NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#844: Compromise

The sea of nihility. 虚无之海上。 Two Heavenly Dao are confronting, heavenly prestige of two entirely different terrifying hit in one, caused the sea of unceasing vibration nihility. 两尊天道在对峙,两股截然不同的恐怖的天威撞击在了一起,引得虚无之海不断的震动。 heavenly prestige of Immortal World Heavenly Dao carries, is one to the high Supreme imposing manner, wanting to dominate to strong strength. 仙界天道的天威所携带的,是一股至高无上的气势,欲要称霸一切的至强力量。 heavenly prestige of Chu Yuan Heavenly Dao large size carries, is one to the Duke highest sage, inviolable imposing manner. 楚缘天道大号的天威所携带的,是一股至公至圣,不可侵犯的气势。 Both each has his good points. 两者各有千秋。 But the collision by heavenly prestige, Chu Yuan obviously got the winning side only. 但单论天威的碰撞,楚缘明显占据了上风。 Eastern divine land most authority in his body. 东神州大半的权柄都在他的身上 In the eastern divine land, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao was suppressed naturally. 在东神州内,仙界天道自然而然被压制了。 Who are you?! Why will have on this day a source?” “你到底是谁?!为何会有这天道本源?” Immortal World Heavenly Dao stubbornly is staring at Chu Yuan, asked a few words. 仙界天道死死的盯着楚缘,问了一句话。 Chu Yuan, isn't a source, you give to me on this day personally?” 楚缘,这天道本源,不是你亲手送给我的?” Chu Yuan appears serene actually, opens the mouth with a laugh. 楚缘倒是显得风轻云淡,笑呵呵的开口。 Chu Yuan? You possibly are not he! You and he are anything relate!!” 楚缘?你不可能是他!你和他到底是什么关系!!” Immortal World Heavenly Dao hears word, gawked, immediately overruled fast. 仙界天道闻言,愣了一下,随即快速的否决了。 He also has with Chu Yuan has fought. 他又不是没和楚缘交过手。 That god aura of light/only, with this day aura, is completely different. 那股神光的气息,和这天道的气息,完全不同的。 Both are impossible are the same people. 两者根本不可能会是同一个人。 Wait...... 等等…… The Immortal World Heavenly Dao thought of anything suddenly, stared in a big way the eye. 仙界天道忽然想到了什么,瞪大了眼睛。 This person...... 这个人…… The Immortal World Heavenly Dao carefully looks at Chu Yuan. 仙界天道仔细看着楚缘 Is the law? 是法相? It is not right. 不对。 As if before that god light/only Chu Yuan, is the law? 似乎之前那个神光楚缘,也是法相? Is the law?! 都是法相?! Who is that its main body? 那其本尊到底是谁? „Who are you? Who is your main body?” “你到底是什么人?你之本尊是谁?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao clenches teeth, asks. 仙界天道咬牙,问道。 My main body? Do you manage so many to do? Please tumble out the eastern divine land now immediately immediately, your my making, Immortal World person of half, I am only honor an agreement, the receive belongs to my half Immortal World.” “我之本尊?你管那么多干什么?请你现在立刻马上滚出东神州,你我之约,仙界一人一半,我只是来履约,接收属于我的一半仙界而已。” Chu Yuan does not bring politely. 楚缘丝毫不带客气的。 He does not understand that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao said that whose what his main body is. 他不明白仙界天道说的,什么他本尊是谁的。 But he does not have the time and Immortal World Heavenly Dao pulls the calf, he must refine the Heavenly Dao source. 但他没功夫和仙界天道扯犊子,他要炼化天道本源。 You!!! Said, you want anything, can give up building up the Heavenly Dao source.” “你!!!说说吧,你要什么东西,才能放弃炼化天道本源。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was mad unbearably. 仙界天道被气得够呛。 But he has no alternative. 但他无可奈何。 He once made dual vowing, he is impossible to abandon the pledge. 他曾立下双重誓言,他不可能背弃誓言。 Therefore he can only choose the compromise. 所以他只能选择妥协。 Is impossible, your Dead Heart, I am impossible to give up building up the Heavenly Dao source, either you violate vowing, acts to me, I will ruin Immortal World, either your little darling retreats!” “不可能,你死心吧,我不可能放弃炼化天道本源,要么你就违背誓言,对我出手,那我就会毁掉仙界,要么你就乖乖退去!” Chu Yuan does not dread the opposite party, is harsh. 楚缘毫不畏惧对方,语气强硬。 He clarified the attitude. 