NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#838: Such disciple, I have 14

Chapter 839 such disciple, I have 14 第839章这样的弟子,我还有十四个 Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! The inexhaustible darkness is vibrating fiercely. 无穷无尽的黑暗剧烈的震动着。 But after the moment, the vibration returned to normal rapidly, as if all have not happened generally. 但在片刻后,震动又迅速平复了下来,仿佛一切都没有发生过一般。 However, after an intermittent vibration, in the inexhaustible darkness, actually shines the innumerable radiant stars. 不过,在一阵阵的震动过后,无穷无尽的黑暗之中,却是亮起了无数颗璀璨星辰。 This each stars in the darkness, seem incomparably dazzling. 这每一颗星辰在黑暗之中,都显得无比耀眼。 If some people can feel carefully, can discover. 若是有人能仔细感受,就能发现。 Here each stars, are powerful incomparable aura. 这里的每一颗星辰,都是一股强大无比的气息。 Hundun(Chaos) demon god!! 混沌魔神!! Yes, here each stars, are representing a Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 是的,这里的每一颗星辰,都代表着一尊混沌魔神。 At this moment, these stars are glittering, obvious these Hundun(Chaos) demon gods felt the shock. 这一刻,这些星辰都在闪烁,明显这些混沌魔神都感受到了震惊。 The demon of god strength fell from the sky!! 力之魔神陨落了!! This was recently the second falling from the sky demon god. 这是近来第二尊陨落的魔神了。 How this extremely wildly recently was. 这极荒近来到底是怎么了。 These Hundun(Chaos) demon gods were silent. 这些混沌魔神都沉默了。 They want to take a look, is actually how a matter. 他们很想去看看,究竟是怎么一回事。 But they feared that involves anything, does not dare to pass, can only one by one treat as thereupon has not seen. 但他们又怕牵连上什么,不敢过去,于是乎只能一个个都当做没有看见。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In battlefield center. 在战场中央。 Chu Yuan and Taoist trinity stand in that. 楚缘与三清四人站在那。 On the field has emptied at this moment, the demon of god strength has fallen from the sky, Su Qianyuan also became the Saint, was first returned to the swordsmanship river by Chu Yuan compulsory. 此时此刻场上已经清空,力之魔神已经陨落,苏乾元也成圣了,被楚缘强制性先送回了剑道长河。 On the field is only left over Chu Yuan and Taoist trinity. 场上只剩下楚缘与三清。 Their four people talked about old days here. 他们四人在这里叙旧。 Chu Yuan obtains the Taoist trinity help, can demon of god that relaxed putting to death strength, therefore he cannot certainly put on a serious face, but is cheerful cheerful and Taoist trinity has to do. 楚缘是得到三清帮忙,才得以那么轻松的诛杀力之魔神的,所以他当然不能板着脸,而是乐呵乐呵和三清打交道。 This time, but also wanted many thanks three to help, if did not have three help, I was unlikely hard to take demon of god this strength.” “此次,还要多谢三位帮忙了,若无三位帮忙,我恐怕难以拿下这力之魔神。” Chu Yuan faces Sanqing, good a say/way ritual, very polite saying. 楚缘面向三清,行了一个道礼,非常客气的说道。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist are why must overly courteous, we feel like old friends at the first meeting, help you, that should also be.” “楚道友何须多礼,我们一见如故,帮助你,那也是应该的。” „The clear/pain fellow daoist, demon of god this strength should kill, but until now has no opportunity.” “楚道友,这力之魔神本就该杀,只是一直以来都没有什么机会而已。” We looked that clear/pain fellow daoist you also has the strength that can put to death the demon of god strength, we improve on perfection.” “我们看楚道友你自身也有能够诛杀力之魔神的实力,我们不过锦上添花罢了。” The Taoist trinity opens the mouth in abundance, said. 三清纷纷开口,说道。 Regarding these three people of words, Chu Yuan cannot certainly believe. 对于这三人的话,楚缘当然是不能相信的。 He very clear own strength, if no Taoist trinity help, he has not really been possible to take the demon of god striving. 他很清楚自身的实力,若无三清帮忙,他还真不一定能拿下力之魔神。 Perhaps suppresses. 或许镇压可以。 But put to death really does not say certainly. 但诛杀真的说不准。 