NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#849: Undercover plan

Eastern divine land peripheral zone. 东神州边缘地带。 Is leading Zhang Hao that numerous shadow strengths are walking to be ignorant. 正领着众多暗部力量行走的张寒懵了。 He was blocked for no reason. 他无端端被拦住了。 Moreover by existence extremely blocking. 而且是被一尊绝顶的存在给拦住了。 He does not know that who the opposite party is. 他不知道对方是谁。 However he knows, the opposite party is far from he can the enemy. 但是他知道,对方远非他所能敌。 Why when Zhang Hao puzzled will be blocked, that extremely existed to appear, explained its status. 正当张寒困惑于为什么会被拦住时,那尊绝顶存在出现了,道明了其身份。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao must recruit them for the disciple , helping their to become Saint? 仙界天道要招收他们为弟子,助他们成圣? Said accurately, helps his to become Saint? 准确的说,是助他成圣? After Zhang Hao knows this point, the whole person was silly. 张寒得知这一点之后,整个人都傻了。 What status is he? 他是什么身份? Daoless Sect two disciples, two Senior Brother. 无道宗二弟子,二师兄 With the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is completely two camps exists. 仙界天道完全就是两个阵营的存在好吧。 The person of this Immortal World Heavenly Dao, said that comes move of he on behalf of the Immortal World Heavenly Dao for the disciple? 这个仙界天道的人,说代表仙界天道过来招他为弟子? What matter is this? 这算是个什么事情? Zhang Hao was blurry. 张寒迷糊了。 May I ask your excellency, can know Daoless Sect?” “敢问阁下,可知道无道宗?” Zhang Hao cautious asking. 张寒小心翼翼的问道。 Naturally knows, Daoless Sect is the Immortal World archenemy influence, this Immortal World all living things should know, you did ask this doing? You should not say, you are the Daoless Sect disciple?” “自然知道,无道宗仙界大敌势力,这点仙界众生都该知道,你问这个干什么?你该不会说,你是无道宗的弟子?” Puts on Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) of black cape to knit the brows slightly. 穿着黑色斗篷的青天圣人微微皱眉。 Standing Zhang Hao is preparing to say anything, conceals the fact. 站在旁边的张寒正准备说些什么,掩盖一下事实。 Although he wants to expose the own status, but he felt, should not the present expose. 他虽然很想暴露自己的身份,但是他觉得,不该现在暴露。 At present this person is their mortal enemies. 眼前这人是他们的死敌。 If exposed, unavoidably will suffer the violent treachery, must cover to be good 若是暴露了,难免会惨遭毒手,得掩盖一下才行 However has not waited for him to say. 不过还没等他说出口。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) continued to start talking. 青天圣人就继续开口说话了。 „This not possible matter, Daoless Sect some information, I know, Daoless Sect has disciple 14, each by me, does not have you definitely.” “这不可能的事情,无道宗的一些信息,我还是知道的,无道宗有弟子十四名,每一个都被我记着,决计没有你。” Only listens to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) so to say. 只听青天圣人这般说道。 Zhang Hao: „?” 张寒:“?” 14? 十四名? Isn't 16? 不是十六名? How he was kicked sect to drop. 他是被踢出宗门了还是怎么滴。 Said, his fame is small, don't others bring to record? 还是说,他的名气小到,人家都不带记的? The heart that Zhang Hao this little while wants to cry had. 张寒这会儿想哭的心都有了。 However, he comforted himself forcefully. 不过,他还是强行安慰了自己。 Certainly was Master intentionally concealed his information, he was being in power person of Daoless Sect shadow strength, sometimes treated harshly in the gloomy place, cannot expose. 一定是师尊刻意隐瞒了他的信息,他可是无道宗暗部力量的掌权人,时刻待在阴暗之处,不能暴露出来。 Therefore Master concealed his information, causing this person not to hear his name. 所以师尊隐瞒了他的信息,导致这个人也没听说过他的名字。 Possibly is not anything, his fame too small matter. 决计不可能是什么,他名气太小的事情的。 