NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#857: leaf say/way

Swordsmanship river, Hidden Heaven Island, in Daoless Sect. 剑道长河,隐天岛,无道宗之中。 Chu Yuan is opening the god brilliant number, taught many disciples, making many disciples understand, later to become Saint, must first greet with him ahead of time, can cross the tribulation of Saint. 楚缘开着神光大号,教导了一遍诸多弟子,让诸多弟子明白,以后成圣,要先提前和他打招呼,才能去渡成圣之劫。 Many disciples naturally also complied with Chu Yuan. 诸多弟子自然也都答应了楚缘 Then, originally Chu Yuan wants to leave, returns to that side the Heavenly Dao large size. 接下来,本来楚缘想要离开,返回天道大号那边的。 But Ye Luo actually stopped by calling Chu Yuan, said that wants to hold a Daoless Sect disciple martial arts contest congress. 可是叶落却是把楚缘喊住了,说想要举办一场无道宗弟子比武大会。 Let the entrance door disciple and passes on the disciple to participate together. 让外门弟子和亲传弟子一起参加。 Wants Chu Yuan to remain to attend the ceremony. 想要楚缘留下来观礼。 Chu Yuan thinks, the decision complies. 楚缘想了想,还是决定答应下来。 After all he is also Daoless Sect old Sect Master. 毕竟他也算是无道宗的老宗主 It is necessary to remain to attend the ceremony very much. 很有必要留下来观礼的。 Ye Luo saw Chu Yuan to comply, prepared the martial arts contest congress fast, for fear that made the latter too long. 叶落楚缘答应了下来,快速筹办起了比武大会,生怕让后者等太久了。 Under plan of all one's heart Ye Luo. 叶落的尽心策划之下。 After several days, a martial arts contest congress of entrance door convened. 数日后,一场外门的比武大会召开了。 Chu Yuan was invited, sits above cloud platform of new construction high, keeps aloof, is overlooking an entire martial arts contest big stage. 楚缘受邀请,高坐一座新修建的云台之上,高高在上,俯瞰着一整座比武大台。 At this moment, has some entrance doors recording a name disciples to contend in martial arts on the stage, on field lively, a babel of voices. 此时此刻,在台上有一些外门的记名弟子正在比武,场上热闹不已,人声鼎沸。 But Chu Yuan may not pay attention to the following fight from the start. 楚缘可压根没关注下面的战斗。 His little while, from the god trumpet, is only adjusting the character present situation template to come, watching. 他这会儿,正从神光小号那边,调了人物现状的模板过来,观看着呢。 Your big disciple Ye Luo carries out the Sect Master authority, heart has become aware, magical skill rises sharply 【您的大弟子叶落执行宗主权威,心有所悟,道行大涨】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises 256 【您的二弟子张寒吞噬天材地宝,道行微涨】256 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan by of tempering oneself body witch, magical skill rise sharply 【您的三弟子苏乾元以巫之意志磨炼己身,道行大涨】 Your four disciple Tantai Luoxue sudden enlightenment chess hearts, magical skill rises sharply 【您的四弟子澹台洛雪顿悟棋心,道行大涨】 Your five disciple Su Xi......】 【您的五弟子苏兮……】 ...... …… Your 15 disciple gluttonous ti swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises sharply 2346 【您的十五弟子饕鬄吞噬天材地宝,道行大涨】2346 Your 16 disciple Chen Jun comprehend the say/way of all living things, magical skill rises sharply 【您的十六弟子陈君领悟众生之道,道行大涨】 ...... …… Good good. 不错不错。 The situation of disciples very good. 弟子们的处境都非常的好。 Rises sharply in the magical skill. 都在道行大涨。 Actually this small 15, how did one change in the past? 倒是这个小十五,怎么一改往常了? He remembers before , small 15 have been coming under attack. 他记得之前小十五一直在挨打的。 Now how to turn into the magical skill to rise sharply? 怎么现在变成道行大涨了? Moreover rose continuously more than 2000 times? 而且还是连续涨了两千多次? Such exaggerating. 这么夸张。 Chu Yuan is somewhat stunned. 楚缘有些错愕。 But he has not gone to think anything, the disciple crossed in any case well on the line. 