NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#858: The 17 th disciple

Chapter 859's 17 th disciple 第859章第十七弟子 Daoless Sect, Sect Master Main Hall. 无道宗,宗主大殿 Chu Yuan returns to here, calmly waits for Ye Luo the disciple belt/bring to come that is called leaf say/way. 楚缘回到这里,静静等待着叶落将那名叫‘叶道’的弟子带过来。 After he waited for a while. 在他等待了一会儿后。 Ye Luo then led. 叶落便将人带过来了。 Above Main Hall. 大殿之上。 Ye Luo the disciple puts down that is called leaf say/way, then to Chu Yuan, saluted respectfully. 叶落把那名叫‘叶道’的弟子放下,而后面向楚缘,恭敬的行礼了起来。 Disciple Ye Luo, pays a visit Master.” “弟子叶落,拜见师尊。” Saw only the Ye Luo again line the big ritual. 只见叶落再度行起了大礼。 Dispense with ceremony, Luo'er can you have other things? If no other matters, may go to cultivate.” “免礼,落儿你可还有其他事情?若无其他事,可去自行修炼。” Chu Yuan said in a soft voice. 楚缘轻声说道。 His vision drops down in says body. 他的目光一直落在叶道身上 Master, that some disciple also really issues want to ask.” 师尊,那个,弟子还真有问题想问。” Ye Luo feels the head, some do not know how should ask. 叶落摸着脑袋,有些不知道该怎么问。 Un? Issue? Luo'er, among your my masters and disciples, why must covers up, has what issue, directly asked that is.” “嗯?问题?落儿,你我师徒之间,何须遮遮掩掩,有什么问题,直接问便是。” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow, said. 楚缘挑眉,说道。 Master, the disciple wants to ask, you, how you know, after our disciples compare notes ranking?” 师尊,弟子想问,您,您是如何知道,我们弟子切磋后的排名的?” Ye Luo curious asking extremely. 叶落好奇万分的问道。 Regarding this matter, he incomparable curiosity, Master has not really seen comparing notes between their Senior Brother younger brothers obviously, has not tested their Senior Brother younger brother's battle efficiency. 对于这件事,他是真的无比的好奇,明明师尊都没见过他们师兄弟之间的切磋,更没考验过他们师兄弟的战斗力。 Why knows, comparing notes ranking of their Senior Brother younger brother? 为什么会知道,他们师兄弟的切磋排名呢? This matter? Who is Master? As your Master, if this skill does not even have, that can also?” “这件事啊?为师是谁?身为你们的师尊,要是连这点本事都没有,那还得了?” Chu Yuan smiles. 楚缘神秘一笑。 This he can say, he does cheat by god ability light/only? 这他能说,他靠神光的能力作弊的? Regarding Chu Yuan the saying. 对于楚缘的这话。 Ye Luo is not naturally good to ask anything again, he touches the head, can only ask to be excused to leave. 叶落自然不好再问一些什么,他摸了摸脑袋,只能告退离开。 Quick, in Sect Master Main Hall, is only left over Chu Yuan and leaf say/way. 很快,宗主大殿之内,只剩下楚缘与叶道。 Disciple leaf say/way, pays a visit the founder!!” “弟子叶道,拜见祖师!!” leaf say/way saw in the palace lonely, was gazing by Chu Yuan silently, immediately was terrified, knelt hastily. 叶道见殿内冷清了下来,被楚缘默默注视着,顿时惶恐了起来,连忙跪了下来。 His title to the Chu Yuan is founder. 他对楚缘的称号是‘祖师’。 Present Daoless Sect Sect Master is Ye Luo. 如今的无道宗宗主叶落 Chu Yuan is on Sect Master, he felt that called old Sect Master, was not very respectable. 楚缘是上一任宗主,他感觉称呼老宗主,很不尊敬。 Called Chu Yuan Master, but he felt that the own status could not be joined. 称呼楚缘师尊,但他又感觉自己的身份配不上。 Therefore he does not know how should call. 所以他又不知道该怎么称呼。 Therefore can only call Chu Yuan is founder. 所以只能称呼楚缘为‘祖师’。 Implication, founder. 寓意,开山鼻祖。 Un, gets up, is your name, leaf say/way?” “嗯,起来吧,你之名,为叶道?” Chu Yuan gently un. 楚缘轻轻嗯了一声。 He regarding the response of leaf say/way, is very satisfied, it seems like his dignity, is very big. 他对于叶道的反应,也是非常满意的,看来他的威严,还是很大的。 Before this leaf, serene on the martial arts contest stage, seems so terrified before him. 