NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#845 Part 1: Shocking Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)

Outside northern immortal state. 北仙州之外。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is leading a large numbers of Immortal Emperor rank powerhouse to leave, no longer construction northern immortal state. 青天圣人正率领一大批仙帝级别强者离开,不再建设北仙州。 He does not know that exactly had anything. 他不知道到底发生了什么。 But he complies with the order of Immortal World Heavenly Dao, leading the person to leave the northern immortal state, the original plan reconstructs the matter of northern immortal state, cancelled. 但他遵从仙界天道的命令,带人离开北仙州,原先计划重建北仙州的事情,也取消了。 Sage, why is this? I transferred spirit lineage/vein to come with great difficulty, prepared to place, how this cancelled.” 圣人,这是为什么?我好不容易才挪移了一条灵脉过来,都准备安置了,这怎么取消了。” Yes, Sage, why this is......” “是啊,圣人,这是为什么……” Sage, we have not respected your meaning, is only not quite clear, we have prepared for all rebuilding northern immortal state, why chose to give up at this time.” 圣人,我们并没有不尊敬您的意思,只是不太明白而已,我们已经做好了一切重建北仙州的准备,为什么在这个时候选择放弃。” „......” “……” These Immortal Emperor are very puzzled. 那些仙帝们都很是不解。 Regarding this, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) does not want to explain anything. 对此,青天圣人并不想解释什么。 He is not clear, why is, explained with? 他自己都不清楚,到底是为什么,拿头来解释? But he can guess somewhat. 但他多多少少猜得出来。 Perhaps the reason gave that Chu Yuan to be related two state lawful rights with the former Immortal World Heavenly Dao suddenly. 恐怕原因和之前仙界天道忽然把两州权柄交给那个楚缘有关。 However, immediately he should not ponder these, he should think that is how this group of people being perfunctory. 不过,当下他不该去思考这些,他该想的,是怎么把这帮人给敷衍过去。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) does not think in any case, does not know how should explain. 反正青天圣人是不想,也不知道该如何解释的。 When the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) opens the mouth, wanted to say anything. 正当青天圣人开口,想要说点什么时。 Suddenly, he noticed, the front person's shadow appeared together, blocked their way. 突然之间,他注意到了,前方一道人影出现,拦住了他们的去路。 This made Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) stare, caught the eye to look toward the front, actually wanted to have a look is, dares to block his road. 这让青天圣人不由愣了一下,抬眼往着前方看了过去,想要看看究竟是谁,敢拦他的路。 He looked at the past, saw only a youngster to stand in the distant place, wore the armor, grasped ancient lance, powerful. 他看过去,只见一名少年站在远处,身披铠甲,手持一根古矛,威风凛凛。 This person...... 这人…… A little looks familiar. 有点眼熟。 Where has probably seen. 好像在哪里见过。 But cannot think, where has seen this person. 但又想不起来,到底在哪里见过这人。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) thought slightly, was quick he to record. 青天圣人稍微思索了一下,很快他就记起来了。 Isn't this person, that inexorable fate? 这个人,不就是那个劫数? That should tribulation the thing that lives. 那个应劫而生的玩意。 Before didn't carry off by that too Sage? Why will also appear here. 之前不是被那个太一圣人带走了么?为何还会出现在这里。 „Did you call...... Xu Yu?” “你叫……徐御?” You why in this?” “你为何会在此?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) selects the eyebrow, asked such a lightly. 青天圣人挑眉,淡淡的问了这么一句。 Daoless Sect Sect Master attendant Xu Yu, today special incoming telegram, past the enmity of shame!” 无道宗宗主随侍徐御,今日特来报,昔日羞辱之仇!” Xu Yu unemotional saying. 徐御面无表情的说道。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 His form moves, just like changes to together the golden color like lightning, threatening killed toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他身影一动,犹如化作一道金色闪电般,气势汹汹的朝着青天圣人杀了过去。 ancient lance in hand in this moment, changes to a Supreme almighty troops, shows extraordinary swift and fierce, the thorn to the opposite party. 