NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#843: Which thing you are

Immortal World, eastern divine land, the sea of nihility. 仙界,东神州,虚无之海。 Chu Yuan is opening the Heavenly Dao large size, arrived here. 楚缘开着天道大号,降临到了这里。 As soon as he arrived here, took a fast look around probably, after nearby determining no one, immediately summoned the Heavenly Dao golden lotus, sat cross-legged. 他一降临这里,大概扫视了一遍,确定附近没什么人后,当即召唤出了天道金莲,盘坐于其中。 Immediately, he puts out the Heavenly Dao source, started to refine to melt. 随即,他拿出天道本源,开始炼化了起来。 He is the Heavenly Dao, therefore refining up the Heavenly Dao source, the speed is extremely fast. 他本身便是天道,所以炼化起天道本源,速度极快。 The Heavenly Dao source changes to together the streams light/only, fast goes toward the body gathering of Chu Yuan. 天道本源化作一道道流光,快速的往楚缘身上汇聚而去。 When the Heavenly Dao source integrates Chu Yuan body, the golden light of his body surface does in a big way immediately, an extremely dazzling ray, shone suddenly the big piece world. 当天道本源融入楚缘身上时,他体表的金光顿时大作,一股极度刺眼的光芒,瞬息间照耀了大片天地。 Bright heavenly prestige erupts, sweeps across the sea of nihility. 煌煌天威从中爆发而出,席卷虚无之海。 The speed that the Heavenly Dao source fuses is quick. 天道本源融合的速度很快。 But Heavenly Dao source after all extremely in huge. 但天道本源终归太过于庞大。 Chu Yuan must complete fuse it, but also needs some time. 楚缘要将之完全融合,还需要一段时间。 However, with the Chu Yuan little fusion Heavenly Dao source, the upper boundary authority also started to transform his body. 不过,随着楚缘一点点的融合天道本源,上界的权柄也开始转换到了他的身上 Meanwhile, the strength of Heavenly Dao large size also started to be increased with steady steps. 同时,天道大号的战力也开始稳步提升了起来。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao little while is observing entire Immortal World, simultaneously arranged all sorts of things. 仙界天道这会儿正在观察着整个仙界,同时布置了种种东西。 He is obviously intensifying the contradiction of Immortal World all living things, threw the innumerable chances, let Immortal World all living things, because competed for the chance, thus each other attacked. 他明显在激化仙界众生的矛盾,丢出了无数机缘,让仙界众生因为争夺机缘,从而彼此攻伐。 Regarding these, because competes for the chance, thus was involved all living things. 对于那些因为争夺机缘,从而被牵连其中的众生。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looked completely does not bring to look at one. 仙界天道是完全看都不带看一眼的。 Immortal World all living things were also he bred initially conveniently. 仙界众生当初也是他随手孕育而出的。 Regardless of casualty many, he will not care, at the worst breeds one batch again is. 无论死伤多少,他都不会在意的,大不了再孕育一批就是。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao very brutal. 仙界天道十分的无情。 His unceasing is making the arrangement. 他不断的做着布置。 „The Immortal World four states, eastern divine land place but is actually calm and steady, then must make the eastern divine land also chaotic to be good.” 仙界四州,东神州这块地方倒算是安稳的,接下来应当让东神州也混乱起来才行。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looked at the vision to the direction of eastern divine land. 仙界天道将目光看向了东神州的方向。 Immortal World has four states. 仙界有四州。 Now the northern immortal state had been destroyed, must construct, needs a long time. 如今北仙州已被毁,要重新建造起来,需要很长的一段时间。 The heading west state and a south day of state under his layout, contradictory layer on layer/heavily, is extremely also chaotic, only misses introduction, will then light thoroughly. 西行州与南天州也在他的布局之下,矛盾重重,极度混乱,只差一个引子,便会彻底点燃。 Actually this eastern divine land, in the Immortal World great misfortune, gradually from shifted unexpectedly chaotic calmly and steadily. 倒是这个东神州,在仙界大劫之中,居然逐渐从混乱转向了安稳。 This matter is a long story. 这件事说来话长。 