NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#859: Leaf Taoism inadequate talent?

Chapter 860 leaf Taoism inadequate talent? 第860章叶道教不成才? Time points pasts. 时间一点点的过去。 In a flash, about a year passes by. 转瞬间,将近一年过去。 Extremely wild, in Immortal World, in the swordsmanship river, does not have any important matter happened, very peaceful. 极荒之中,仙界之中,剑道长河之中,都没有什么大事发生,十分的安静。 The extremely wild tranquility as always, will basically not have anything to conflict to happen. 极荒一如既往的宁静,基本上不会有什么冲突发生。 The Immortal World great misfortune is deducing as before. 仙界大劫依旧在推演。 In the swordsmanship river, Daoless Sect in the trend of progressing day by day, the disciples is practicing diligently. 剑道长河之中,无道宗处于蒸蒸日上的趋势,弟子们都在努力修行。 ...... …… On this day. 这一天。 Daoless Sect, in Sect Master Main Hall. 无道宗,宗主大殿之中。 Chu Yuan is opening the god brilliant number, is giving the leaf to explain religious doctrine as before. 楚缘开着神光大号,依旧在给叶道进行讲道。 He had spoken more than one year of say/way. 他已经讲了一年多的道了。 Besides went to Heavenly Dao large size there to take a stroll occasionally, basically the god brilliant number, explained religious doctrine to the leaf. 除了偶尔去天道大号那里溜达了一圈之外,基本上都在神光大号这边,给叶道进行讲道。 As just he says, he even more feels exhausted. 只不过随着他讲道,他越发感到疲惫。 This disciple leaf say/way, somewhat disappointed him. 这个弟子叶道,有些让他失望了。 He explained religious doctrine for more than one year, as if...... 他讲道了一年多,似乎…… As if does not have any function? 似乎没有什么作用? Chu Yuan sits cross-legged above the rush cushion, caught the eye to look slightly in leaf say/way of below hear of say/way. 楚缘盘坐在蒲团之上,微微抬眼看了看在下面听道的叶道。 He sighed slightly. 他微微叹息了一声。 Immediately, he from the god light/only trumpet, assembled the character present situation, examines. 随即,他从神光小号那边,调集了人物现状,进行查看。 Your big disciple Ye Luo practices with concentration, magical skill rises sharply 【您的大弟子叶落潜心修行,道行大涨】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises 24563 【您的二弟子张寒吞噬天材地宝,道行微涨】24563 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan refine body with concentration, magical skill rises sharply 【您的三弟子苏乾元潜心炼体,道行大涨】 Your four disciple Tantai Luoxue practice with concentration, magical skill rises sharply 【您的四弟子澹台洛雪潜心修行,道行大涨】 Your five disciples......】 【您的五弟子……】 ...... …… Your 15 disciple gluttonous ti swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises sharply 546135 【您的十五弟子饕鬄吞噬天材地宝,道行大涨】546135 Your 16 disciple Chen Jun Enlightenment, magical skill rises sharply with concentration 【您的十六弟子陈君潜心悟道,道行大涨】 Your 17 disciple leaf say/way listen respectfully to your say/way sound, has not attained 【您的十七弟子叶道聆听您的道音,未有所获】 Your 17 disciple leaf say/way listen respectfully to your say/way sound unsuccessful, Enlightenment 【您的十七弟子叶道聆听您的道音,悟道未果】 Your 17 disciple frame of mind are impetuous, magical skill draws back greatly 【您的十七弟子心气浮躁,道行大退】 ...... …… Looks at this character present situation. 看着这人物现状。 Chu Yuan already hemp. 楚缘已经麻了。 All disciples are improving, 17 disciples who this he teaches only attentively, the least bit has not been stiffening unexpectedly. 所有弟子都在变好,唯独这个他最用心教的十七弟子,居然半点没有在变强。 On the contrary is still backing up. 相反还在倒退。 This was not one time twice. 这并不是一次两次了。 But continuously this. 而是一直这样。 This about a year, this 17 disciples, how taught unable to teach unexpectedly. 这将近一年了,这个十七弟子,居然怎么教都教不会。 This put in order Chu Yuan cannot. 这把楚缘都整不会了。 Yeah.” “哎。” Chu Yuan sighed the one breath. 楚缘叹息了一口气。 