NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#834: The Su Qianyuan card said

Master, I understood! 师尊,我懂了! These words are reverberating in the side hall. 这句话在偏殿之中回荡着。 Sat cross-legged Chu Yuan above rush cushion to compel at that time ignorant. 盘坐在蒲团之上的楚缘当时就懵逼了。 Did you understand? 你懂了? What did you understand? 你懂了什么? He just flickered, understood? 他才刚刚忽悠完,就懂了? Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 If this spoke thoughtlessly two, can understand, he gave to cancel the own three numbers at the scene! 要是这随口来两句,都能懂,那他当场把自己的三个号都给注销了! What did you understand?” “你懂什么了?” Chu Yuan asked such a dull. 楚缘呆呆的问了这么一句。 Disciple understood Master to say the meaning, the say/way of disciple, in under foot!!” “弟子懂师尊所说之意了,弟子之道,当在脚下!!” Su Qianyuan said such a few words suddenly. 苏乾元猛然说出这么一句话。 His voice falls. 他话音落下。 The entire body exploded to flash the golden light suddenly. 整个身躯突然爆闪起了金光。 These proliferate the trace under his muddy body, glittered the ray in this moment, filled the air to the strong aura. 那些遍布他浑身上下的纹路,在这一刻闪烁起了光芒,一股至强的气息弥漫而出。 The Su Qianyuan imposing manner rose suddenly crazily, in his eye did not have past vicious, some are only one suddenly. 苏乾元的气势更是疯狂暴涨了起来,他的眼中没有了以往的凶狠,有的只是一股恍然。 Master, the disciple is going to prove to say!” 师尊,弟子将要证道!” Disciple does not have the state of mind, therefore needs to go, goes to the card saying that but also asked Master not to blame, the disciple urged to go faster returns!” “弟子没有神魂,所以需要亲身远赴,前往证道,还请师尊勿怪,弟子去去就回!” Su Qianyuan to Chu Yuan, does obeisance submissively. 苏乾元面向楚缘,拱手一拜。 Immediately, in his behind, laws exposes to open. 随即,在他的身后,一尊尊法相展露而开。 Each law completely all different. 每一尊法相尽皆不同。 Has the law such as yellow pouch, scarlet such as pill fire, six full four-ways, muddy does not have the appearance...... 有法相如黄囊,赤如丹火,六足四翼,浑敦无面目…… Has the law azure, if the green bamboo, the bird body person surface, rides two dragons fully...... 有法相青若翠竹,鸟身人面,足乘二龙…… Has the law the animal head person, the body draping a red band scale, the ear puts on the hot snake, foot treads the fire dragon...... 有法相兽头人身,身披红鳞,耳穿火蛇,脚踏火龙…… All sorts of strange and unusual. 千奇百怪。 12 laws. 共有十二尊法相。 After Su Qianyuan exposes these 12 laws, both hands gather ten fiercely, changes to the innumerable flowing light in his behind 12 laws immediately, fuses together. 苏乾元展露出这十二尊法相后,双手猛地合十,在他身后的十二尊法相顿时化作无数流光,融合在一起。 After the moment, is longer much law to condense with Su Qianyuan, integrated in his body. 片刻后,一尊与苏乾元长得一模一样的法相凝聚而出,融入了他的身躯之中。 The Su Qianyuan whole body imposing manner rises suddenly again, spanned the Quasi Sage level indistinctly, there are being aloof all flavors. 苏乾元周身气势再度暴涨,隐隐约约跨越了准圣层次,有一种超脱一切的味道。 This is the meaning of Sage! 这是圣人之意! The next flash, sees only the Su Qianyuan entire body to change to the ray, vanishes in same place, as if received anything to summon. 下一瞬间,只见苏乾元整个身躯都化作光芒,消失在原地,仿佛受到了什么召唤。 Only is left over Chu Yuan dull standing same place in that. 原地只剩下楚缘呆呆的站在那。 I, I, I...... 我,我,我…… Really became aware??? 真悟了??? This is how possible. 这怎么可能。 This is unreasonable. 这没道理啊。 This absolutely does not have the least bit logic. 这完全没有半点逻辑啊。 Chu Yuan is puzzling. 楚缘百思不得其解。 He goes wild very much. 他很抓狂。 Does not know is completely how a matter. 完全不知道是怎么一回事。 