Since Daoless Sect departs . 无道宗离去后。 The Tang immortal toward, as well as before admired the Daoless Sect influences, shifted the eastern divine land in abundance. 大唐仙朝,以及之前仰慕无道宗的势力们,纷纷转移到了东神州来。 Under Tang immortal North Korea's management, making the eastern divine land gradually calm and steady, became in chaotic Immortal World, only. 在大唐仙朝的管理下,让东神州逐渐安稳下来,成为混乱的仙界之中,唯一一处净地。 This situation. 这种情况。 Is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao most does not like seeing. 仙界天道最不喜欢看到的。 Therefore the Immortal World Heavenly Dao preparation acted to the eastern divine land. 所以仙界天道准备对东神州出手了。 However when he must throw a chance to the eastern divine land conveniently goes, gawked. 不过当他随手要将一处机缘丢到东神州去时,就愣了下来。 Because he discovered, he to the eastern divine land, is unable to transmit the thing unexpectedly directly. 因为他发现,他对东神州,居然无法直接传递东西。 Words that insisted on speaking, seemed like, he lost the feeling of controlling the eastern divine land. 硬要说的话,就好像,他失去了控制东神州的感觉。 Controlled the authority of eastern divine land to vanish? 掌控东神州的权柄消失了? The Immortal World Heavenly Dao knits the brows, is very puzzled. 仙界天道皱眉,十分不解。 Eastern divine land? 东神州这是怎么回事? Has the person of last time, but also stays here, now was born, what special rare treasure used, causing him to lose the control to the eastern divine land? 难道是有上一个时代之人,还留在这里,现在出世了,用了什么特殊异宝,导致他失去对东神州的控制? He must have a look actually, who is, unexpectedly can make his authority expire. 他倒是要看看,到底是什么人,居然能让他的权柄都失效了。 Read hence, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao sat cross-legged immediately, its body rune fluctuated, a Supreme strength since his body filled the air. 一念至此,仙界天道顿时盘坐了起来,其身上一枚枚符文浮动而出,一股无上力量自他身上弥漫而起。 He was conducting the investigation to the entire eastern divine land. 他对着整个东神州进行了探查。 Merely in a minute, inside and outside the entire eastern divine land, took in everything at a glance by him. 仅仅片刻间,整个东神州内外,都被他一览无余。 However, after he investigates, his whole person fell into silent. 不过,当他探查完了之后,他整个人都陷入了沉默。 This...... 这…… Why can't his what investigate? 为什么他什么也探查不出来? All of eastern divine land, very tranquil, very normal. 东神州的一切,都十分的平静,十分的正常。 It is not right. 不对。 As if has a place he not to investigate. 似乎有个地方他还没有探查。 Eastern divine land the sea of nihility! 东神州的虚无之海! This place strict, does not belong to the eastern divine land, belongs to the place outside Immortal World , because the accident/surprise crashes into Immortal World, integrated Immortal World. 这个地方严格来说,并不属于东神州,属于仙界之外的地方,是因为意外才坠入仙界,融入了仙界 Therefore the Immortal World Heavenly Dao neglected the sea of nihility subconsciously. 所以仙界天道下意识的忽略了虚无之海。 Thought of here. 想到了这里。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was looking toward the sea of nihility immediately. 仙界天道当即往着虚无之海看了过去。 After he sees the sea of nihility, the entire body shivered. 当他看到虚无之海后,整个身子都颤抖了起来。 Sees only the sky of sea of nihility, pure Heavenly Dao aura are filling the air. 只见虚无之海的上空,一股股精纯的天道气息弥漫着。 In its central zone, the form sits cross-legged together, is building up the Heavenly Dao source unceasingly. 在其中心地带,一道身影盘坐着,在不断炼化天道本源。 With the Heavenly Dao source refining up, he is losing some lawful rights. 随着天道本源的炼化,他正在失去一些权柄。 This! Who this is!!” “这!这到底是谁!!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao stared in a big way the eyes, his fist got hold. 仙界天道瞪大了双眼,他拳头都握紧了。 He examined his authority hastily. 他连忙查看起了自身的权柄。 Really, as expected. 果然,不出所料的。 His authority was gradually being split up. 他的权柄正在逐渐被分化。 Now the most authority about eastern divine land has lost. 如今关于东神州的大半权柄都已经失去了。 