NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#842: Repairs formation not to have the future

In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之内。 Ye Luo knew Xu Yu asked that he does not have to reply immediately, but pondered. 叶落得知了徐御所问,他没有立即回答,而是沉思了起来。 After pondering for a long time, spooky opens the mouth. 在沉思了许久后,才幽幽的开口。 I am not slow Wazi your concrete strength, but can look, your strength is not weak, but concrete strong, this does not know.” “我并不是徐娃子你的具体战力,但是看得出来,你的战力不弱,不过具体有多强,这就不知道了。” But Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) that fellow, is not absolutely weak, even can say, is a very strong fellow, this fellow can the Heavenly Dao help, the Heavenly Dao in addition hold, can make the strength be added holds, is a very fearful fellow.” “但青天圣人那家伙,是绝对不弱的,甚至可以说,是一个很强的家伙,这家伙能够得到天道帮助,天道加持,能让战力得到加持,是一个很可怕的家伙。” slow Wazi can you be victorious Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), this I do not dare to vouch, you might as well fight with me, in this case, I can also determine.” “徐娃子你能不能打得过青天圣人,这我不敢打包票,你不如与我交手一番,这样的话,我也可以确定一下。” Ye Luo so said. 叶落这般说道。 He wants through with comparing notes of Xu Yu, determines the Xu Yu strength in what social class. 他想要通过和徐御的切磋,来确定徐御的战力到底在什么阶级。 Like this he can determine, can Xu Yu be victorious Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 这样他就能判定,徐御到底能不能打得过青天圣人了。 Good, that Big Apprentice Brother, I came!” “好,那大师兄,我来了!” Xu Yu not slightly polite. 徐御也没有丝毫客气。 He lifts the hand to turn, ancient lance appears in the hand, an armor appears in his body instantaneously. 他抬手一翻,一柄古矛出现在手,一袭铠甲瞬间出现在他的身上 Grasps ancient lance, wears him of armor, just like a Supreme war-god, powerful. 手持古矛,身披铠甲的他,犹如一尊无上战神,威风凛凛。 Among his several, jumped in front of Ye Luo, held up the ancient lance then to puncture. 他几步之间,跳跃到了叶落面前,举起古矛便刺。 A Supreme power and influence coerces above the ancient lance, caused the swordsmanship river to shiver. 一股无上威势裹挟在古矛之上,引得剑道长河颤抖了起来。 Un?” “嗯?” Ye Luo feels the power and influence that this strikes, narrows the eye slightly, some surprise. 叶落感受到这一击的威势,不由微微眯眼,有些诧异了起来。 This slow Wazi strength, imagines compared with him, but also is terrifying. 这个徐娃子的战力,比他想象的,还要恐怖啊。 This struck, presses up to the boundary of Sage. 这一击,直逼圣人之境了。 However, compared with true Sage, must miss. 不过,比起真正的圣人,还是要差了一些。 Ye Luo puts out a hand to wield, spacious sleeves surges, terrifying strength instantaneously Xu Yu throwing off. 叶落伸手一挥,宽大的衣袖翻腾而过,恐怖劲气瞬间将徐御给掀翻。 This strikes, was easily decoded. 这一击,被轻易的破解了。 Among two people vast strength gap, in this moment, takes in everything at a glance. 两人之间巨大的战力差距,在这一刻,一览无余。 slow Wazi, has what move, although causes, relax, I will not hit back.” “徐娃子,有什么招数,尽管使出来,放心,我不会还手。” Some Ye Luo anticipations. 叶落有些期待。 Anticipated that Xu Yu also has what stronger move. 期待徐御还有什么更强的招数。 Xu Yu hears word, does not hesitate, turns around to kill to go again, with a more powerful stance, kills to Ye Luo. 徐御闻言,也不犹豫,转身再度袭杀而去,以一种更强大的姿态,杀向叶落 Ye Luo only defends does not attack, is feeling the Xu Yu strength silently. 叶落只守不攻,默默感受着徐御的战力。 After feeling period of time, he beckoned with the hand, prepares to make Xu Yu stop. 在感受了好一阵子之后,他就摆手,准备让徐御停下了。 General he also almost felt. 大概的他也差不多感受完了。 The Xu Yu strength, under Sage, above Quasi Sage, is equivalent to under Sage probably existence of no rival. 徐御的战力,在圣人之下,准圣之上,大概相当于圣人之下无敌手的存在。 But must cope with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), was too tender. 