NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#850: Rebuilds the northern immortal state

Several days later. 数日之后。 Eastern divine land peripheral zone. 东神州边缘地带。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) evened up the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to tell five people who finally must find. 青天圣人终于找齐了仙界天道吩咐要找的五个人。 Said accurately, was simultaneous/uniform. 准确的说,是等齐了。 Under the summon of Zhang Hao. 张寒的召唤下。 His that three subordinates, quick arrived. 他那三个手下,很快就到了。 As for gluttonous ti. 至于饕鬄。 In the compulsory requirement of Zhang Hao, in addition under the summon of two Senior Brother this status , arrived here. 张寒的硬性要求,加上二师兄这层身份的召唤下,也来到了这里。 These four people come here, does not know the concrete plan, but listens to Zhang Hao to request them to give the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to work as the disciple together, blurry , is also irrecusable. 这四人来到这里,并不知道具体计划,只是听张寒要求他们一起去给仙界天道当弟子,迷迷糊糊之下,也不能拒绝。 Naturally, gluttonous ti must reject. 当然,原本饕鬄是要拒绝的。 Although gluttonous ti does not return to the birth family, but does not represent him to deny that oneself is the status of Daoless Sect disciple. 饕鬄虽然不归宗,但是不代表他否认自己是无道宗弟子的身份。 But Zhang Hao sent greetings one secretly , let gluttonous ti that moved restlessly naturally calm and steady. 张寒暗自传音了一句,自然而然的,就让原本躁动的饕鬄安稳了下来。 Since you were in attendance, we return to Land of Heaven instantly.” “既然你们都到齐了,那我们就即刻返回天土吧。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) light saying. 青天圣人淡淡的说道。 He knows that these five people will become the disciple of Immortal World Heavenly Dao in the future mostly, therefore also has the opportunity while the present, naturally must keep up appearances, installs powerful. 他知道这五个人未来多半会成为仙界天道的弟子,所以趁着现在还有机会,当然要摆谱一下,装强大。 While he prepares to display an imposing manner, makes the deep impression on these five people. 正当他准备施展一番气势,给这五个人留下一点深刻印象时。 Suddenly, above the vault of heaven, an invisible fluctuation welled up. 忽然之间,天穹之上,一股无形的波动涌了过来。 This strength is quite strong, the non- Quasi Sage level, that is unable to detect the clue. 这股力量极为强大,非准圣层次,那都无法察觉到端倪。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) was actually detects. 青天圣人却是察觉到了。 His look big change, realized, this is the strength of Heavenly Dao. 他神色大变,意识到了,这是天道的力量。 This is that Chu Yuan is displaying the strength. 这是那个楚缘在施展力量。 Does this fellow, why scan an eastern divine land for no reason? Idles bored? 这个家伙,为什么无端端扫描一遍东神州?闲得无聊? Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) does not dare to erupt the imposing manner all of a sudden, on the contrary also the aura covering, was for fear that discovered. 青天圣人一下子就不敢爆发气势了,相反还把气息给掩盖下来,生怕被发现。 Until the Chu Yuan strength sweeps, he dares to reveal some aura slightly. 直到楚缘的力量一扫而过,他才敢稍微露出些许气息。 But he does not dare to install anything again. 但他也不敢再装什么了。 Had the Zhang Hao five people to leave hastily. 连忙就带着张寒五人离开了。 ...... …… In Chu Yuan of sea of nihility, this little while is frowning slightly. 远在虚无之海的楚缘,这会儿正微微皱起眉头。 Un? Did I just feel wrong?” “嗯?我刚刚感觉错了?” „Does this eastern divine land have Sage? Is Xu Yu? The little fellow aura indeed approached Sage infinitely.” “这东神州有圣人?是徐御么?那小家伙气息的确无限逼近圣人了。” But that aura does not seem like Xu Yu, ok, it is estimated that was feels wrong.” “但那股气息不像是徐御,算了,估计是感觉错了。” Chu Yuan is disinclined to haggle over so many. 楚缘懒得计较那么多。 He idles bored, is trying the Heavenly Dao authority. 他只是闲得无聊,在试试天道权柄而已。 