NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#847: Should train Sage

Northern immortal state edge. 北仙州边缘。 Above the battlefield, the situation changes. 战场之上,形势大变。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) just like discouraged, the imposing manner was weaken crazily, as if had a invisible broadsword, ruthlessly his severe wound. 青天圣人犹如泄气了般,气势疯狂减弱,仿佛有一柄无形的大刀,狠狠的将他重伤了般。 Reviews Xu Yu, must be blessed by God, the whole body golden light is radiant, the imposing manner rises sharply, probably the incarnation becomes a deity, irresistible. 反观徐御,如有神助般,周身金光璀璨,气势大涨,像是化身成为了一尊天神,势不可挡。 Two people on the change to field, felt without doubt very bothersome inconceivable, all stares the big eyes, perplexed. 两人无疑都对场上的变化,感到非常烦不可思议,皆是瞪大双眼,不明所以。 This, this is how possible!” “这,这怎么可能!” Why does the Heavenly Dao help you?” “天道为何助你?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) felt thick inconceivable, as well as thick grievance. 青天圣人感到了浓浓的不可思议,以及浓浓的委屈。 He is the Heavenly Dao spokesman. 他才是天道代言人啊。 Why the Heavenly Dao abolished held to his in addition, but also helped Xu Yu? 为什么天道撤销了对他的加持,还帮助了徐御 This is unreasonable. 这没道理啊。 Why does the Heavenly Dao help me? This is unreasonable.” “天道为何助我?这没道理啊。” Xu Yu is also very puzzled. 徐御也很是不解。 He and is Immortal World Heavenly Dao, the people of two camps? 他和仙界天道,属于两个阵营的人吧? As far as he knows, he is the Daoless Sect camp, with Immortal World Heavenly Dao natural opposition. 据他所知,他是无道宗阵营的,和仙界天道天然的对立。 On this day have no reason to help him. 这天道没理由帮助他呀。 Bullies my attendant? Xu Yu, puts to death him, regardless of there is any price, this place is keeping off for you.” “欺吾随侍?徐御,诛杀他,无论有任何代价,本座替你挡着。” At this moment, had the light anger sound to pass on together. 就在这时,一道带着淡淡怒意的声音传了过来。 Resounding of this sound, is coercing greatest heavenly prestige. 这道声音的响起,裹挟着莫大天威。 Causes two will of the people oratorios to tremble. 引得两人心神剧颤。 The next quarter, Xu Yu and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) also understand how was a matter. 下一刻,徐御青天圣人也明白了到底是怎么一回事了。 Is Sect Master!’ ‘是宗主!’ Is the person who that grasps two state lawful rights!’ ‘是那掌握两州权柄的人!’ In two people of hearts has the answer to reappear. 两人心中都有答案浮现。 Escapes!” “逃!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that gets back one's composure, nothing hesitant, he turns around to flee. 回神的青天圣人,没有任何犹豫,他转身就要逃离。 Where escapes!” “哪里逃!” Xu Yu also responded rapidly, with the aid of the potential of Heavenly Dao, chased down Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 徐御也迅速反应过来,借助天道之势,追杀青天圣人 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) facing the potential of this pursuit, has no alternative, can only turn around to meet the approaching enemy. 青天圣人面对这追击之势,无可奈何,只能转身迎击。 Obtains Xu Yu that the Heavenly Dao in addition holds, the strength is far from Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) can compare. 得到天道加持的徐御,战力远非青天圣人能比。 In merely several moves, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) was then wounded by Xu Yu. 仅仅数招之内,青天圣人便被徐御击伤。 While Xu Yu wants to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, when Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) puts to death, a heavenly prestige from another direction loudly kills to come, to prevent former's movement. 正当徐御想要乘胜追击,将青天圣人诛杀时,一股天威从另外一个方向轰然袭杀而来,阻止了前者的动作。 Xu Yu in front of this heavenly prestige, seems incomparably small and weak, such as a lone boat in vast ocean, will be submerged momentarily. 徐御在这股天威面前,显得无比弱小,如汪洋大海之中的一叶孤舟,随时会被淹没。 When Xu Yu is this share dividend feeling of quantity to shock. 正当徐御为这股力量感到震撼时。 Another heavenly prestige attacked, this heavenly prestige that spreads to Xu Yu body keeping off. 