NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#835: I am the person clan

Chapter 836 I am the person clan 第836章我是人族 In inexhaustible darkness. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 That giant wields the axe fiercely, cut to Su Qianyuan. 那一尊巨人猛地挥动斧头,斩向了苏乾元 He has no idle talk, wanted cutting to extinguish Su Qianyuan completely. 他没有任何废话,完完全全想要将苏乾元给斩灭了。 Shook in opposite Su Qianyuan heart, feels a fatal threat, he does not dare to be negligent, uses the law the world, the figure changes such as the front giant general size, brandished the fist with a it war. 在对面的苏乾元心头一震,感受到了一股致命的威胁,他也不敢大意,施展法相天地,身形变化得如前方的巨人一般大小,挥舞拳头与之一战。 Bang bang bang!! 砰砰砰!! The fist and axe blade of Su Qianyuan collided, exuded the sound of inscription on stone tablet and bronze collision. 苏乾元的拳头与斧刃碰撞,发出了金石碰撞之声。 Under strikes, the Su Qianyuan entire body was repelled several hundred steps, but is not lossless. 一击之下,苏乾元整个身躯被打退了数百步,但却毫无无损。 Reviewing giant plate is great, grasps the great axe, stands in same place, motionless. 反观巨人‘盘巨’,手持巨斧,站在原地,一动不动。 After this move. 在这一招之后。 This great has not launched the attack again, but is the vision stubbornly stares at Su Qianyuan, in the eye the air/Qi of desolate is filling the air. 这盘巨没有再发起攻击,而是目光死死的盯着苏乾元,眼中蛮荒之气弥漫。 Life, how your does body have the witch clan aura?!!” “生灵,你身上怎有巫族气息?!!” Only listens to the plate so to say greatly. 只听盘巨这般说道。 His sound opens the mouth, then changes to the billowing sound wave, shakes the big piece dark area. 他的声音一开口,便化作滚滚的音浪,震荡大片黑暗地区。 Su Qianyuan was shaken the eardrum to buzz, is very uncomfortable. 就连苏乾元都被震得耳膜嗡嗡作响,十分难受。 He at once, the look is absent-minded, has no way to reply the plate great words. 他一时之间,神色恍惚,没法回答盘巨的话。 Opposite plate greatly is impatient. 对面的盘巨却是不耐烦了。 „, Also is not willing saying that waits me to cut to extinguish you, all information naturally knew!” “罢了,既不愿说,那待我将你斩灭,一切信息自然得知!” Then, wields the axe on, must cut to kill Su Qianyuan. 说罢,挥斧而上,要斩杀苏乾元 Su Qianyuan facing the crisis, actually got back one's composure fast, he puts out a hand to wield, in the hand also had/left a great axe, treasure that previously Chu Yuan bestowed. 苏乾元面对危机,却是快速回神了,他伸手一挥,手上也多出了一柄巨斧,正是先前楚缘所赐的宝物。 He understands, the present person is his becomes the tribulation of Saint, must defeat the opposite party, he can to become Saint. 他明白,眼前之人就是他的成圣之劫,必须战胜对方,他才能成圣。 Therefore Su Qianyuan quite the same as is impolite, turn around to meet the approaching enemy to go, grasps the great axe to probably fight with the opposite party. 所以苏乾元也浑然不客气,反身迎击而去,手持巨斧欲要与对方一战。 Two several million zhang (3.33 m) giants fought in this inexhaustible darkness. 两尊数百万丈的巨人在这无穷无尽的黑暗之中战斗了起来。 The plate great each axe is rudely, has a trend of strength broken ten thousand law greatly, its axe prestige is powerful. 盘巨每一斧都势大力沉,大有一力破万法的趋势,其斧威强大至极。 Reviews Su Qianyuan, his axe actually plays the subsidiarity, his anything axe move, truly will not be powerful, is his mortal body. 反观苏乾元,他的斧头其实只是起到辅助作用而已,他也并不会什么斧头招数,真正强大的,是他的肉身。 Therefore he every great bumps with the axe with the plate one time, will seize the chance to fight with the fists plate great body to go, from the start ignores the self-defence. 所以他每一次和盘巨以斧头相碰,都会趁机一拳打到盘巨的身上去,压根不顾自身防御。 His mortal body defense was too strong, generally, plate great axe remaining prestige, but also really cannot injure him. 他的肉身防御实在太强了,一般情况下,盘巨的斧头余威,还真伤不到他。 This also causes at once, the plate was suppressed by Su Qianyuan greatly unexpectedly forcefully. 