NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#846 Part 1: Was truncated?

In Sect Master Main Hall square. 宗主大殿广场上。 A Ye Luo inquiry, found that Daoless Sect many same side do not know where Xu Yu went, this made him feel puzzled. 叶落一番询问,发现无道宗诸多同门都不知道徐御去了哪里,这就让他感到困惑了。 You see slow Wazi for the last time, where sees?” “你们最后一次见徐娃子,是在哪里见的?” Ye Luo knits the brows the inquiry to say. 叶落皱眉询问道。 Daoless Sect many same side each other looked at each other one, shakes the head , indicating that they are not clear. 无道宗诸多同门彼此对视了一眼,都摇了摇头,表示他们不清楚。 Finally Doctor magnificence walks, said that investigates, then to the Ye Luo result. 最后还是华神医走出来,说去调查一番,然后给叶落结果。 Ye Luo naturally nodded to comply joyfully. 叶落自然是欣然点头答应了下来。 Leaves after magnificence highly skilled doctor. 在华神医离开后。 Su Qianyuan mew mew stood quietly, looks at the back of Doctor magnificence. 苏乾元悄咪咪的站了出来,看着华神医的背影。 Big Apprentice Brother, do you have the discovery?” 大师兄,你有没有发现?” The Su Qianyuan double bracelet chest, says. 苏乾元双臂环胸,开口说道。 What discovers?” “发现什么?” Ye Luo gawked, looks to this third child, asked. 叶落愣了一下,看向这个老三,问道。 This sixth child, with two Senior Brother, looked like more and more, regardless of works anything, looks like very much.” “这个老六,和二师兄,是越来越像了,无论做事还是什么的,都很像。” Su Qianyuan cracks into a smile, said. 苏乾元咧嘴一笑,说道。 Un? Has such a point image, what's wrong?” “嗯?是有那么一点像,咋了?” A Ye Luo such recollection, indeed was feels. 叶落这么一回忆,的的确确是感受到了。 magnificence highly skilled doctor as if indeed plants Zhang Hao feeling. 华神医似乎的确有种‘张寒化’的感觉。 However that is also matches the version high. 但是那也是算是高配版的了。 Second child that goods, may not have Doctor magnificence such strong strength. 老二那货,可没华神医这么强的战力。 It‘s nothing, no.” “没什么,没什么。” Su Qianyuan shakes the head again and again, anything had not said. 苏乾元连连摇头,什么也没多说。 Ye Luo shows the whites of the eyes, has not paid attention. 叶落翻了个白眼,没有理会。 Their group stands in that waits for Doctor magnificence to come back. 他们一行人都站在那,等候华神医回来。 Probably after a while. 大概在过了一会儿后。 magnificence highly skilled doctor came back, and brought the news, Xu Yu last time appears in Hidden Heaven Island, its meaning is to look for Ye Luo. 华神医就回来了,并且带来了消息,徐御最后一次在隐天岛出现,其意是要去找叶落的。 Ye Luo knew this news, gawked. 叶落得知了这个消息,不由愣了一下。 He understood all of a sudden. 他一下子就明白了。 This Xu Yu, feared that was looks for Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to go troublesome. 这个徐御,怕是去找青天圣人麻烦去了吧。 This...... 这…… Really is a stubborn child. 真是个犟小孩。 Ye Luo knits the brows, he was disinclined to say anything, said the general situations and many same side. 叶落皱眉,他懒得多说什么,将大概情况和诸多同门说了一遍。 Many same side hears word, gawked, immediately opens the mouth in abundance. 诸多同门闻言,也都是愣了一下,随即纷纷开口。 Big Apprentice Brother, this young baby, feared that really looked for Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) troublesome.” 大师兄,这小娃子,怕真是找青天圣人麻烦去了。” „Can we go the direct transmission to Immortal World? How slow baby said that is also our Daoless Sect person, must be saved he.” “我们能不能直接传送到仙界去?徐娃子怎么说,也是我们无道宗的人,必须得救他。” „Did Big Apprentice Brother, how say?” 大师兄,怎么说?” Many same side all are the opens the mouth. 诸多同门皆是开口。 Their meanings are basically unified. 他们的意思基本上是统一的。 To aid Xu Yu. 想要援助徐御 We in the swordsmanship river, the swordsmanship river can project in Immortal World actually, but by our skills, must rescue, feared that is very difficult.” “我们在剑道长河内,剑道长河倒是可以在仙界内投影而出,只不过以我们的本事,要救援,怕是很难。” Ye Luo deeply inspires. 