另一股天威又袭击了过来,将这股蔓延到徐御身上的天威给挡了下来。 „The Immortal World Heavenly Dao, here is north me the immortal state, place that I wield, what right do you have in this?” 仙界天道,这里是我北仙州,我执掌的地方,你有什么权利在此?” The Chu Yuan sound conveys from the vault of heaven, enormous and powerful, just like the sound of Spiritual God. 楚缘的声音自天穹传来,浩浩荡荡,犹如神灵之音。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is, has been separated from the northern immortal state, I from may rescue.” 青天圣人所在,已脱离了北仙州,我自可相救。” The sound of Immortal World Heavenly Dao also followed to pass on. 仙界天道的声音也跟着传了过来。 Takes the Heavenly Dao strength as sustenance Chu Yuan, hears this words, silent, he carefully observed the past. 以天道力量为寄托的楚缘,听到此话,沉默了一下,他仔细的观察过去。 Indeed. 的确。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) had left the northern immortal state. 青天圣人已经离开了北仙州。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) then fought in the northern immortal state peripheral zone. 原本青天圣人便是在北仙州边缘地带打斗的。 A fierce combat, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) had just left the range of northern immortal state, entered the heading west state. 刚刚一番激战,青天圣人已经离开了北仙州的范围,进入了西行州。 In the northern immortal state, he can also begin. 在北仙州,他还能动手。 In the heading west state, he really did not have the means. 在西行州,他还真没有办法。 Xu Yu, draws back, this person has entered the heading west state, you lost put to death his opportunity.” 徐御,退下吧,这人已经进入西行州,你失去诛杀他的机会了。” Understands Chu Yuan of this matter promptly passes message to Xu Yu. 明白这件事的楚缘当机立断的给徐御传音。 Xu Yu naturally complies with the order of Chu Yuan, his deep looked at Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), turns around to leave. 徐御自然遵从楚缘的命令,他深深的看了一眼青天圣人,转身离开。 Is out of the dangerous Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to relax, does not dare to stay for a long time, the form changes to the flowing light, vanished in the horizon fast. Valley 脱离危险的青天圣人松了一口气,也不敢久留,身影化作流光,快速消失在了天际。谷 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao body golden light flicks, seems furious. 仙界天道身上的金光一闪一闪的,仿佛在震怒。 His vision stares is staring at that side the northern immortal state. 他的目光直勾勾的盯着北仙州那边。 Two state lawful rights lose, this to him, absolutely is a huge loss. 两州权柄丢失,这对于他来说,绝对是一种巨大的亏损。 Moreover, is a huge limit. 而且,更是一种巨大的限制。 On for example present this. 就比如现在这一幕。 He must rescue Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), unexpectedly can only after Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) leaves the northern immortal state, can rescue. 他要救青天圣人,居然只能在青天圣人离开北仙州后,才能救援。 If takes into the northern immortal state the strength rashly, 若是贸然将力量带进北仙州, That Chu Yuan will definitely be blocking him. 楚缘肯定会拦着他的。 But Chu Yuan has the absolute authority in the northern immortal state, he definitely is not an opponent. 楚缘在北仙州拥有绝对权柄,他肯定不是对手。 This feeling, making the Immortal World Heavenly Dao very uncomfortable. 这种感觉,让仙界天道很是不爽。 Waste, was trained so many years Sage by me, unexpectedly by the inexorable fate that has not grown defeating.” “废物,一个被我培养了这么多年的圣人,居然被一个还未成长起来的劫数给击败。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao chose to divulge Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body the anger finally. 仙界天道最后选择了将怒火全都宣泄到了青天圣人身上 He cannot think through, why Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) can such vegetable/dish. 他想不通,青天圣人为什么会这么菜。 This is the spokesman who he designates. 这可是他选定的代言人。 But after one is calm, he did not have to divulge Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) body the anger again. 只不过在一番冷静后,他就没有再将怒火宣泄到青天圣人身上了。 But ponders the Xu Yu matter. 而是思考起了徐御的事情。 