NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#837: In cahoots four people of groups

Chapter 838 is in cahoots four people of groups 第838章狼狈为奸四人组 In inexhaustible darkness, in battlefield. 无穷无尽的黑暗中,战场之内。 At this moment, Chu Yuan lives to execute an immortal sword center, in an instant, controls the innumerable sword air/Qi. 此时此刻,楚缘身居诛仙剑阵之中央,一念之间,操控无数剑气。 In him behind, Su Qianyuan little darling is standing. 在他身后,苏乾元乖乖的站着。 Opposite reviews, plate great under his hand, can only come under attack passively, was being rubbed by the innumerable sword air/Qi, wants to break through, actually cannot achieve. 反观对面,盘巨在他手底下,只能被动挨打,被无数剑气磨着,想要突破而出,却根本做不到。 Only can come under attack passively. 只能被动挨打。 Who you are!” “你是何人!” The plate is roaring greatly. 盘巨怒吼着。 He facing this inexhaustible sword air/Qi, has no alternative completely. 他面对这无穷无尽的剑气,完全无可奈何。 Only can come under attack passively. 只能被动挨打。 He is very puzzled. 只是他十分不解。 Why the struggle of Great Dao, but also some people can meddle. 为什么大道之争,还会有人能够插手得了。 The Saint of order? 秩序之圣呢? No matter the Saints of three order this matter? 三位秩序之圣就不管这事? Stands in executing Chu Yuan in immortal sword do not respond the plate great meaning. 站在诛仙剑阵之中的楚缘没有要搭理盘巨的意思。 He looks up everywhere the sword air/Qi, is lost in thought. 他抬头看着漫天的剑气,陷入了沉思。 He discovered that executes immortal sword in the hand of Heavenly Dao large size, performing, is well below the appearance when the god brilliant trumpeter. 他发现诛仙剑阵在天道大号的手中,发挥出来的力量,远远不如在神光大号手上时的样子。 That unfamiliar feeling. 那种生疏感。 As if four types of sword air/Qi cannot the simultaneous integration. 似乎四种剑气不能够同时融合。 However when the god brilliant trumpeter, four types of sword air/Qi seems inborn a body, simply not such many matters. 但是在神光大号手上时,四种剑气却仿佛天生一体,根本没有这么多事。 „Is the Heavenly Dao large size inferior to the god brilliant number?” “天道大号不如神光大号?” The Chu Yuan innermost feelings raise this thought. 楚缘内心不由升起这个念头。 But the thought just raised, was overruled by him. 但念头刚刚升起,就被他否决了。 Is impossible. 不可能。 The Heavenly Dao large size is not weak in the god brilliant number, this is inevitable. 天道大号绝不弱于神光大号,这是必然的。 Even certain aspects, the Heavenly Dao large size also be brilliant number compared with the god. 甚至某些方面来说,天道大号还要比神光大号强。 But why the Heavenly Dao large size control executes immortal sword, was brilliant the number to want much weakly compared with the god? 可为什么天道大号操控诛仙剑阵,比神光大号要弱了不少呢? Pondered for a long time Chu Yuan draws a conclusion. 思考了许久的楚缘得出一个结论。 The god brilliant number has the infinite possibility, can therefore control to execute immortal sword, like a fish in water simplicity. 神光大号拥有无限可能,所以才能操控诛仙剑阵,如鱼得水般的简单。 The Heavenly Dao large size is not so, wants to control to execute immortal sword very difficultly. 天道大号则不然,想要操控诛仙剑阵十分困难。 Now can arrange to execute immortal sword smoothly, because attaches in executing the god strength in immortal sword has not only dissipated, can so. 如今能够顺利摆下诛仙剑阵,还是因为附加在诛仙剑阵内的神光力量没有消散,才会如此。 Ok, the urgent matter, is to cutting to kill this person , helping the heavens card say.” “算了,当务之急,是要将这人给斩杀了,助乾元证道。” Chu Yuan look one cold, aggravated the spiritual power output, was launching a fiercer attack to opposite plate greatly. 楚缘眼神一凛,加重了法力输出,对着对面的盘巨发起了更加猛烈的攻击。 He may, no matter the struggle of what Great Dao is fair. 他可不管什么大道之争是不是要公平的。 Stands in his standpoint, he will shelter Su Qianyuan unconditionally. 站在他的立场上,他就是会无条件的庇护苏乾元 The struggle of Great Dao took a side death, can finish. 大道之争要一方死亡,才能结束。 