这个叶道之前在比武台上云淡风轻,在他面前显得如此惶恐。 Actually also and Chu Yuan almost thinks. 其实也和楚缘想得差不多。 God brilliant number body indeed has Supreme to be dignified. 神光大号的身上的的确确是拥有一种无上威严的。 Good that Ye Luo these and Chu Yuan contacts frequently, feels not sincerely. 叶落那些和楚缘经常接触的还好,感受得并不深切。 But a leaf this type contacts Chu Yuan for the first time, was different. 但叶道这种第一次接触楚缘的,就不一样了。 In their eyes, Chu Yuan just like the gods, making they produce terrified, been able to control kneeling down. 在他们眼中,楚缘犹如神明,让他们内心不由产生惶恐,控制不住的跪下。 Yes, yes, founder, disciple named leaf say/way.” “是,是的,祖师,弟子名为叶道。” leaf say/way kneels on the ground. 叶道还是跪在地上。 He does not hope, he facing Chu Yuan, that pressure is too big, at all is not he thinks that can get up. 非他所愿,他面对楚缘,那股压力太大,根本不是他想起来就能起来的。 Leaf...... is very good, your aptitude very good, but is willing to enter my hanger-on, practices?” “叶道……很不错,你的资质非常的不错,可愿入我门下,修行?” Chu Yuan hesitated the moment, shows the smile, said. 楚缘沉吟了片刻,露出笑容,说道。 „??” “啊??” leaf say/way is on the rise fiercely, is somewhat stunned. 叶道猛地抬头,有些错愕。 Did he misunderstand? 他听错了么? This, can existence in this legend, receive him for the disciple? 这位,这位传说中的存在,要收他为徒? This, isn't this he having a dream? 这,这他不是在做梦吧? What's wrong? Don't you want?” “怎么?你不愿意?” Chu Yuan looked that the opposite party did not reply for a long time, frowns, asks. 楚缘看对方长时间不回答,不由皱起眉头,问道。 „, Does not want, to want, the disciple wants......” “不不不,愿意,愿意,弟子愿意……” Leaf gets back one's composure hastily, hurried saying. 叶道连忙回神,匆忙的说道。 Is willing to be able, our Daoless Sect disciple, not to need to kneel, and you first get up.” “愿意便可,我们无道宗的弟子,无需一直跪着,你且先起来。” Chu Yuan looks that leaf say/way has knelt on the ground, is somewhat disgruntled, makes noise to say. 楚缘看着叶道一直跪在地上,有些不悦,出声说道。 Ancestor, the founder, the disciple does not want, the founder pressure is too strong, the disciple is unable to set out......” “祖,祖师,弟子也不愿意,祖师威压太强,弟子无法起身……” leaf Daobie blushes, he wants to set out, but cannot achieve. 叶道憋红了脸,他很想起身,但是根本做不到。 This little while he stubbornly is pressing, definitely is unable to move. 这会儿他被死死的压着,完全无法动弹。 At is not the matter that he does want. 根本不是他愿不愿意起来的事情。 You......” “你……” Chu Yuan also discovered the issue, he somewhat small awkward. 楚缘也是发现了问题,他有些小尴尬。 He puts out a hand to wield, all remove his body pressure. 他伸手一挥,将他身上的威压全都撤掉。 Full power restraining aura. 全力收敛气息。 Then toward the leaf say/way that side, waves gently, at god strength light/only, gentle leaf Daofu. 然后朝着叶道那边,轻轻挥了挥手,以神光的力量,柔和的将叶道扶了起来。 Many thanks founder!” “多谢祖师!” Leaf opens the mouth hastily. 叶道连忙开口。 Does not need to shout my founder, may call me for Master, since you enter the hanger- on Master, according to the rank, you works as for the 17 th disciple, so, can you know?” “不必喊我祖师,可称呼我为师尊,既然你入为师之门下,按照辈分,那你就当为第十七弟子,如此,你可知晓?” Chu Yuan sits cross-legged above the rush cushion, light opens the mouth. 楚缘盘坐于蒲团之上,平平淡淡的开口。 Master, Master, the disciple knew.” “师,师尊,弟子知晓了。” leaf say/way lowers the head, replied. 叶道低着头,回答道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 The Chu Yuan slight nod, the innermost feelings thought that this disciple is clever. 楚缘微微点头,内心觉得这个弟子蛮乖的。 The aptitude is powerful, is clever, good good, is a good disciple. 资质强大,又乖巧,不错不错,是个好弟子。 He read hence, from rush cushion slowly stood. 他一念至此,从蒲团上缓缓的站起来。 