他摆明了态度。 Either fights, perishes together, either draws back, the little darling regresses. 要么战,同归于尽,要么退,乖乖退步。 You......” “你……” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao clenches jaws. 仙界天道咬牙切齿。 The body golden light flicks, seems not extremely calm. 身上的金光一闪一闪的,似乎情绪极度不稳定。 He air/Qi turns over to the air/Qi, but made the decision eventually fast. 他气归气,但终究还是快速做出了决定。 Half Immortal World gives you, Ok, but I remembered me initially, has not said that half Immortal World gave you, which two Great Province including, that starting today, the eastern divine land was controlled on the junction by you with the northern immortal state!” “一半仙界给你,可以,但我记得我当初,并没有说过,一半仙界给你,是包括哪两座大州,那自今日起,东神州与北仙州就交由你掌控!” But you must starting today, be centered on Immortal World to develop, can not delay, if with the matter of Immortal World, your I must exchange, may make the decision!” “但你必须自今日起,以仙界之发展为中心,不得耽误,若遇仙界之事,你我需交流一番,才可做决定!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao look explodes flashes the golden light, said such words slowly. 仙界天道眼神爆闪金光,缓缓的说出了这么一番话。 He chooses to regress, puts forward the condition. 他选择退步,提条件。 He is clear, Chu Yuan is not willing to agree, he also has no means that can only choose regresses in this manner. 他非常清楚,楚缘不愿意同意,那他也没有任何办法,只能选择以这种方式来退步。 But he chooses the eastern divine land gives Chu Yuan with the northern immortal state. 但他选择将东神州与北仙州交给楚缘 The eastern divine land the authority he has lost now, already, or came back. 东神州如今权柄他已经失去,已经要不回来了。 The northern immortal state was destroyed, does not have any use, gave might also as well. 北仙州则是被毁,根本没有任何用处,给了也无妨。 This, in the destiny, he is actually higher than Chu Yuan. 这样硬是算起来,气运上,他还是比楚缘要高的。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao this did not have the means in means. 仙界天道这也是没办法之中的办法了。 He cannot really and Chu Yuan meets the tough head-on with toughness, perishes together. 他总不能真的和楚缘硬碰硬,同归于尽。 He and Chu Yuan look like two extremes, runs Immortal World, keeps aloof. 他与楚缘就像是两个极端,一个掌管仙界,高高在上。 Chu Yuan looks like a number many, does not fear death. 楚缘就像是个号多,不怕死的。 Barefoot did not fear that puts on shoes. 光脚的不怕穿鞋的。 Really must go all out. 真要拼命。 Definitely is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao first instigated. 肯定是仙界天道先怂。 Ok.” “可以。” Chu Yuan not cared a whoop actually, complied. 楚缘倒是丝毫不在意,答应了下来。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao complexion gloomy looks at Chu Yuan. 仙界天道脸色阴沉的看着楚缘 Chu Yuan catches the eye with it looks at each other. 楚缘抬眼与之对视。 Two people lines of sight collide in the midair. 两人的视线在半空之中碰撞。 Smell of gunpowder fills the air. 一股火药味弥漫于其中。 After the moment . 片刻后。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao turns around to leave, the form changes to together the flowing light, vanishes does not see, is going toward the vault of heaven. 仙界天道转身离开,身影化作一道流光,消失不见,往着天穹而去。 After he departs, before long, the sound hands down from the vault of heaven together, resounds in entire Immortal World. 他离去后,不一会儿,一道声音自天穹传下,于整个仙界之中响起。 Daoless Sect Sect Master Chu Yuan, has the Supreme merit in Immortal World, now by the Immortal World east divine land, the authority of northern immortal state, hands over by Daoless Sect Sect Master Chu Yuan, looks at Daoless Sect Sect Master Chu Yuan, the future will be Immortal World......” 无道宗宗主楚缘,于仙界无上功德,今许以仙界东神州,北仙州之权柄,交由无道宗宗主楚缘,望无道宗宗主楚缘,今后为仙界……” A lengthy speech. 一番长篇大论。 Generally speaking, was the Heavenly Dao gives Chu Yuan half Immortal World, and one is praising to Chu Yuan. 总的来说,就是天道将一半仙界交给楚缘了,并且对着楚缘一顿夸。 Said that is Chu Yuan is active, makes Chu Yuan wield half Immortal World. 