He spoke thoughtlessly two. 他随口哔哔两句。 Did this third child really become aware? Then direct to become Saint? Now also crosses the Saint tribulation? 这个老三真就悟了?然后直接成圣了?现在还去渡成圣劫了? This special was too odd. 这特么太离谱了吧。 Confused Chu Yuan, assigned out the Su Qianyuan character present situation silently, he wants to have a look, this delivery bottom understood anything. 迷茫的楚缘,默默调出了苏乾元的人物现状,他想要看看,这货到底悟出了什么。 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan you direct, clear(ly) became aware dao heart, magical skill rises suddenly 【您的三弟子苏乾元得您指点,明悟道心,道行暴涨】 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan leave swordsmanship river 【您的三弟子苏乾元离开剑道长河】 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan bodies cross beyond day, enters unknown place 【您的三弟子苏乾元身渡天外,进入未知之地】 Your three disciples open the tribulation of Saint 【您的三弟子开启成圣之劫】 ...... …… This, this, this...... 这,这,这…… Really opened the tribulation of Saint. 真的开启成圣之劫了。 How many words also because of his, clear(ly) became aware dao heart, instantaneous to become Saint? 还就因为他的几句话,明悟道心了,瞬间成圣? Odd! 离谱! To huge spectrum! 离巨大的谱! Chu Yuan clenches jaws, if is so easy to be able to become Saint, he is chaotic some not to have daily, how to see him to become aware what? 楚缘咬牙切齿,要是真那么容易就能成圣,那他天天乱哔哔有的没的,怎么没见他悟到什么? He cannot think through, why this is. 他还是想不通,这到底是为什么啊。 In front of his, completed Enlightenment? 当着他的面,完成了悟道 Past he estimated such carried thorn. 昔日他估计就是这么被背刺的。 Now but is in front to see, does not think clearly, why is. 可是如今当着面看到了,还是想不明白,到底是为什么。 Chu Yuan wants to calm the mind, well ponder this issue. 楚缘很想静下心来,好好思考这个问题。 However he has no free time to ponder now. 但是他现在没空思考了。 He must go for the third child protector. 他得去为老三护道。 The god trumpet does not only have the strength, cannot drive past. 神光小号没战力,不能开过去。 The god brilliant number says to the perilla, cannot drive past. 神光大号得给紫苏讲道,不能开过去。 Only can transfer the Heavenly Dao large size to pass. 只能调动天道大号过去了。 Chu Yuan read, the mind belonged to the Heavenly Dao large size, after taking away to execute the immortal four swords, then left to track down the Su Qianyuan aura, toward is going extremely wildly. 楚缘一念而起,心神归入了天道大号,在拿走诛仙四剑后,便动身追寻苏乾元的气息,往着极荒而去。 ...... …… In inexhaustible darkness. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 At this moment, Su Qianyuan arrived here, during he follows is being dark that summon feeling, proceeds to fly unceasingly. 此时此刻,苏乾元来到了这里,他遵循着冥冥之中的那种召唤感,不断往前飞行着。 His mortal body is very powerful, is blooming a radiant golden light. 他的肉身十分强大,绽放着一种璀璨金光。 This golden light resists that tremendous pressure that periphery the darkness created for him, enabling him to fly by the mortal body here. 这种金光为他抗住了周围黑暗带来的那种巨大压力,使得他能够以肉身在这里飞行。 Where is here? 这里是哪里? to become Saint inexorable fate, here? 成圣的劫数,就在这里? Su Qianyuan goes to this place for the first time. 苏乾元还是第一次来到这个地方。 He are surprised. 他内心不由惊讶。 But he does not have to think, continues to proceed to fly, wanted to solve own to become the tribulation of Saint. 但他没有多想,继续往前飞行着,想要去解决了自己的成圣之劫。 He flew for a long time, had not seen anything for a long time as before. 他飞行了许久许久,依旧没有看到任何东西。 During the feeling was dark that summon feeling to be getting stronger and stronger. 只是感觉冥冥之中的那种召唤感越来越强了而已。 