NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#856: Trains gluttonous ti to become Saint?

Swordsmanship river. 剑道长河。 The perilla state of mind returns, vertical to become Saint, the terrifying Saint prestige covered all. 紫苏神魂归来,立地成圣,恐怖的圣威笼罩了一切。 Luckily Ye Luo responded rapidly, suppressed firmly the Saint prestige of perilla, the person who otherwise met with a disaster may be many. 幸亏叶落反应得迅速,将紫苏的圣威给牢牢压制住了,不然遭殃的人可就多了。 In Hidden Heaven Island, above Sect Master Main Hall square. 隐天岛,宗主大殿广场之上。 This little while Daoless Sect many disciples gathered here. 这会儿无道宗诸多弟子都聚集在了这里。 They look to the perilla bedroom palace. 他们纷纷看向紫苏寝殿那边。 This is Sage, very powerful big feeling.” “这就是圣人么,好强大的感觉。” „Do you have a feeling, the Saint prestige of ten Junior Sisters, compared with it three Senior Brother Saint prestige, must be more fearful.” “你们有没有一种感觉,十师妹的圣威,比之三师兄的圣威,要更为可怕。” Un, feels the Big Apprentice Brother to become Saint power and influence, compared with it, did not flaunt lets.” “嗯呢,感觉大师兄成圣的威势,比之,也不逞多让了。” The Daoless Sect disciples are discussing. 无道宗的弟子们都在谈论着。 Nearby Ye Luo regarding these talks, appears serene actually. 旁边的叶落对于这些谈话,倒是显得云淡风轻 Reviewed Su Qianyuan on the air/Qi, what was compared with his Saint prestige, was more fearful. 反观苏乾元就气得不行了,什么叫比他的圣威,更为可怕。 But Su Qianyuan has not said anything. 可偏偏苏乾元还不好说些什么。 Indeed. 的的确确。 The when Saint prestige of perilla, becomes the Saint compared with it him, must be more fearful. 紫苏的圣威,比之他成圣时,要更为可怕。 „The third child, does not need to care about this, the aptitude of ten Junior Sisters are indeed higher than your me, her with the foot, has been very uncommon.” “老三,不必在乎这个,十师妹的资质的确比你我都要高,她之跟脚,一直都十分不凡。” Ye Luo actually patted the Su Qianyuan shoulder, making it not need to care. 叶落却是拍了拍苏乾元肩膀,让其无需在意。 Because of the foot issue, causes disparity such big?” “就是因为跟脚问题,才导致差距如此之大么?” Su Qianyuan touches the head. 苏乾元摸了摸脑袋。 All is not, ten Junior Sisters seem to have obtained certain extremely fearful inheritance, this is also one of the tenth Saint power and influence so terrifying reasons.” “也不全是,十师妹似乎获得过某些极为可怕的传承,这也是其成圣威势这般恐怖的原因之一。” Ye Luo viewed the coming out issue. 叶落一眼就看了出来问题。 He looks very clearly. 他看得很明白。 body of perilla, very powerful inheritance. 紫苏的身上,有一种很强大的传承。 Also because of this inheritance, causes the perilla becomes the Saint aura is so powerful. 也正是因为这种传承,才导致紫苏的成圣气息这般强大。 How I do not have this inheritance.” “我怎么就没有这种传承。” Su Qianyuan is whispering. 苏乾元嘀咕着。 You may be content, are your body chance not enough?” “你可知足吧,你身上的机缘还不够多?” Ye Luo was incapable of complaining. 叶落都无力吐槽了。 When he cannot look. 当他看不出来是吧。 This third child body is also one pile of chances. 这个老三身上也是一堆机缘的。 Otherwise was impossible such easily on to become Saint. 要不然也不可能这么容易就成圣了。 insists, he most does not have of chance well. 硬要算起来,他才是最没有机缘的那个好吧。 Depends entirely on the own natural talent to pile. 全靠自己的天资堆起来的。 In the Daoless Sect disciple, he was most hapless. 无道宗弟子里面,就他最倒霉了。 It is not right. 不对。 He is not most hapless that. 他并非最倒霉的那个。 Most hapless, should be stretch/open Laoer is right, that goods are the genuine mildewed goods but actually. 最倒霉的,应该是张老二才对,那货才是真正的倒霉货。 Not only does not have the chance, and does not have the natural talent. 既没有机缘,又没有天资。 How also did not know stretch/open Laoer now. 也不知道张老二现在怎么样了。 Another day must go to be attractive actually he to be good. 改天倒是要去好好看看他才行。 Also right, is right.” “也对,也对。” Su Qianyuan remembers body these wills, was embarrassed grinning smiled. 苏乾元想起自己身上的那些意志,也是不好意思的咧嘴笑了起来。 