If the god brilliant number with executing immortal sword, that can certainly be able to achieve to put to death. 如果是神光大号用诛仙剑阵,那一定可以做得到诛杀。 But the Heavenly Dao large size with executing immortal sword, really may be unable to achieve. 可是天道大号用诛仙剑阵,是真的不一定能够做得到。 In brief, wanted many thanks three.” “总之,还是要多谢三位了。” Chu Yuan thanked again. 楚缘再度感谢。 The Taoist trinity naturally is one declines, should not under thanks of Chu Yuan. 三清自然是一番推辞,没有应下楚缘的感谢。 After the moment . 片刻后。 Most Exalted Lord Lao opens the mouth slowly, changed a topic. 太上老君缓缓的开口,换了个话题。 Right, clear/pain fellow daoist, now my Junior Brother execution immortal sword in your body, in Immortal World had/left the turmoil, some people arrange to execute immortal sword, but do you arrange?” “对了,楚道友,如今我师弟的诛仙剑阵在你身上,之前仙界之中出了动乱,有人摆下诛仙剑阵,可是你摆下的?” Most Exalted Lord Lao that pair of faint eye pupil fell Chu Yuan body, made noise to ask. 太上老君那双淡漠的眼眸落到了楚缘身上,出声问道。 Un? This matter, right, is I arranges, on the same day that Immortal World Heavenly Dao wanted to extinguish me, I can only arrange to execute immortal sword, opposed the enemy by this, this matter also wanted many thanks the Tong Tian(exceedingly high) fellow daoist, if did not have execution immortal sword that the Tong Tian(exceedingly high) fellow daoist delivered, perhaps I had been extinguished by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao.” “嗯?这件事啊,对,就是我摆下的,当日那仙界天道欲要灭我,我只能摆下诛仙剑阵,以此对敌,此事还要多谢通天道友了,若无通天道友送的诛仙剑阵,我恐怕早已经被仙界天道所灭。” Chu Yuan looks to Tong Tian Founder, so said. 楚缘看向通天教主,这般说道。 clear/pain fellow daoist this said is what words, your I......” “楚道友这说得是什么话,你我……” Tong Tian Founder wants saying that one feels like old friends at the first meeting anything. 通天教主本想说一番一见如故什么的。 But suddenly, he gawked. 可突然之间,他愣了下来。 Wait. 等等。 Execution immortal sword that he delivers? 他送的诛仙剑阵? He said at that time, is delivers? 他当时说的,是送么? Isn't borrows? 不是借么? Tong Tian Founder were suddenly confused. 通天教主忽然自己都迷茫了。 He was said at that time borrows, said delivers? 他当时到底是说借,还是说送? Ok. 算了。 Ponders over so many to do. 琢磨这么多干什么。 Waits later, to ask with the clear/pain fellow daoist again was good. 等晚些,再和楚道友问一下就好了。 clear/pain fellow daoist is honest, how to possibly seek after his execution immortal sword. 楚道友为人正直,怎么可能会贪图他的诛仙剑阵。 Tong Tian Founder thinks. 通天教主是这么想的。 Another side Most Exalted Lord Lao may not have to ponder so many, he also asked one. 另一边的太上老君可没思考这么多,他又问了一句。 „, A matter, our three are also very so that's how it is puzzled, yes, the clear/pain fellow daoist, is it possible that your disciples are eternal Heaven's Chosen are inadequate?” “原来如此,还有一件事,我们三个也很是不解,就是,楚道友,莫非你的弟子都是万古天骄不成?” Person of to become Saint, person of to become Saint, by the body of day after tomorrow, has previously compared favorably with the innate life now, seriously is the eternal graceful bearing.” “先前已经有一人成圣,如今又有一人成圣,以后天之身,媲美先天生灵,当真是万古风姿。” Most Exalted Lord Lao sighs with emotion was saying. 太上老君感慨着说道。 They naturally were eternal Heaven's Chosen.” “他们当然是万古天骄了。” Chu Yuan mentioned the own disciple, on the face filled proudly. 楚缘提及自己的弟子,脸上都是充满了骄傲的。 Can receive these two is a disciple, the clear/pain fellow daoist seriously are the good good fortunes.” “能收这两位为弟子,楚道友当真是好福气。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning also sighed with emotion, speaks one. 元始天尊也不由感慨,出言说了一句。 He also received many disciples, but simply does not have this grade of natural talent. 他也收了不少弟子,但根本没有这等天资。 Even can say, the entire Confucian orthodoxy that he establishes, turned inside out could not find the person who can compare favorably with clear/pain fellow daoist that two disciples. 