NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#855: Good to plan!

Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 Chu Yuan is facing Nüwa. 楚缘正面对着女娲。 Two people face each other across a great distance. 两人遥遥相对。 Sanqing and Western two Saints stood in Chu Yuan behind. 三清与西方二圣则是站在了楚缘身后。 Regardless of although in spoken language or atmosphere, does not have any conflict, but Sanqing and Western two Saints without a doubt, the standpoint, stand Chu Yuan. 虽然无论言语还是气氛上,都没有任何冲突,但是三清与西方二圣毫无疑问,在立场上来说,是站在楚缘这边的。 Your this......” “你这……” Nüwa looks at Chu Yuan, looked at it behind Sanqing and Western two Saints, some headaches. 女娲看着楚缘,又看了看其身后的三清与西方二圣,有些头疼。 Where has this view. 哪有这种说法。 The causes and effects master died, didn't her causes and effects use also? 因果的主人死了,那她的因果就不用还了? Fart. 放屁。 That will definitely be inscribed by Great Dao, this causes and effects have been pestering her, she needs to spend the big price, can eliminate. 那肯定会被大道记上,这因果会一直纠缠着她的,她需要花费大代价,才能消除。 Good was good, this matter has uncovered, when the clear/pain fellow daoist you owe me a favor, feasible?” “行了行了,此事就此揭过,当楚道友你欠我一个人情,可行?” A Nüwa thread of conversation revolution, says suddenly. 女娲话锋一转,忽然开口说道。 Ok.” “可以。” Chu Yuan without hesitation, the direct nod complied. 楚缘不假思索,直接点头答应了下来。 clear/pain fellow daoist, you......” “楚道友,你……” Tong Tian Founder wanted to say anything, but anything also said. 身后通天教主想要说点什么,但又什么也说不出口。 He wants to remind Chu Yuan, does not need to promise Nüwa. 他想要提醒楚缘,不用答应女娲的。 This little while their potential is big, six do Chaos Sage, why must fear Nüwa? 这会儿他们势大,六尊混沌圣人,何须惧怕女娲? In order to consider the Nüwa face, owes the next causes and effects, is unworthy. 为了照顾女娲面子,欠下一个因果,着实不值。 But Most Exalted Lord Lao actually shakes the head, hinting Tong Tian Founder is not no need to say. 太上老君却是摇了摇头,示意通天教主不必多说。 Tong Tian Founder sighed, can only give up. 通天教主叹息了一声,只能作罢。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist seriously are the heroic spirit, such being the case, this matter has naturally uncovered, the clear/pain fellow daoist I then first walked, in the future when the clear/pain fellow daoist will have leisure, but when my Wa heaven gathers, together by saying.” “楚道友当真是豪气,既然如此,此事自然揭过,楚道友我便先走了,日后楚道友有闲时,可当我娲皇天一聚,一同论道。” Nüwa showed the satisfactory smile, nods toward Chu Yuan. 女娲露出了满意的笑容,朝着楚缘点了点头。 Then she turned around then to leave outward. 而后她转身便往外离开了。 Chu Yuan looks at the back that Nüwa is leaving, offensive pushes out in seeing a play Ye Luo and perilla, making them return to Immortal World, then he gathered Sanqing and Western two Saint body the vision. 楚缘望着女娲离开的背影,先手将在看戏的叶落和紫苏推了出去,让他们返回仙界,而后他才把目光聚集了三清和西方二圣身上 Many thanks three assisted, these two are?” “多谢三位相助了,这两位是?” Chu Yuan first to Sanqing, does obeisance submissively, immediately looks to the Western two Saints, does not understand that who these two are. 楚缘先是面向三清,拱手一拜,随即看向西方二圣,不明白这两人是谁。 clear/pain fellow daoist was overly courteous, we intersect the sworn friend, if must so.” “楚道友多礼了,我们相交莫逆,如需如此。” Good, the clear/pain fellow daoist were extremely actually polite.” “不错,楚道友倒是太过客气了。” These two are the Western two Saints, is called two Buddha, named raises certainly, receives and instructs.” “这两位乃是西方二圣,也被称为二佛,名为准提,接引。” The Taoist trinity opens the mouth in abundance. 三清纷纷开口。 Mentioned by name western two Saints, stood hastily. 被点名的西方二圣,连忙站了出来。