只不过要对付青天圣人,还是太嫩了些。 When the Ye Luo preparation opens the mouth. 正当叶落准备开口时。 Saw only the Xu Yu whole body to bloom suddenly the golden light, in his pair of pupil, Old Gu rune glittered, making his strength rise suddenly. 只见徐御浑身忽然绽放起了金光,其双眸之中,一枚枚古老符文闪烁了起来,使得他的战力暴涨了起来。 In a flash, spanned the level of Sage and immortal unexpectedly. 一瞬间,居然跨越了圣人与仙人的层次。 A Xu Yu lance punctures again, this lance as if must pierce the entire swordsmanship river, the terrifying of its power and influence, making one not dare to look straight ahead. 徐御再度一矛刺来,这一矛仿佛要将整个剑道长河洞穿,其威势之恐怖,让人不敢直视。 Un?!!!” “嗯?!!!” Ye Luo this was also struck having a scare. 叶落也被这一击给吓了一大跳。 This Xu Yu also has this subsequent hand unexpectedly! 徐御居然还有这种后手! His intention moves, transferred sword air/Qi hastily, protected the entire swordsmanship river, avoided bringing disaster to by the fight complementary waves. 他心念一动,连忙调动起了一道道剑气,将整个剑道长河护住,避免被战斗余波给殃及。 Meanwhile, he used a sword personally, welcomed to Xu Yu. 同时,他亲自出了一剑,迎向徐御 Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! The terrifying power and influence toward spreads to go in all directions, if not for there is a Ye Luo sword air/Qi to protect, perhaps the swordsmanship river must face the avalanche. 恐怖的威势向着四面八方扩散而去,若不是有叶落的剑气护着,恐怕剑道长河都要面临崩塌。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… After strikes. 一击过后。 The Xu Yu form backs up several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km). 徐御身影倒退数万里。 Ye Luo stands in same place, shoulders single-handed, palatial motionless. 叶落站在原地,单手背负,巍峨不动。 Move?” “还有招数么?” Ye Luo asks. 叶落开口询问。 He looks to the Xu Yu vision, full is the appreciation, this strikes, enough was powerful. 他看向徐御的目光之中,满是欣赏,这一击,足够的强大了。 Big Apprentice Brother, did not have.” 大师兄,没了。” Xu Yu pants, the whole body aura is scattered in disorder, he is smiling bitterly the opens the mouth. 徐御气喘吁吁,浑身气息散乱,他苦笑着开口。 This is his strongest strikes. 这已经是他的最强一击了。 Good good good, slow Wazi, you were very strong.” “不错不错不错,徐娃子,你真的很强了。” Ye Luo said continually three good, did not praise parsimoniously. 叶落一连说了三个‘不错’,毫不吝啬夸赞。 Big Apprentice Brother chatted, before you, is not the useless merit, but Big Apprentice Brother, I whether with a that Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) war?” 大师兄说笑了,在你面前,还不都是无用之功,只不过大师兄,我能否和那青天圣人一战?” Xu Yu only wants to know that this answer, other things, he does not want to know actually completely. 徐御只想要知道这个答案,其他的事情,他倒是完全不想要知道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Ye Luo silent. 叶落沉默了一下。 Immediately opens the mouth slowly. 随即才缓缓的开口。 Perhaps is not good, the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) strength is extremely strong, is far from you can the enemy, slow Wazi you, if can erupt that level of just finally striking frequently, can with the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) three vs. seven, you three, he seven.” “恐怕不行,青天圣人战力极强,远非你所能敌,徐娃子你若能时刻爆发出刚刚最后一击的那种水准,可以与青天圣人三七开,你三,他七。” If you must look for the trouble of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), I suggested you, does not want to go now, can first cultivation said some time again, by your natural talent, then cultivated some time, can surpass Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) inevitably.” “如果你要去找青天圣人的麻烦,我还是建议你,不要现在去,可以先修炼一段时间再说,以你之天资,再修炼一段时间,必然能够超过青天圣人的。” Ye Luo said truthfully. 叶落如实说道。 Regarding the Xu Yu natural talent, he is very clear. 对于徐御的天资,他是非常清楚的。 Did not say exaggeratingly. 