NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#840: Trades Master

Chapter 841 trades Master 第841章换为师 Extremely wild and intersection point of Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 极荒与混沌虚无的交界处。 Most Exalted Lord Lao hesitated the moment, stares direction that Chu Yuan is departing, opens the mouth slowly. 太上老君沉吟了片刻,凝视着楚缘离去的方向,缓缓的开口。 „The main body of this clear/pain fellow daoist, perhaps is our not unimaginable existences, at least is also and existence of teacher rank.” “这位楚道友的本尊,恐怕是我们无法想象的存在,至少也是和老师一个级别的存在。” Hearsay, before for a long time is very very long, the world has not opened, Hundun(Chaos) has not had, extremely wild does not save, that time, all are spatial.” “传闻,在很久很久以前,天地未开,混沌未有,极荒不存,那个时代,一切皆是空。” In having existence of a number of Supreme in spatially is born, this batch existed to create all, finally after creating, then went into seclusion, disappeared without a trace, the teacher perhaps was the step that pursued these to have.” “在有一批无上的存在于‘空’之中诞生,这批存在创造了一切,最后创造完之后,便隐退,不知去向了,老师或许便是去追逐这些存在的步伐了。” Most Exalted Lord Lao spoke with confidence, said such words. 太上老君侃侃而谈,说出了这么一番话。 Nearby Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder static is listening. 旁边的元始天尊通天教主静静的听着。 After listening, they are startled fiercely. 听完之后,他们内心都猛地一惊。 This meaning is...... 这意思是…… The main body of clear/pain fellow daoist is very likely, that one of the batch of Supreme existences? 楚道友的本尊很有可能是,那一批无上存在之一? That was also too exaggerating. 那也太夸张了吧。 Let alone Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning, Tong Tian Founder cannot believe. 别说元始天尊了,就连通天教主也不敢相信。 Although they felt that the main body of clear/pain fellow daoist will be very strong, but they have not imagined, the main body of clear/pain fellow daoist, can be that and other existences of Supreme. 他们虽然感觉楚道友的本尊会很强,但是他们从没有想象过,楚道友的本尊,会是那等无上的存在。 Finds it very hard to believe?” “是不是觉得很不可思议?” Most Exalted Lord Lao looks at these two Junior Brother looks, smiles lightly, said. 太上老君看着这两位师弟的神色,淡淡一笑,说道。 Yes, Senior Brother, was this was too a little exaggerating, these Supreme existed, all was the taboo, how to drop the law to enter here.” “是的,师兄,这是不是有点太夸张了,那些无上存在,皆为禁忌,怎么会落下法相进入这里。” Right, Senior Brother, guessed mistakenly, it is estimated that the main body of clear/pain fellow daoist , was the teacher similar that existed.” “对啊,师兄,是不是猜错了,估计楚道友之本尊,也就是和老师差不多的那等存在而已。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder completely all open the mouth. 元始天尊通天教主尽皆开口。 They cannot believe. 他们都不敢相信。 Cannot believe, Chu Yuan can be the law that and other Supreme had. 不敢相信,楚缘会是那等无上存在的法相。 Teacher that existed, can the law, have the Chaos Sage strength together?” “老师那等存在,一道法相,可有混沌圣人战力?” Most Exalted Lord Lao shaking the head with a laugh, so said. 太上老君笑呵呵的摇头,这般说道。 This......” “这……” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder silent. 元始天尊通天教主都沉默了一下。 The law, must have the Chaos Sage strength together, that may be serious. 一道法相,要拥有混沌圣人的实力,那可不得了。 What is law? 法相是什么? law is only together the aura. 法相只是一道气息所化。 Even is not the incarnation. 甚至算不上是化身。 The incarnation can be clone, has main body more than half strengths, that is also normal. 化身算得上是分身,拥有本尊过半的战力,那也是正常的。 But this is the law! 可是这是法相! law does not compare the incarnation. 法相不比化身。 