Really does not leave accidentally/surprisingly, in his eyes, the eastern divine land, the northern immortal state has no secret. 果然不出意外,在他眼中,东神州,北仙州都没有任何秘密可言。 However, compared with the liveliness of eastern divine land, the northern immortal state may be more miserable. 不过,比起东神州的繁华,北仙州可就凄凉许多了。 Almost it can be said that a desolateness. 几乎可以说是一片荒芜。 Since north the immortal state is him now, he definitely is responsible. 既然如今北仙州属于他,那他就肯定要负责的。 Reconstructs the northern immortal state matter to need to put on the agenda. 重建北仙州这件事有必要提上日程。 But how must reconstruct, this was a troublesome matter. 只不过要怎么重建,这就是一件麻烦事情了。 He needs one able, comes to rebuild the northern immortal state for him. 他需要一个有能力的,来为他重建北仙州。 He has the northern immortal state authority, can support, but if lets he himself on personally, but also is really some are not good. 他拥有北仙州权柄,可以给予支持,但要是让他自己亲自上,还真是有些不行。 Whom makes get up? My that more than ten disciples, which can go on stage......” “让谁上呢?我那十几个弟子,哪个可以上场……” In the Chu Yuan mind flashes through the one by one personal name. 楚缘脑海之中闪过一个个人名。 But he chose the rejection finally. 但他最后都选择拒绝了。 It is not good. 不行。 These disciples, need to cultivate. 这些弟子,都需要修炼。 Must be primarily cultivating, cannot look for these disciples. 都要以修炼为主,可不能找这些弟子。 That should look for anyone. 那该找谁。 Chu Yuan knit the brows. 楚缘皱眉了。 His some do not know that whom should ask to be good. 他有些不知道到底该找谁好。 Now finds the new person to come again, he did not feel relieved. 现在再去找新的人来,他又不放心。 Finds the beforehand these people, he cannot think, who can use. 找以前的那些人,他又想不到,有谁能用。 Li Ergang?” 李二刚?” Chu Yuan at present one bright, suddenly remembered this person. 楚缘眼前一亮,突然想起了这人。 However, the northern immortal state is somewhat big, by a person, feared that is very difficult to handle. 不过,北仙州有些大,靠一个人,怕是很难搞定。 Must look for several to be good. 得多找几个才行。 The Ao Ye Ao Yu two father and son continuously in the eastern divine land, he had swept the eastern divine land before the time notices. 敖夜敖御两父子一直在东神州,他之前扫过东神州的时候就注意到了。 These two people may also use! 这两个人也可一用! Said on three people. 这么说就三个人了。 These three person strength were bad. 这三个人战力方面是差了点。 However the issue is not big. 但是问题不大。 In the immortal state north the eastern divine land, he can use the Heavenly Dao authority, direct in addition holds three people, these three people will be completely capable of reconstructing the matter of northern immortal state to process. 在东神州北仙州内,他能用天道权柄,直接加持三人,这三人完全有能力将重建北仙州的事情处理好的。 Chu Yuan read. 楚缘一念而起。 Immediately then acted, thought the brilliant number Li Ergang that side swordsmanship river moving. 当即便行动了起来,用神光大号将在剑道长河那边的李二刚给挪了出来。 Also moved the Ao Ye Ao Yu two father and son. 又把敖夜敖御两父子也挪了过来。 He talks clearly with the person who three compel ignorant the matter, three people also understand immediately the meaning of Chu Yuan, somewhat worried oneself cannot complete. 他将事情与三个懵逼的人说清楚,三人也顿时明白了楚缘的意思,有些担忧自己做不好。 You can count on that this place will give you to add holds, may let your strengths, in the northern immortal state, compares favorably with Immortal World Sage, so possibly completes?” “你们放心吧,本座会给予你们加持,可让你们的战力,在北仙州之内,媲美仙界圣人,如此可能做好?” Chu Yuan sits cross-legged in the Heavenly Dao golden lotus, backs on a round golden light wheel, said in a soft voice. 楚缘盘坐在天道金莲之中,背靠一轮金色光轮,轻声说道。 „? Compares favorably with Immortal World Sage?” “啊?媲美仙界圣人?” Three people of hears word, simultaneous/uniform Qileng, then excited. 三人闻言,齐齐愣了一下,而后都激动了起来。 This, did this compare favorably with Immortal World Sage? 