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist, receives and instructs below.” “楚道友,在下接引。” Raises below certainly.” “在下准提。” Western two Saints from exploding name. 西方二圣自爆姓名。 They look at the Taoist trinity that respectable appearance, is perplexed, followed to respect simply. 他们看三清那么尊敬的样子,也不明所以,干脆跟着尊敬了起来。 And attitude compared with it Taoist trinity, but must be more respectable. 并且态度比之三清,还要更加尊敬。 They, deducted peak pupil surpasses the teacher. 他们两人,将青出于蓝而胜于蓝演绎到了极致 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Nearby Chu Yuan gawked actually. 旁边的楚缘倒是愣了一下。 Receiving and instructing. 接引。 Raises certainly. 准提。 Just Nüwa. 刚刚还有个女娲。 Here also has a Taoist trinity. 这边还有个三清。 His is the great antiquity six Saints in myth, seeing? 他这是把神话中的洪荒六圣,都给见了个遍? My goodness. 好家伙。 Chu Yuan have not thought, during he has no intention, unexpectedly saw the great antiquity six Saints in myth, seriously is enough that anything. 楚缘自己都没有想到,他无意之中,居然见了神话之中的洪荒六圣,当真是够那啥的。 Then, Chu Yuan regarding Sanqing and Western two Saints, naturally is thanks. 接下来,楚缘对于三清和西方二圣,自然又是一番感谢。 After all these five people are help really look at him. 毕竟这五人可是实打实的帮助看他。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Nüwa of departure, the mind in the right way satisfaction results is shuttling back and forth in the inexhaustible darkness. 离去的女娲,正心满意得的在无穷无尽的黑暗之中穿梭着。 Although threw the demon of god causes and effects repayment dream matter, must spend the big price to counter-balance the causes and effects, but can obtain this causes and effects surnamed Chu, does not owe.” “虽然丢了偿还梦之魔神因果的事情,得花费大代价去抵消因果,但是能得到这个姓楚的因果,还是不亏的。” Perhaps looks at the Taoist trinity to its attitude so, this person has the background greatly.” “看三清对其态度这般,恐怕这个人大有来头。” First waits, when I investigate, has a look at this surnamed Chu, who is first.” “先等等,等我调查一番,看看这个姓楚的,到底是谁先。” Lady Wa flashes through the one by one thought. 女娲内心闪过一个个念头。 Valley /span > she is wanting to take up that causes and effects, deduces, who has a look at Chu Yuan is. 谷/span>她正想要拿起那一段因果,推演一番,看看楚缘到底是谁。 But she gawked suddenly. 可她忽然就愣了下来。 That causes and effects? 那一段因果呢? Nüwa looked for quite a while, obstinately without finding, where with the causes and effects that Chu Yuan had. 女娲找了半天,愣是没有找到,和楚缘结下的因果在哪里。 This made her angry. 这让她不由恼怒了起来。 Also thinks that Chu Yuan moved what hands and feet. 还以为楚缘动了什么手脚。 Nüwa is in a rage, starts to use ** the strength deduced, attempt made the time flow backwards, found has the causes and effects with Chu Yuan the fragment. 女娲一怒之下,开始用**力推演了起来,试图让时光倒流,找到与楚缘结下因果的片段。 Whatever but how she looks. 可任由她怎么找。 Had no way to find with Chu Yuan has the causes and effects the fragment. 都没法找到与楚缘结下因果的片段。 Nüwa stunned. 女娲错愕了一下。 She reduces the level, wants seeks for Chu Yuan to have fragment, did not ask other, only wanted to see that Chu Yuan was OK. 她还是降低层次,想要寻找楚缘存在过的片段,不求其他,只想要看到楚缘就可以了。 But so, she could not find the Chu Yuan form even. 可就算是如此,她还是找不到楚缘的身影。 Chu Yuan as if not exist in world, does not reveal during the time, shows no trace in world. 楚缘仿佛根本不存在于世间,于时光之中不显,于世间不留痕迹。 Associates to arrive at the attitude of Sanqing again. 再联想到三清的态度。 During this made Nüwa fall into all of a sudden was terrified. 这让女娲一下子就陷入了惶恐之中。 This...... 这…… What existence is she and meets? 她到底是和一尊什么样的存在见了面? She also discussed the condition with the opposite party unexpectedly, but also planned causes and effects? 她居然还和对方谈条件,还算计了一个因果? Nüwa fear. 女娲恐惧了。 