Good, this little while perilla should complete to break through, we had a look in the past.” “好了好了,这会儿紫苏应该完成突破了,我们过去看看吧。” Ye Luo beckons with the hand, he is carefully listening immediately certainly many disciples, walks toward that side. 叶落摆了摆手,他当即准备领着诸多弟子,往那边走过去。 Other disciples naturally cannot reject, the nod, prepares to follow Ye Luo to congratulate perilla to become Saint together. 其他弟子自然不会拒绝,纷纷点头,准备跟着叶落一同去恭贺紫苏成圣。 Their group, has not walked several steps. 他们一行人,还没走几步。 The front form appeared together suddenly, blocked the way of people. 前方一道身影忽然出现,拦住了众人的去路。 Return Chu Yuan. 正是归来的楚缘 Master!” 师尊!” Daoless Sect many disciples see Chu Yuan, gawked, then salutes together does obeisance. 无道宗诸多弟子一见到楚缘,都愣了一下,而后齐齐行礼一拜。 Is overly courteous, gets up.” “都无需多礼,起来吧。” Chu Yuan beckons with the hand gently, does not care quite the same as. 楚缘轻轻摆手,浑然不在意。 Respectfully follows the command of Master!” “谨遵师尊之令!” Many disciple all setting out stood. 诸多弟子全都起身站了起来。 Perilla? Hasn't broken through? Luo'er, you first go to shout the perilla.” “紫苏呢?还没突破完么?落儿,你先去把紫苏喊过来吧。” Chu Yuan took a fast look around these disciples on the scene, then the light opens the mouth, said. 楚缘扫视了在场的那些弟子们一圈,而后平淡的开口,说道。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Ye Luo receives an order to depart. 叶落领命离去。 Chu Yuan no longer spoke immediately, he stood in that the innermost feelings are thinking. 楚缘随即不再说话,他站在那,内心思索着。 As soon as he returns then must gather all disciples immediately, prepares does an ideological work to these disciples. 他一回归便立马要聚集所有弟子,准备给这些弟子们做一番思想工作。 Later to become Saint, do not take to one's heels to go to extremely wild there to cross the tribulation of Saint, first after informing him, then crosses the tribulation of Saint is not late. 以后成圣了,不要撒丫子就去极荒那里渡成圣之劫,先通知他之后,再去渡成圣之劫也不迟。 A breakthrough went to Transcending Tribulation. 一突破就去渡劫了。 If by some chance he has not really responded that matter on big strip. 万一他真的没有反应过来,那事情就大条了。 These more than ten disciples, each is his heart and liver. 这十几个弟子,每一个都是他的心肝。 Lost any, he must love dearly dies. 损失了任何一个,他都得心疼死。 Therefore he needs to do the ideological work to these disciples. 所以他需要给这些弟子们做一下思想工作。 Let these disciples steady. 让这些弟子们稳健一点。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Another side. 另一边。 Immortal World, in Land of Heaven. 仙界,天土之中。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao catches the eye to look at that side the sea of nihility, the brow wrinkled. 仙界天道抬眼看着虚无之海那边,眉头皱紧了。 He felt certainly. 他当然感觉到了。 That side Chu Yuan, is in the god not. 楚缘那边,身在神不在。 The mind does not seem to know where went. 其心神似乎不知道去哪里了。 This makes his some meanings move, must not be at while the Chu Yuan mind, attacks Chu Yuan, seizes power forcefully. 这让他有些意动,要不要趁楚缘心神不在,袭击楚缘,强行夺权。 May think, he gave up. 可想了想,他还是作罢了。 If were recovered by Chu Yuan, when the time comes is a war, the damage, that may all be the Immortal World source. 要是被楚缘回过神来,到时候又是一番大战,损伤的,那可全都是仙界本源。 Present Chu Yuan grasps half Immortal World. 如今的楚缘掌握一半仙界 Once hits, Immortal World must blast open absolutely. 一旦打起来,仙界绝对要炸裂。 This matter, gain does not equal the loss. 这种事情,得不偿失。 Takes the safe point path to be good. 还是走稳妥一点的路子好。 Trains Sage, competes for the destiny, suppresses Chu Yuan. 培养圣人,争夺气运,打压楚缘 Blue sky.” “青天。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao said one in a soft voice. 仙界天道轻声道了一句。 His sound spreads to Immortal World. 他的声音传入仙界之中。 Before long, the golden light glittered together. 不一会儿,一道金光闪烁了一下。 The next quarter, the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) form appeared in the face of the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 下一刻,青天圣人的身影出现在了仙界天道面前。 See Venerable.” “参见尊上。