这,这就媲美仙界圣人了? This was also too exaggerating. 这也太夸张了。 Must know in them, realm is highest, is True Immortal Ao Ye. 要知道他们之中,境界最高的,也不过是真仙敖夜 These step spans to the Immortal World immortal, that far more than ascends to heaven to explain. 这一步跨越到仙界仙人,那何止是登天能言喻的。 Immortal World Sage to them, that has been similar to myth existence. 仙界圣人对他们来说,那一直都是如同神话般的存在。 Now can they become such existence unexpectedly? 现在他们居然能成为这样的存在? Good, are you willing to accept?” “不错,你们愿不愿意接受?” In the Chu Yuan eye has the happy expression, asked. 楚缘眼中带着笑意,问道。 Wants, Sect Master, I am willing to accept!” “愿意愿意,宗主,我愿意接受!” Sect Master I also want, I certainly northern immortal state proper constructed, did not disappoint your expectation.” 宗主我也愿意,我一定把北仙州给妥妥的建好了,绝不辜负您老人家的期望。” Three people strive to be the first to rush to comply, where will also reject. 三人争先抢着答应,哪里还会拒绝。 Cracks a joke, on this day the big chance, they can also reject, they were really stupid. 开玩笑,这天大的机缘,他们还能拒绝,那他们就真的蠢了。 Is willing on the line, that following, this matter gave you three, if there is a matter, but sought this.” “愿意就行,那接下来,这件事就交给你们三个了,若有事,可来寻本座。” Chu Yuan slight nod. 楚缘微微点头。 Regarding these three people, he compares to feel relieved. 对于这三个人,他还是比较放心的。 These three people did not say the ability, at least on loyal, is indisputable. 这三个人不说能力,至少忠心上,是不可置疑的。 Three people complied, naturally cannot haul, after a Chu Yuan talk, then leaves rapidly, prepares to begin to process reconstructs the matter of northern immortal state. 三人答应了下来,自然不会拖拉,在和楚缘一番谈话后,便迅速抽身,准备去着手处理重建北仙州的事情。 Chu Yuan sees three people to leave, closes the eye, sensed the Heavenly Dao authority. 楚缘见三人离开,重新闭上眼睛,感悟起了天道权柄。 Obtains the Immortal World Heavenly Dao authority. 得到仙界的天道权柄。 This makes his Heavenly Dao large size strength rise suddenly, and in position square also had the huge promotion, these require the time to adapt. 这让他的天道大号战力暴涨,且位格上也发生了巨大提升,这些都需要时间去适应。 Therefore he was unable to separate the mind to go to other two number there temporarily, must treat in the Heavenly Dao large size , helping the Heavenly Dao large size increase. 所以他暂时还不能分开心神去其他两个号那里,得一直待在天道大号,帮助天道大号提升。 ...... …… Another side, Land of Heaven. 另一边,天土 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) soon led Zhang Hao no one to return to here, and will give the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 青天圣人很快就带着张寒无人回到了这里,并且将之交给了仙界天道。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao after seeing the Zhang Hao five people, the eye is also one bright. 仙界天道在见到张寒五个人后,眼睛也是一亮。 He discovered, the Zhang Hao five people, as if compared with him think, wants the talent to be better. 他发现,张寒五个人,似乎比他想的,要天赋好一些。 This is worth training actually. 这倒是值得培养。 Trains slightly, is five like Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) general existence. 稍微培养一番,又是五尊如同青天圣人一般的存在。 Not , could exceed Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 哦不,其中一个,或许可以超越青天圣人 The vision of Immortal World Heavenly Dao first falls to Zhang Hao body, after the moment, framed in gluttonous ti body. 仙界天道的目光先是落到张寒身上,片刻后,又定格在了饕鬄身上 Is this person! 就是这个人! Has to exceed the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) potential! 有超越青天圣人的潜力! Good good.” “不错不错。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao praised again and again. 仙界天道连连夸赞。 He really thought gluttonous ti is good. 他是真的觉得饕鬄不错。 Naturally, other four people are also can...... 当然了,其他四个人也是都蛮可以的了……
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