NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#848: Looks for Heaven's Chosen

Eastern divine land, in the sea of nihility. 东神州,虚无之海之中。 At this moment, Chu Yuan is meeting with Xu Yu, is having the talk with the latter. 此时此刻,楚缘正在与徐御见面,和后者进行着谈话。 Chu Yuan did not understand very much, why Xu Yu can with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to. 楚缘很不理解,徐御为什么会和青天圣人对上。 Daoless Sect that group of disciples reminded, he feared that could not pay attention to Xu Yu to do the frame with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 要不是无道宗那帮弟子提醒,他怕是都根本注意不到徐御在和青天圣人干架。 If he has not paid attention, that Xu Yu may on the danger, perhaps striking to kill by Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他要是没注意,那徐御可就危险了,说不定都会被青天圣人给击杀了。 Ancestor, Sect Master, I and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) has a grudge, does not cut him, my heart difficult secure.” “宗,宗主,我与青天圣人有仇,不斩他,我心难安。” Xu Yu lowers the head, whispers was saying. 徐御低着头,嘀咕着说道。 Has a grudge? Has a grudge you unable like this, you cultivation well, doesn't revenge again good? Perhaps this time I, you must to fall from the sky.” “有仇?有仇你也不能这样呀,你好好修炼,再去报仇不行?这次要不是我在,你恐怕得要陨落。” Chu Yuan extremely speechless saying. 楚缘极度无语的说道。 In his opinion, this baby that is stupid. 在他看来,这娃子那就是蠢。 Is stupider much that type. 蠢得无可救药那种。 Had a grudge to turn over to have a grudge, cultivates not to revenge again good? 有仇归有仇,修炼好了再去报仇不行么? Sect Master, I, I don't know either, I treat in the swordsmanship river, always not being able to calm the mind feelings, therefore comes out.” 宗主,我,我也不知道,我待在剑道长河里面,总有一种静不下心的感觉,所以才出来的。” Xu Yu does not dare to raise the head, is saying in a low voice. 徐御还是不敢抬头,低声的说着。 Your this...... considers as finished.” “你这……算了算了。” Chu Yuan helpless beckoning with the hand, he does not know that should say what was good. 楚缘无奈的摆手,他也不知道该说什么好了。 You following, plans the swordsmanship river, keeps Immortal World?” “那你接下来,打算回剑道长河,还是留在仙界?” Only listens to him then to say. 只听他接着说道。 Sect Master, I want to keep Immortal World.” 宗主,我想要留在仙界。” Xu Yu weak saying. 徐御弱弱的说道。 He does not want to go back the swordsmanship river. 他不想回去剑道长河。 Why does not know, he treats in the swordsmanship river, easily will be very disturbed. 不知道为什么,他待在剑道长河之中,很容易就会心绪不宁。 However came out Immortal World to be different. 但是一出来仙界就不一样了。 In Immortal World, how he not to as if have the disturbed situation, instead the thoughts are calm. 待在仙界之中,他似乎怎么样都不会出现心绪不宁的情况,反而心思沉稳。 This without doubt is more convenient he to cultivate. 这样无疑更方便他修炼。 Ok, you treat in Immortal World, but you can only in the eastern divine land and northern immortal state, in these two Great Province, if you encounter the danger, may shout this name, this place will shelter you.” “行,那你就待在仙界之中,但你只能在东神州和北仙州内,在这两座大州,如果你遇到危险,可呼喊本座之名,本座自会庇护你。” Chu Yuan reminded one. 楚缘提醒了一句。 In these two states, his strength can arrive instantaneously. 在这两州内,他的力量可以瞬间降临。 Can shelter any all. 可以庇护任何一切。 The Xu Yu obedient nod, where also dares to say anything hastily again. 徐御连忙乖乖的点头,哪里还敢再多说什么。 Chu Yuan confessed slightly, then made Xu Yu leave. 楚缘又稍微交代了一番,便让徐御离开了。 Before Xu Yu turns around to leave. 徐御转身离开之前。 The Chu Yuan sound passed on again. 楚缘的声音又再度传了过来。 If meets Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) in the eastern divine land or the northern immortal state, may summon the name of this place directly, this place from, when solves him for you.” “若是在东神州或者北仙州遇到青天圣人,可直接呼唤本座的名字,本座自当为你解决掉他。” Chu Yuan spoke these words, the form flashes, has vanished does not see. 楚缘说完这句话,身影一闪,已然消失不见。