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) respectful saluting. 青天圣人恭恭敬敬的行礼。 „Does that five Heaven's Chosen, how cultivation now?” “那五个天骄,如今修炼得如何了?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao catches the eye to say. 仙界天道抬眼说道。 Returns to Venerable, that five Heaven's Chosen, that is called Zhang Hao, now has been able to fight with Immortal Emperor, other stone new moon three people, was can fight with Immortal King, that was called gluttonous ti was quite fierce, has been able to fight with half Saint.” “回尊上,那五名天骄,其中那名叫张寒的,如今已能与仙帝争锋,其他石朔三人,则是都能与仙王争锋了,那名叫饕鬄的比较厉害,已经能与半圣争锋了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) replied hastily. 青天圣人连忙回答。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao slightly nodded. 仙界天道微微点了点头。 Expressed oneself have known. 表示自己都已经知道了。 He hesitated the moment, opens the mouth slowly. 他沉吟了片刻,缓缓开口。 That gluttonous ti, how do you look?” “那饕鬄,你看如何?” Only listens to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao so to inquire. 只听仙界天道这般询问。 Venerable, this gluttonous ti seems like in these five people, aptitude most powerful existence, he can swallow any all probably, changes into cultivation base, is very fearful, Venerable you give in their these heavenly materials and earthly treasure, a gluttonous ti person at least swallowed most probably.” 尊上,这饕鬄似乎是这五人之中,资质最为强大的存在,他好像能够吞噬任何一切,化为修为,十分可怕,尊上您给他们的那些天材地宝之中,饕鬄一人至少吞噬了大半。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) naturally replied truthfully. 青天圣人自然是如实回答的。 Un, good, gluttonous ti indeed is in these five people, the aptitude is most powerful.” “嗯,不错,饕鬄的确是这五个人里面,资质最为强大的。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is undeniable. 仙界天道不可否认。 He even felt, he despised the gluttonous ti aptitude. 他甚至都觉得,他看低了饕鬄的资质。 This little fellow, how long this passes, can fight with half Saint, was really. 这个小家伙,这才过去多久,就能与半圣争锋,着实是了得。 Perhaps under him first becomes the Saint, must be gluttonous ti. 恐怕他麾下最先成圣的,就得是饕鬄了。 This is also good, gluttonous ti fast to become Saint, he can also quicker robs the destiny, speeds up kicking Chu Yuan to be eliminated. 这也好,饕鬄快速成圣,那他也能更快的去抢夺气运,加快踢楚缘出局。 Blue sky, to a number of cultivation resources, gives gluttonous ti again alone, where I must have a look at his aptitude limit, where appropriate, could train its becomes true Sage.” “青天,再给一批修炼资源,单独给予饕鬄,我要看看他的资质极限在哪里,若是合适,或许可以培养其成为真正的圣人。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao thinks, opens the mouth slowly, said. 仙界天道想了想,缓缓的开口,说道。 Cultivates, trains to become true Sage...... is, respectfully follows the command of Venerable!” “培,培养成为真正的圣人……是,谨遵尊上之令!” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) nod complied. 青天圣人点头答应了下来。 In his eye has the color of thick shock as before. 只是他眼中依旧有着浓浓的震惊之色。 Does the Immortal World Heavenly Dao want to train gluttonous ti to become true Sage unexpectedly? 仙界天道居然想要培养饕鬄成为真正的圣人 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) knows, true Sage, with his Sage, has anything to distinguish. 青天圣人可是非常知道,真正的圣人,和他这种圣人,有什么区别的。 He now, is not true Sage , can only say is the Second sage, depends on the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold, can calculate Sage. 就连他如今,也并非是真正的圣人,算起来,只能说是亚圣,靠着天道加持,才能算圣人 The never expected that Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants to train gluttonous ti to become Saint unexpectedly. 没想到仙界天道居然想要培养饕鬄成圣。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) indicated, he was jealous...... 青天圣人表示,他吃醋了…… Please remember this book first round domain name:. wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。wap.
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