但他也没去多想什么,反正弟子过得好就行了。 Thinks Chu Yuan of this point, closed the character present situation, opened the Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking. 想到了这一点的楚缘,关闭了人物现状,打开了无道宗弟子战力排行榜。 Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking 无道宗弟子战力排行榜】 First: Ye Luo( Sage)】 【第一:叶落(圣人)】 Second: Perilla( Sage)】 【第二:紫苏(圣人)】 Third: Su Qianyuan( Sage)】 【第三:苏乾元(圣人)】 Fourth: Tantai Luoxue( Quasi Sage)】 【第四:澹台洛雪(准圣)】 Fifth: Gluttonous ti( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第五:饕鬄(大罗金仙)】 Sixth: Ai Qing( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第六:艾晴(大罗金仙)】 Seventh......】 【第七……】 ...... …… Tenth: magnificence highly skilled doctor( half Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十:华神医(半步大罗金仙)】 11 th: Lin Mo( half Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十一:林漠(半步大罗金仙)】 12 th: Ignorant gal( half Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十二:蚩伽(半步大罗金仙)】 ...... …… 15 th: Zhang Hao( Taiyi Golden Immortal)】 【第十五:张寒(太乙金仙)】 16 th: Chen Jun( half Taiyi Golden Immortal)】 【第十六:陈君(半步太乙金仙)】 This small 15, if were really the rise. 这个小十五,果真是崛起了。 Unexpectedly rushed fifth. 居然一路冲到了第五。 Seriously is fierce. 当真是厉害。 Chu Yuan has to sigh with emotion. 楚缘都不得不感慨一下。 This small 15, is in his disciple, having the feeling is not high. 这个小十五,是他弟子里面,存在感不高的。 Since Ascension, as if has been coming under attack. 而且自从飞升之后,似乎一直都在挨打。 Has not thought that this little while rose unexpectedly. 没想到这会儿居然崛起了。 Chu Yuan shakes the head, received the thought that the small 15 rises are also the good deeds. Valley 楚缘摇了摇头,把念头收了起来,小十五崛起也是好事。谷 Who will dislike the disciple to be fierce. 谁会嫌弟子厉害呢。 However his more than ten disciples, the present were more and more fierce. 不过他的十几个弟子,现在是越来越厉害了。 Already three Sage. 已经有三尊圣人了。 Other disciple also majority approached Daluo Golden Immortal. 其他弟子也大多数都逼近大罗金仙了。 Perhaps comes some time again, can all Sage. 恐怕再来一段时间,就能全体圣人了。 Chu Yuan thinks under one disciple is the Sage scene, cannot bear want to smile. 楚缘一想到自己麾下弟子全是圣人的场景,就忍不住想笑。 When the time comes looks for that Immortal World Heavenly Dao to do accounts again. 到时候再去找那仙界天道算账。 Can the opposite party be scared? 对方会不会傻眼了? When Chu Yuan thinks of here. 正当楚缘想到这里时。 On below martial arts contest stage, suddenly has the intermittent fluctuation of energy to transmit. 下边的比武台上,忽然有阵阵能量波动传来。 This fluctuation of energy attracted Chu Yuan, making him look down slightly. 这阵能量波动吸引到了楚缘,使得他微微低头看了过去。 Sees only on below martial arts contest stage. 只见下方比武台上。 Two forms are fighting. 两道身影正在搏斗。 These two forms are existence of boundary of Earth Immortal, the strength are small and weak. 这两道身影都是地仙之境的存在,实力弱小。 Un, in the eye of Chu Yuan, the boundary of Earth Immortal indeed was small and weak to existence of extreme. 嗯,在楚缘的眼中,地仙之境的确是弱小到了极点的存在。 However, one of them in these two forms, made Chu Yuan have the interest actually. 不过,这两道身影之中的其中一人,倒是让楚缘产生了兴趣。 In left one person, seems like a youngster, wears a pale white clothes robe, whisks to meet the enemy by one, during the style is light actually does not lack swiftly and fiercely. 在左一人,看起来是一名少年,身穿一袭淡白色衣袍,以一条拂尘迎敌,招式平淡之中却不缺凌厉。 What is main, body of this youngster was disclosing aura that belongs to Dao. 最主要的是,这名少年的身上透露着一股属于‘道’的气息。 This aura attracted Chu Yuan. 这股气息吸引到了楚缘 Who is this person?” “这人是谁?” The Chu Yuan itself/Ben wants to inquire Ye Luo. 