This inexorable fate , was too rather exaggerating, now has not grown, is so, if will grow in the future, that can also?” “这个劫数,未免也太夸张了,如今还未成长起来,便已是如此,若是未来成长起来,那还得了?” Feeling, is not the issue of inexorable fate, but is that Chu Yuan issue, that Chu Yuan believer as if, but also taught Sage to come out.” “感觉,不是劫数的问题,而是那个楚缘的问题,那个楚缘教徒似乎很有一手,还教出了个圣人出来。” This inexorable fate is stands that side Chu Yuan, I must result to train new Sage as soon as possible, otherwise the struggle of destiny, leans toward Chu Yuan very much easily.” “这个劫数到底是站楚缘那边的,我必须得尽快培养起一尊新的圣人,否则气运之争,很容易向楚缘那边倾斜。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is so pondering. 仙界天道这般思考着。 He has started to ponder how should train new Sage. 他已经开始思考,该如何培养新的一尊圣人了。 In the present Immortal World Heaven's Chosen sequence, has not actually basically made him be have a liking for the eye. 在如今仙界的天骄序列之中,其实基本上没有让他看得上眼的。 In his opinion, just like the ants, does not have any training value. 在他看来,都犹如蝼蚁般,没有任何培养价值。 However, he did not have other goals to train. 不过,他也没有其他目标可以培养了。 Only can choose a Heaven's Chosen first to train. 只能选择一个天骄先进行培养着了。 Strength is unimportant, more importantly, must use the position of Sage, competes for the destiny. 实力这一块不重要,重要的是,要用圣人之位,争夺气运。 Thinks through this point. 想通这一点。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao opens the mouth immediately, in Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that beside Land of Heaven apologized shouting, told some opposite party things. 仙界天道当即开口,把在天土之外请罪的青天圣人给喊了进来,吩咐了对方一些事情。 Why the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) nature surprised has not punished him in the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, therefore regarding the Immortal World words, he does not dare to refute. 青天圣人自然惊讶于仙界天道为什么没有惩罚他了,所以对于仙界的话,他根本就不敢反驳。 Venerable, found these Heaven's Chosen, then the belt/bring comes back, on line?” 尊上,找到这些天骄,然后带回来,就行了?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) cautious asking. 青天圣人小心翼翼的问道。 His some are not clear, why the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will make him handle such simple matter. 他有些不明白,为什么仙界天道会让他去做这么简单的事情。 How many people finds, isn't that also the matter that a thought can solve? 只是找几个人,那还不是一个念头就能解决的事情? Good, the belt/bring came back Land of Heaven then, naturally, here five people, you only needed to look for one, even completed the task.” “不错,带回来天土即可,当然了,这里五个人,你只需要找回来一个,就算是完成任务了。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao nods, said. 仙界天道点头,说道。 Found one to complete the task even? Such simple?” “找到一个就算完成任务了?这么简单?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) gawked, he really cannot believe, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will give him to promulgate such simple duty. 青天圣人愣了一下,他实在是不敢相信,仙界天道会给他颁布这么简单的任务。 Yes, is such simple.” “是的,就是这么简单。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao said. 仙界天道如此说道。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) one hear, that was certainly striking one's chest the guarantee certainly to complete the task. 青天圣人一听,那当然是拍着胸脯保证一定完成任务了。 But before Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) will soon leave, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao supplemented one silently. 只不过就在青天圣人即将离开之前,仙界天道默默补充了一句。 Five people who I must find all in eastern divine land, you go to time remembers carefully.” “我要找的五个人全在东神州,你去的时候记得小心点。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao added. 仙界天道补充道。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky): „???” 青天圣人:“???” In eastern divine land? 都在东神州? That Chu Yuan domain? Does he go to others domain to dig Heaven's Chosen?? 那个楚缘的地盘?他去人家地盘挖天骄?? What does this and court death to distinguish???: 这和找死有啥区别???:
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