NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#841: Question of Xu Yu

In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之内。 Chu Yuan is carrying Ye Luo and Su Qianyuan comes back. 楚缘拎着叶落苏乾元回来。 Two people follow in Chu Yuan behind, lowers the head, a few words do not dare to say. 两人都跟在楚缘身后,低着头,一句话也不敢说。 But Chu Yuan is a person is flying in the front slowly, is going toward Hidden Heaven Island. 楚缘则是一个人在前方慢慢的飞行着,往着隐天岛而去。 He are thinking. 他内心在思索着。 Before, he has asked one with Su Qianyuan. 在之前,他已经和苏乾元问过一遍了。 But basically anything cannot ask. 但基本上什么也问不出来。 Su Qianyuan as if is really the blind cat bumps into the dead mouse. 苏乾元似乎真的是瞎猫碰上死耗子。 Really saw the light suddenly to the opposite party. 真的给对方顿悟了。 But Chu Yuan does not believe such skillful matter. 楚缘就是不相信有这么巧的事情。 He cannot get to the root of any reason. 偏偏他根本找不出任何原因。 Including character present situation all, cannot investigate anything. 包括人物现状在内的一切,都探查不出什么。 Chu Yuan does not have the means that he can only choose no longer inquired. 楚缘没办法,他只能选择不再询问。 The plan will look for other disciples next time, tricks, having a look at these disciples to become aware. 打算下次找其他弟子,忽悠一下,看看这些弟子能不能悟得出来。 He has not really believed that tricks to be able Enlightenment, can to become Saint, where have such good matter. 他还真就不相信了,忽悠一下就能悟道,就能成圣,哪有这么好的事情。 Un? Luo'er, the heavens, do you two follow I to do?” “嗯?落儿,乾元,你们两个跟着我干什么?” Chu Yuan flies to fly, close to Hidden Heaven Island, stopped suddenly, toward his looked behind. 楚缘飞着飞着,临近隐天岛,突然停了下来,往他的身后看了过去。 He is not clear, these two goods follow he to do. 他不明白,这两货跟着他干什么。 He makes these two come back the swordsmanship river with him, has not made these two follow he. 他只是让这两人跟他回来剑道长河,又没让这两人跟着他。 Master, the disciple, the disciple knew wrong.” 师尊,弟子,弟子知错了。” Ye Luo Para is saying such a. 叶落巴拉着说出这么一句。 Nearby Su Qianyuan was a few words does not dare saying that he does not know where oneself were wrong, but he may I ask. 一旁的苏乾元更是一句话都不敢说,他不知道自己错在哪里了,但他不敢问。 Knowing the wrong what knowledge is wrong, one by one has not practiced, does there.” “知错什么知错,一个个还不去修炼,愣在那里干什么。” Chu Yuan ill-humored saying. 楚缘没好气的说道。 Yes, Master, disciple this goes to Master.” “是,师尊,弟子这就去师尊。” Disciple also goes.” “弟子也去。” Two people replied hastily, the voice falls, probably gust, vanishes does not see, will for fear that be shouted by Chu Yuan condemns. 两人连忙回答,话音落下,像是一阵风般,消失不见,生怕会被楚缘喊下来问罪。 Strange.” “奇奇怪怪。” Chu Yuan twittering, shook the head in a low voice, excessively has not cared. 楚缘低声呢喃了一句,摇了摇头,没有过多在意。 He is going toward Hidden Heaven Island. 他往着隐天岛而去。 After entering Hidden Heaven Island Sect Master Main Hall, first shifted god light/only trumpet body, and opened character present situation, examined his disciples, recently come, had anything to change. 在进入隐天岛宗主大殿之后,第一时间就转移到了神光小号身上,并且开启了‘人物现状’,查看他的弟子们,近些日子来,有没有什么变化。 Your big disciple Ye Luo comprehends 72 types of small kendoists, magical skill rises sharply 【您的大弟子叶落领悟七十二种小剑道,道行大涨】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao resulted in antiquity immortal to inherit, magical skill rose 【您的二弟子张寒得上古仙人传承,道行微涨】 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan cross the tribulation of Saint, card says to become Saint 【您的三弟子苏乾元渡成圣之劫,证道成圣】 Your four disciples......】 【您的四弟子……】 ...... …… Obviously, his disciples, and does not have any issue. 明显,他的弟子们,并没有什么问题。 