He did not allow Su Qianyuan dead. 他绝不允许苏乾元死去。 Ancestor intervention I!!” “祖神助我!!” The plate was also compelled greatly anxiously, roared, the back dusky gas ascended again. 盘巨也是被逼急了,一声咆哮,背后灰蒙蒙的气体再度升腾而起。 Let alone, this gas ascends, compelling the surrounding innumerable sword air/Qi automatically to withdraw, does not dare to initiate to the plate great attack. 别说,这股气体升腾而起时,逼得周围无数剑气都自动退避,不敢发起对盘巨的攻击。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… This dusky gas social climbing behind him, formed a person's shadow indistinctly. 这灰蒙蒙的气体攀附在他背后,隐隐约约形成了一道人影。 The person's shadow raised the head, is looking to Chu Yuan. 人影抬头,在看向楚缘 Chu Yuan does not dread, looks at each other with it. 楚缘毫不畏惧,与之对视。 The vision collides in the darkness. 目光在黑暗之中碰撞。 After deadlock of moment . 片刻的僵持之后。 Chu Yuan begins fiercely, he transfers the sword air/Qi full power, exterminates to go toward that person's shadow, its innermost feelings do not fear quite the same as. 楚缘猛地动手,他全力调动剑气,往那人影剿灭而去,其内心浑然不惧。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under Chu Yuan sword air/Qi, that say/way dusky person's shadow was cut up the granule immediately, the dissipation opens. 楚缘一记剑气之下,那道灰蒙蒙的人影顿时被斩成光粒子,消散而开。 The imposing manner is overbearing. 其气势霸道无比。 When Chu Yuan cuts extinguishes that dusky person's shadow, plate greatly Su Qianyuan, tarries. 楚缘斩灭那灰蒙蒙人影时,无论是盘巨还是苏乾元,都呆住了。 This...... 这…… Su Qianyuan tarries , because before , he has faced that say/way dusky gas, before that gas, he is afraid, the innermost feelings cannot have the least bit to fight intent. 苏乾元之所以呆住,是因为之前他面对过那道灰蒙蒙的气体,在那道气体之前,他感到恐惧,内心生不出半点战意。 The plate tarries in greatly, why some people dare so fearless beginning. 盘巨则是呆住于,为什么有人敢这般毫无畏惧的动手。 This gas could be his ancestor god the projection of faint trace aura, although in the strength had little change, but said without a doubt, this faint trace aura had the absolute suppression to any life. 这道气体算得上是他祖神的一丝丝气息的投影了,虽然战力上没有太大变化,但是毫无疑问的说,这一丝丝气息对任何生灵都拥有绝对的压制。 But this person why...... 可是这人为什么…… Did the backhand give to cut? 反手就给斩了? You have what move, although causes, otherwise do not blame this not being impolite.” “你还有什么招数,尽管使出来,否则就别怪本座不客气了。” Chu Yuan stands above the innumerable sword air/Qi, overlooking the plate is great, light saying. 楚缘站在无数剑气之上,俯瞰盘巨,淡淡的说道。 „Who you are!” “你到底是什么人!” In the plate great eye revealed the fear for the first time, is clenching teeth to look to Chu Yuan, said. 盘巨眼中第一次露出了恐惧,咬着牙看向楚缘,说道。 This, Daoless Sect, Chu Yuan.” “本座,无道宗,楚缘。” The Chu Yuan look is faint, opens the mouth slowly said such a. 楚缘眼神淡漠,缓缓的开口说出了这么一句。 Chu Yuan! Why you must destroy the struggle of fair Great Dao!” 楚缘!你为何要破坏公平的大道之争!” The plate clenches jaws greatly, wishes one could to run away now immediately, but he cannot achieve. 盘巨咬牙切齿,恨不得现在立马逃走,但他根本做不到。 The struggle of Great Dao, he escaped represented him to lose. 大道之争,他逃了就代表他输了。 Therefore he cannot escape. 所以他绝不能逃。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan is wanting to say anything. 楚缘正想要开口说些什么。 But has not waited for him to say the words. 可还没等他说出话。 Suddenly, the peripheral three forms broke through the innumerable sword air/Qi, rushes. 忽然之间,外围三道身影冲破了无数剑气,闯了进来。 This sudden accident, naturally brought to the Chu Yuan three people of attention. 这突如其来的变故,自然是引起了楚缘三人的注意。 Three people looked simultaneously. 三人同时看了过去。 Saw only the Taoist trinity to fly from the distant place. 只见三清从远方飞了过来。 Chu Yuan sees the Taoist trinity, was pleasantly surprised. 楚缘看到三清,惊喜了。 