 一旦他们反水,那仙界天道可就不仅仅是被重创那么简单了。 When the time comes, Master will certainly hold in high esteem to them. 到时候,师尊一定会对他们刮目相看的。 Zhang Hao thinks Master in the future to the praise that he says, he could not bear grin to smile. 张寒一想到师尊未来对他所说的赞扬之化,他就忍不住咧嘴笑了起来。 Let him think, in the future Master will say with him? 让他想想,未来师尊会怎么和他说呢? Zhang Hao thinks this letting he felt the exciting picture, the cultivation was also disinclined to cultivate, sat cross-legged in that oneself brain is making up. 张寒一想到这种让他感到兴奋的画面,修炼也懒得修炼了,就盘坐在那,自己脑补着。 Hao'er, you do well, before was Master misreads you, you were the Daoless Sect a person of great ability and tremendous potential, that Ye Luo nonsense was not!” 寒儿,你做得非常的不错,之前是为师看错你了,你才是无道宗的栋梁之才,那叶落狗屁不是!” Zhang Hao touched the throat, pretends the Chu Yuan tone, is thinking aloud in that. 张寒摸了摸喉咙,装作楚缘的语气,在那自言自语着。 He said, oneself smiled, smiles happily. 他说完,自己笑了起来,笑得非常的开心。 Probably these words really said from the Chu Yuan mouth was the same. 好像这些话真的是从楚缘口中说出来的一样。 The Zhang Hao brain made up some little time, then prepared to continue to cultivate. 张寒自己脑补了好一会儿,而后才准备继续修炼。 In he prepares to continue to cultivate. 就在他准备继续修炼时。 Suddenly, he feels a dizziness, the surrounding scene is torn to pieces, next quarter intermittent fog ascends, covers in all directions. 忽然之间,他感觉一阵天旋地转,周围的场景支离破碎,下一刻一阵阵云雾升腾而起,笼罩四面八方。 An absent-minded time. 一个恍惚的功夫。 The Zhang Hao surroundings had changed a scene. 张寒的周围已经变了一个场景。 This...... 这…… Is this matter? 这是怎么一回事? Zhang Hao is perplexed. 张寒不明所以。 Hao'er.” 寒儿。” In the Zhang Hao god, the familiar sound passed on together. 张寒愣神之中,一道熟悉至极的声音传了过来。 This sound made Zhang Hao tarry thoroughly. 这道声音让张寒彻底呆住了。 This is...... 这是…… Master sound? 师尊的声音? Zhang Hao looked up immediately. 张寒立马抬头看了过去。 Sees only together form emergence slowly. 只见一道身影缓缓的出现。 This form whole body winding god light/only, making one unable to see clearly the real appearance, but his god light/only in floods one to the high Supreme pressure. 这道身影周身缠绕神光,使人看不清真实面貌,但其神光之中充斥一股至高无上的威压。 Isn't his Master?! 这不就是他师尊么?! Zhang Hao stared in a big way the eyes, knelt down to salute hastily. 张寒瞪大了双眼,连忙跪下行礼。 Disciple Zhang Hao, pays a visit Master!” “弟子张寒,拜见师尊!” Sees only the Zhang Hao respectful line big ritual, the least bit does not dare to neglect. 只见张寒恭恭敬敬的行大礼,半点也不敢疏忽。 Gets up, Hao'er.” “起来吧,寒儿。” Chu Yuan has not gone to hold Zhang Hao, but said in a soft voice, the vision looks at the latter, were not many said. 楚缘也没去扶张寒,而是轻声道了一句,目光就那么看着后者,也不多说。 He must wait for Zhang Hao to explain. 他要等张寒自己解释。 Master, the disciple has completed the arrangement of Master, now the disciple is the efficient subordinate of Immortal World Heavenly Dao, the goal has completed!” 师尊,弟子已完成师尊之布置,如今弟子已算是仙界天道的得力手下,目的已完成!” Zhang Hao stands up, said repeatedly. 张寒站起身,连声说道。 On his face is excited. 他的脸上全是兴奋。 He does not know own present where, but he did not worry completely how his family/home Master may harm him. 他不知道自己现在在哪里,但是他完全不担心,他家师尊怎么可能会害他。 Un??? My arrangement???” “嗯???我的布置???” Chu Yuan one hear of this explanations, were completely ignorant. 楚缘一听这解释,完全懵住了。 What has he arranged?? 他布置过什么了?? Chu Yuan thinks for a long time is very very long. 楚缘想了很久很久。 He is somewhat does not think clearly. 他还是有些想不明白。 He has arranged anything. 他到底布置过什么了。 How he himself does not know. 他自己怎么不知道。 Yes, Master, the disciple has completed, Master you conceal the reputation of disciple intentionally, making the disciple be discovered by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, then under the income, the disciple has become Immortal World Heavenly Dao subordinate Sage now, may defect momentarily......” “是的,师尊,弟子已经完成了,师尊您故意隐瞒弟子的名声,让弟子被仙界天道发现,然后收入麾下,如今弟子已经成为了仙界天道麾下的圣人,随时可反水……” Zhang Hao spoke with confidence, matter saying. 张寒侃侃而谈,将事情给说了出来。 Listened to for quite a while. 听了半天。 Chu Yuan understood finally. 楚缘总算是懂了。 After a while, this second child did not betray him. 搞了半天,这个老二并不是背叛他了。 But was the undercover. 而是去当卧底了。 And success. 而且还成功了。 