Set out to arrive in front of the leaf say/way, settled down a while. 起身走到了叶道面前,驻足了一会儿。 After the moment, continues to proceed. 片刻后,又继续往前走。 Among several, arrives at the Sect Master Main Hall entrance, he looks up outside the palace, the lip opens lightly, opens the mouth slowly. 几步之间,来到宗主大殿门口,他抬头望着殿外,嘴唇轻启,缓缓的开口。 Present Daoless Sect divides the interior door and entrance door, the entrance door to put it bluntly, is one group of recording a name disciples, Master personally has not even seen them, but the interior door is different.” “现在的无道宗分内门和外门,外门说白了,就是一群记名的弟子,为师甚至都没亲眼见过他们,但内门不同。” „The disciple of interior door, is Master own biography, each disciple, very important, in interior door, other Master not customs, but there is one, can not the same side remnant.” “内门之弟子,皆为为师亲传,每一个弟子,都十分的重要,在内门里面,为师没有其他规矩,但有一条,你们不得同门相残。” Interior door custom, only then such, this is all in disciples must observe, if some people violate, even if escapes to the ends of the earth, Master the town/subdues will also kill personally , can you understand?” “内门规矩只有这么一条,这是所有内门弟子都要遵守的,若有人违背,哪怕逃至天涯海角,为师亦会亲手将之镇杀,道儿,你可明白了?” Only listened to the Chu Yuan tone to say such big words lightly. 只听楚缘语气平淡的说出了这么一大番话。 When the voice falls, turns around to look fiercely to leaf say/way. 在话音落下之际,猛地转身看向叶道。 In the vision brings swift and fierce that understands thoroughly the will of the people. 其目光之中带着洞彻人心的凌厉。 Master, the disciple understands!” 师尊,弟子明白!” leaf say/way replied repeatedly. 叶道连声回答。 He replied at the same time, in the heart that called a bitterness and astringency. 他回答的同时,心中那叫一个苦涩。 He wants to inquire Chu Yuan, his how same side remnant, he is small Earth Immortal. 他很想询问楚缘,他怎么同门相残,他就是一个小小的地仙 His that helps Senior Sister Senior Brother, fierce Sage, was bad, that can also extinguish him. 他那帮师兄师姐,厉害的都圣人了,再差的,那也能一口气灭了他。 But he may I ask, can only reply honestly understands. 但他不敢问,只能老老实实的回答明白。 Understood well, before that enters officially the Master hanger-on practices, Master must ask you, you want to cultivate/repair what say/way......” “明白了就好,在那正式入为师门下修行之前,为师要来问你,你欲要修何道……” Chu Yuan was saying to be saying, oneself were shocked. 楚缘说着说着,自己愣住了。 The old problem violated. 老毛病犯了。 Also wanted the introduction to trick one. 又想要开篇就来忽悠一番了。 He shakes the head hastily. 他连忙摇头。 This wants the earnest believer, does not flicker. 这可是要正儿八经的教徒,可不是忽悠。 „, You, and follows side Master, Master explains religious doctrine for you, and you listen to the line.” “罢了,你且跟在为师身边,为师为你讲道一番,你且听道就行。” Chu Yuan thought that must in the way of explaining religious doctrine, teach this youngest disciple. 楚缘觉得要以讲道的方式,来教导这个最小的弟子。 Only then explains religious doctrine is most effective. 只有讲道才是最有效的。 This disciple aptitude is so powerful, under his support, becoming stronger will also be quick. 这个弟子资质这般强大,想必在他的扶持下,变强得也会很快。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” How leaf say/way dares to reject, can only nod honestly, complied. 叶道怎么敢拒绝,只能老老实实的点头,答应了下来。 Saw that this young disciple is so obedient. 看到这个小弟子这么听话。 Chu Yuan is also satisfaction smiles. 楚缘也是满意一笑。 Teaching the waste disciple him is not good, teaches to mature, can that have the hand on the line? 教废弟子他不行,教成才,那总该有手就行了吧? ?? First. ??第一更。 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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