NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#851: Perilla to become Saint

In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is sizing up Zhang Hao and other people. 仙界天道在打量张寒等五个人。 Zhang Hao and other people are also sizing up the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 张寒等五个人也在打量着仙界天道。 When they feel Immortal World Heavenly Dao body that unapproachable aura, five people of looks are dignified. 当他们感受到仙界天道身上那股无可匹敌的气息时,五人的神色都是凝重的。 They are clear. 他们非常清楚。 Perhaps their five people to Immortal World Heavenly Dao, among thoughts, then can by the destruction. 恐怕他们五个人对上仙界天道,一个念头之间,便会被覆灭。 Especially Zhang Hao, this feeling is most profound. 尤其是张寒,这种感觉最为深刻。 He had seen the Ye Luo Saint prestige. 他可是曾经见过叶落的圣威的。 He can say. 他可以这么说。 The Ye Luo Saint prestige, is far from the great strength of this Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 叶落的圣威,远没有这位仙界天道的强大。 Even can say, both at all are not a rank. 甚至可以说,两者根本不是一个级别的。 Is the undercover in this environment, but is really difficult enough! 在这种环境当卧底,可真是有够难的! But for sect, this undercover , he when decided! 但为了宗门,这个卧底,他当定了! Zhang Hao clenches teeth, the innermost feelings made the choice silently. 张寒咬牙,内心默默做出了选择。 He must be the undercover!! 他要当卧底!! Nearby Immortal World Heavenly Dao does not know oneself received five undercovers to come out. 一旁的仙界天道可不知道自己收了五个卧底出来。 He is starting to ponder how should help these five people of fast promotion strengths. 他都在开始思考,该怎么帮助这五人快速提升实力了。 After pondering for a long time, made the general method, opened the mouth slowly. 在思考了许久后,制定了大概方法,才缓缓的开口了。 Your five people, but is willing to do obeisance my Master?” “你们五人,可愿拜我为师?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao so said. 仙界天道这般说道。 Zhang Hao already and other four people have ventilated, how they will reject, salutes in abundance, declares wants. 张寒早就和其他四人通过气,他们又怎会拒绝,纷纷行礼,口称愿意。 Is willing to turn over to want. 愿意归愿意。 But their not line of big rituals, even kneels does not bring to kneel, merely was good a small ritual. 但他们并未行大礼,甚至连跪都不带跪的,仅仅是行了一个小礼而已。 But the Immortal World Heavenly Dao obviously does not care to etiquette completely, regarding their saluting, looked that does not bring to look at one. 仙界天道明显对礼仪这块完全不在意,对于他们的行礼,看都不带看一眼的。 Is willing to be good, then, I will support you to practice full power, the treasure resources, you perform to be workable, I need you to cultivate at the maximum speed!” “愿意就好,那么接下来,我将会全力扶持你们修行,此间宝物资源,你们尽可使用,我需要你们以最快的速度进行修炼!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao big hand wields, the innumerable treasures depart, the float thinks around their five people. 仙界天道大手一挥,无数件宝物飞出,漂浮想他们五人四周。 These treasures are dense and numerous, innumerable. 那些宝物密密麻麻,数不胜数。 Let the person look dazzlingly. 让人看得眼花缭乱。 Zhang Hao and other people were to look in any case stupidly. 反正张寒等五人是看傻了。 Their this whole life has not seen so many treasures. 他们这辈子都没见过这么多宝物。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao of standing looks at their looks, is quite satisfied. 站在旁边的仙界天道看着他们的神色,也是颇为满意。 Before these treasures all are very long, when he lets the Immortal World update, takes away conveniently, originally is useless, now applies actually. 这些宝物全都是很久以前,他让仙界换代时,随手收走的,本来没什么用,现在倒是派上用场了。 Has these treasures, these five Heaven's Chosen, quick can achieve the Immortal World Sage rank. 有这些宝物,想必这五名天骄,很快就能达到仙界圣人级别了。 So long as achieves the Immortal World Sage rank, can capture the destiny for him. 只要达到仙界圣人级别,就能为他夺取气运了。 When the time comes in addition Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), six Sage, crush that Chu Yuan sufficiently. 