NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#852: Feels the crisis?

Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 Ye Luo changed to the sword shadow to clash together, he led the way in the darkness. 叶落化作一道剑影冲了出来,他在黑暗之中前行。 The surroundings inexhaustible dark time wants to swallow him, but the Ye Luo whole body has the swordsmanship projection to surround, easily then pressed these darkness all. 周围无穷无尽的黑暗时刻都想要将他吞噬,但叶落周身有着剑道投影环绕,轻易便将这些黑暗给尽数压了下去。 Ten Junior Sisters break through the Saint, was directed, the state of mind has the hole, this is the Great Dao direction, I cannot follow.” “十师妹突破成圣,受到指引,神魂出窍,这是大道指引,我根本跟不上。” Ye Luo knits the brows. 叶落皱眉。 Even if he flies full power, cannot catch up with the perilla that the state of mind has the hole as before. 哪怕他全力飞行,依旧追不上神魂出窍的紫苏的。 The speed under Great Dao direction, was too fast. 大道指引之下的速度,实在太快了。 Although he is in Sage quite powerful existence, but after all is only Sage, from the start cannot keep up with this speed. 他虽然是圣人之中较为强大的存在,但终归只是圣人,压根跟不上这种速度。 „Are you disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist?” “你是楚道友之弟子?” At this moment, the sound spreads to near his ear together. 就在这时,一道声音传入他耳边。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Ye Luo stopped fiercely, catches the eye to look. 叶落猛地停了下来,抬眼看去。 Sees only the distant place three forms to stand, blocked his way. 只见远处三道身影站着,拦住了他的去路。 Taoist trinity. 正是三清。 You......” “你们……” Ye Luo recognizes these three people. 叶落认出来这三人。 Past his became the tribulation of Saint, when facing demon of god sword, was not these three people as well as his Master acts together, put to death demon of god that sword. 昔日他的成圣之劫,在面对剑之魔神时,不就是这三个人以及他师尊一同出手,才诛杀了那剑之魔神的么。 These three are his Master rank. 这三位是和他师尊一个级别的。 Facing this existence. 面对这种存在。 Ye Luo does not certainly dare to be careless. 叶落当然不敢马虎了。 Immediately cups one hand in the other across the chest. 当即拱手。 Under Chu Yuan place big disciple Ye Luo, has seen three seniors.” 楚缘座下大弟子叶落,见过三位前辈。” Only listens to Ye Luo so to say. 只听叶落这般说道。 Really is you.” “果然是你。” That was just disclosing life that becomes the Saint aura, is the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist?” “刚刚那透露着成圣气息的生灵,也是楚道友的弟子?” You called this little friend, must be called the demon of god sword, after all the present is he is grasping the swordsmanship.” “你们称呼此小友,应当称为剑之魔神,毕竟如今是他掌握着剑道。” The Taoist trinity opens the mouth in abundance, the attitude to Ye Luo, is quite friendly. 三清纷纷开口,对叶落的态度,都是颇为友善。 First, Ye Luo is the Chu Yuan disciple, being worth them lowering the stance slightly. 一来,叶落楚缘的弟子,值得他们稍微放低姿态。 Secondly, Ye Luo grasps the swordsmanship, the strict sense, is Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 二来,叶落掌握剑道,严格意义上来说,已经是属于‘混沌魔神’了。 Returns to three seniors, just that went to a card life, indeed is the disciple of Master, is the Master tenth disciple.” “回三位前辈,刚刚那前往证道的生灵,的确是师尊之弟子,是师尊的第十位弟子。” Ye Luo said repeatedly. 叶落连声说道。 In his eye ignited the hope, this three with the relations of Master, seem good. 他眼中燃起了希望,这位三位和自家师尊的关系,似乎很好。 Could he ask these three to act? 那他是不是可以请这三位出手? If these three are willing to act, he can guarantee, before Master arrives, protected the security of perilla. 如果这三位愿意出手,那他就可以确保,在师尊到来之前,护住紫苏的安全了。 Also is really the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist? Can clear/pain fellow daoist really more than ten disciples, prove to say to become Saint?” “还真是楚道友的弟子?