NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#836: This executes immortal sword?

In inexhaustible darkness. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 Chu Yuan is opening the Heavenly Dao large size, the extreme speed flight, shuttles back and forth in the darkness, his for fear that Su Qianyuan has the matter, therefore simply has not had scruples too, swaggering is flying. 楚缘开着天道大号,极速飞行,穿梭在黑暗之中,他生怕苏乾元出事情,所以根本没有顾忌太多,大摇大摆的在飞行。 Was quick, in front, third child's aura in front that.” “快了,就在前面,老三的气息就在前面那一块。” During Chu Yuan feels is being dark that internal energy, the brow slightly wrinkle, picked up the speed. 楚缘感受着冥冥之中的那股气机,眉头微皱,加快了速度。 He all disciples to the attitude that show is the same. 他对所有的弟子表现的态度都是一样的。 Doting parent! 护犊子! He does not allow Su Qianyuan to have the matter. 他绝不允许苏乾元出事情。 Chu Yuan flies full power. 楚缘全力飞行。 However he did not have flying a while. 不过他还没飞一会儿。 Suddenly, three forms come from the distant place, blocked him forcefully. 忽然之间,三道身影从远处而来,将他强行拦了下来。 Three Chaos Sage! 三个混沌圣人 Feels these three aura. 感受到这三股气息。 The Chu Yuan brow could not bear wrinkle tightly. 楚缘眉头忍不住皱得更紧了。 At this time how some people blocked him. 这个时候怎么有人来拦他。 This is not adds to the chaos. 这不是添乱么。 The meaning that Chu Yuan has not wanted to arrive at three forms that exchanges greetings with this completely. 楚缘完全没有想要和这来到的三道身影寒暄的意思。 He lifts to execute immortal sword backhandedly, wants the set up formation to block these three people, then continues to seek for Su Qianyuan, gives priority to protecting the Su Qianyuan safety. 他反手抬起诛仙剑阵,就想要布阵拦下这三人,然后继续去寻找苏乾元,以保护苏乾元的安危为重。 But he did not have the set up formation, the sound conveys together, actually broke him. 可他还没布阵,一道声音传来,却是打断了他。 clear/pain fellow daoist! Is we!” “楚道友!是我们!” This familiar sound, making the Chu Yuan movement stagnate fiercely. 这道熟悉的声音,让楚缘的动作猛地一滞。 This is...... 这是…… Tong Tian Founder sound? 通天教主的声音? Chu Yuan gawked, immediately takes back executes the immortal four swords, is looking toward his front. 楚缘愣了一下,随即收回诛仙四剑,往着他前方看去。 Sure enough. 果不其然。 Comes, is not the Taoist trinity. 过来的,不就是三清么。 How you can here.” “你们怎么会在这里。” Chu Yuan asked makes noise. 楚缘不由问出声。 Three of us are based to be wild, protect the order, naturally, the clear/pain fellow daoist, where do you want to go to here actually? How urgent, is it possible that is the struggle of front that Great Dao, you related with the clear/pain fellow daoist?” “我们三人常驻极荒,守护秩序,当然会在这里了,倒是楚道友,你这是要去哪里?怎么火急火燎的,莫非前方那场大道之争,与楚道友你有关?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning walked, good a say/way ritual, says. 元始天尊走了出来,行了一个道礼,开口说道。 Front that initiates the struggle of Great Dao, is my disciple, I naturally must go to bring up the rear for him, three fellow daoist, we must talk about old days, invited to narrate the next day again, now I really have no free time.” “前方那发起大道之争的,乃是我之弟子,我自然要去为他压阵,三位道友,我们要叙旧,也还请隔日再叙,现在我是真的没空。” Chu Yuan worried to say one. 楚缘着急的说了一句。 After he said that. 他说完之后。 The figure changes to the golden light, is going toward the distant place flight. 身形化作金光,往着远处飞行而去。 Stands you have a look at me in same place Taoist trinity, I have a look at you, does not know at once should say what good. 站在原地的三清你看看我,我看看你,一时之间不知道该说什么好。 Finally Most Exalted Lord Lao opens the mouth slowly, broke silent. 最后还是太上老君缓缓的开口,打破了寂静。 „The struggle of Great Dao cannot continue is too long, cannot allow many Hundun(Chaos) demon god to participate, said that this matter, how did we decide?” 