手中的古矛在这一刻,更是化作一件无上神兵,展现非凡的凌厉,刺向对方。 Xu Yu one erupted the full power, kills to go with a Supreme stance. 徐御一来就爆发了全力,以一种无上姿态袭杀而去。 His imposing manner in this moment, approaches Sage infinitely. 他的气势在这一刻,无限逼近圣人 That crowd of Immortal Emperor saw that kills Xu Yu that comes, but also without responded with enough time, was shaken by its powerful imposing manner flies, the opportunity of radically even pondering did not have. 那群仙帝看到袭杀而来的徐御,还没来得及反应过来,便被其强大的气势震飞,根本连思考的机会都没有。 You!!!” “你!!!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) stared in a big way the eyes, he cannot believe. 青天圣人瞪大了双眼,他不敢相信。 This boy, unexpectedly became such powerful. 这个小子,居然变得这么强大了。 How long then crossed? 这才过了多久? Previous he regards this boy time, just like the ants, can pinch conveniently. 上一次他视这个小子,犹如蝼蚁般,随手便可捏死。 In a flash, this boy, has grown unexpectedly, can threaten his degree? 转瞬之间,这个小子,居然已经成长到,能够威胁到他的程度了? This was also too odd. 这也太离谱了。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) responded rapidly, erupted whole body spiritual power, formed at the same time the guard/shield, prepared anti- to live in Xu Yu to strike. 青天圣人迅速反应过来,爆发浑身法力,形成一面护罩,准备抗住徐御的这一击。 Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! ancient lance stabbing guard/shield. 古矛刺中护罩。 After refusing to compromise a while, the guard/shield is loudly stave. 在僵持了一会儿后,护罩轰然破碎。 But ancient lance the offensive was also weakened, is incapable of continue launch the attack. 但古矛的攻势也被削弱了下来,无力继续发起攻击。 Under strikes, two people flew upside down several kilometers. 一击之下,两人都倒飞出了数千米。 Stands firm on the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) face of figure to bring stunned, he has not thought of the Xu Yu offensive strongly to this degree. 稳住身形的青天圣人脸上带着错愕,他没想到徐御的攻势强到了这种程度。 Xu Yu may no matter slightly, just stood firm the figure, was killing toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) again. 徐御可丝毫不管,刚稳住身形,就再度往着青天圣人杀了过去。 How you possibly grow stronger such quickly!” “你怎么可能变强得这么快!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) stares the big eyes, looks Xu Yu that kills again, his hesitant, direct ditch Tong Tian(exceedingly high) had not said, results in the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold. 青天圣人瞪大双眼,看着再次杀来的徐御,他没有犹豫,直接沟通天道,得天道加持。 A strength arrives instantaneously, falls to his body, making his imposing manner extremely strong. 一股力量瞬间降临,落到他的身上,使得他气势变得极强。 Although original Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is strong, but has not spanned the boundary of Sage. 原本的青天圣人虽然强,但是始终没有跨越圣人之境的。 But obtains the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold now, made his strength span the boundary of Sage all of a sudden. 可如今得到了天道加持,一下子就让他的力量跨越了圣人之境。 Stops to me!” “给我停!” A Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) palm is pressing toward Xu Yu body, tries to depress latter's offensive. 青天圣人一掌往着徐御身上压去,试图压下后者的攻势。 Bang!! 轰隆!! Xu Yu was striked to fly all of a sudden. 徐御一下子就被打飞了出去。 Obtains Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that the Heavenly Dao in addition holds, with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that without Heavenly Dao in addition holds, is completely two people. 得到天道加持的青天圣人,和没有天道加持的青天圣人,完全是两个人。 Xu Yu that flies upside down clenches teeth, one of the hand medieval lance in midair horizontal, stood firm the figure forcefully. 倒飞出去的徐御咬牙,手中古矛在半空之中一横,强行稳住了身形。 