Master treats him, seriously is the concern! 师尊待他,当真是关爱至极! It is not good, Master so to him, he must reject this talent line, what thing, recruits him unexpectedly. 不行,师尊如此对他,他必须拒绝了这个人才行,什么玩意,居然招募他。 However cannot say visibly. 不过不能明着说。 After all the opposite party is powerful, he is not an opponent. 毕竟对方实力强大,他不是对手。 Zhang Hao prepares to pull a reason casually, rejected the opposite party. 张寒准备随便扯个理由,拒绝了对方。 But suddenly, a his heart thought raised. 可忽然之间,他内心一个念头升起了。 „It is not right, behind this person is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao and Master, but mortal enemy!” “不对啊,这个人背后是仙界天道,仙界天道与师尊可是死敌!” This Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants to receive me for the disciple unexpectedly, not, if thwarts, when this disciple of Immortal World Heavenly Dao, becomes an undercover.” “这仙界天道居然想要收我为弟子,不若将计就计,当这仙界天道的弟子,成为一个卧底。” Zhang Hao at present one bright, the innermost feelings had the plan. 张寒眼前一亮,内心有了计划。 He looks immediately to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), complied. 他当即就看向青天圣人,答应了下来。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) hears Zhang Hao to want, is very joyful. 青天圣人听到张寒愿意,也是十分愉悦的。 After all first agreed that following definitely will also be simpler. 毕竟第一个就这么同意了,后面的也肯定会更简单的。 This grand opening comes well. 这个开门红来得好。 Zhang Hao, since you complied, that then tidies up, then along with me returns to Land of Heaven, before return, I must look for four talent lines again.” 张寒,既然你答应了,那便收拾一番,然后随我返回天土吧,不过在返回之前,我还得再找四个人才行。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) so said. 青天圣人这般说道。 Also finds four people?” “还找四个人?” Zhang Hao selects the eyebrow slightly, spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. Valley 张寒微微挑眉,随口问了一句。谷 Un, right, you were Heaven's Chosen, should know that these personal names you have listened? ancient early morning, desolate peak, stone Shuo, gluttonous ti.” “嗯,对了,你们都是天骄,彼此之间应该都认识的,这几个人名你有没有听过?古晨,萧峰,石朔,饕鬄。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) talked over four names. 青天圣人念叨了四个名字。 When Zhang Hao hears these names, the whole person was in-situ stiff. 张寒听到这些名字时,整个人都僵在了原地。 Wait. 等等。 Hasn't he misunderstood? 他没听错? These four names, really especially familiar. 这四个名字,真的是格外的熟悉。 I, I have also really listened probably, and understanding, “我,我好像还真听过,而且还认识, Does not know that you possibly do show me these four people of concrete appearances? ” 不知你可能将这四人的具体面貌给我看看?” Zhang Hao some cannot determine, therefore proposed wants to look at the appearance, determined by this. 张寒有些不敢确定,所以提出了想要看面貌,以此来确定。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) had certainly no opinion. 青天圣人当然没有什么意见了。 If this Zhang Hao really knew that other four people, that space simply falls the pie rank the celebration. 这个张寒要是真的认识其他四个人,那简直的天上掉馅饼级别的喜事。 He completes the task is really simple, was relaxed. 那他完成任务就真的是简简单单,轻轻松松了。 Thereupon, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) hastily other four people of portrait transmissions. 于是乎,青天圣人连忙将其他四人的画像传递而出。 Zhang Hao took advantage of opportunity to receive these portraits. 张寒顺势接过这些画像。 His static looks at all portraits. 他静静的看完所有画像。 After he looks, the whole person was peaceful. 当他看完后,整个人都安静了下来。 This...... 这…… Also. 还真是。 These four people he know. 这四个人他都认识的。 Gluttonous ti, is not his ten five Junior Brother. 饕鬄,不就是他的十五师弟么。 