The plate sees the Taoist trinity greatly, was pleasantly surprised. 盘巨看到三清,也惊喜了。 „The Tong Tian(exceedingly high) fellow daoist, comes quickly, puts to death this person with me together!” 通天道友,快过来,与我一同诛杀这人!” „The Saints of three order, you may probably take responsibility for me!” “三位秩序之圣,你们可要为我做主啊!” Two people almost open the mouth simultaneously. 两人几乎同时开口的。 Two people after speaking a few words, each other looked at each other one, in the look all has the surprise. 两人在说完一句话后,又彼此对视了一眼,眼神之中皆带着诧异。 Is this person who you shouted? 这是你喊的人? They have this thought to raise. 两人内心都有这个念头升起。 clear/pain fellow daoist!” “楚道友!” Of Tong Tian Founder Taoist trinity flew hastily. 三清之一的通天教主连忙飞了过来。 „The Tong Tian(exceedingly high) fellow daoist, you come, is helps me help his.” 通天道友,你们过来,是助我还是助他的。” Chu Yuan is frowning, asked such a. 楚缘皱着眉头,问了这么一句。 He worries certainly about this matter, if the Taoist trinity is to help this plate is great, his trouble was big. 他当然担忧这件事,如果三清是帮助这个盘巨,那他的麻烦就大了。 „Did the clear/pain fellow daoist, what words you speak? We are help certainly your, your my what kind of friendship?” “楚道友,你说得什么话?我们当然是帮你的,你我何等交情?” Tong Tian Founder knits the brows to say. 通天教主皱眉说道。 He as if to the question of Chu Yuan, feels very uncomfortable. 他似乎对楚缘的这种质疑,感到很不爽。 Shortly after he and Chu Yuan intersect, but actually hits it off well with one another, two people relational that is very good. 他与楚缘相交不久,但却十分投缘,两人的关系那是非常不错的。 Otherwise Tong Tian Founder not possible executing the immortal four swords lent Chu Yuan. 不然通天教主也不可能把诛仙四剑借给楚缘了。 Helps my? That is good, but also please three help, put to death this person with me together!” “帮我的?那就好,还请三位帮忙,与我一同诛杀此人!” Chu Yuan hears word, long relaxes, the vision fell plate great body. 楚缘闻言,长长松了一口气,目光落到了盘巨身上 He obtains the Taoist trinity help, the confidence was full immediately. 他得到三清帮助,信心顿时十足了。 Has the Taoist trinity to assist. 有三清相助。 Puts to death this person, that is simpler. 诛杀这个人,那就简单很多的。 This person, withstand/top the broken day , before is , a demon of god rank that sword. 这个人,顶破天,也就是和之前那个剑之魔神一个级别的。 Past the Taoist trinity and he collaborated, easily put to death the demon of god sword. 昔日三清和他联手,轻易诛杀了剑之魔神。 Likewise, puts to death this person, has the Taoist trinity and he acts together, can definitely easily solve. 同理,诛杀这个人,有三清和他一起出手,肯定可以轻易解决的。 While so.” “正当如此。” Tong Tian Founder complies joyfully. 通天教主欣然答应。 The other two naturally are also so. 其余两人自然也是如此。 Four people reach the agreement, neat fell demon of god plate great body strength the vision. 四人达成共识,齐刷刷的将目光落到了力之魔神盘巨身上 Stared by these four. 被这四位盯上。 The plate great body shivered, a peak sense of crisis well uped, causes his instantaneous scalp tingles. 盘巨身子都颤抖了一下,一股极致的危机感涌上心头,使得他瞬间头皮发麻了起来。 He turns around to escape. 他转身就想要逃跑。 But executed the swords of immortal four swords to irritate dies to surround him, did not allow him to escape. 但诛仙四剑的剑气死死困住了他,根本不允许他逃跑。 Ended! 完了! This is the plate great innermost feelings only thought. 这是盘巨内心唯一的念头。 Wells up to be careful desperately, he turns the head to look that to four people that is in cahoots, clenched jaws, he thinks completely does not understand how is a matter...... 一股绝望涌上心间,他转头看向那狼狈为奸的四人,咬牙切齿了起来,他完全想不明白到底是怎么一回事…… Is this causes and effects? 难道这就是因果? But he is the Hundun(Chaos) demon god, how possibly to have the causes and effects able to limit him!! 可他是混沌魔神,怎么可能有因果能限制得了他!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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