Therefore he does not have patiently, but continues to proceed to fly. 所以他也没不耐烦,而是继续往前飞行着。 After flying period of time. 在飞行了好一阵子后。 Su Qianyuan looks at a front as before darkness surprisedly, the innermost feelings again. 苏乾元看着前方依旧一片黑暗,内心再次惊讶了起来。 This time he is surprised, is this place the constriction of that peak. 这一次他惊讶的,是这片地方的那种极致的压迫感。 He has a feeling, if not for his whole body that golden light is protecting him, perhaps his mortal body in that constriction by darkness, extruding powder. 他有一种感觉,若不是他周身那种金光护着他,恐怕他的肉身早就被黑暗之中的那种压迫感,给挤压成了粉末。 Where is here? 这里到底是什么地方? Ok, cannot control so many, where here is good, must first becoming the tribulation of Saint crossing was good.” “算了,管不了那么多,这里是什么地方都好,还是要先把成圣之劫给渡过了才行。” Su Qianyuan deeply inspires, he restrains the mind, adjusts own condition, prepared fight. 苏乾元深吸了一口气,他收敛心神,调整自身的状态,做好了战斗的准备。 He felt, becomes the tribulation of Saint, must fight to cross by oneself, therefore he was ready. 他觉得,成圣之劫,一定是要靠自身战斗去渡过的,所以他做好了准备。 Then Su Qianyuan regarding the fight that is going to have, that does not fear quite the same as. 苏乾元对于接下来将要发生的战斗,那是浑然不惧的。 He can feel, now he is very powerful, mortal body, far exceeded the past. 他感受得出来,如今他很是强大,肉身之强,远超从前。 Even his feeling. 甚至他有一种感觉。 He can fight with Big Apprentice Brother! 他能够和大师兄争锋! Therefore he filled self-confidently. 所以他充满了自信。 Can cross the tribulation of Saint. 能够渡过成圣之劫。 Su Qianyuan toward the forward flight, finally, he in this inexhaustible darkness, saw other things. 苏乾元一路往前飞,终于,他在这片无穷无尽的黑暗之中,看到了其他东西。 That is a palace. 那是一座殿堂。 Palace of a float in darkness. 一座漂浮在黑暗之中的殿堂。 That summon feeling that he feels, spreads from this palace. 他感受到的那种召唤感,正是从这座殿堂之中传出的。 Where is this?” “这是哪里?” Su Qianyuan gawked, he wants to see clearly carefully, this palace is anything. 苏乾元愣了一下,他想要仔细看清楚,这座殿堂到底是什么东西。 But has not waited for him to see clearly carefully. 可还没等他仔细看清楚。 The discovery, this palace vanishes at present. 就发现,眼前这座殿堂消失了。 Yes, vanished. 是的,就是消失了。 Vanishes baseless. 凭空消失的。 As if has not always existed. 仿佛从来都不曾存在。 After the palace vanishes, giant existence, fell in the inexhaustible darkness. 在殿堂消失后,一尊巨人般的存在,落到了无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 This giant is several million zhang (3.33 m), the black hair shawl, the scarlet fruit upper part, the whole body muscle dragon knot, is disclosing a wild, aggressive feeling. 这尊巨人有数百万丈,黑发披肩,赤果上半身,浑身肌肉虬结,透露着一股蛮荒,凶悍感。 Lets the person one to pass shortly, feels a fear from the heart. 任人一眼看过去,都不由感觉到一股发自内心的恐惧。 Su Qianyuan this little while is to maintain the normal person size, he to comparing to this giant, the disparity was too big, high under stands sentences. 苏乾元这会儿是维持正常人大小的,他对比起这尊巨人,差距太大了,高下立判。 This is......” “这是……” Su Qianyuan looks at this giant, does not know completely this is anything. 苏乾元看着这尊巨人,完全不知道这是什么。 He wanted to ask. 他本来想要开口询问的。 But that giant actually first opened the mouth. 可那尊巨人却抢先开口了。 Plate Gu descendant, Great Dao of control plate strength great in this!” “盘古氏后裔,力之大道掌控者盘巨在此!” Life, you, since dares to start the struggle of Great Dao, wants to seize saying that then dies!!” “生灵,你既然敢发动大道之争,想要夺道,那便去死吧!!” The giant voice is billowing, he is lifting a great axe, wanting to chop dead Su Qianyuan...... 巨人声浪滚滚,他举着一柄巨斧,欲要劈死苏乾元……
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