Ok, to be how good, in brief, we and clear/pain fellow daoist were on good terms, then on line.” “好了,无论怎么样都好,总之,我们与楚道友交好了,那就行了。” Most Exalted Lord Lao is not willing to haggle over too. 太上老君也不愿意计较太多。 Friendly.” “善。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder hears word, can only nod , indicating to understand. 元始天尊通天教主闻言,只能点了点头,表示明白。 A three people of sum total, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns around to leave slightly, was flying toward the extremely wild deep place that side. 三人稍微一合计,齐齐转身离开,往着极荒深处那边飞了回去。 ...... …… In Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 混沌虚无之内。 Two forms are fighting. 两尊身影正在大战。 But this war had been close to the end. 只不过这场大战已经进入了尾声。 A side was being hung hitting by the other side, both completely do not fall into the same ranking. 一方被另一方吊着打,两者完全不是一个等级的。 Sees only Ye Luo to fight with Su Qianyuan. 只见叶落在与苏乾元战斗。 Su Qianyuan this little while was being pressed hitting by Ye Luo, he was being devastated by latter's sword air/Qi unceasingly, wants to withdraw, was actually suppressed completely in a corner, is unable to move. 苏乾元这会儿正在被叶落压着打,他被后者的剑气不断摧残着,想要脱身,却完全被镇压在一个角落,无法动弹。 Reviews Ye Luo, serene, a finger point goes, then some innumerable sword air/Qi fly to put on, suppresses Su Qianyuan. 反观叶落,风轻云淡,一根手指点去,便有无数剑气飞穿而过,镇压苏乾元 Su Qianyuan to become Shenggui to become Saint, to fight with Ye Luo, is not possible. 苏乾元成圣归成圣,可是要想和叶落争锋,还是不可能的。 Ye Luo to become Saint, spiritual power is for a long time stable. 叶落成圣已久,法力稳固。 Su Qianyuan just just became the Saint. 苏乾元只不过是刚刚成圣的。 The both sides strength radically does not fall into the same ranking. 双方战力根本不是一个等级的。 Big Apprentice Brother, I......” 大师兄,我……” Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Big Apprentice Brother, Junior Brother recognizes......” 大师兄,师弟认……” Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Senior Brother, you wait/etc......” 师兄,你等等……” Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Su Qianyuan wants to start talking, may say radically. 苏乾元想要开口说话,可根本说不出口。 By Ye Luo breaking. 就被叶落给打断了。 Su Qianyuan obviously wants to surrender. 苏乾元明显是想要投降的。 But Ye Luo does not give this opportunity. 可是叶落根本不给这个机会。 A Su Qianyuan opens the mouth, Ye Luo on is each time direct the sword, interruption. 每次苏乾元一开口,叶落就直接出剑,将之打断。 Did not give Su Qianyuan to say an entire words opportunity. 不给苏乾元说完一整句话的机会。 The sword air/Qi is continuous. 剑气连绵不绝。 Su Qianyuan is forced to meet the approaching enemy, can only support with hardship. 苏乾元被迫迎击,只能苦苦的撑着。 He looks to the Ye Luo vision, that called a hidden bitterness. 他看向叶落的眼光,那叫一个幽怨。 Ye Luo regarding this, actually turns a blind eye. 叶落对此,却是视若无睹。 This third child, but also is really good to bully, can bully a Sage opportunity is not many like this with ease, must bully a while.” “这个老三,还真是好欺负,能这样轻松欺负一尊圣人的机会可不多,得多欺负一会儿。” Ye Luo thinks. 叶落是这么想的。 He knows, when these Junior Sister Junior Brother break through Sage, under same realm, wants easily to suppress, but is not easy. 他知道,等到这些师弟师妹们都突破圣人,在同一境界下,想要轻易镇压,可就不容易了。 While having this opportunity, must certainly hit two, vents anger. 趁着有这个机会,肯定要多打两下,出出气。 Therefore had him to attack brutally, suppresses Su Qianyuan. 所以就有了他大打出手,镇压苏乾元的这一幕。 Actually, if in the common condition, he wants such suppression Su Qianyuan easily, that is not possible. 其实,若是在寻常状态,他想要这么轻易的镇压苏乾元,那是不可能的。 How Su Qianyuan said again, grasps side Great Dao Sage, Sage that even if just broke through, that also cannot be underestimated. 