这也导致一时之间,盘巨居然被苏乾元硬生生的压制了下来。 A Su Qianyuan forcing Hundun(Chaos) demon god!! 苏乾元力压一尊混沌魔神!! That great was hit by the fist of Su Qianyuan repeatedly, on the face cannot hang, his axe brandishes, by the potential of Supreme, drives back the latter forcefully. 那盘巨屡次被苏乾元的拳头打中,脸上也是挂不住,他一斧抡去,以无上之势,强行逼退后者。 Then vision stubbornly is staring at Su Qianyuan. 而后目光死死的盯着苏乾元 Life, are you witch clan? witch clan is my clan ancestor god's descendant, properly speaking, you are also my plate Gu descendant! With is a descendant, why you must initiate the struggle of Great Dao!” “生灵,你是巫族?巫族乃我族祖神之后裔,按理来说,你也是我盘古氏后裔!同为后裔,你为何要发起大道之争!” The plate great calm sound said. 盘巨沉着声音说道。 His strength, facing with is the witch clan, when with for the Pangu descendant, is unable to display full power. 他一身力量,面对同为巫族,同为盘古后裔时,是无法全力发挥的。 This also caused him to be suppressed by Su Qianyuan forcefully. 这也导致他被苏乾元给硬生生压制了下来。 Who said that I am witch clan? I am the Daoless Sect disciple, I am the person clan!” “谁说我是巫族?我是无道宗弟子,我是人族!” The Su Qianyuan look is firm, is grasping the great axe single-handed, saying of threatening. 苏乾元眼神坚定,单手握着巨斧,气势汹汹的说道。 He indeed exercised the body of witch clan, but he never felt oneself are witch clan. 他的确练就了巫族之身,但他从不觉得自己是巫族。 His root in the person clan, he is the person clan! 他的根在人族,那他就是人族! He does obeisance into Daoless Sect by the body of person clan, his in any event time, is the person clan! 他是以人族之身拜入无道宗的,那他无论如何时候,都是人族! As the plate Gu descendant, denied own status? Treason and heresy!” “身为盘古氏后裔,却否认自己身份?大逆不道!” The plate actually got angry greatly. 盘巨却怒了。 His eye glittered the red light, the whole body imposing manner starts to rise suddenly. 他那双眼睛闪烁起红光,浑身的气势开始暴涨了起来。 Respectfully requested the ancestor god will to arrive!!” “恭请祖神意志降临!!” Plate great angrily roars. 盘巨一声怒吼。 His voice falls. 他的话音落下。 In his back, dusky gas arises spontaneously. 在他的背后,一股灰蒙蒙的气体油然而生。 This gas appearance, vibrated in two people darkness all around fiercely, as if felt any fatal threat. 这股气体一出现,在两人周遭的黑暗猛地震动了起来,仿佛感受到了什么致命的威胁。 Actually was not only the surrounding darkness had the change. 其实不光是周围的黑暗有了异动。 Stood in Su Qianyuan of not far away also feels the peak pressures, his look changed. 就连站在不远处的苏乾元也感受到了一股股极致的压力,他的神色不由一变。 Almost is an instance, he determined. 几乎是一个瞬间,他就判定了出来。 He not this person of opponent. 他绝不是这人的对手。 Two people disparities are enormous. 两人的差距极大。 Situation that to him has no way to make up. 大到他没法弥补的地步。 Even Su Qianyuan feelings, if obtains the plate that this dusky gas in addition holds to be great, an axe gets down, he will perhaps change into the nihility. 甚至苏乾元有一种感觉,如果得到这股灰蒙蒙气体加持的盘巨,一斧下来,他恐怕会化为虚无。 Even if by his mortal body, cannot shoulder! 哪怕是以他的肉身,也扛不住! This, went back at this time, prepares again, crosses the tribulation of Saint again, Ok?” “这,这个时候回去,再准备准备,再来渡成圣之劫,可以吗?” Su Qianyuan wants to cry. 苏乾元想哭。 If we had known his not earliest possible time came to cross this to become the tribulation of Saint. 早知道他就不第一时间过来渡这个成圣之劫了。 After he wanted to see the light suddenly, becomes the Saint immediately, then makes Master take a good look his three disciples, is not weaker than Big Apprentice Brother. 他本来是想要顿悟之后,立马成圣,然后让师尊好好看看他这个三弟子,不比大师兄弱的。 Never expected that faces so the crisis at present unexpectedly. 没想到眼下居然面临如此危机。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In inexhaustible darkness, some place. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中,某个地方。 The Saints of three order gathered at one. 