This is his first time earnest teaches a new disciple, has not thought that unexpectedly teaches this. 这还是他第一次认真的教一个新的弟子,没想到居然教成这样。 Chu Yuan looks below leaf say/way, has not stopped saying, but maintains says, simultaneously opened Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking silently. 楚缘看着下边的叶道,也并未停止讲道,而是保持讲道,同时默默打开了‘无道宗弟子战力排行榜’。 Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking 无道宗弟子战力排行榜】 First: Ye Luo( Sage)】 【第一:叶落(圣人)】 Second: Perilla( Sage)】 【第二:紫苏(圣人)】 Third: Su Qianyuan( Sage)】 【第三:苏乾元(圣人)】 Fourth: Tantai Luoxue( Quasi Sage)】 【第四:澹台洛雪(准圣)】 Fifth: Gluttonous ti( Quasi Sage)】 【第五:饕鬄(准圣)】 Sixth: Ai Qing( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第六:艾晴(大罗金仙)】 ...... …… Tenth: magnificence highly skilled doctor( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十:华神医(大罗金仙)】 11 th: Lin Mo( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十一:林漠(大罗金仙)】 ...... …… 15 th: Zhang Hao( Taiyi Golden Immortal)】 【第十五:张寒(太乙金仙)】 16 th: Chen Jun( Taiyi Golden Immortal)】 【第十六:陈君(太乙金仙)】 17 th: leaf say/way( Loose Immortal)】 【第十七:叶道(散仙)】 ...... …… 17 disciples, each. 十七名弟子,各个都了得。 Three Sage, two Quasi Sage, nine Daluo Golden Immortal. 三位圣人,两位准圣,九位大罗金仙 Two Taiyi Golden Immortal. 还有两位太乙金仙 Each is a side Heaven's Chosen. 各个都算是一方天骄。 But this small 17, is anything. 但这个小十七,是个什么。 Chu Yuan besides sigh, sighed. 楚缘除了叹息之外,还是叹息。 He taught this 17 disciple entire one year. 他教导了这个十七弟子整整一年。 In this year, this 17 disciples from original Earth Immortal, successfully fell Loose Immortal. 这一年里,这个十七弟子从原本的地仙,成功掉到了散仙 The boundary of immortal, crossing the threshold is Loose Immortal, upward is Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal wait/etc. 仙人之境,入门就是散仙,往上是地仙,天仙,真仙等等。 This more cultivates more goes back. 这越修越回去。 Chu Yuan does not know really should say what was good. 楚缘着实是不知道该说什么好了。 He wants to teach the waste disciple, instead all taught to mature. 他想要教废弟子,反而全都教成才了。 Now wants to teach to mature the disciple, instead has trend that must teach waste? 现在想要教成才弟子,反而有要教废的趋势? This is nothing? 这算什么? The Chu Yuan innermost feelings innumerable ideas raise. 楚缘内心无数想法升起。 He looks down leaf say/way, stopped explaining religious doctrine slowly. 他低头看着叶道,缓缓停止了讲道。 As his say/way sound stops. 随着他的道音停止。 leaf say/way also waking of slowly. 叶道也缓缓的醒了过来。 Master, Master.” “师,师尊。” leaf say/way looks up to Chu Yuan, in the eye has the thick shame. 叶道抬头看向楚缘,眼中有着浓浓的羞愧。 He also knows certainly oneself practice not much. 他当然也知道自己修行得不怎么样了。 Un, Master says for you , more than one year, some Master also other things need to process, you first look for a bedroom palace to practice for the time being, waits for Master to finish, then continues to explain religious doctrine for you.” “嗯,为师为你讲道,也有一年多了,为师还有一些其他事情需要处理,你暂且先去找一处寝殿修行着,等为师忙完,再来继续为你讲道。” Chu Yuan opens the mouth slowly said. 楚缘缓缓的开口说道。 He lost the too much time leaf here, must go to that side the Heavenly Dao large size to be good. 他在叶道这里耽误了太多时间了,得去天道大号那边才行了。 He to leaf say/way, although is disappointed, but has not thought gives up leaf say/way, how is his disciple, pounding the resources must pound to mature is good. 他对叶道虽然感到失望,但是也没有想过放弃叶道,怎么样都是他的弟子,砸资源也要砸成才才行。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Said where also dares to say anything again, the respectful kneeling place, kowtows to Chu Yuan, immediately leaves. 叶道哪里还敢再说什么,恭恭敬敬的跪地,向楚缘磕了个头,随即离开。 Looks in the palace empty. 看着殿内空荡荡。 Chu Yuan sighed again. 楚缘再度叹息了一声。 