NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#853: God light/only new function

Swordsmanship river, Hidden Heaven Island, Daoless Sect. 剑道长河,隐天岛,无道宗 Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿 This little while, the Chu Yuan mind all gathered at god light/only trumpet body. 这会儿,楚缘的心神全都聚集在了神光小号身上 He was shouted by Su Qianyuan, knew the perilla card said to become Saint, went to Transcending Tribulation, first adjusted the mind, prepared to examine the character present situation. 他被苏乾元喊回来,得知了紫苏证道成圣,已经前往渡劫,第一时间就将心神调回来,准备查看人物现状。 He wants through the character present situation, has a look now is what situation. 他想要通过人物现状,看看现在到底是什么情况。 This perilla, is really, must prove not to know that shouted me the protector.” “这个紫苏,真的是,要证道也不知道喊我护道。” But do not have what situation.” “可千万不要出点什么情况。” Chu Yuan the color of worry proliferated on the face. 楚缘的担忧之色都遍布脸上了。 The opening character present situation that he worries, examines. 他着急的打开人物现状,进行查看。 Your big disciple Ye Luo leaves swordsmanship river 【您的大弟子叶落离开剑道长河】 Your big disciple Ye Luo enters extremely wildly 【您的大弟子叶落进入极荒】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises 56 【您的二弟子张寒吞噬天材地宝,道行微涨】56 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan......】 【您的三弟子苏乾元……】 ...... …… Big pile of news eliminate. 一大堆消息刷了下来。 Chu Yuan looks dazzlingly. 楚缘看得眼花缭乱。 He neglected numerous news, framed and the perilla related information. 他忽略了众多消息,定格在了和紫苏有关的信息上。 Beyond your ten disciple perilla patrolling days, enters extremely wildly 【您的十弟子紫苏神游天外,进入极荒】 Your ten disciple perillas encounter Hundun(Chaos) demon god to attack 【您的十弟子紫苏遭遇混沌魔神袭击】 Your ten disciple perillas open the tribulation of Saint 【您的十弟子紫苏开启成圣之劫】 ...... …… Really started. 果然开始了。 Chu Yuan wrinkled the brow. 楚缘皱紧了眉头。 This differing from the past. 这次不同以往。 Before Ye Luo and Su Qianyuan became the tribulation of Saint, was he responds quickly. 之前叶落苏乾元的成圣之劫,都是他很快就反应过来的。 Therefore he can rush promptly. 所以他才能及时赶到。 This time may be different. 这次可不一样了。 Perilla becomes the tribulation of Saint, but opened well some time. 紫苏的成圣之劫,可是开启了好一段时间的了。 Then he overtakes, does not know that can rush. 这下他赶过去,都不知道能不能赶到。 Chu Yuan worried. 楚缘担忧了起来。 This Ye Luo passed. 这次叶落都过去了。 If the perilla does not handle that Hundun(Chaos) demon god, that falls from the sky, but was his two disciples. 要是紫苏搞不定那个混沌魔神,那陨落的,可就是他两个弟子了。 How this can be good. 这怎么能行。 Chu Yuan wants to transfer the god brilliant number immediately, overtakes toward the extremely wild that side. 楚缘当即就想要调动神光大号,往极荒那边赶过去。 But the next quarter, his within the body information transmitted together. 可下一刻,他的体内一道信息传递了出来。 This information made him be shocked. 这道信息让他愣住了。 What? Do the gods light/only have this function?” “什么?神光还有这种功能?” Chu Yuan within the body gave him to give an information. 楚缘的体内给他传递了一道信息。 The gods light/only have to disregard all, shuttles back and forth to the abilities of all places instantaneously. 神光拥有无视一切,瞬间穿梭到一切地方的能力。 Only needs him the has god strength light/only to condense a point, can complete the shuttle. 只需要他将所有神光之力凝聚成一个点,就能完成穿梭。 Before Chu Yuan does not know completely, the god light/only also had this function, complete appeared suddenly. 之前楚缘完全不知道,神光还有这种功能的,完完全全是忽然出现的。 But seems like him originally, but forgot. 但又好像是他原本就会的,只是遗忘了。 