Stable promotion. 都在稳定的提升。 Basically behind the character present situation of each disciple will present magical skill to rise sharply these four characters. 基本上每个弟子的人物现状后面都会出现‘道行大涨’这四个字。 Naturally, some special disciple, was disregarded by Chu Yuan. 当然了,某个特殊的弟子,被楚缘无视了。 Is stabilizing promotes on the line.” “都在稳定提升就行。” Chu Yuan also relaxes quietly. 楚缘也是悄然松了一口气。 Then, he opened the Daoless Sect strength ranking to look at one. 而后,他又打开了无道宗的战力排行榜看了一眼。 Strength ranking has not roughly changed actually, as before is such. 战力排行榜的大致倒是没有变化过,依旧是那样的。 But some disciple ranked fell one downward. 只不过某个弟子排名又往下掉了一位而已。 Regarding this, Chu Yuan had nothing to say in reply, treated as has not seen. 对此,楚缘无言以对,当做没看见。 Then, Chu Yuan started to ponder the following movement. 而后,楚缘开始思考起了接下来的动作。 He wanted to try, can the flickering disciple, flicker Enlightenment. 他本来是想要去试试,忽悠弟子,到底能不能忽悠得悟道的。 But changes mind thinks, this matter postpones good. 可是转念一想,这件事还是延后一番的好。 He wanted Immortal World one suddenly, went building up the Heavenly Dao source. 他忽然想要回仙界一趟了,去把天道本源给炼化了。 This matter dragged is so long, should conduct. 这件事拖了这么久,也该进行了。 Read hence, Chu Yuan acted immediately. 一念至此,楚缘当即行动了起来。 His first matter, is to transfer the complete mind. 他第一件事,就是要调动全部心神。 With god brilliant number that side mind that the perilla explains religious doctrine, certainly must receive. 在和紫苏讲道的神光大号那边的心神,肯定是都要收回来的。 Thereupon, Chu Yuan on the opening god brilliant number, casual and perilla flickered, made the perilla leave, goes to cultivation, gathered Heavenly Dao large size body the mind completely. 于是乎,楚缘就开启神光大号,随便和紫苏忽悠了一下,就让紫苏离开,去自己修炼了,将心神全部聚集到天道大号身上 Is opening the Heavenly Dao large size then again, goes toward Immortal World. 再然后则开着天道大号,往仙界而去。 As for Hidden Heaven Island. 至于隐天岛这边。 Chu Yuan is not worried completely. 楚缘完全不担心的。 Not to mention, he has two numbers here. 暂且不说,他有两个号在这里。 Said the swordsmanship river that Hidden Heaven Island is not simple. 就说隐天岛所在的剑道长河可不简单。 This is Great Dao, the common person may be unable to come, even powerful cultivator, wanted to find here to be difficult. 这可是大道所化,寻常人可进不来,就算是强大的修士,想要找到这里都困难。 Moreover, Ye Luo and Su Qianyuan are Sage. 而且,叶落苏乾元都是圣人 Has their two people to assume personal command, here security is incomparable. 有他们两人坐镇,这里安全无比。 Therefore very much Chu Yuan feels relieved is opening the Heavenly Dao large size, returned to Immortal World. 所以楚缘很放心的开着天道大号,返回了仙界 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Hidden Heaven Island east. 隐天岛之东。 Youngster Xu Yu sits on a giant stone, does not know that is thinking anything. 少年徐御坐在一颗巨石上,不知道在想些什么。 The side ancient god calmly is standing, anything had not said, is very peaceful. 旁边古神静静站着,什么也没说,十分安静。 Such scene continued to be very long. 这样的场景持续了很久。 Until after for a long time . 直到许久之后。 Xu Yu stood from the giant stone, he turned the head to look to ancient God. 徐御才从巨石之上站了起来,他转头看向了古神。 ancient God, are present you, my opponent?” “古神,如今的你,可是我的对手?” Xu Yu directly looks to the ancient god, so asked. 徐御径直的看向古神,这般问道。 „It is not, present I, possibly your three moves cannot even stand off.” “不是,如今的我,可能连你三招都敌不过。” The ancient gods shake the head the forced smile, said. 古神摇头苦笑,说道。 Then, he is also helpless. 说起来,他也是无奈了。 This Xu Yu, he looks at it to grow with own eyes. 这个徐御,他是亲眼看着其成长起来的。 The growth, it may be said that with flying to be the same. 其成长速度,可谓和飞一样。 