说是楚缘有功,才让楚缘执掌一半仙界的。 This hears Chu Yuan extremely speechless. 这把楚缘听得极度无语。 Is he active to Immortal World? 他还对仙界有功? Clearly snatches the threat hardly, attains this half Immortal World. 分明就是硬抢加威胁,才拿到这一半仙界的。 This Immortal World Heavenly Dao may really be able to blow. 仙界天道可真能吹。 Chu Yuan regarding this, felt that the depth is speechless. 楚缘对此,感到深度无语。 But he has not paid attention, but continued to refine the Heavenly Dao source, when he absorbed, grasped the authority of eastern divine land thoroughly, he must go to northern immortal state, received the authority of northern immortal state. 但他没有理会,而是继续炼化起了天道本源,等他吸收完了,彻底掌握了东神州的权柄,他还得去北仙州一趟,把北仙州的权柄也收了。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 The breathless Immortal World Heavenly Dao returns to here, very angry. 气急败坏的仙界天道回到这里,十分的恼怒。 His whole body golden light explodes flashes, is being one attacks to the surrounding black fog, made the surrounding many black fog all dissipate instantaneously. 他周身金光爆闪,对着周围黑雾就是一顿攻击,瞬间令周围许多黑雾全都消散了。 Damn!!” “该死!!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao usually cannot maintain was calm. 仙界天道维持不住平时的淡定了。 The reduction of Immortal World authority, had touched his bottom line. 仙界权柄的缩小,已经触动了他的底线。 How this lets him is not excited. 这让他如何能不激动。 Blue sky!!” “青天!!” Immortal World Heavenly Dao cold snort/hum, said one toward Immortal World that side. 仙界天道冷哼了一声,朝着仙界那边道了一句。 His a few words fall. 他一句话落下。 The form appears on Land of Heaven together rapidly. 一道身影迅速出现在天土上。 Venerable, I in!” 尊上,我在!” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) appears, knees down, said repeatedly. 青天圣人出现,单膝跪地,连声说道。 Goes, removed all arrangement in northern immortal state.” “去,把在北仙州的一切布置都撤了。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao beckons with the hand, decisive saying. 仙界天道摆手,果断的说道。 „? Good, respectfully follows the command of Venerable.” “啊?好,谨遵尊上之令。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) nods hastily, turns around to change to the flowing light, leaves Land of Heaven rapidly. 青天圣人连忙点头,转身就化作流光,迅速离开天土 He does not understand the Immortal World Heavenly Dao the approach, but he does not dare to violate the Immortal World Heavenly Dao the meaning, can only nod to comply, the little darling carries out. 他不理解仙界天道的做法,但他可不敢违背仙界天道的意思,只能点头答应,乖乖去执行。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks at the direction that Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) departs, the look is glittering. 仙界天道看着青天圣人离去的方向,眼神闪烁着。 Sage...... 圣人…… He and Chu Yuan, although said, 他与楚缘虽然说起来, Divides equally the Immortal World destiny, the Immortal World destiny that but in fact, he grasps, compared with Chu Yuan, wanted much high. 是平分仙界气运,但是实际上,他所掌握的仙界气运,比起楚缘,要高了不少的。 Because under him has Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 因为他麾下有青天圣人在。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) occupies certain Immortal World destiny. 青天圣人是占据一定仙界气运的。 But Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) is his subordinate, his destiny are also more than Chu Yuan. 青天圣人是他手下,他气运也是比楚缘多的。 Words that like this spoke. 这样说起来的话。 He can train some Immortal World Sage, then occupies the destiny, crushes Chu Yuan by the destiny. 他可以培养一些仙界圣人,然后占据气运,以气运去压倒楚缘 Feasible! 可行! With destiny seizing power, kicks out Chu Yuan gradually. 用气运这块夺权,逐步将楚缘踢出去。 In any case under that Chu Yuan, on Sage. 反正那个楚缘麾下,也就一个圣人而已。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao look is glittering, as if knew, how should do...... 仙界天道眼神闪烁着,似乎知道了,该怎么做了……
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