Success becomes an undercover, this undercover also very fierce, is Immortal World Sage, has the Immortal World destiny. 成功的成为一名卧底,这个卧底还非常的厉害,是仙界圣人,拥有仙界气运。 Show, this second child. 秀啊,这个老二。 Infiltrating the enemy high level may be good! 打入敌方高层可还行! Worthily is his second child! 不愧是他的老二! Show as always! 一如既往的秀! Good good, that small 15......” “不错不错,那小十五……” Chu Yuan also wants to ask that gluttonous ti is also this situation. 楚缘还想问问饕鬄是不是也是这种情况。 He has not asked, Zhang Hao supplemented. 他还没问完,张寒就补充了起来。 Ten five Junior Brother, naturally are also the undercovers, right, Master, other three people, is my subordinate!” “十五师弟,当然也是卧底,对了,师尊,还有其他三人,也都是我的手下!” Only listens to Zhang Hao so to say. 只听张寒这般说道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 The Chu Yuan eyeball stared in a big way. 楚缘眼珠子都瞪大了。 Is good covers up because of the has god light, cannot see his expression. 好在有神光遮掩,才看不出他的表情。 Without the means that he was really shocking. 没办法,他实在是太震惊了。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao dispatches five Sage. 仙界天道派遣五个圣人 Except for the second child and small 15, other three, is their here people? 除了老二和小十五,其他三个,也都是他们这边的人? My goodness. 好家伙。 He directly on my goodness. 他直接就好家伙。 Chu Yuan does not dare to imagine, when the Immortal World Heavenly Dao knows, he received five people, all when is his person, can be what expression. 楚缘都不敢想象,当仙界天道知道,他收了五个人,全是他的人时,会是什么表情了。 This second child, is really, top show. 这个老二,真的是,顶级的秀啊。 Really, puts the second child to come out, is a very correct matter. 果然,放老二出来,是一件非常正确的事情。 In sect within/inner, always the back punctures him. 在宗内,老是背刺他。 Emitting outside the sect was right, the back punctures others! 放出宗外就对了,背刺别人! His chess, is gets down seriously wonderfully. 他这一步棋,当真是下得妙不可言。 Hao'er, you do well.” 寒儿,你做得很不错。” What can you also need to help now?” “你如今可还需要什么帮助么?” Chu Yuan looks by an extremely gentle vision to Zhang Hao, asked in a soft voice. 楚缘以一种极度柔和的目光看向张寒,轻声问道。 Since there is an undercover. 既然有了卧底。 That must use well, not anxiously face-off. 那就要好好利用,不急着摊牌。 When fights a decisive battle with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, lays cards on the table again. 等到和仙界天道决战之际,再摊牌。 Certainly is very when the time comes fun. 到时候一定很好玩。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao knew, will be certainly happy. 仙界天道知道了,一定会非常开心的。 Master, the disciple indeed needs to help, does not know that Master does have the method, extinguished that Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), such convenient disciples can a better high-rank.” 师尊,弟子的确需要帮助,不知道师尊有没有法子,把那青天圣人灭了,这样方便弟子们能够更好的上位。” Zhang Hao was impolite, said such words. 张寒也不客气,说出了这么一番话。 Extinguished Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)? This matter gives Master, but needs you to coordinate, deceives the eastern divine land or the northern immortal state Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), least must deceive the peripheral zone, such Master can make a move, putting to death.” “灭了青天圣人?此事交给为师,不过需要你们配合一番,把青天圣人骗到东神州或者北仙州,最少也要骗到边缘地带,这样为师才能出手,将之诛杀。” Chu Yuan nods, so said. 楚缘点头,这般说道。 So long as deceives the peripheral zone, he can make a move directly, the town/subdues will kill. 只要骗到边缘地带,他就能直接出手,将之镇杀。 The speed of if in a south day of state or the heading west state, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao detecting will be quick, he is unable under the eye of Immortal World Heavenly Dao hides, puts to death Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 如果是在南天州或者西行州内,仙界天道察觉的速度会很快的,他根本无法在仙界天道的眼皮子底下,诛杀青天圣人 This matter is simple! However I need Xu Yu to help......” “此事简单!不过我需要徐御帮助一下……” Zhang Hao opens the mouth slowly, said the own idea. 张寒缓缓的开口,将自己的想法说了出来。 He wants a arrange/cloth bureau, buries alive Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), takes him and Xu Yu as the bait, fishes Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)...... 他想要布一个局,坑杀青天圣人,以他和徐御为诱饵,钓青天圣人……
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