NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#839: Together law?

Is Chapter 840 only together the law? 第840章只是一道法相? In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之中。 Su Qianyuan was infiltrated here, his body is swaying, stabilizes in the river lives in the figure. 苏乾元被打入这里,他身躯晃荡着,在长河内稳定住身形。 He who breaks through the Saint, aura very powerful. 突破成圣的他,气息十分的强大。 The meat body surface is proliferating the Old Gu golden trace. 身上面遍布着古老的金色纹路。 No action, but a momentum of its body unique world is filling the air. 没有任何举动,但其身上一股超脱世间的势头在弥漫着。 However, compared with cultivating spiritual power, by mortal body to become Saint him, weak planned in the imposing manner eventually. 不过,比起修炼法力者,以肉身成圣的他,终究在气势上弱了一筹。 But this does not represent him to compare common cultivating law to be weak, on the contrary he compares the person of so-called cultivating law, must. 可这并不代表他比一般的修法者弱,相反他比所谓的修法之人,要强很多的。 „Did this come back?” “这就回来了?” Su Qianyuan stands firm the figure, looks up all around, in a low voice twittering. 苏乾元稳住身形,抬头看着四周,低声呢喃着。 Third child, you how here?” “老三,你怎么在这里?” Suddenly, sound resounds the together quietly. 忽然,身后一道声音悄然响起。 This frightened the Su Qianyuan body to shiver, he may not feel slightly behind had the person. 这吓得苏乾元身子都颤抖了一下,他可丝毫没有感觉到身后有人。 Su Qianyuan turns around to look fiercely. 苏乾元猛地转身看去。 Sees only Ye Luo not to know when stood in that this little while is taking a look at him up and down. 只见叶落不知道什么时候站在了那,这会儿正上下打量着他。 Big Apprentice Brother, you how here!” 大师兄,你怎么在这里!” Su Qianyuan relaxes, asked. 苏乾元松了一口气,不由问道。 Your this saying said that here is the swordsmanship river, my domain, I not here, but where can also, you...... not be right, your aura......” “你这话说得,这里是剑道长河,我的地盘,我不在这里,还能在哪里,你……不对,你的气息……” Ye Luo gawked, the brow selected, detected anything. 叶落愣了一下,眉头一挑,察觉到了什么。 This three Junior Brother aura, a little excessively powerful. 这个三师弟的气息,有点过分的强大了啊。 Moreover this aura, seems like...... 而且这股气息,似乎是…… Sage? 圣人 Third child to become Saint? 老三成圣了? Big Apprentice Brother, my to become Saint!” 大师兄,我成圣了!” Su Qianyuan also acknowledged naturally. 苏乾元也大大方方的承认了下来。 Un? to become Saint? When matter this is, the concrete asking for leniency situation, your becomes the tribulation of Saint, if as expected, should also be Master helps you cross in the past?” “嗯?成圣了?这是什么时候的事情,具体说说情况,你的成圣之劫,如果不出意外的话,应该也是师尊帮助你才渡过去的吧?” Ye Luo came the spirit immediately, closely examined several continually. 叶落顿时来了精神,一连追问了好几句。 The thoughts that Su Qianyuan regarding this naturally do not conceal, told. 苏乾元对此自然也没有要隐瞒的心思,讲述了起来。 All and Ye Luo said the whole story of matter. 将事情的原委全都和叶落说了一遍。 After Ye Luo hear, the slight nod, fell into the ponder, has not said anything. 叶落听完后,微微点头,陷入了思考,没有多说什么。 Actually opposite Su Qianyuan, thorough excited. 倒是对面的苏乾元,彻彻底底兴奋了起来。 Big Apprentice Brother, now I already to become Saint! Not if your I compare notes, whom also looks at attractively is the first person in disciple!” 大师兄,如今我已成圣!不若你我切磋一番,也好看看谁才是弟子之中的第一人!” Saying of Su Qianyuan extremely inflation. 苏乾元极度膨胀的说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Ye Luo gawked. 叶落愣了一下。 Compares notes? 切磋? This third child has what problem, asks him to compare notes to do for no reason. 这老三是有什么毛病么,无端端找他切磋干什么。 His vision fell Su Qianyuan body, took a fast look around, he understood all of a sudden. 他的目光落到了苏乾元身上,扫视了一遍,一下子他就懂了。 Originally this third child was the inflation. 