叶落深吸了一口气。 He and Su Qianyuan are Sage. 他和苏乾元圣人 If arrives at Immortal World, in an instant can see clearly entire Immortal World, naturally can very rapid finding Xu Yu. 若是降临到仙界,一念之间可以洞察整个仙界,当然可以很迅速的找到徐御 However Ye Luo is very clear. 但是叶落很清楚。 Xu Yu is looks for Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to be troublesome. 徐御是去找青天圣人麻烦的。 Behind Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is standing, is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 青天圣人背后站着的,是仙界天道。 But the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is far from they can the enemy. 仙界天道远非他们所能敌。 Must rescue Xu Yu, can only please move Master. 要救援徐御,只能请动师尊 Read hence. 一念至此。 Ye Luo looks to many same side, explained the situation, he prepares Sect Master Main Hall, please have Master. 叶落看向诸多同门,说明了情况,他准备去宗主大殿,请出师尊 Many same side one hears, one by one indicated, must go with Ye Luo together, please leave Master. 诸多同门一听,一个个都表示,要跟叶落一起前往,去请出师尊 Ye Luo also has no alternative, can only go with many same side. 叶落对此也无可奈何,只能和诸多同门一起前往。 Before many Daoless Sect disciples arrive at Sect Master Main Hall, wanting to please move Chu Yuan. 诸多无道宗弟子来到宗主大殿之前,欲要请动楚缘 So many disciples voice together. 这么多弟子一同发声。 Chu Yuan mind most, although that side the Heavenly Dao large size, but these two number here, faint trace mind, therefore he detected all of a sudden. 楚缘心神大部分虽然在天道大号那边,但在这两个号这里,到底还是有一丝丝心神的,所以他一下子就察觉到了。 After opening a god brilliant number understanding, immediately understood the whole story. 在开着神光大号一番了解之后,顿时明白了原委。 Chu Yuan is unambiguous, immediately embraces this matter, then opens the Heavenly Dao large size immediately. 楚缘也不含糊,当即将这件事揽下,而后立刻开启了天道大号。 ...... …… Immortal World, eastern divine land. 仙界,东神州。 Opens Chu Yuan of Heavenly Dao large size to open the eyes slowly, he is controlling the Heavenly Dao strength, has swept an entire eastern divine land rapidly. 开着天道大号的楚缘缓缓睁开双眼,他控制着天道力量,迅速扫过一整个东神州。 No! 没有! Next! 下一个! Chu Yuan looks at rapidly to the northern immortal state, the Heavenly Dao strength the vision is going toward that side spread. 楚缘又将目光看向北仙州,天道力量迅速往着那边蔓延而去。 He has controlled an entire eastern divine land, the authority of northern immortal state also had obtained much. 他已经掌控了一整个东神州了,北仙州的权柄也已经获得了不少。 In these two Great Province, he can mobilize the Heavenly Dao strength to search casually. 在这两个大州里面,他可以调动天道力量随便查找。 If other two Great Province, that is not good. 如果是其他两个大州,那就不行了。 Therefore Chu Yuan can only hope, Xu Yu in eastern divine land or the northern immortal state. 所以楚缘只能希望,徐御是在东神州或者北仙州里面了。 If in a south day of state or the heading west state, that somewhat were troublesome. 要是在南天州或者西行州里面,那就有些麻烦了。 He needs to leave to seek personally. 他需要亲自动身去寻找。 Naturally, he can also seek with the strength of oneself Heavenly Dao large size. 当然,他也可以用自身天道大号的力量去寻找。 However Chu Yuan did not feel, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will make him go to that two Great Province to scurry about. 但是楚缘并不觉得,仙界天道会让他去那两座大州里面乱窜。 Un? 嗯? Found! 找到了! When Chu Yuan innermost feelings raising innumerable thoughts, he gawked suddenly. 就在楚缘内心升起无数念头时,他忽然愣了一下。 Because he found Xu Yu. 因为他找到徐御了。 Xu Yu this little while northern immortal state peripheral zone, with the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) war. 徐御这会儿正在北仙州边缘地带,与青天圣人大战中。 Un? This is Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) accepting the Immortal World Heavenly Dao in addition to hold?” “嗯?