到时候加上青天圣人,六尊圣人,足以压倒那个楚缘 When suppressed Chu Yuan completely, continued to increase the Immortal World Sage quantity again, until kicked to be eliminated Chu Yuan completely. 等完全压制楚缘了,再继续增加仙界圣人的数量,直至将楚缘完全踢出局。 The plan of Immortal World Heavenly Dao has decided. 仙界天道的计划都已经定了下来了。 Respectfully follows the command of Heavenly Dao!” “谨遵天道之令!” The Zhang Hao five people are simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform cup one hand in the other across the chest, one by one look excited incomparable. 张寒五人都是齐齐拱手,一个个神色都兴奋无比。 They are very tacit, without calling the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is Master. 他们都很默契的,没有称呼仙界天道为‘师尊’。 Why did you call me for the Heavenly Dao? Didn't you do obeisance my Master?” “你们为何称呼我为天道?你们不是都拜我为师了?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao detected this point, asked. 仙界天道还是察觉到了这一点,问了出来。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 The Zhang Hao five people of complexions changed. 张寒五人脸色都是变了变。 They are not willing to call the Immortal World Heavenly Dao are really Master. 他们着实是不愿意称呼仙界天道为师尊 stone Shuo and others of good, but does not want. 石朔等三人还好,只是不愿意而已。 Zhang Hao gluttonous ti two people are not possible to call other artificial Master. 张寒饕鬄两人是不可能称呼其他人为师尊的。 In their eyes, they only have Master, that is Chu Yuan. 在他们眼中,他们只有一个师尊,那就是楚缘 This critical moment. 这关键时刻。 Is good is quick because of the Zhang Hao reaction speed, thought of the response way all of a sudden. 好在张寒反应速度快,一下子就想到了回应方式。 „The Heavenly Dao, you have not to know, the so-called world Monarch pro- master, you are first, the master instead is fifth, called you for Master, instead put the cart before the horse.” “天道,您有所不知,所谓天地君亲师,您已经是第一位,师反而是第五位,称呼您为师尊,反而本末倒置了。” Zhang Hao said repeatedly. 张寒连声说道。 Un...... also right, you cultivation, if there is a place that cannot practice, asked me again, right, this was the air/Qi of Heavenly Dao, you may take to instill into within the body, on this day the air/Qi of say/way may derive to suit your cultivation technique automatically, helped you speed up cultivating.” “嗯……也对,那你们就修炼吧,若是有修炼不懂的地方,再来问我,对了,这是天道之气,你们可拿着灌输进体内,这天道之气可自动衍生出适合你们的功法,助你们加快修炼。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao light staying behind words, leaves behind several gas, then the form disappeared, left Land of Heaven. 仙界天道淡淡的留下一番话,又留下数道气体,而后身影消失,离开了天土 Only is left over the Zhang Hao five people to stand same place, you have a look at me, I have a look at you. 原地只剩下张寒五人站着,你看看我,我看看你。 Finally their vision framed in Zhang Hao body. 最后他们的目光都定格在了张寒身上 To listen to Zhang Hao, is wants them to make anything specifically. 想要听听张寒,具体到底是想要他们做些什么。 Zhang Hao regarding this, no longer conceals certainly, roughly said his plan. 张寒对此,当然也不再隐瞒,将他的计划大致说了出来。 But Zhang Hao is very secret, in the surface pretends that minute/share of thing to other four people, while passes message with four people are speaking...... 只不过张寒还是很隐秘的,一边表面上假装分东西给其他四人,一边传音和四人说着话…… ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之中。 At this moment, in Hidden Heaven Island, powerful aura raises in vain. 此时此刻,隐天岛之内,一股强大至极的气息徒然升起。 This aura comes unexpected, gave the suppression entrance door many recording a name disciples on the ground, can not set out, can only crawl. 这股气息来得猝不及防,将外门诸多记名弟子都给镇压在了地上,不得起身,只能匍匐。 This makes many recording a name disciples wear a look of terrified, looks to Hidden Heaven Island internal Daoless Sect. 这让诸多记名弟子都面带惶恐,纷纷看向隐天岛内部的无道宗之中。 Does not understand that exactly had anything. 不明白到底发生了什么。 