Who this person is! 这个人到底是谁! Damn! 该死! That Chu Yuan! 那个楚缘 Gave anyone the Heavenly Dao source. 到底把天道本源给了谁。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants Chu Yuan killing. 仙界天道很想把楚缘给杀了。 However he could not find Chu Yuan now, has no free time to look for Chu Yuan. 但是他现在找不到楚缘,也没空去找楚缘 He can only leave to go to the sea of nihility immediately, wants to block that in the person of fusion Heavenly Dao source. 他只能立刻动身前往虚无之海,想要拦下那在融合天道本源的人。 The Immortal World authority is his core, he did not allow that was bumped by others. 仙界权柄是他的核心,他绝不容许被别人碰。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao arrived at the sea of nihility instantaneously. 仙界天道瞬间来到了虚无之海。 As soon as he arrives at the sea of nihility, felt, repel feelings are transmitting. 他一降临虚无之海,就感觉到了,一股股排斥感在传来。 This air/Qi his face was green. 这气得他脸都绿了。 This Immortal World is his. 仙界是他的。 Now the eastern divine land is repelling him unexpectedly. 现在东神州居然在排斥他。 Good excessively! 好过分啊! Shame! 羞辱! This is the shame of scarlet fruits!! 这是赤果果的羞辱啊!! The Immortal World Heavenly Dao mobilizes the strength instantaneously, resisted this repel feeling, he turned around to break in the sea of nihility. 仙界天道瞬间调动力量,抵制了这股排斥感,他转身冲入了虚无之海之中。 Quick, he close to the Heavenly Dao large size. 很快,他就接近了天道大号。 After the Heavenly Dao large size, he felt some aura about Heavenly Dao large size. 在接近天道大号之后,他就感觉到了关于天道大号的一些气息。 This is......” “这是……” Heavenly Dao?” “天道?” Why a Heavenly Dao?” “为什么还有一尊天道?” Where does this thing come?” “这玩意哪来的?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was shocked. 仙界天道愣住了。 He is very puzzled. 他很是不解。 Why the Heavenly Dao, will appear in Immortal World. 为什么会有一尊天道,出现在仙界 Moreover, on this day does not seem like that small Heavenly Dao of the world of mortals. 而且,这天道也不像是下界的那种小天道。 In the eye of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 仙界天道的眼中。 Chu Yuan the Heavenly Dao large size, in the aura may far exceed the world of mortals Heavenly Dao, a momentum presses up to him. 楚缘的这一尊天道大号,气息上可远超了下界天道,一股势头直逼他。 Where he does not understand this to come. 他不懂这到底是哪来的。 Stop!” “住手!” However, when the Immortal World Heavenly Dao saw that the Heavenly Dao large size is still building up the Heavenly Dao source unceasingly, flew into a rage all of a sudden, cannot attend to wanting is too many, immediately opens the mouth. 不过,当仙界天道看到天道大号还在不断炼化天道本源,一下子就急眼了,也顾不得想太多,当即开口。 His scolded. 他这一声呵斥。 Also awakened instantaneously in Chu Yuan of absorption Heavenly Dao source. 也瞬间惊醒了在吸收天道本源的楚缘 Chu Yuan opens the eyes, looked toward the Immortal World Heavenly Dao that side all of a sudden. 楚缘睁开双眼,一下子就往仙界天道那边看了过去了。 After he sees is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, gawked some little time, the heart is startled. 当他看到是仙界天道之后,也是愣了好一会儿,心头一惊。 Subconscious wants to travel. 下意识的就想要跑路。 May change mind thinks. 可转念一想。 It is not right. 不对啊。 In his hand is grasping so many Heavenly Dao sources, but also almost grasped all lawful rights of eastern divine land. 他手里握着这么多天道本源,还差不多掌握了东神州的所有权柄。 He feared that this Immortal World Heavenly Dao does do. 他怕这个仙界天道干什么。 At the worst destroyed entire Immortal World, with a Heavenly Dao large size, perishes together with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, who fears anyone. 大不了就把整个仙界毁了,用一个天道大号,和仙界天道同归于尽呗,谁怕谁。 Thinks of here, Chu Yuan did not fear, after immediately a tactic supine, vision squints Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 一想到这里,楚缘就不怕了,顿时一个战术后仰,目光斜视仙界天道。 Which thing are you? 你是哪个玩意?
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