NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#854: Puts to death the demon of god dream

Chapter 855 puts to death the demon of god dream 第855章诛杀梦之魔神 Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! Extremely wild within, in the inexhaustible darkness, an intermittent huge sound passed on. 极荒之内,无穷无尽的黑暗之中,一阵阵巨大声响传了出来。 Saw only the Chu Yuan form to kill, having a terrifying to kill intent, raided to the demon of god dream. 只见楚缘的身影杀了出来,带着一股恐怖杀意,袭向了梦之魔神。 The demon of god dream regarding the appearance of Chu Yuan, is completely ignorant. 梦之魔神对于楚缘的出现,完全是懵的。 He simply had not detected how Chu Yuan appears. 他根本没有察觉到楚缘到底是怎么出现的。 At present flashes, presented a greatly black mouse. 眼前闪了一下,就出现了一个大黑耗子。 Then this greatly black mouse, but also a fist stares hammered toward him. 然后这大黑耗子,还一拳直勾勾的朝着他锤了过来。 And the might is very fearful. 并且威力十分可怕。 It is not weak the Taoist trinity and two Saints that in that side looks. 丝毫不弱于那边看着的三清和二圣。 This, the demon of god dream was hit ignorant. 这一下,梦之魔神就被打懵了。 Fought with the fists, the entire body almost breaks. 被一拳打中,整个身体都差点散架。 Stood firm the figure by the strength of Great Dao fortunately forcefully. 还好强行以大道之力稳住了身形。 Then avoided by a fist second of killing situation. 这才避免了被一拳秒杀的情况。 May kill Chu Yuan that comes to disregard , to continue a fist then fist, kills to go toward the body bang of demon of god dream. 可袭杀而来的楚缘不管不顾,继续一拳接着一拳,往梦之魔神的身上轰杀而去。 The terrifying of power and influence, making the will of the people be awestruck to fear. 威势之恐怖,令人心生畏惧。 Nearby Sanqing and Western two Saints were to look dull. 一旁的三清与西方二圣是看呆了。 A moment later. 片刻之后。 Most Exalted Lord Lao took the lead to respond, opened the mouth slowly. 还是太上老君率先反应了过来,缓缓的开口了。 Is the clear/pain fellow daoist, the thoughts is worthily meticulous, the demon of god dream most excels, is Great Dao of dream, this is together hard to deal with, the clear/pain fellow daoist arrived then suppressed the demon of god dream strongly, keeping the demon of god dream from displaying Great Dao.” “不愧是楚道友,心思缜密,梦之魔神最为擅长的,乃是梦之大道,这一道非常难缠,楚道友一降临便强势压住了梦之魔神,让梦之魔神无法施展大道。” Fellow Daoist, acts together, taking this opportunity, puts to death the demon of god dream.” “诸位道友,一同出手吧,借着这个机会,将梦之魔神诛杀。” Most Exalted Lord Lao light saying. 太上老君淡淡的说道。 The Taoist trinity each other looked at each other one, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform began, was killing toward the demon of god dream that side. 三清彼此对视了一眼,齐齐动手了起来,往着梦之魔神那边杀了过去。 Only during in same place western two Saints, falling into were silent. 唯独原地的西方二圣,陷入了沉默之中。 They are very puzzled. 他们很是不解。 That so-called clear/pain fellow daoist, looks is the people of their same rank. 那位所谓的楚道友,一看就是和他们同级别之人。 Has their West two Saints, in addition the Taoist trinity, in addition is not again weak in their existences, enough six Chaos Sage. 有他们西方二圣,加上三清,再加上一位不弱于他们的存在,足足六位混沌圣人 Puts to death demon of god a dream, isn't the easy matter? 诛杀一个梦之魔神,不是手到擒来的事情? Also needs to make anything to attack suddenly. 还需要弄什么突然袭击么。 Western two Saints turn over to puzzled puzzled, but they will not be gawking, the backhand pulls out two treasures, besieged. 西方二圣不解归不解,但他们可不会愣着,反手就掏出两件宝物,围攻了上去。 ...... …… Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… One after another vibration sound, causes entire is vibrating extremely wildly. 接二连三的震动声,引得整个极荒都在震动。 The innumerable Hundun(Chaos) demon god was awakened, wants to find out, but sees Sanqing and Western two Saints, not well-known Chaos Sage is hitting the demon of god dream, one by one frightens shrinks begins, does not dare to say anything. 