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 The Xu Yu whole body that is about to leave trembles, then turns around silently, to direction that Chu Yuan leaves, good a big ritual, immediately leaves. 正准备离开的徐御浑身一颤,而后默默转身,面向楚缘离开的方向,行了一个大礼,随即离开。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Eastern divine land peripheral zone. 东神州边缘地带。 The stealthy form slid together. 一道鬼鬼祟祟的身影溜了进来。 This person wears the black cape, the whole body aura is reserved, seemed for fear that discovered by others. 这人身穿黑色斗篷,浑身气息内敛,似乎生怕被别人发现。 This person is ordered to come the eastern divine land to seek for Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) of Heaven's Chosen. 此人正是奉命前来东神州寻找天骄的青天圣人 After Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) enters the eastern divine land, cautious, he knows, this place belongs to Chu Yuan now. 青天圣人进入东神州后,就小心翼翼了起来,他可是知道,这块地方现在属于楚缘的了。 If were discovered by Chu Yuan in the eastern divine land. 如果在东神州内部被楚缘发现。 He may really not have the means of livelihood. 他可真的是没有活路了。 In the eastern divine land, has Chu Yuan of absolute authority, even if were the Immortal World Heavenly Dao came, that could not save him. 在东神州内部,拥有绝对权柄的楚缘,哪怕是仙界天道来了,那都救不了他。 Really is, must come to the eastern divine land to look for Heaven's Chosen, doesn't this create obstacles for me?” “真的是,非要来东神州找天骄,这不是刁难我吗?” Must result in the careful point, cannot discovering, must be careful that Xu Yu, that Chu Yuan estimate does not have the time to stare at the entire eastern divine land, so long as not by Xu Yu to discovery, then on line.” “必须得小心一点才可以,不能让人给发现了,还是得小心那个徐御,那楚缘估计没功夫盯着整个东神州,只要不被徐御给发现,那就行了。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is whispering, the form moves, changes to a shadow, is hiding the vanguard, the movement is very careful, for fear that exposed the Sage aura, but was discovered. 青天圣人嘀咕着,身影一动,化作一道阴影,潜藏着前行,动作十分小心,生怕展露出了圣人的气息,而被发现。 He in vanguard, while also in twittering some words. Valley 他一边在前行,一边还在呢喃着一些话。谷 Five Heaven's Chosen, the Heavenly Dao confession, this matter must result to process, at least must find 1-2 to be good, otherwise is not easy to process.” “五个天骄,天道交代的,这事必须得处理好了,至少也得找到1-2才行,不然不好处理。” What did that five Heaven's Chosen call to come? stone Su? Zhang Hao? ancient early morning? desolate peak? Gluttonous ti? Should be these five people. “那五个天骄都叫什么来着?石塑?张寒?古晨?萧峰?饕鬄?应该就是这五个人了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) was pondering the Immortal World Heavenly Dao gives his information. 青天圣人在思考着仙界天道给他的信息。 However thought the period of time, he was blurry. 不过想了一阵子,他就迷糊了。 It is not right. 不对啊。 This eastern divine land is so big, how should he look? 这东神州这么大,他该怎么找? He does not dare to release the Saint knowledge. 他又不敢释放圣识。 Depends on the naked eye to look, when can that find? 靠着肉眼找,那得找到什么时候? While Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) felt for this reason when has a headache. 正当青天圣人为此感到头疼时。 He detected anything suddenly. 他忽然察觉到了什么。 Caught the eye to look toward the front. 抬眼往着前方看了过去。 Sees only in his line of sight, one line is ordinary with him, stealthy person, in vanguard. 只见在他视线之中,一行与他一般,鬼鬼祟祟的人,也在前行。 Un? This group of people are actually interesting, and I am equally stealthy, has what shameful goal?” “嗯?这帮人倒是有趣,和我一样鬼鬼祟祟,难道也是有什么见不得人的目的?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) gawked, somewhat curious. 青天圣人愣了一下,有些好奇了起来。 He acted slightly, separates to empty that group of people to imprison, wanted to have a look at this group of people to do. 他稍微出手,隔空将那帮人禁锢了起来,想要看看这帮人到底是干嘛的。 By his strength. 以他的战力。 Even if disclosed slightly, can easily gave the imprisonment this group of people. 