这个青天圣人在接受仙界天道的加持?” My goodness, in my domain, accepts others' in addition to hold, hits my attendant, big courage.” “好家伙,在我的地盘,接受别人的加持,打我的随侍,好大的胆子。” Chu Yuan all of a sudden on air/Qi. 楚缘一下子就气了。 He transferred the authority in a flash, conducts to eliminate to hold the Heavenly Dao strength to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他一瞬间调动了权柄,对青天圣人进行剥夺加持天道力量。 Meanwhile conducted to Xu Yu held. 同时对徐御进行了加持。 Cracking a joke. 开玩笑。 When really his these half Immortal World Heavenly Dao does crack a joke? 真当他这半个仙界天道是开玩笑的? ...... …… Northern immortal state. 北仙州。 Xu Yu and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) are battling. 徐御青天圣人在激战。 Two people this fight, continued for a long time for a long time, is almost sharing half and half is fighting. 两人这一场战斗,持续了许久许久,几乎是平分秋色的在战斗。 However, as the time transfers, Xu Yu obviously started to fall leeward. 不过,随着时间挪移,徐御明显开始落入了下风。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) holds by the Heavenly Dao in addition, is equal to back on entire Immortal World, the strength is inexhaustible. 青天圣人是靠天道加持的,等同于背靠整个仙界,力量无穷无尽。 Xu Yu is opening the secret technique, is equal is overdrawing itself to fight. 徐御是开着秘术的,等同于在透支自己进行战斗。 The time was long, Xu Yu definitely will unable to shoulder. 时间久了,徐御肯定会扛不住的。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is different, the strength is still in the peak. 青天圣人则是不同,力量依旧处于巅峰。 Therefore with the fight, two people situations is obvious. 所以随着战斗,两人的局势已经非常明显了。 Xu Yu? You are strong, but you, but also is not enough to fight with me! I back on entire Immortal World, do you understand? Backs on entire Immortal World me, you are not an opponent.” 徐御是吧?你强是强,但你,还不足以与我一战!我背靠整个仙界,你懂吗?背靠整个仙界的我,你绝非是对手。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is high-spirited, that called one to entrain. 青天圣人意气风发,那叫一个拽。 You also depended this skill, if gave me some time, you had the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold, what's the big deal was my rival!” “你也就仗着这点本事了,若给我一定时间,你就是有天道加持,那又如何是我的敌手!” The Xu Yu small face is pallid, but is still sending out the attack unceasingly. 徐御小脸煞白,但还在不断发出攻击。 You think that you also do have the opportunity growth?” “你以为你还有机会成长?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) look one cold, he wields single-handed, uses various divine ability magic arts, was hitting toward Xu Yu. 青天圣人眼神一凛,他单手一挥,施展各种神通法术,往着徐御打了过去。 This Xu Yu growth, making him feel to dread. 这个徐御的成长速度,令他感到忌惮。 He does not allow Xu Yu to continue to exist. 他已经绝不允许徐御继续存在下去。 You......” “你……” Xu Yu clenches jaws, can only continue to launch the attack. 徐御咬牙切齿,只能继续发起攻击。 Two people wars are still continuing. 两人的大战还在继续。 After fighting for a long time. 在战斗了许久之后。 Finally, Xu Yu could not support, the secret technique closes automatically, the strength plummets. 终于,徐御撑不住了,秘术自动关闭,战力大降。 Good opportunity!” “好机会!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) seized the time, then prepares to begin, puts to death Xu Yu. 青天圣人抓住了时机,便准备动手,诛杀徐御 His palm is covering toward Xu Yu body. 他一掌往着徐御身上盖去。 The next quarter, suddenly, his imposing manner also reduced fiercely. 下一刻,突然之间,他的气势也猛地降低了起来。 This also causes Xu Yu to strike to prevent conveniently, can easily keep off to attack. 这也导致徐御随手一击阻挡,能够轻易挡下攻击。 Un???? 嗯???? Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) was scared. 青天圣人傻眼了。 Was he truncated??? 他被削了???
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