无数混沌魔神被惊醒,本想一探究竟,但看到三清和西方二圣,还有一个不知名的混沌圣人在打梦之魔神,一个个都吓得缩起了头,不敢多说什么。 Also somewhat is simultaneously blurry. 同时又有些迷糊。 What day was demon of god this dream held? 梦之魔神这是捅了什么天? Causes six Chaos Sage to gang up on him. 引得六尊混沌圣人群殴他。 Cannot stir up. 惹不起惹不起。 The innumerable Hundun(Chaos) demon gods said, cannot provoke this lineup. 无数混沌魔神都表示,招惹不起这个阵容。 Therefore they treat as have not seen. 所以他们纷纷当做没看到。 ...... …… In battlefield dead center. 在战场正中心。 Six Chaos Sage besiege the demon of god dream. 六尊混沌圣人围攻梦之魔神。 How the demon of god dream possibly is six Chaos Sage opponents, is at a disadvantage completely, was being pressed the friction, is surrounded by perils. 梦之魔神怎么可能是六尊混沌圣人的对手,完全处于下风,被摁着摩擦,险象环生。 The Taoist trinity and two Saints are actually good, extremely has not gone all out. 三清和二圣倒是还好,并没有太过拼命。 Chu Yuan was different, he completely by assigning/life Bo life/command the way in the demon of god fighting with all might dream, executed immortal sword to lose continually directly. 楚缘就不一样了,他完全是以命博命的方式在拼杀梦之魔神的,连诛仙剑阵都直接丢了出来。 His that called air/Qi. 他那叫一个气。 God light/only new function opening. 要不是神光新功能开启。 The perilla and Ye Luo will perhaps encounter what danger. 紫苏和叶落说不定会遇到什么危险。 Although has the possibility, but that also touched the Chu Yuan bottom line. 虽说只是有可能,但那也触及楚缘底线了。 Under the Chu Yuan violent anger, cannot control so many, he puts to death the demon of god dream wholeheartedly. 楚缘暴怒之下,根本管不了那么多,他一心诛杀梦之魔神。 Taoist trinity, what this person and does the demon of god dream have to hate?” “三清,这人到底和梦之魔神有什么仇恨?” This may looking at to stay the Western two Saints, they look at the violent anger Chu Yuan, in side besieges, while passes message to the Taoist trinity. 这可把西方二圣给看呆了,他们看着暴怒的楚缘,在旁边一边围攻,一边给三清传音。 That must prove a life, is the disciple of this person, although I do not know where you come with the causes and effects of that life, but I advised politely you do not have other ideas, this person was not affable.” “那要证道的生灵,就是此人的弟子,虽然我不知道你们和那生灵的因果是哪来的,但我奉劝你们不要有其他想法,这人可不是好惹的。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning sneers, passes message to two Saints. 元始天尊冷笑一声,给二圣传音回去。 He knows, side existence, is only together the law. 他可是知道,旁边这尊存在,只是一道法相。 If its main body arrives. 若是其本尊降临。 Feared that suppresses all suddenly. 怕是瞬息间镇压一切。 If the Western two Saints dare to have what thought to this disciple, that does not bring about own destruction. 要是西方二圣敢对这位的弟子有什么念头,那不是自寻死路。 Western two Saint hears word, the look glittered, without answering. 西方二圣闻言,眼神闪烁了一下,没有回话。 They continue to besiege the demon of god dream. 他们继续围攻着梦之魔神。 After besieging for a long time. 在围攻了许久后。 Finally, the demon of god dream could not support again. 终于,梦之魔神再也撑不下去了。 He was executed the immortal sword air/Qi, a sword passes through the body. 他被诛仙剑气,一剑贯穿身体。 Has the Great Dao of protection dream, perhaps has been frightened out of one's wits. 要不是有梦之大道守护,恐怕已经魂飞魄散了。 Alarmed and afraid 0/10000. 惊惧万分之下。 The demon of god dream goes crazy same wants to flee. 梦之魔神发了疯一样的想要逃离。 But under executing an immortal sword package, how wants to flee can be the simple matter. 但在诛仙剑阵的包裹之下,想要逃离又怎会是简单的事情。 Helpless the demon of god dream can only stop, the stable injury, looks up to the front inexhaustible darkness. 梦之魔神无奈只能停下,稳定伤势,抬头看向前方无穷无尽的黑暗。 Empress saves me!!!” “娘娘救我!!!” The demon of god dream is roaring hysteric. 梦之魔神歇斯底里的咆哮着。 His a few words fall. 他一句话落下。 An invisible strength welled up, the demon of god dream wrapping, prevented to execute immortal sword killing. 