原来这个老三是膨胀了呀。 No wonder dares with him saying that must compare notes. 难怪敢和他说要切磋。 This is also normal. 这也正常。 Initially he just became Saint that little while, did not inflate. 当初他刚刚成圣那会儿,不也是这么膨胀。 That little while he to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), depended upon many same side help directly afterward, the enemy crossed Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 那会儿他直接对上了青天圣人,后来还是依靠诸多同门帮忙,才敌过了青天圣人 This third child is actually good, asks him to compare notes. 这个老三倒是好,找他切磋。 In any case his under extreme methods, not looking for him compare notes that are the best choice. 反正他也不会下死手,找他切磋那是最好的选择。 However, although he not under extreme methods, but this does not represent him not to make the opposite party suffer a hardship. 不过,他虽然不会下死手,但这并不代表他不会让对方吃点苦头。 When really his sword isn't sharp? 真当他的剑不锋利了? Read hence, Ye Luo revealed wiped the smile. 一念至此,叶落露出了一抹笑容。 Ok, the third child, your I then compares notes one, but compares notes, but we must go to outside Hundun(Chaos) nihility to compare notes.” “可以呀,老三,那你我便切磋一番吧,不过切磋可以,但是我们要去外面的混沌虚无之中切磋。” This swordsmanship river establish time was too short, does not permit our two Sage wars, therefore we must go out first.” “这剑道长河成立的时间太短了,根本不允许我们两尊圣人一战,所以我们得出去先。” Ye Luo so said. 叶落这般说道。 Regarding this, Su Qianyuan naturally does not have the opinion. 对此,苏乾元自然没有意见。 Two people agree, immediately leaves the swordsmanship river, was flying toward outside Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 两人约定好,当即就离开剑道长河,往着外面的混沌虚无飞了过去。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In inexhaustible darkness. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 Chu Yuan is collaborating with the Taoist trinity, is flying together toward Immortal World. 楚缘正在与三清联手,一同往着仙界这边飞过来。 Sanqing beautiful said that its must deliver a Chu Yuan regulation. 三清美曰其名要送楚缘一程。 In fact wants to brainwash completely in Chu Yuan. 实际上完完全全就是想要在楚缘洗脑一番。 As for brainwashing anything...... 至于洗脑什么…… This was a long story. 这就说来话长了。 In brief, this stirs up Chu Yuan is not very impatient. 总之,这惹得楚缘十分不耐烦。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist, we meet as before, your disciple, is our disciples, the disciples has the capital of card say/way, this naturally is the good deed, but we may be calm, next time before starting the struggle of Great Dao, must be ready.” “楚道友,我们相见如故,你之弟子,就是我们的弟子,弟子们都有证道之资,这自然是好事,但我们可要冷静,下次发动大道之争之前,一定要做好准备。” Yes, the clear/pain fellow daoist, you can greet with us beforehand, when the time comes us also good to open a back door to the disciples......” “是啊,楚道友,你可以事先和我们打个招呼,到时候我们这边也好给弟子们开个后门……” Good, when is bad, copes with the Hundun(Chaos) demon god, we can also together make a move, have greeted, may compared with sudden, is better on many.” “不错,再不济,对付混沌魔神时,我们也可以一起出手,打过招呼,可比突如其来的,要好上许多。” The Taoist trinity is speaking. 三清都在说着话。 These words also hear one of the impatient reasons Chu Yuan. 这些话也是把楚缘听得不耐烦的原因之一。 He had expressed oneself knew. 他已经表示自己知道了。 The ghosts know that these three people did not feel relieved, talking endlessly is saying. 鬼知道这三人还是不放心,喋喋不休的说着。 Chu Yuan many do not make anything, after all he and relations of Taoist trinity, indeed are very good, can only nod to indicate unceasingly, oneself knew. 楚缘也不好多做什么,毕竟他和三清的关系,的的确确是很好的,只能不断点头表示,自己知道了。 Quick, Chu Yuan was close to Immortal World, arrived at the Hundun(Chaos) nihility outside Immortal World. 