楚道友真的十几位弟子,都要证道成圣?” „Can this Hundun(Chaos) demon gods have bad luck more than ten times?” “这混沌魔神们还得倒霉十几次?” This may be fun.” “这可就好玩了。” A Taoist trinity appearance sure enough. 三清一副果不其然的样子。 After discussing moment. 在谈论片刻后。 The Most Exalted Lord Lao steps, look to Ye Luo, during the look is faint has the meaning of appreciation. 太上老君踏步而出,看向叶落,眼神淡漠之中带着欣赏之意。 Demon of god sword, since this life is the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist, then we have necessity going, protects her, you are return to that side Immortal World, goes with us together?” “剑之魔神,既然此生灵是楚道友之弟子,那么我们有必要前往,护住她,你是返回仙界那边,还是跟我们一起去?” Most Exalted Lord Lao makes noise the inquiry. 太上老君出声询问。 He has not forced Ye Luo, but is the choice respects Ye Luo, asked its opinion. 他没有强迫叶落,而是选择尊重叶落,询问其意见。 Three seniors, the younger generation want to go with you together.” “三位前辈,晚辈想与你们一同前往。” Ye Luo does obeisance submissively, says. 叶落拱手一拜,开口说道。 Friendly.” “善。” Most Exalted Lord Lao nods gently. 太上老君轻轻点了点头。 He and Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning, Tong Tian Founder each other looked at each other one. 他与元始天尊,通天教主彼此对视了一眼。 Three people of simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform leaves, is going toward the front dark shuttle. 三人齐齐动身,往着前方的黑暗穿梭而去。 Before Most Exalted Lord Lao just before leaving, looked at Ye Luo, wields conveniently, a Supreme strength then arrived, coerces the latter to leave. 太上老君临走之前,看了一眼叶落,随手一挥,一股无上力量便降临了下来,裹挟着后者离开。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Another piece, was full in the space of light granule. 另一片,充满了光粒子的空间之中。 Here is reverberating everywhere the singing in praise of the Buddha, air/Qi of mercy fills the air in all directions. 这里到处都在回响着梵音,一股慈悲之气弥漫四面八方。 No matter what who arrived here, will feel, this is a state that belongs to Buddha. 任谁来到这里,都会觉得,这是一片属于佛的国度。 At this moment, two golden light shadow are sitting cross-legged in the same place, vision simultaneous/uniform Qiwang the extremely wild direction. 此时此刻,两道金色光影正盘坐在一起,目光齐齐往着极荒的方向。 „Is this...... a card aura? Past produced that doll of causes and effects with us, the card says?” “这是……证道的气息?昔日与我们产生因果的那女娃,证道了?” This is possible, the doll obtains us to inherit, how long does this pass? Possibly how the card said!” “这怎么可能,那女娃得到我们传承,这才过去多久?怎么可能证道!” Together golden light shadow panic-stricken saying. 一道金色光影惊骇的说道。 In his tone filled inconceivable. 他语气之中充满了不可思议。 This...... this is how possible......” “这……这怎么可能……” Another always steady golden light shadow, this little while also shocked. 另一道一向稳重的金色光影,这会儿也震惊了起来。 Card how difficult? 证道何其难也? Even their these aptitude top existence, said for the card initially, still paid the heavy price. 就算是他们这些当初资质顶尖的存在,为了证道,也付出了沉重的代价。 Said them, initially said for the card, promised the big great aspirations, by the present, for the initial big great aspirations repaid. 就说他们两个,当初为了证道,许下大宏愿,到现在都在为了当初的大宏愿而偿还。 Can the life that this same day they inherited, this little while prove to say? 这个当日得他们传承的生灵,这会儿就要证道了? Moreover did not say by the Heavenly Dao card, did not say by any strange method card, but initiates the struggle of Great Dao directly, must rob Great Dao of Hundun(Chaos) demon god, said by the posture of card Supreme! 而且不是靠天道证道,也不是靠什么奇怪手段证道,而是直接发起大道之争,要抢夺混沌魔神的大道,以无上之姿证道的! A card method has many types, such as cuts three corpse cards saying that the merit card said that primordial chaos auspicious sign card wait wait/etc. etc.. 