三位秩序之圣聚集在了一起。 Their this little while one by one complexion is compels ignorant. 他们这会儿一个个脸色都是懵逼的。 Also there is a life to start the struggle of Great Dao, wanting to prove to say? 又有生灵发动大道之争,欲要证道? This recently why matter such frequent occurrence. 这最近为什么事情这么频繁的发生。 First is demon of god that sword is started the matter of struggle of Great Dao. 先是那剑之魔神被发动大道之争的事情。 Behind was that side Immortal World had/left the matter, some people arranged to execute immortal sword. 后面又是仙界那边出了事情,有人摆下诛仙剑阵。 Now some people start the struggle of Great Dao. 现在又有人发动大道之争。 The extremely wild place, calm and steady so has been long, how recently, turbulent. 极荒之地,一直安稳了这么久,怎么最近一段时间,就动荡了起来。 The Saints of three order are very puzzled. 三位秩序之圣都很是不解。 This time was started the struggle of Great Dao, is which Hundun(Chaos) demon god?” “这次被发动大道之争的,是哪位混沌魔神?” Probably the demon of god plate strength is great, father god descendant.” “好像是力之魔神盘巨,父神后裔。” This...... how some people challenge the plate to be great, not being able to baffle does not know that the plate great is the father god descendant?” “这……怎么有人去挑战盘巨,难不倒不知道盘巨乃是父神后裔么?” The Saints of three order were discussing. 三位秩序之圣都在讨论。 They discussed turn over to the discussion, meaning that actually do not leave. 他们讨论归讨论,却并没有要动身的意思。 The life starts the struggle of Great Dao, starts to the demon of god strength, it is estimated that must fall from the sky quickly. 生灵发动大道之争,还是对力之魔神发动,估计很快就要陨落了。 They do not need to pass. 他们没必要过去。 How in the past can? 过去又能怎么样? The life must prove saying that wanted the slaughter the demon of god strength. 生灵要证道,就要屠了力之魔神。 The demon of god strength for the protector, can only cut that life. 力之魔神为了护道,就只能斩了那生灵。 This is the struggle of Great Dao. 此为大道之争。 They meddle to do. 他们插手干什么。 They are the Saints of order, how to possibly disrupt the order personally. 他们可是秩序之圣,怎么可能会亲自破坏秩序。 In the Saints of three order plan to continue to discuss, suddenly, their vision on neat looks to a direction. 就在三位秩序之圣打算继续论道时,突然之间,他们的目光就齐刷刷的看向一个方向。 In that direction, the golden light flies to shoot to come together, just like the flowing light, toward having the place of struggle of Great Dao rushes over. 在那个方向,一道金光飞射而来,犹如流光般,往发生大道之争的地方冲了过去。 „Isn't this clear/pain fellow daoist?” “这不是楚道友?” Tong Tian Founder takes the lead to open the mouth. 通天教主率先开口。 clear/pain fellow daoist toward that side in the past? Difficult to be inadequate the clear/pain fellow daoist to meddle the struggle of that Great Dao? But does the struggle of that Great Dao, what relations have with the clear/pain fellow daoist?” “楚道友怎么会往那边过去?难不成楚道友要插手那场大道之争?可是那场大道之争,与楚道友有什么关系?” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning knits the brows, mutters. 元始天尊皱眉,喃喃自语。 Is it possible that life that provokes the struggle of Great Dao, is the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist?” “莫非,那个挑动大道之争的生灵,也是楚道友的弟子?” Tong Tian Founder came such a. 通天教主来了这么一句。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning: „?” 元始天尊:“?” Is this not possible? 这不可能吧? Also is that person of disciple? Difficult to be inadequate that person of disciple, the manpower is existence of Hundun(Chaos) demon god rank, each one card can start the struggle of Great Dao? 又是那人的弟子?难不成那人的弟子,人手都是混沌魔神级别的存在,个个证道都要来发动大道之争? This was also too odd...... 这也太离谱了…… ?? Second, 1 : 00 pm also has third. ??第二更,晚 1 点点还有第三更哦。 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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