Then he also shouted Ye Luo comes, told that this big disciple looks after leaf say/way well, confessed something, assign to that side the mind the Heavenly Dao large size. 而后他又喊了叶落过来,吩咐这个大弟子好好照看叶道,又交代了一些事情,才将心神调往天道大号那边。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 During Zhang Hao and other Heaven's Chosen is practicing as before. 张寒等五名天骄依旧在修行之中。 Their life very simple, swallows heavenly materials and earthly treasure, the cultivation, swallows heavenly materials and earthly treasure, the cultivation...... 他们的生活非常的简单,吞噬天材地宝,修炼,吞噬天材地宝,修炼…… Is the way of this simple and crude, lets their cultivation base promotion fast. 就是这种简单粗暴的方式,让他们的修为飞快的提升。 They do not need to worry that the foundation is not steady. 他们也不需要担心根基不稳。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao once in a while, will vent of some Heavenly Dao , helping their stable foundation. 仙界天道每隔一段时间,就会撒下一些天道之气,助他们稳定根基。 Therefore their practicing are steady, quickly. 所以他们的修行非常稳,快。 Now gluttonous ti is existence of Quasi Sage, to marking, that is invincible Immortal World Sage, its strength, can tie with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that obtaining the Heavenly Dao in addition holds. 如今饕鬄已经是准圣之存在,对标起来,那就是无敌的仙界圣人,其战力之强,能够与得到天道加持的青天圣人战平。 Zhang Hao is Taiyi Golden Immortal peak, only misses one step then to stride in Daluo Golden Immortal, to the sign is also existence of half Saint. 张寒是太乙金仙巅峰,仅差一步便跨入大罗金仙,对标也是半圣之存在。 The remaining three people are also Taiyi Golden Immortal, to marking the Immortal Emperor peak. 剩下三人也都是太乙金仙,对标仙帝巅峰。 Obviously, five people of strengthen speeds are extremely fast. 明显,五人的变强速度都极快。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao regarding the speed that five people grow stronger, is unusual satisfied. 仙界天道对于五人变强的速度,是非常的满意的。 Above a altar. 在一座祭坛之上。 This little while, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is shouldering both hands, is looking at his beloved five distantly disciple. 这会儿,仙界天道正背负双手,遥遥望着他这心爱的五名‘弟子’。 These five people of talents, are make me hold in high esteem seriously, past observed, but also thinks that these five people, took over ten thousand years to achieve the Immortal World Sage rank.” “这五人的天赋,当真是让我刮目相看,昔日所观,还以为这五人,需要上万年才能达到仙界圣人级别。” „, Short one year, is so then fierce.” “没想到,短短一年的时间,便如此厉害。” Was I underestimated them.” “到底是我低估了他们。” In the Immortal World Heavenly Dao tone has the happy expression. 仙界天道语气之中带着喜色。 He deeply inspires. 他深吸了一口气。 Has these five people. 有这五人在。 His following layout, was simpler. 那他接下来的布局,就简单多了。 Kicks Chu Yuan to be eliminated, is just round the corner. 楚缘出局,指日可待。 Should make them cultivation a while again, puts it to go out, starts to compete for the destiny of Chu Yuan?” “该让他们再修炼一会儿,还是放其出去,开始争夺楚缘之气运呢?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao hesitated. 仙界天道犹豫了。 Thinks, he decided puts these five people to go out. 想了想,他还是决定放这五人出去。 The cultivation also calculated the cultivation enough. 修炼也算修炼够了。 That gluttonous ti obtains his in addition to hold, is not weak in true Sage. 那个饕鬄得到他的加持,已经不弱于真正的圣人 Other four obtain his in addition to hold, had the strength of Immortal World Sage. 其他四个得到他的加持,也都拥有仙界圣人之力了。 Makes him continue to cultivate with it, might as well sends it to go out, announced its status to all living things, the natural competition destiny, kicked Chu Yuan to be eliminated! 与其让其继续修炼,还不如派其出去,向众生宣告其身份,大大方方的争夺气运,踢楚缘出局! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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