很快,楚缘接近了仙界,来到了仙界外的混沌虚无。 The Taoist trinity no longer delivered finally, ignores Chu Yuan leave, this makes the latter long relax. 三清终于不再送了,放任楚缘自个离开,这让后者长长松了一口气。 In extremely wild with the intersection point of Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 在极荒和混沌虚无的交界处。 The Taoist trinity gazes after Chu Yuan to leave, no one has opened the mouth. 三清目送着楚缘离开,谁也没有开口。 Until after form radical departure of Chu Yuan, Most Exalted Lord Lao took the lead to open the mouth, broke silent. 直到楚缘的身影彻彻底底的离开之后,太上老君才率先开口,打破了寂静。 „Do you discover a matter? This clear/pain fellow daoist, is not very common.” “你们有没有发现一件事?这位楚道友,很不一般。” Most Exalted Lord Lao spoke such a few words lightly. 太上老君淡淡的说了这么一句话。 That affirmation, can who I approve, possibly to be how ordinary?” “那肯定的,能让我认可的人,怎么可能会一般?” Tong Tian Founder has not listened to beyond the Most Exalted Lord Lao words actually the sound. 通天教主倒是没有听出太上老君的话外之音。 Tong Tian(exceedingly high) Tong Tian(exceedingly high), Senior Brother said does not refer to cultivation base of clear/pain fellow daoist.” 通天通天,师兄说得并非是指楚道友的修为。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning helpless saying. 元始天尊无奈的说道。 What does that refer to?” “那是指什么?” Tong Tian Founder is puzzled. 通天教主不解。 He and Chu Yuan is together, from the start has not managed so many, complete is chatting. 他与楚缘相处,压根没管那么多,完完全全是在聊天。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist do not seem like the main body, is more like together the law, you feel carefully, can actually look, although clear/pain fellow daoist for the body of Heavenly Dao source, but his mind as if body not totally, this situation, is more like together the law.” “楚道友似乎并非是本尊,更像是一道法相,你们仔细感受,其实就能看得出来,楚道友虽为天道本源之身,但是其心神似乎并非完全之体,这种情况,更像是一道法相所化。” Most Exalted Lord Lao looks at the back that Chu Yuan is departing, light saying. 太上老君望着楚缘离去的背影,淡淡的说道。 Law?” “法相?” Tong Tian Founder has a scare. 通天教主吓了一跳。 Regarding law, their three people were ripe. 对于法相,他们三人都再熟不过了。 Immortal World past the Sage Taoist trinity, was they three laws. 仙界昔日圣人三清,就是他们三个的法相。 law in Benzun, is equivalent to together aura about 1/10000 probably. 法相于本尊而言,大概相当于一道气息的万分之一左右。 Therefore they three laws fall Immortal World, will turn into Immortal World Sage. 所以他们三个的法相落到仙界,才会变成仙界圣人 But...... 可是…… Chu Yuan this is the law? 楚缘这个是法相? Is a law Chaos Sage?? 一个法相就是混沌圣人?? Moreover this law strength extremely strong that Chaos Sage?? 而且这个法相还是实力极强的那种混沌圣人?? If Chu Yuan is the law, that Chu Yuan main body, this/should strong to what degree? 如果说楚缘是法相,那楚缘的本尊,该强到什么程度? Tong Tian Founder felt, the clown unexpectedly is oneself. 通天教主感觉,小丑竟是自己。 Owes he also to think, the Chu Yuan strength is not weak in him, therefore is worth his long-standing and deep-rooted friend. 亏他还以为,楚缘战力不弱于他,所以值得他深交。 Indeed others are only together the law...... 敢情人家只是一道法相…… If so. 若真是如此。 If its main body acts. 那若是其本尊出手。 Did a look extinguish him?? 一个眼神灭了他?? Senior Brother, you can guess, who is the main body of this clear/pain fellow daoist? Should at least be a person of teacher years?” 师兄,你猜得出来,这位楚道友的本尊是谁么?应该至少是和老师一个时代的人吧?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning looks to Most Exalted Lord Lao, asked. 元始天尊看向太上老君,问道。 Most Exalted Lord Lao narrowed the eye, hesitated the moment, opens the mouth slowly...... 太上老君眯了眯眼,沉吟了片刻,缓缓的开口…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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