甚至可以说,他立下的整个道统,翻过来都找不到一个能媲美楚道友那两个弟子的人。 Two? The genesis fellow daoist, your saying may speak incorrectly, I may continue these two disciples, I have other 14 disciples.” “两位?元始道友,你这话可就说错了,我可不止这两位弟子,我还有其他十四位弟子。” Chu Yuan is actually the opens the mouth, so said. 楚缘却是开口,这般说道。 Un? 14?” “嗯?还有十四个?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning gawked. 元始天尊愣了一下。 Immediately he turned the head with Most Exalted Lord Lao, Tong Tian Founder to look at each other one, the innermost feelings had a thought to raise. 随即他转头与太上老君,通天教主对视了一眼,内心都有一个念头升起。 You have 16 disciples, two cards had said that therefore remaining also has 14 disciples. 你有十六个弟子,已经有两个证道了,所以剩下还有十四个弟子。 Should these 14 disciples, each not have natural talent so? 该不会这十四个弟子,各个都有这般天资吧? Must be possible. 不可能不可能。 That was also too exaggerating. 那也太夸张了。 However, in they feel not possible. 不过,他们内心之中觉得不可能。 But has such a faint trace feeling. 但还是有那么一丝丝感觉的。 If by some chance...... 万一…… If by some chance really these 14 disciples, do have natural talent extremely one by one? 万一真的这十四个弟子,各个拥有绝顶天资呢? „The clear/pain fellow daoist, do your 14 disciples, have the capital of card say/way?” “楚道友,你这十四个弟子,都有证道之资?” The Tong Tian Founder cautious opens the mouth, asked such a. 通天教主小心翼翼的开口,问了这么一句。 That is natural, if no a card skill, how with, when my Chu Yuan disciple?” “那是自然,若无证道的本事,怎配当我楚缘的弟子?” Chu Yuan that called a pride. 楚缘那叫一个自豪。 But said, his heart thump. 只不过说完,他内心就咯噔了一下。 The words cannot say. 话不能这么说。 The second child has really not determined a card aptitude probably. 老二好像还真不确定有没有证道的资质。 If by some chance later the second child could not prove the say/way, that didn't hit his face? 万一以后老二证不了道,那不是打他的脸? It is not good, after going back, how must urge on the second child. 不行,回去之后,怎么样也要鞭策老二。 He did not ask the second child card saying that only asked the second child to achieve Quasi Sage to be good. 他不求老二证道,只求老二能达到准圣就好了。 The Chu Yuan innermost feelings made a decision. 楚缘内心做了个决定。 But his words, fall into the Taoist trinity ear. 但他的话,落入三清耳中。 Let the Taoist trinity thorough shock. 却让三清彻彻底底的震惊了。 Really do 14 disciples have the capital of card say/way? 真的十四个弟子也有证道之资? This was also too exaggerating. 这也太夸张了吧。 This is representing, but also wants 14 Hundun(Chaos) demon gods to fall from the sky? 这是不是代表着,还要有十四位混沌魔神要陨落? Generally the life must prove saying that without doubt is not possible. 一般生灵要证道,无疑是不可能的。 The strength of Hundun(Chaos) demon god, does not prove a life to compare favorably. 混沌魔神的实力,远非证道的生灵能够媲美。 But this Chu Yuan did not speak Saint virtue, liked meddling. 可是这个楚缘可是不讲圣德,喜欢插手的。 When the time comes this Chu Yuan meddles daily, how should they process? 到时候这个楚缘天天插手,那他们该如何处理? They strict, but had boarded the Chu Yuan pirate ship. 他们严格来说,可是已经上了楚缘的贼船了的。 Later if Chu Yuan meddles, they cannot make a move together? 以后楚缘要是插手,他们不得一起出手? Ended the calf. 完犊子了。 Taoist trinity feeling life such darkness. 三清感觉人生如此的黑暗。 The Saint of order. 秩序之圣。 They are the Saints of order. 他们是秩序之圣。 Perhaps the later order, they will give personally shatter. 可是恐怕以后的秩序,他们会亲手给破碎了。 This special can also call the Saint of order??? 这特么还能叫秩序之圣??? ?? The recent renewal is very unstable, but the cabbage is arranging, will explode on the 9 th greatly one time, the little friends can guess that explodes many chapters ??最近的更新还是很不稳定,但白菜在筹备,九号会大爆更一次,小伙伴们可以猜猜爆更多少章 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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