Present Xu Yu powerful to an extremely fearful situation, is even he, is not the Xu Yu opponent. 如今的徐御已经强大到了一种极为可怕的地步,就是连他,都不是徐御的对手。 It is not right, his opponents cannot be joined. 不对,他连对手都配不上。 In three moves, he must defeat without doubt. 三招之内,他必败无疑。 Three moves, ancient God you said, I now, am that Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) opponent?” “三招,古神你说,我如今,可是那青天圣人的对手?” The Xu Yu flashing eyes, asked again. 徐御目光炯炯,再次问道。 He bears a grudge. 他记仇。 Past the enmity of Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), he still remembers. 昔日青天圣人之仇,他至今还记得。 This, this I really do not know, I have not fought with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), I only know that he is extremely powerful, but does not know that concrete strong, perhaps slow young friend, you can ask your Big Apprentice Brother, your Big Apprentice Brother had once fought with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) personally.” “这个,这个我真的不知道,我并没有与青天圣人交过手,我只知道他极其强大,但不知道具体有多强,或许徐小友,你可以去问问你大师兄,你大师兄曾亲自与青天圣人交过手。” ancient god helpless saying. 古神无奈的说道。 He may not hit with Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), both that is not a rank. 他可从没有与青天圣人打过,两者那都不是一个级别的。 Good, I ask Big Apprentice Brother.” “好,那我去问问大师兄。” Xu Yu has not said anything but actually, nods, then left directly. 徐御倒也没多说什么,点了点头,便径直离开了。 ancient god time has not followed Xu Yu. 古神这次没有跟上徐御 Xu Yu must see Ye Luo. 徐御要去见叶落 But but Ye Luo Sage, no Sage method aim, he does not match to see Ye Luo. 叶落可是圣人,无圣人法旨,他是不配见叶落的。 This point he is clear. 这一点他非常清楚。 As for him is also Sage? 至于他也是圣人 The ancient gods now are very clear. 古神现在很清楚了。 His Sage, with false is the same. 他的圣人,就跟假的一样。 Or is false. 或者说,就是假的。 Immortal World Sage, with Sage. 仙界圣人,与圣人 Completely is two types of things. 完全就是两种东西。 Cannot compare. 根本不能比的。 Walks walks, goes back to wait for slow young friend to come back.” “走吧走吧,回去等着徐小友回来。” The ancient gods shake the head, turn the head to go toward their dwelling. 古神摇了摇头,转头往着他们的住处而去。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Xu Yu also achieved wishes to see Ye Luo. 徐御也如愿得见了叶落 The average people want to see Ye Luo, that is very difficult. 一般人想要见叶落,那是十分困难的。 But the Xu Yu status is different. 徐御身份不同。 Although Xu Yu does not pass on the disciple, is only the attendant, however the Xu Yu status is passing on the eyes of disciples, is has passed on the disciple equality. 虽然徐御并非亲传弟子,只是随侍,但是徐御的身份在亲传弟子们的眼中,一直都是与亲传弟子平等的。 Therefore Xu Yu must see Ye Luo. 所以徐御要见叶落 Ye Luo is naturally willing to see. 叶落自然是肯见的。 What's wrong, little fellow.” “怎么了,小家伙。” Ye Luo with a laugh looks at this past young suckling baby. 叶落笑呵呵的看着这个昔日小奶娃。 Xu Yu is unambiguous, directly and Ye Luo told, inquired the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) strength, and inquired whether he could be victorious Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky)...... 徐御也不含糊,径直的和叶落讲述了起来,询问起了青天圣人的战力,并且询问他能否打得过青天圣人…… « Some Really People Will not think that Master Is Mortal " correct chapter will continue to renew in the books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asks everyone to collect and recommend the books pavilion novel net! 《不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧》无错章节将持续在书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐书海阁小说网! 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