Really, said why Big Apprentice Brother will say I cannot be victorious this person, obtains the person who the Heavenly Dao in addition holds, I must open the mystique, can with it one fight!” “果然,就说为什么大师兄会说我打不过这个人,得到天道加持的这个人,我必须开启秘法,才能与之一斗!” Xu Yu deeply inspires, in his heart one horizontal, opens the secret technique, in addition holds the strength, met the approaching enemy again. 徐御深吸一口气,他心中一横,开启秘术,加持自身战力,再度迎击了上去。 Has Xu Yu that secret technique in addition held, the strength rises sharply instantaneously, the flash unexpectedly and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) hits give-and-take. 有了秘术加持的徐御,战力瞬间大涨,一瞬间居然和青天圣人打得有来有往。 This caused in the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) heart more shocking. 这引得青天圣人心中更为震惊了。 This how matter......” “这到底怎么一回事……” This inexorable fate, why will stiffen quickly......” “这个劫数,为什么会变强得这么快……” „Can't I be victorious unexpectedly???” “我居然打不过???” The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) innermost feelings are puzzled, but in the hand the movement is not slow, displays various divine ability, with it battle. 青天圣人内心不解,但手上动作不慢,施展各种神通,与之争斗了起来。 He can also look, this Xu Yu opens the mystique and his battle. 他也看得出来,这个徐御是开启秘法在与他争斗的。 So long as constrains the time, this Xu Yu definitely will be consumed by him. 只要拖住时间,这个徐御必然会被他耗死。 ...... …… In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之内。 With the comprehension of Ye Luo, the luminous spot in swordsmanship river gradually were also many, has a scale. 随着叶落的领悟,剑道长河之内的光点也逐渐多了起来,已经有了一番规模了。 On this day, Ye Luo returns to Hidden Heaven Island, convened many to pass on the disciples in the Sect Master Main Hall square, chatted. 这一天,叶落回到隐天岛,在宗主大殿广场召集了诸多亲传弟子们,闲聊了起来。 They are the same side, chatted regularly, bossing around the sentiment was very necessary. 他们都是同门,定期闲聊,笼络一下感情是非常有必要的。 Therefore under the organization of Ye Luo, basically once in a while, they from closing up the condition comes out to gather. 所以在叶落的组织下,基本上每隔一段时间,他们就会从闭关状态下出来聚聚的。 In Sect Master Main Hall square. 宗主大殿广场上。 Several same side to Ye Luo, are saluting. 十几名同门面向叶落,都在行礼。 See Sect Master Senior Brother.” “参见宗主师兄。” They obviously know, Chu Yuan passes on matter that gives Ye Luo. 他们明显都知道,楚缘传位给叶落的事情了。 Ye Luo is Daoless Sect second Sect Master. 叶落无道宗第二任宗主 They relate again well, meeting to salute, is the need. 他们关系再好,见面要行礼,也是需要的。 Gets up, I have not said that does not need many etiquette , you to call my Big Apprentice Brother then, does not need to call what Sect Master.” “都起来吧,我不是早就说过了,无需过多礼仪,还有,你们称呼我大师兄即可,无需称呼什么宗主的。” We pass on the disciple to be overly courteous, this custom is Master that hands down from generation to generation, you may probably observe.” “我们亲传弟子无需多礼,这个规矩是师尊那传下来的,你们可要遵守啊。” The Ye Luo chuckle was saying. 叶落轻笑着说道。 Although he is Sage, 他虽为圣人, But has no stance. 但并没有什么架势。 Before Junior Sister Junior Brother, as always, is that affable Big Apprentice Brother. 师弟师妹面前,一如既往,还是那个和蔼可亲的大师兄 Big Apprentice Brother, called this, we can consider as finished, but the courtesy cannot consider as finished, you now are our Daoless Sect Sect Master.” 大师兄,称呼这个,咱们可以算了,但礼数不能算了,你现在可是我们无道宗宗主。” Good, the courtesy cannot leave uncultivated......” “不错,礼数绝不能荒废……” Many Daoless Sect disciples, all are so the attitudes. 诸多无道宗弟子,皆是如此态度。 Regarding this, Ye Luo naturally also has no alternative. 对此,叶落自然也无可奈何。 Only can choose to obey many Junior Sister Junior Brother. 只能选择顺从诸多师弟师妹。 However, after he takes a fast look around presented that actually suddenly gawked. 不过,他扫视了在座各位一圈后,却忽然愣了一下。 Why doesn't see Xu Yu that boy form? 为什么不见徐御那小子身影呢? Although the boy is not the Master disciple, but they may treat as same side small Junior Brother to treat...... 那小子虽然不是师尊弟子,但是他们可都是当做同门小师弟对待的……
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