一股无形的力量涌了过来,将梦之魔神给包裹住了,阻挡诛仙剑阵的袭杀。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 The demon of god dream relaxes. 梦之魔神松了一口气。 Thinks that the great misfortune ends. 以为大劫落幕。 But the next quarter, sees only covers the inexhaustible dark execution immortal, unites the immortal, the falling immortal, the immortal four types of sword air/Qi gathered in one certainly, formed aloof sword air/Qi, staring was killing toward the demon of god dream. 可下一刻,只见笼罩无穷无尽黑暗的诛仙,戮仙,陷仙,绝仙四种剑气都汇聚在了一起,形成一道超然的剑气,直勾勾的往着梦之魔神杀了过去。 The demon of god dream, is very with amazement puzzled. 梦之魔神骇然,很是不解。 Some people have acted to guarantee him. 已经有人出面保他了。 Why this person also dares to begin to him. 为什么这人还敢对他动手。 Completely unscrupulous? 完全肆无忌惮? Under the vision of demon of god dream, this together was aloof the sword air/Qi bang to break protected his invisible strength, punctured toward him ruthlessly. 在梦之魔神的目光之下,这一道超然剑气轰破了保护他的无形力量,狠狠朝着他刺了过去。 This time, the strength of Great Dao is unable to protect him. 这一次,大道之力都无法保护他。 Under the demon of god dream in this strikes, falls from the sky thoroughly. 梦之魔神在这一击之下,彻底陨落。 Falls from the sky along with the demon of god dream, the purple light group departs together, flew toward that side that the perilla is. 伴随着梦之魔神陨落,一道紫色的光团飞出,朝着紫苏所在的那边飞了过去。 Chu Yuan strikes to put to death the demon of god dream, actually slightly not lax, then assembles the innumerable sword air/Qi, encirclement all around, its vision swift and fierce looking to a direction. 楚缘一击诛杀梦之魔神,却丝毫没有松懈,而后调集无数剑气,环绕四周,其目光凌厉的望向一个方向。 That direction, is the place that just that invisible strength welled up. 那个方向,就是刚刚那股无形力量涌来的地方。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist, does not need so, that person to be our Junior Sisters, is the friend non- enemy, just acted, be forced.” “楚道友,不必如此,那人是我们师妹,是友非敌,刚刚出手,也是迫于无奈。” Most Exalted Lord Lao walked hastily, says. 太上老君连忙走了出来,开口说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan slowed down the attitude slightly, will execute immortal sword to untie. 楚缘才稍微放缓了态度,将诛仙剑阵解开。 Oh.” “唉。” The clear sigh passed on together. 一道清脆的叹息声传了出来。 Next quarter, a ray in this inexhaustible darkness obviously. 下一刻,一道光芒于这无穷无尽的黑暗之中显化。 That is a person snake tail female, its body covered a gentle meaning, particularly regarding Ye Luo this person clan, this gentle meaning is to double presents. 那是一名人身蛇尾的女子,其身上笼罩了一股慈祥之意,尤其是对于叶落这种人族来说,这股慈祥之意更是加倍呈现。 Ye Luo already to become Saint, perhaps when sees this female, has knelt down. 要不是叶落已经成圣,恐怕在见到这名女子的时候,就已经下跪了。 Nüwa?” “女娲?” Chu Yuan guesses blindly knows who the person was, the opens the mouth pointed out frankly its status. 楚缘盲猜都知道来人是谁了,张口就道破了其身份。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist, you are why rigid in putting to death the demon of god dream, I owe him one, your, how I can repay.” “楚道友,你又是何必执着于诛杀梦之魔神呢,我欠他一个人情,你这样,我如何能偿还。” Female Lady Wa long sighed, shakes the head to say. 那女子‘女娲’长长一叹,摇头说道。 I help you put to death this demon god, he body has fallen, such causes and effects did not need to repay.” “我帮你诛杀这魔神,他已经身陨,这样因果不就不用偿还了。” Chu Yuan shoulders single-handed, light opens the mouth. 楚缘单手背负,淡淡的开口。 They talked. 他们两人谈话。 Looks at Chu Yuan in Tong Tian Founder of not far away, wrinkled the brow, why he felt that Chu Yuan was somewhat different? 在不远处的通天教主看着楚缘,皱紧了眉头,他为什么感觉楚缘有些不一样了? ?? First, but also outside, but 1 : 00 pm has certainly second, will not fail to keep an appointment ??第一更,还在外面,但是晚 1 点点一定有第二更,绝不会失约 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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