Daoless Sect same side, nature understanding. 无道宗同门,自然认识。 Remaining three, ancient Chen, desolate peak, stone Shuo, this he was riper. 剩下三个,古晨,萧峰,石朔,这他就更熟了。 Because of these three people, is under him three commands. 因为这三人,是他麾下的三个统领。 This what Immortal World Heavenly Dao, must recruit five people the disciple, are five people all the Daoless Sect people?? 这个什么仙界天道,要招收五个人做弟子,然后五个人全都算是无道宗的人?? This Immortal World Heavenly Dao several vegetables/dishes. 仙界天道几个菜啊。 Zhang Hao is somewhat speechless, but he may have no opinion, other four people all are the understanding, that was better. 张寒有些无语,但他可没有什么意见,其他四个人全是认识的,那就更好了。 The undercovers plan to be able more convenient conducted. 卧底计划就能更加方便的进行了。 What kind of, did you know.” “怎么样,你认不认识。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) inquired. 青天圣人询问了出来。 Understanding, these four people I knew, moreover is very ripe, three are my subordinate, one is my fellow daoist, is knows.” “认识,这四个人我都认识,而且很熟,其中三个是我手下,还有一个是我一名道友,全都是认识的。” Zhang Hao replied repeatedly, does not dare to delay. 张寒连声回答,也不敢拖延。 Good! Good! Good! Too was really good, you knew that these four people, that then sends, goes to shout, when person all assembled, we return to Land of Heaven immediately.” “好!好!好!真是太好了,你认识这四个人,那便派人,去将之全都喊过来吧,等人聚齐了,我们就立刻返回天土。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is delighted. 青天圣人喜出望外。 Unexpectedly has this good deed. 居然有这种好事。 Buys delivers four. 买一送四。 He thinks, oneself must enter the eastern divine land, cautious conducted to seek. 他都以为,自己要进入东神州,小心翼翼的进行寻找了。 But who knows, his day reckless Kaiju, found Zhang Hao all of a sudden. 可谁知道,他天胡开局,一下子找到张寒 Even if this, has not thought after finding Zhang Hao, but also other four people still found. 这也就算了,没想到找到一个张寒之后,还连带其他四人也找到了。 This simply should not be good. 这简直不要太棒了。 This may represent, he did not use the eastern divine land. 这可就代表着,他不用东神州了。 If not necessary, he has really not wanted to approach the eastern divine land. 如果不是必要,他还真不想靠近东神州。 Once because enters the center, the detected risk also becomes enormous. 因为一旦进入腹地,被察觉的风险也变得极大。 In brief, now this aspect is best. 总之,现在这种局面是最好的。 Summoned other four people by a Zhang Hao person, then all the belts went back to give the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, he completed the task even. 张寒一个人召唤其他四人,然后全都带回去给仙界天道,他就算完成任务了。 Yes.” “是。” Zhang Hao has not naturally rejected, the delighted letting person goes to find four people. 张寒自然也没拒绝,喜出望外的让人去将四人找来。 He thinks that naturally is his undercover important matter. 他所想的,自然是他的‘卧底大计’呗。 At this moment, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) and Zhang Hao in delighted, mood that called a joyfulness. 这一刻,青天圣人张寒都在喜出望外,心情那叫一个愉悦。 Who is really delighted, that said that does not permit. 谁是真的喜出望外,那就说不准了。 both sides waiting for several days later, finally waited to gather three commanded. 双方在等待了数天后,终于等来了聚集在一起的三名统领。 Respectively is ancient Chen, desolate peak, stone Shuo. 分别是古晨,萧峰,石朔。 Under the meaning of Zhang Hao, these three people naturally also agreed. 张寒的意思下,这三人自然也都是同意了。 Remaining gluttonous ti, it is estimated that soon must catch up. 剩下一个饕鬄,估计用不了多久就要赶过来了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) and Zhang Hao do not worry, all stands in same place, slowly pondered...... 青天圣人张寒也不着急,皆是站在原地,慢慢的思考了起来……
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