毫不夸张的说。 The Xu Yu natural talent, is more exaggerating than him. 徐御的天资,比他还夸张。 This...... good, Big Apprentice Brother, I cultivation again go out some time again.” “这样么……好的,大师兄,我再修炼一段时间再出去。” Xu Yu nods, accepted the suggestion of Ye Luo. 徐御点了点头,接受了叶落的建议。 Un, but, my actually matter, wants to ask you very much.” “嗯,不过,我倒是有一件事,很想要问你。” Ye Luo opens the mouth suddenly, said. 叶落忽然开口,说道。 Big Apprentice Brother, what matter?” 大师兄,何事?” How you are in the boundary of non- Saint, has to compare favorably with the strength of boundary of Sage?” “你是如何在非圣之境,拥有媲美圣人之境的战力的?” „? What do you mean?” “啊?什么意思?” Generally speaking, the Saint and immortal, that is two levels, peak of immortal, for Quasi Sage, Quasi Sage is strong, is impossible to achieve the Saint the level, you actually violated this definition.” “一般来说,圣与仙,那是两个层次,仙之极致,是为准圣,准圣再强,也不可能达到圣的层次,你却违背了这个定义。” Is listening to these words. 听着这些话。 Xu Yu stared in a big way the eyes, had this matter? 徐御瞪大了双眼,有这回事么? He does not know. 他不知道啊。 He looks at Ye Luo dull. 他呆呆的看着叶落 Greatly, Big Apprentice Brother, I don't know either, I have practiced breathing exercises, has practiced breathing exercises, then this.” “大,大师兄,我也不知道啊,我就一直练气,一直练气,然后就这样了。” Xu Yu replied such words. 徐御回答了这么一番话。 Ye Luo: „......” 叶落:“……” Has practiced breathing exercises, has practiced breathing exercises. 一直练气,一直练气。 Then was the Sage level? 然后就达到圣人层次了? Has treated is practicing breathing exercises the boundary is the cultivation opens the way correctly? 难道一直待在练气境才是修炼的正确打开方式? Ye Luo feels speechless. 叶落对此感到无语。 He does not want to say anything. 他也不想说什么了。 Beckons with the hand, making Xu Yu leave. 摆了摆手,让徐御离开。 Xu Yu salutes submissively, obedient departure. 徐御拱手行礼,乖乖的离开了。 What Ye Luo has not paid attention, Xu Yu walks in the direction that the swordsmanship river leaves, rather than in Hidden Heaven Island that side direction. 只不过叶落没注意的是,徐御是往剑道长河离开的方向走的,而不是往隐天岛那边的方向。 Brain practices breathing exercises how the boundary is the Sage level the question to flood in the Ye Luo mind, where making him simply not have to pay attention to Xu Yu toward to walk. 满脑子‘练气境是如何达到圣人层次’的疑问充斥在叶落脑海之中,让他根本没有去注意徐御到底是往哪边走的。 This is unreasonable, practicing breathing exercises the boundary is strong, eventually is only the level of immortal? How probably to have the Sage strength?” “这没道理啊,练气境就是再强,终究只是仙之层次吧?怎么可能拥有圣人的实力?” „It is not right, practicing breathing exercises boundary that is mortal world realm, can be the immortal level, is not possible......” “不对,练气境那是凡俗境界,能达到仙层次,已经是不可能的了……” This slow does Wazi, how achieve?” “这个徐娃子,到底是怎么做到的?” Second child cultivation base could not come up, might as well make the second child abandon cultivation base to repair, practiced breathing exercises with slow Wazi together, practiced breathing exercises was so fierce, cultivated/repaired formation also such vegetable/dish.” “老二修为一直上不去,不如让老二废了修为重修,跟徐娃子一起去练气得了,练气的都这么厉害了,修阵法的还这么菜。” Really, cultivates formation this saying that without future......” “果然,修阵法这一条道,没有前途……” Ye Luo drew the conclusion silently...... 叶落默默得出了结论…… « Some Really People Will not think that Master Is Mortal " correct chapter will continue to renew in the books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asks everyone to collect and recommend the books pavilion novel net! 《不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧》无错章节将持续在书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐书海阁小说网! 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