大道之争不能持续太久,也不能让过多的混沌魔神参与,说说吧,这件事,我们如何决定?” Most Exalted Lord Lao light saying. 太上老君淡淡的说道。 Old rule, on the side of the help/gang, another side the quick solution, makes extremely wildly calm and steady by this.” “老规矩,帮一边,快速解决另一边,以此让极荒安稳下来。” The Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning eye hides does not lift, says. 元始天尊眼皮子都不抬一下,开口说道。 Also with asking? Helps the clear/pain fellow daoist, put to death the demon of god strength is.” “还用问?帮楚道友,把力之魔神诛杀了就是。” Tong Tian Founder is decisive. 通天教主更是果断。 He indicates the attitude directly. 他直接表明态度。 He is partial to Chu Yuan. 他就是偏向楚缘 Do not ask him, if asked him, that was helps Chu Yuan put to death the other side. 不要来问他,如果问他,那就是帮楚缘诛杀另一方。 Such being the case, that helps the clear/pain fellow daoist.” “既然如此,那就帮楚道友吧。” Most Exalted Lord Lao light opens the mouth. 太上老君淡淡的开口。 Un? Senior Brother, such illegible decision helps the clear/pain fellow daoist, is not quite good? The demon of god strength has not offended me and others, why I can others so make the decision at will?” “嗯?师兄,这么潦草的决定帮楚道友,是不是不太好?力之魔神也并未得罪我等,我等为何要这般随意做决定?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning is somewhat puzzled. 元始天尊有些不解。 Except for so decided that but can also have other choices? You look at your Junior Brother, this attitude, if we choose to put to death the clear/pain fellow daoist, to want me and other people to break off?” “除了这般决定,还能有其他选择么?你看你师弟,这态度,若是我们选择诛杀楚道友,岂不是要我等三人决裂?” Most Exalted Lord Lao, looked toward Tong Tian Founder that side with a laugh, said. 太上老君笑呵呵的,往通天教主那边看了看,说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning looks hastily to Tong Tian Founder. 元始天尊连忙看向通天教主 Sees only Tong Tian Founder at this moment to look that to direction that Chu Yuan departs, the meaning of his look representative, it goes without saying. 只见此时此刻的通天教主正看向楚缘离去的方向,其神色代表之意,不言而喻。 That line, we help the clear/pain fellow daoist, puts to death the demon of god strength together, as for the demon of god strength is father god descendant matter, we do not need to pay attention, they always do not think that we are also the father god descendants, therefore we do not need to think that they are the father god descendants, should hit hits, should kill kills.” “那行吧,我们就帮助楚道友,一同诛杀力之魔神,至于力之魔神是父神后裔这一回事,我们也不需要理睬吧,他们向来不认为我们也是父神后裔,故而我们也不需要认为他们是父神后裔,该打就打,该杀就杀。” The Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning opens the mouth, in its spoken language has the meaning of enforcing, as if he is saying an incomparably fair, fair matter. 元始天尊开口,其言语之中带着严肃之意,似乎他在说着一件无比公正,公平之事。 Friendly.” “善。” Most Exalted Lord Lao nods. 太上老君点了点头。 As for nearby Tong Tian Founder, looks forward to appear in the battlefield now , helping Chu Yuan. 至于旁边的通天教主,巴不得现在就出现在战场上,帮助楚缘 Three people reached the agreement, the form moved, changed to three streams light/only, in direction that Chu Yuan is leaving with. 三人达成共识,身影动了起来,化作三道流光,往着楚缘离开的方向跟了上去。 Their speeds are quick, but Chu Yuan advances after all. 他们的速度很快,但楚缘毕竟先行。 Therefore when waits for them to arrive at the battlefield, Chu Yuan has arrived. 所以等他们到达战场时,楚缘早已经抵达了。 A bit faster hurry up, so as to avoid really hits overdone, is not good.” “快点快点,免得真的打得过火,就不好了。” In the entire flight, Tong Tian Founder is still urging unceasingly. 在飞行过程中,通天教主还在不断催促着。 Most Exalted Lord Lao and Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning are helpless, can only pick up the speed. 太上老君元始天尊无奈,只能加快速度。 Their three people will soon achieve the battlefield, but near the ear the sound actually passed on together fiercely. 