苏乾元再怎么说,也是掌握一方大道圣人,哪怕是刚突破的圣人,那也不容小觑。 But the Su Qianyuan good work does not live, must compare a height with Ye Luo with Great Dao. 苏乾元好活不活,非要和叶落大道比较个高低。 Ye Luo grasps the swordsmanship, that opened the swordsmanship river, the comprehension was extremely deep. 叶落掌握剑道,那都开辟出了剑道长河了,领悟极深。 Reviews Su Qianyuan, but just grasped Great Dao of strength. 反观苏乾元,只不过刚刚掌握力之大道 How both sides can compare. 双方如何能比。 This was also held the opportunity by Ye Luo, suppressed Su Qianyuan. 这也就被叶落抓住机会,镇压了苏乾元 Thereupon, had of present. 于是乎,就有了现在的这一幕。 Ye Luo hits extremely happily. 叶落打得极度开心。 Left sword, right sword. 左一剑,右一剑的。 Once for a while also loses swordsmanship divine ability, practices the sword with Su Qianyuan. 时不时还丢个剑道神通,拿苏乾元来练剑。 He regarding Su Qianyuan, is very satisfied. 他对于苏乾元,也是很满意的。 This third child , the intensity of this mortal body, that was the nation nation is If nothing else hard. 这个老三,别的不说,这个肉身的强度,那是邦邦硬的。 Brings to practice the style, was good. 拿来练招式,是再好不过了。 „Does Luo'er, hit happily?” 落儿,打得开心吗?” At this moment, by the Ye Luo ear the sound resounds together. 就在这时,叶落耳旁一道声音响起。 Happy, is definitely happy, early looked this third child was not feeling well, this is definitely happy.” “开心,肯定开心,老早就看这个老三不爽了,这肯定开心。” Hits happy Ye Luo, wants not to think, direct reaction. 打得正欢的叶落,想也不想,直接回答。 His voice just fell, the look shakes fiercely. 他话音刚刚落下,神色就猛地一震。 A little...... 有点…… It is not a little right. 有点不对劲。 Does this sound, where come? 这声音,哪来的? Ye Luo is stiff the head, turned the head to look. 叶落僵硬着脑袋,转头看了过去。 When does not know, is opening Chu Yuan of Heavenly Dao large size, is standing in the side, visits him to bully Su Qianyuan one. 不知道什么时候,开着天道大号的楚缘,正站在身旁,看着他欺负苏乾元的一幕。 This frightened on Ye Luo the movement to stop, some want to cry. 这吓得叶落手上动作都停了下来,有些想哭。 Ended. 完了。 Was seen him to bully the same side by Master. 师尊看到他欺负同门了。 Can this suffer the board? 这会不会挨板子? Master, Master, I......” “师,师尊,我……” Ye Luo wants to explain anything, actually says. 叶落想要解释点什么,却说不出口。 Un? What's wrong , to continue to hit, be not gawking, were you tired? You tired traded Master to come.” “嗯?怎么了,继续打啊,别愣着,你累了?你累了换为师来。” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow, spoke such a few words. 楚缘挑眉,说了这么一句话。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 Read, executed the immortal four swords to soar, changes executes immortal sword, covered Su Qianyuan. 一念而起,诛仙四剑腾空,化作诛仙剑阵,笼罩了苏乾元 Su Qianyuan that just gasped for breath, was suppressed again, and executes the immortal sword air/Qi to attack unceasingly in its mortal body, making the opposite party feel the ache, actually cannot injure the opposite party. 原本刚刚喘了口气的苏乾元,再次被镇压了下来,且诛仙剑气不断打击在其肉身,让对方感受疼痛,却又伤不到对方。 Compared with Ye Luo just also ruthless! 叶落刚刚还狠! Chu Yuan vision that called cold. 楚缘的眼光那叫一个冷。 This third child, was really said that became aware becomes aware. 这个老三,真的是说悟就悟。 Today he does not do to understand the matter how to become aware, he does not give up. 今天他不把到底是怎么悟出来的这件事搞明白,他绝不罢休。 Before helped Su Qianyuan cross the tribulation of Saint, without space to manage so many, that. 之前帮助苏乾元渡成圣之劫,没空管那么多,那也就罢了。 Now had free time, he must investigate well, how all these is a matter...... 现在有空了,他一定要好好调查一下,这一切都是怎么一回事…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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