楚缘本想要去询问叶落 But changes mind thinks, he can think the light the investigation function to look directly. 可是转念一想,他可以直接用神光的探查功能去看的。 He read, the template rapid condensed before him together. 他一念而起,一道模板迅速在他面前凝聚而成。 Character: leaf say/way 【人物:叶道】 cultivation base: Earth Immortal 修为:地仙 Origin: Lives, dies, to the line, saves , the children of ten thousand say/way 【来历:为道而生,为道而死,向道而行,替道而存,万道之子】 Flaw: Does not have, by god strength light/only, may the forcing town/subdues kill 【破绽:无,以神光之力,可强行镇杀】 Un? 嗯? This template, a little. 这个模板,有点不得了。 The children of ten thousand say/way? 万道之子? Chu Yuan could not bear select the eyebrow. 楚缘忍不住挑眉了起来。 In his Daoless Sect entrance door recording a name disciple, unexpectedly has this existence? 无道宗的外门记名弟子之中,居然有这种存在? This disciple does not receive the hanger-on, that cannot be justified. 这种弟子不收入门下,那都说不过去吧。 Luo'er.” 落儿。” Chu Yuan said one in a soft voice. 楚缘轻声道了一句。 His sound passes around. 他的声音传了下去。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Moved below Ye Luo form, arrives raped on. 在下边的叶落身影一动,来到了云台上。 Disciple Ye Luo see Master.” “弟子叶落参见师尊。” Master, what need disciple has to do?” 师尊,有什么需要弟子做的么?” Ye Luo to Chu Yuan, respectful saluting. 叶落面向楚缘,恭恭敬敬的行礼。 Even to become Saint, in front of Chu Yuan, he has no etiquette as before. 即便成圣,在楚缘面前,他依旧没有任何礼仪可言。 Below that disciple named leaf say/way, after the martial arts contest ended, delivers to Main Hall to come it, Master did not continue to look, first went back Main Hall.” “下面那名叫叶道的弟子,等比武结束后,将其送到大殿来,为师就不继续看了,先回去大殿了。” Chu Yuan sits cross-legged on a rush cushion, opens the mouth in a soft voice. 楚缘盘坐在一张蒲团上,轻声开口。 Yes, Master, but Master, then also has the comparing notes martial arts contests of our these more than ten Senior Brother younger brothers, doesn't Master stay behind comes to see?” “是,师尊,不过师尊,接下来还有我们这十几名师兄弟的切磋比武,师尊不留下来看看么?” Ye Luo lowers the head to ask. 叶落低着头问道。 Waits for these recording a name disciples to compare notes, should be one's turn their these to pass on the disciple. 等这些记名弟子切磋完,就该轮到他们这些亲传弟子了。 Does not need, among you ranking, your first, the perilla second, the heavens third, Luoxue fourth......” “不必了,你们之间的排名,你第一,紫苏第二,乾元第三,洛雪第四……” Chu Yuan beckons with the hand, gave to read the Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking. 楚缘摆了摆手,将无道宗弟子战力排行榜都给念了出来。 After reading, his form moved, then vanished above raped. 念完后,他身影一动,便消失在了云台之上。 Same place Ye Luo was shocked. 原地的叶落愣住了。 Master has not seen them to fight, knew their strength heights? 师尊都没见过他们战斗,就知道他们的实力高低了? Moreover small 15 and second child may not. 而且小十五和老二可都是不在的。 Ye Luo some cannot determine, after Chu Yuan leaves, he made more than ten pass on the disciple to compare notes together. 叶落有些不敢确定,在楚缘离开后,他还是让十几名亲传弟子一同切磋了一番。 Is fighting finally, without doubt is three Sage wars. 在战斗到了最后,无疑是三名圣人的大战。 Ye Luo naturally can depend on the hard strength steamroll, the domineering captures first. 叶落自然能靠硬实力碾压,强势夺取第一。 After the fight ended. 在战斗结束后。 Let the Ye Luo shocking matter happen, Daoless Sect these pass on ranking of disciple, unexpectedly like such that Master said that was completely exactly the same. 叶落震惊的事情发生了,无道宗这些亲传弟子的排名,居然如同师尊所说的那样,完全一模一样。 Except that not second child and small 15 in sect, other ranking said with Master consistent...... 除了不在宗内的老二和小十五,其他排名与师尊所说的一致……
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