哪怕是稍微透露一点,也可以轻易的将这帮人给禁锢了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) just wants to approach. 青天圣人刚想靠近。 Suddenly, in imprisoned that group of people, was that person of head erupts. 突然之间,被禁锢的那帮人之中,为首的那人爆发了。 During merely one breath, over ten thousand formation stood loudly, fierce strength unexpectedly forcefully the imprisonment of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) breaking. 仅仅一个呼吸之间,上万座阵法轰然立了起来,剧烈的力量竟然硬生生的将青天圣人的禁锢给打破了。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) ignorant. 青天圣人懵了一下。 He imprisons conveniently, because must go into hiding the aura, therefore does not dare to display the too big strength. 他随手的禁锢,因为要隐匿气息,所以不敢发挥太大的力量。 But that also has the strength of Immortal Emperor level. 但那也有仙帝层次的力量啊。 Unexpectedly by a person breaking? 居然被一个人给打破了? Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) turns over to ignorant ignorant, in the hand the movement is not slow, he acts slightly, by the most covert movement, increased the imprisoned strength. 青天圣人懵归懵,手上动作还是不慢的,他稍微出手,以最为隐蔽的动作,加大了禁锢力量。 Will imprison the strength the level to adjust half Saint rank. 将禁锢力量的层次调整到了半圣级别。 These had no way to be broken time. 这一次就没法被打破了。 How whatever the opposite party catches up, is unable to work loose to open. 任由对方如何发力,都无法挣脱而开。 Snort, I must have a look actually, who is, unexpectedly can the arrange/cloth have so many formation all of a sudden.” “哼,我倒是要看看,到底是什么人,居然能一下子布出这么多阵法。” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) preparation looked at the past toward that pedestrian body. 青天圣人准备往那行人身上看过去。 This looked, he somewhat gawked. 这一看,他就有些愣了。 Is this person, somewhat how familiar? 这人,怎么有些熟悉? What Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) looks breaks formation that person. 青天圣人看的是打破阵法的那人。 Also only then this person, can make him pleasant. 也只有这人,能让他入眼。 But this looked, he was somewhat shocked. 只不过这一看,他就有些愣住了。 This is the person of head, is not one of people the Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants him to look. 这为首的这个人,不就是仙界天道要他找的人之一么。 That named Zhang Hao? 那个叫张寒的? Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) recognized the opposite party. 青天圣人认出了对方。 Lying trough, was my luck so when good? Just entered the eastern divine land, met of a person duties?” “卧槽,我运气什么时候这么好了?刚刚进东神州,就遇到了一个任务之一的人?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is delighted. 青天圣人喜出望外。 The feeling so comes happily suddenly. 感觉幸福来得如此突然。 Can unable to find quickly. 这么快就能找得到。 Then according to this speed, he feared that was quick can complete all tasks. 那按照这个速度,他怕是很快就能完成所有任务了。 That may really be good. 那可真是太棒了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) wants to fly down immediately, the preparation and this Zhang Hao communicate well, under the income, will then take away Land of Heaven, gives the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 青天圣人当即就想要向下飞去,准备和这个张寒好好沟通一番,将之收入麾下,然后带去天土,交给仙界天道。 Read hence. 一念至此。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) form moved, before arriving at the Zhang Hao body . 青天圣人身影一动,来到了张寒身前。 Zhang Hao and the others regarding Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that presents suddenly, naturally alerts very much, does not understand that who this person is. 张寒等人对于忽然出现的青天圣人,自然很是戒备,不明白这人到底是谁。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) has not said anything, directly said the matter, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao must receive them...... 青天圣人也没多说什么,径直的将事情说出来,仙界天道要收他们……
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