Having this function was easy to do.” “有这功能就好办了。” Chu Yuan assembled the god brilliant number the mind instantaneously, started to display. 楚缘瞬间将心神调集到了神光大号,开始施展了起来。 Bang!! 轰隆!! Chu Yuan read, the whole body god light/only bloomed to sparkle, he directed only, inexhaustible god strength light/only gathered crazily. 楚缘一念而起,浑身神光绽放闪耀了起来,他单指点出,无穷无尽的神光之力疯狂汇聚了起来。 Quick, a white spot appears in his fingertip. 很快,一个白点于他指尖出现。 This white spot expands all of a sudden, reduces all of a sudden, seems extremely unstable. 这一个白点一下子扩大,一下子缩小,似乎极度不稳定。 Escapes!” “遁!” Chu Yuan drinks lowly. 楚缘一声低喝。 Old Gu rune glitters on the white spot. 一枚古老至极的符文于白点上面闪烁而过。 Then the Chu Yuan entire body changes to the innumerable light granules, integrated in the white spot. 而后楚缘整个身体化作无数光粒子,融入了白点之中。 The white spot glitters, strange vanishes does not see. 白点闪烁一下,诡异的消失不见。 ...... …… Extremely wild deep place. 极荒深处。 A demon of god face dream compelled ignorant visits dead ahead him. 梦之魔神正一脸懵逼了的看着他正前方。 Dead ahead him, this little while, several form erects in the darkness, look at each other with him distantly. 在他正前方,这会儿,数道身影正立在黑暗之中,遥遥与他对视。 And three are the Saints of order. 其中有三位是秩序之圣。 One is card Sage. 还有一位是证道的圣人 One was that is preparing a card life. 还有一位就是那正准备证道的生灵了。 He is not clear, why will have so many people to come. 他不明白,为什么会有这么多人过来。 Isn't the struggle of Great Dao, one-to-one? 大道之争,不是一对一的? Why will jump so many people? 为什么会蹦出这么多人来? This is not acts shamelessly. 这不是耍赖么。 The demon of god dream is very puzzled, he looks to the Saints of that three order, opens the mouth slowly. 梦之魔神十分不解,他看向那三位秩序之圣,缓缓的开口。 May I ask three, what matter comes behavior?” “敢问三位,前来所为何事?” The demon of god dream only asked that comes to Sanqing. 梦之魔神只问来三清。 In his eyes, only then the Taoist trinity can be joined to him to ask. 在他眼中,只有三清才配得上他开口询问。 That card Sage, to him, that is a look can destroy completely, radically nothing to be afraid. 那个证道的圣人,对他而言,那是一个眼神就能灭掉的,根本不足为惧。 Between Sage and Chaos Sage, have the vast gap. 圣人混沌圣人之间,有着巨大差距。 Comes to criticize the causes and effects with you!” “前来与你清算因果!” The Taoist trinity looked at each other one, the Most Exalted Lord Lao stand, spoke such a few words lightly. 三清对视了一眼,太上老君站了出来,淡淡的说了这么一句话。 Un??? When did I have the causes and effects with three?” “嗯???我什么时候和三位有因果了?” A demon of god face dream compels ignorant. 梦之魔神一脸懵逼。 „Before 127 Yuan meetings, you had once insulted my Junior Brother one, this causes and effects, my Senior Brother younger brother three people come to track down today.” “一百二十七个元会之前,你曾辱骂过我师弟一句,此因果,今日我师兄弟三人前来追寻。” Most Exalted Lord Lao unemotional saying. 太上老君面无表情的说道。 Demon of god dream: „???” 梦之魔神:“???” 127 Yuan meeting beforehand things, but also remembers? 一百二十七个元会之前的事情,还记得? Moreover because of the matter of a few words? 而且是因为一句话的事情? But before his 27 Yuan meetings, has scolded the Taoist trinity? 可是他二十七个元会之前,骂过三清么? How this he can remember. 这他怎么记得住。 Quick, the demon of god dream also responded. 很快,梦之魔神也反应过来了。 What causes and effects. 什么因果的。 This Taoist trinity finds fault intentionally. 这三清就是故意来找茬的。 Your three......” “你们三个……” The demon of god dream just wants to say anything. 梦之魔神刚想说点什么。 Has not waited for him to say. 还没等他说出口。 The sound conveys from void together. 一道声音从虚空之中传来。 „The demon of god dream, our West two Saints, come to ask you to settle account 532 Yuan meeting beforehand causes and effects today!” “梦之魔神,吾等西方二圣,今日前来找你结清五百三十二元会之前的因果!” Sees only two light shadow to go out from the darkness, arrives at the battlefield. 只见两尊光影从黑暗之中走出,降临战场。 When two light shadow go out, on the field all vision fell two people body. 两尊光影走出时,场上所有的目光都落到了两人身上 Receives and instructs, raises certainly? How these two came.” “接引,准提?这两人怎么过来了。” Tong Tian Founder said one in a low voice. 通天教主低声道了一句。 Perhaps some disciple body these two causes and effects of that clear/pain fellow daoist, these two had produced the causes and effects with the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist.” “那楚道友的弟子身上有这两人因果,恐怕这两人曾经与楚道友的弟子产生过因果。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning then looked to understand all. 元始天尊一眼便看明白了所有。 Unobstructive, this demon of god dream must have bad luck, receiving and instructing raises certainly also definitely comes disciple of the clear/pain fellow daoist.” “无碍,这梦之魔神要倒霉了,接引准提也肯定是来保楚道友之弟子的。” Most Exalted Lord Lao smiled. 太上老君笑了。 This demon of god dream was but actually what mildew. 这梦之魔神是倒了什么霉。 Unexpectedly at the same time by their Taoist trinity, with the Western two Saints staring. 居然同时被他们三清,和西方二圣给盯上了。 Young Friend Ye, hits later, you lead your Junior Sister in the future the falling back line, this demon of god dream gave us to solve.” 叶小友,待会打起来,你带着你师妹往后退就行,这梦之魔神就交给我们来解决了。” Tong Tian Founder looks to Ye Luo, said in a soft voice, tone that called a genialness. 通天教主看向叶落,轻声道了一句,语气那叫一个和善。 The Ye Luo nature one complies, whole body sword intent covers, is protecting the state of mind of perilla. 叶落自然一番答应,浑身剑意笼罩,保护着紫苏的神魂。 But the state of mind of perilla, is compels completely ignorant. 而紫苏的神魂,完全是懵逼的。 For, why her felt, the struggle of this Great Dao, doesn't have with her nickel relations? 为,为什么她感觉,这大道之争,跟她半毛钱关系都没有呢? ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Western two Saints arrive, naturally is also one rambles on with the demon of god dream. 西方二圣降临,和梦之魔神自然又是一番瞎扯。 Pulls finally, the demon of uncanny prediction dream understood. 扯到最后,梦之魔神算是明白了。 This Western two Saints, the Taoist trinity, all wants to extinguish kills his. 这西方二圣,三清,全都是想要来灭杀他的。 Said that does not permit is that must prove a life to invite. 说不准就是那个要证道的生灵请来的。 The demon of god dream did not understand very much. 梦之魔神很不理解。 Why a preparation card life, will have such big energy, please obtain these five unsurpassed Sage to come out. 为什么一个准备证道的生灵,会有这么大的能量,请得出这五尊堪称一绝的圣人出来。 What things has this life given your? I am willing to pay the double prices, so long as you do not act, then foot!” “这生灵到底给过你们什么东西?我愿付出双倍代价,只要你们不出手,便足矣!” Demon of god voice dream ice-cold, whole body spiritual power fluctuates tumbles unceasingly. 梦之魔神声音冰冷,周身法力波动不断翻滚。 What has given us?” “给过我们什么?” The Taoist trinity looked at each other one with two Saints, smiled as if by prior agreement. 三清与二圣都对视了一眼,不约而同的笑了。 One of light shadow raised certainly just wants to say anything. 光影之一的‘准提’刚想说点什么。 Suddenly. 突然之间。 A white light appears in the darkness, falls before the demon of god dream. 一点白光于黑暗之中出现,落在梦之魔神面前。 Under vision that in the demon of god dream shocks, the form killed together fiercely...... 在梦之魔神震撼的目光之下,一道身影猛地杀了出来……
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