证道的方法有很多种,诸如斩三尸证道,功德证道,鸿蒙紫气证道等等等等。 But is most authentic, most difficult, most powerful, without doubt is initiates the card of struggle of Great Dao to say! 但其中最为正宗,也最为困难,最为强大的,无疑是发起大道之争的证道! World has Great Dao 3000, derives three thousand Hundun(Chaos) demon gods respectively. 世间有大道三千,分别衍生三千混沌魔神。 Three thousand Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, wield respectively together, is Chaos Sage. 三千混沌魔神,各自执掌一道,为混沌圣人 Only by the strength, normally, three thousand Hundun(Chaos) demon gods is also peak. 单论战力上,正常情况下,三千混沌魔神也是最为顶尖的。 Common life, even if there is capital of card say/way, possibly by not initiating the stance of struggle of Great Dao proves to say. 寻常生灵,就算拥有证道之资,也不可能是以发起大道之争的姿态来证道的。 But this young doll, unexpectedly by initiating the struggle of Great Dao conducts the card to say. 可是这个小女娃,居然是以发起大道之争来进行证道的。 Senior Brother, should our, how process?” 师兄,我们这,该怎么处理?” That light shadow is shivering the sound, asked. 那道光影颤抖着声音,问道。 Junior Brother, this doll can prove saying that perhaps is related with the mysterious causes and effects that its body cannot completely understand, walks, this doll initiates the struggle of Great Dao, perhaps is not that wields the Great Dao of dream demon god opponent, we helped its helping hand in the past.” 师弟,这女娃能证道,恐怕与其身上看不透的神秘因果有关,走吧,这女娃发起大道之争,恐怕不是那执掌梦之大道的魔神对手,我们过去助其一臂之力吧。” Another light shadow so said. 另一道光影这般说道。 „?? Senior Brother, the struggle of Great Dao, according to the custom, we cannot meddle.” “啊??师兄,大道之争,按照规矩,我们是不能插手的啊。” That light shadow was ignorant. 那道光影懵了。 This is not the recognized order. 这不是公认的秩序么。 If disrupted the order, perhaps the Saints of that three order, will not let off them. 要是破坏了秩序,那三位秩序之圣,恐怕都不会放过他们。 We have not meddled the struggle of Great Dao, this demon of god dream, celebrates a holiday with your me, we go to track down the causes and effects, what deficiency has?” “我们没有插手大道之争,这梦之魔神,与你我有过节,我们前去追寻因果,有什么不妥之处么?” Another light shadow light saying. 另一道光影淡淡的说道。 Un?? Senior Brother, I understood, this and our that moves, are predestined friends with the West, has lineage/vein, right?!” “嗯??师兄,我懂了,这和我们那招,与西方有缘,是同出一脉的,对吧?!” That light shadow instantaneous clear(ly) became aware. 那道光影瞬间明悟了。 What has lineage/vein? This is the fact! We are only track down the causes and effects, without other meanings.” “什么同出一脉的?这是事实!我们只是去追寻因果,没有其他意思。” Another light shadow is somewhat speechless. 另一道光影有些无语。 I understand, Senior Brother, our goes out.” “我懂,师兄,我们这就出去吧。” That light shadow smiles , indicating that all understand. 那道光影笑了笑,表示一切都懂。 Two people no longer talk too much at once, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform leaves, is going toward the extremely wild place. 两人旋即不再多言,齐齐动身,往着极荒之地而去。 ...... …… In some extremely wild one. 在极荒某一处。 Receives the information, prepares to meet head-on ‚the struggle of Great Dao the demon of god dream hit to tremble suddenly, felt not wonderful. 接到信息,准备迎战‘大道之争’的梦之魔神忽然打了个寒颤,感觉到了不妙。 He always felt, there is a sense of crisis? 他总感觉,有一股危机感? Where does this sense of crisis transmit? Difficult to be inadequate this to come to conduct the life of struggle of Great Dao to be very fierce? 这危机感从哪里传来的?难不成这前来进行大道之争的生灵很厉害? Is impossible. 不可能啊。 Since is conducts the struggle of Great Dao, that life is belongs inevitably has not proven that will he possibly feel the crisis? 既然是来进行大道之争的,那生灵必然是属于没有证道的那种,他怎么可能会感受到危机?
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