This where was the opposite party owed her the causes and effects, was she owed the opposite party obviously the causes and effects. 这哪里是对方欠了她因果,明明是她欠了对方因果吧。 If not for the opposite party lets off her, feared that is can kill her town/subdues directly...... 若不是对方放过她,怕是都可以直接将她镇杀吧…… Nüwa became aware. 女娲悟了。 No wonder that person so will be simple, complied. 难怪那人会这么简单,就答应了下来。 Originally has been waiting for her here. 原来是早就在这里等着她。 Nüwa raised the head, as if saw that plans her chessgame, quietly production. 女娲抬头,似乎看到一座算计她的棋局,悄然生成。 So that's how it is...... 原来如此…… She bragged that she gained. 她自诩自己赚了。 As everyone knows, she has fallen into others' layout. 殊不知,她自己早已经落入别人的布局了。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist, is good to plan.” “楚道友,好算计。” Does not know, who you are, during surnamed Chu...... is extremely wild also has such big shot? Past teacher was also mediocre, quiet planning person.” “就是不知道,你到底是什么人,姓楚……极荒之中还有这么一位大能?昔日老师也不过如此了吧,悄无声息的算计人。” Nüwa smiles bitterly. 女娲苦笑一声。 Finally can only acknowledge slowly, oneself owe Chu Yuan causes and effects, at once the form moves, returned to Wa heaven. 最后只能慢慢承认了下来,自己欠楚缘一个因果,旋即身影一动,返回了娲皇天。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Chu Yuan under Sanqing and seeing off of Western two Saints, returned to that side the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, prepares to return to Immortal World. 楚缘在三清和西方二圣的相送之下,返回了混沌虚无那边,准备返回仙界 Sanqing and Western two Saints gaze after Chu Yuan to leave. 三清和西方二圣目送楚缘离开。 After Chu Yuan leaves completely. 在等到楚缘完完全全离开后。 Western two Saints opened the mouth. 西方二圣才开口了。 Three Senior Brother, where is this person sacred? Why you so awe him.” “三位师兄,此人到底是何方神圣?为何你们如此敬畏他。” Raises curious asking certainly. 准提好奇的问道。 Unspeakable.” “不可说。” Most Exalted Lord Lao shakes the head. 太上老君摇了摇头。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning also shakes the head, anything had not said. 元始天尊也是摇头,啥也没说。 Tong Tian Founder, has looked at the back that Chu Yuan leaves actually. 倒是通天教主,一直看着楚缘离开的背影。 Senior Brother, I always felt where I have seen the clear/pain fellow daoist.” 师兄,我总感觉,我在哪里见过楚道友。” Tong Tian Founder is somewhat puzzled. 通天教主有些不解。 Junior Brother, you are not have been very ripe with the clear/pain fellow daoist, what is where has seen the clear/pain fellow daoist?” 师弟,你和楚道友不是一直很熟,什么叫在哪里见过楚道友?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning looks to Tong Tian Founder, asked. 元始天尊看向通天教主,问道。 „It is not, this time clear/pain fellow daoist, before probably, is not quite same?” “不是,这次的楚道友,好像和之前的,不太一样?” Tong Tian Founder touches the head, but he does not know where difference has, but he is feels differently. 通天教主摸了摸脑袋,但他又不知道,到底有哪里不一样,可是他就是感觉不一样。 Having to be different I unclear, had not carefully looked, but I only know, Junior Brother, you forgot, with clear/pain fellow daoist said executed an immortal sword matter.” “有没有不一样我不清楚,没仔细看,但是我只知道,师弟,你又忘记,和楚道友说诛仙剑阵的事情了。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning light saying. 元始天尊淡淡的说道。 How this...... this I feel all right saying that that executes immortal sword in the clear/pain fellow daoist hand, massacre Hundun(Chaos) demon god, in my hand timid, I......” “这……这我怎么好意思说出口,那诛仙剑阵在楚道友手上,乱杀混沌魔神,在我手上唯唯诺诺,我……” Tong Tian Founder is also helpless. 通天教主也是无奈了。 He felt oneself play does not understand that executed immortal sword...... 他都感觉自己玩不明白诛仙剑阵了……
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