他们三人即将达到战场,可耳边一道声音却猛地传了过来。 Evildoer, you dares my disciple soft body hair to try!” “贼子,你胆敢动我弟子一根毫毛试试!” With this angry roaring sound, is the intermittent intense golden light and bright heavenly prestige. 伴随着这道怒吼声的,是阵阵强烈的金光与煌煌天威。 The demon of spiritual bond clear/pain fellow daoist and strength began! 楚道友和力之魔神交上手了! In three people of hearts is startled. 三人心中一惊。 Understands all of a sudden was what is all about. 一下子就明白是这么一回事了。 This obviously was hits. 这明显是打起来了。 When really three people make the best use of the time, when wants to overtake , helping Chu Yuan, sees only everywhere the sword air/Qi to sweep across to come, wanting to quell all. 真当三人抓紧时间,想要赶过去,帮助楚缘时,只见漫天的剑气席卷而来,欲要荡平一切。 This everywhere sword air/Qi, they very familiar. 这漫天的剑气,他们都十分的熟悉。 Executes the sword air/Qi of immortal four swords. 正是诛仙四剑的剑气。 clear/pain fellow daoist arranged to execute immortal sword! 楚道友摆下诛仙剑阵了! When the Taoist trinity feels is extremely surprised, the next quarter, they feel very strange feeling. 正当三清感到万分惊讶时,下一刻,他们又感觉到了很奇怪的感觉。 Present execution immortal sword air/Qi, doesn't seem to arrange to execute the execution immortal sword air/Qi that an immortal sword institute forms? 眼前的诛仙剑气,似乎并不是摆下诛仙剑阵所形成的诛仙剑气? Very strange one feeling...... 很奇怪的一种感觉…… This sword air/Qi source, executes the sword air/Qi that an immortal sword institute forms. 这剑气本源上来说,就是诛仙剑阵所形成的剑气。 However doesn't this seem like arranges to execute an immortal sword appearance obviously? 但是这明明不像是摆下诛仙剑阵的样子呀? They have to experience have executed immortal sword. 他们又不是没有见识过诛仙剑阵。 Where executing immortal sword is like this. 诛仙剑阵哪里是这样子的。 However, Most Exalted Lord Lao and Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning some cannot determine, therefore they looked to Tong Tian Founder. 不过,太上老君元始天尊有些不敢确定,所以他们纷纷看向了通天教主 Your boy executes an immortal sword lord, ought to know, this executed immortal sword. 你小子是诛仙剑阵之主,总该知道,这到底是不是诛仙剑阵了吧。 I, I don't know either, this execute immortal sword probably, does not seem like.” “我,我也不知道,这好像是诛仙剑阵,又好像不是。” Tong Tian Founder feels the head. 通天教主摸着脑袋。 He was very confused. 他自个都很迷茫了。 This was arranges to execute an immortal sword appearance obviously, why may execute immortal sword like not executing immortal sword. 这明明就是摆下诛仙剑阵的样子了呀,可为什么诛仙剑阵一点都不像诛仙剑阵呢。 Is his execution immortal sword? 这还是他的诛仙剑阵吗? The Tong Tian Founder serious suspicion, executed the immortal four swords to make a fraudulent switch. 通天教主严重怀疑,诛仙四剑被调包了。 „Don't you know?” “你也不知道?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning is somewhat in a daze. 元始天尊有些发愣。 Does this execute the immortal four swords is your magic treasure? 这诛仙四剑还是你的法宝么? I indeed do not know, this executes immortal sword somewhat strangely, walks, we go to have a look at the clear/pain fellow daoist to make anything, all understood clearly.” “我的确不知道,这诛仙剑阵有些奇怪,走,我们进去看看楚道友到底在做什么,一切就了然了。” Tong Tian Founder is also very embarrassed. 通天教主也是十分不好意思。 Although does not know that executes the immortal four swords to have what issue, but he knows, this sword air/Qi executes certainly the immortal four sword releases. 虽然不知道诛仙四剑有什么问题,但是他知道,这剑气一定是诛仙四剑释放的。 Ok, walks, enters inside, finds out, puts to death the demon of god strength while convenient.” “行,走吧,进入里面,一探究竟,顺便诛杀力之魔神。” The Most Exalted Lord Lao opens the mouth, decided. 太上老君开口,定了下来。 Three people of voices fall, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform strided to enter in the battlefield...... 三人话音落下,齐齐跨步进入了战场之中……
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