Is good appears because of this aura shortly. 好在这股气息才出现没多久。 Was the Ye Luo aura also to arrive quietly, isolated this aura, making these recording a name disciples be able to relax. 属于叶落的气息也悄然降临了,将这股气息隔绝,让那些记名弟子都得以放松下来。 What did this exactly have?” “这到底是发生了什么?” That aura, very powerful big, is that the Immortal Emperor aura in legend? terrifying as this!” “那股气息,好强大啊,那是传说中的仙帝气息?恐怖如斯!” Fart, can Immortal Emperor have such strong aura? Is impossible, I have seen Immortal Emperor, can Immortal Emperor be so strong?” “放屁,仙帝能有这么强的气息?不可能,我见过仙帝,仙帝能这么强?” The recording a name disciples are discussing, has the appearance of being survivor of disaster greatly. 记名弟子们纷纷讨论着,大有劫后余生的样子。 ...... …… Another side, Skymist Mountain, in Daoless Sect. 另一边,天雾山,无道宗内。 Ye Luo arrived here. 叶落降临这里。 Meanwhile, Su Qianyuan as well as other disciples also arrived. 同时,苏乾元以及其他弟子也降临了。 Their vision gathered at a direction. 他们的目光都聚集在了一个方向。 That is the bedroom palace direction of perilla. 那是紫苏的寝殿方向。 Nine Junior Sister this are......” “九师妹这是……” Su Qianyuan looks at that side the perilla bedroom palace, looking pensive. 苏乾元看着紫苏寝殿那边,若有所思。 This aura, he was familiar. 这股气息,他再熟悉不过了。 Card sign! 证道的迹象! Perilla Junior Sister this was must prove to say. 紫苏师妹这是要证道了。 Card said! Has not thought that nine Junior Sisters are so quick.” “证道!没想到九师妹这么快。” Saying of Ye Luo congealing sound. 叶落凝声的说道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Other same side have a scare. 其他同门都是吓了一大跳。 The Su Qianyuan card said, they are surprised enough. 原本苏乾元证道,他们已经够惊讶了。 Never expected that the perilla also following card says now. 没想到现在紫苏也跟着证道了。 Such a, Daoless Sect may have three Sage, this may remove is Master. 这么一来,无道宗可就有三名圣人了,这可排除是师尊了的。 Other disciple pressure this were very big. 其他弟子压力这就大得很了。 With famous disciple to become Saint. 随着一名名弟子成圣。 Without the tenth Saint, that position was very awkward. 没成圣的,那地位就很尴尬了。 However, in many disciple hearts has the comfort. 不过,诸多弟子心中还是有安慰的。 They are not will set the base in any case, does not have two Senior Brother. 反正他们不会是垫底的,不还有二师兄在么。 Two Senior Brother, them are not most awkward. 有二师兄在,他们绝不会是最尴尬的。 This point, is their consensus. 这一点,是他们的共识。 „The third child, you told nine Junior Sister one, do not go quickly Transcending Tribulation, becoming the tribulation of Saint was very fearful, was not common, best depress the aura, when prepared sufficiently, again Transcending Tribulation.” “老三,你去告诉九师妹一声,不要这么快前去渡劫,成圣之劫十分可怕,远非寻常,最好压下气息,等准备充足了,再行渡劫。” Ye Luo says. 叶落开口说道。 He and Su Qianyuan may suffer a loss. 他和苏乾元可都是吃过亏的。 Because of Master, they had no way to cross that to become the tribulation of Saint perhaps. 要不是因为师尊,或许他们都没法渡过那个成圣之劫。 Good.” “好嘞。” Su Qianyuan nods hastily, prepares to walk toward the perilla bedroom palace that side. 苏乾元连忙点头,准备往紫苏寝殿那边走去。 He has not walked two steps. 他还没走两步。 The flowing light shoots up to the sky together, then during escapes into to be void, immediately vanishes does not see. 一道流光冲天而起,而后遁入虚空之中,随即消失不见。 Un?, The third child, you asked Master to act late, I advance one step, is nine Junior Sister berms.” “嗯?还是晚了,老三,你去请师尊出手,我先行一步,为九师妹护道。” Ye Luo understood all of a sudden. 叶落一下子就明白了。 The perilla has started to cross the tribulation of Saint. 紫苏已经开始渡成圣之劫了。 He not slightly hesitant, jumps to break in the nihility, tracks down the state of mind that the perilla leaves. 他没有丝毫犹豫,纵身冲入虚无之中,去追寻紫苏离开的神魂。 Nearby Su Qianyuan not ambiguous, leads many disciples hastily, goes toward Sect Master Main Hall...... 一旁的苏乾元也没含糊,连忙带着诸多弟子,往宗主大殿而去……
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