NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#833: Master, I understood

In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之内。 At this moment, in Main Hall is a sound is still intermittent. 此时此刻,大殿之内依旧是道音阵阵的。 But listens to the person of say/way, was actually not Su Qianyuan, but was the perilla. 只不过听道的人,却不是苏乾元了,而是紫苏。 But Su Qianyuan this little while, was being opened the god by Chu Yuan light/only small-sized, brought in the side hall. 苏乾元这会儿,被楚缘开着神光小号,带到了偏殿之中。 beautiful said its, making Su Qianyuan understand well, this so-called proselytizing was useful. 美曰其名,让苏乾元好好明白一下,这个所谓的‘传道’到底有什么用。 Chu Yuan was air/Qi in any case. 反正楚缘是来气了。 Explains religious doctrine formally does not want, instead wants him to trick, he must have a look, this third child can from his flickering, comprehend anything thing to come out. 正儿八经讲道不要,反要他忽悠,那他就要看看,这个老三到底能从他的忽悠里面,领悟一些什么东西出来。 Su Qianyuan has not felt to have anything actually from the start, he is very cheerful, feeling Master must operate the brick kitchen stove to him. 苏乾元倒是压根没觉得有什么,他还十分乐呵着,觉得师尊要给他开大灶了。 That side the special mess hall like main shrine, his Su Qianyuan disdains to eat it! 像主殿那边的小灶,他苏乾元不屑食之! Must eat eats the brick kitchen stove! 要吃就吃大灶! Master, the disciple has prepared.” 师尊,弟子已经准备好了。” Su Qianyuan is rubbing both hands, saying that very anticipates. 苏乾元搓着双手,十分期待的说道。 Prepared? You wait a bit the moment.” “准备好了?那你稍等片刻。” Chu Yuan sits on together the rush cushion, he deeply inspires. 楚缘坐在一道蒲团上,他深吸了一口气。 Started to think. 开始思索了起来。 Thinks how tricks Su Qianyuan. 思索怎么忽悠苏乾元 Yes. 是的。 He plans the impromptu composition, presently tricks, the guarantee is new. 他打算现编,现忽悠,保证新鲜。 He must have a look at Su Qianyuan to be able actually to comprehend anything. 他倒是要看看苏乾元能够领悟出来什么。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Su Qianyuan does not dare to say anything, obedient standing in that calmly is waiting. 苏乾元也不敢多说什么,乖乖的站在那,静静等待着。 Un...... the heavens, Master asked you, your law to the witch clan card say/way, can once have the understanding?” “嗯……乾元,为师且问你,你对巫族证道之法,可曾有过了解?” Chu Yuan hesitated the moment, then opens the mouth slowly, obviously thought of anything, therefore planned to start to trick. 楚缘沉吟了片刻,而后缓缓的开口,明显是想到了什么,所以打算开始忽悠了。 Returns to Master, during some understanding, is dark, these wills had once said with the disciple, the disciple needs to imitate the road of big god Pangu, the card said only then.” “回师尊,有过了解,冥冥之中,那些意志曾与弟子说过,弟子需要模仿大神盘古之路,方可证道。” Su Qianyuan thinks, feels the head to say. 苏乾元想了想,摸着脑袋说道。 Pangu? Pangu proves saying that what walked is with the road of strength card say/way, this road incomparable difficulty, Pangu had not succeeded even in the past, you actually must imitate, is it possible that you felt, your aptitude, does exceed Pangu that existence sufficiently?” “盘古?盘古证道,走的乃是以力证道之路,这条路无比之困难,就算是盘古当年也没有成功,你却要模仿,莫非你觉得,你之资质,足以超越盘古那种存在?” Chu Yuan subconscious said such words. 楚缘下意识的就说出了这么一番话。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Su Qianyuan feels the head, silent. 苏乾元摸着脑袋,沉默了下来。 He does not know how should reply. 他不知道该怎么回答。 He regarding the knowledge in this aspect, is almost zero, information that knows, was that is during all dark the will and he says. 他对于这方面的知识,几乎为零,所知道的信息,也全都是那冥冥之中的意志和他说的。 Can exceed Pangu as for him...... 至于他能不能超越盘古…… He felt is completely impossible. 那他觉得,是完全不可能的。 He does not understand big god Pangu. 他并不了解大神盘古。 However from many traces, is not difficult to see, this big god Pangu, once was existence of brilliance time. 但是从许多蛛丝马迹之中,不难看出,这一位大神盘古,曾是光耀一个时代的存在。 He and that existence compares with himself, that does not look oppressively. 他拿自己和那种存在比,那不是找虐么。 Master, disciple......” 师尊,弟子……” Su Qianyuan for a long time, just wants to say anything silent. 苏乾元沉默许久,刚想说点什么。 His words have not said, opened the mouth to break by Chu Yuan. 他话都还没说完,就被楚缘开口打断了。 Moreover, you and that Pangu, but at all like, these wills mostly is not witch clan these thing, the root of their witch clan, is 12 drops of essence and blood of Pangu.” “况且,你与那盘古,可根本不像,那些意志多半就是巫族那些玩意,他们巫族之根源,也不过是盘古的十二滴精血所化。” True Pangu is not and your, does not have the soul, depends entirely on existence of mortal body, true Pangu is a volume of simultaneous/uniform mortal body, the state of mind wait/etc as one big spiritual power, cannot project on with your eight bamboo poles goes together.” “真正的盘古可不是和你这样的,无灵魂,全靠肉身的存在,真正的盘古乃是一尊集齐肉身,神魂等等为一体的大法力者,和你八竿子打不到一块去。” Only listened to Chu Yuan and Su Qianyuan said these words. 只听楚缘苏乾元说出了这些话。 This Chu Yuan flickered actually not Su Qianyuan. 这倒不是楚缘忽悠苏乾元了。 But is in his god light/only trumpet, has the information records these, therefore he knows. 而是他的神光小号之中,就有信息是记录这些的,所以他才会知道。 But opposite Su Qianyuan static listens to Chu Yuan to tell these. 而对面的苏乾元静静的听着楚缘讲述这些。 After and other Chu Yuan lectures, he is lost in thought that seems pondering these words. 在等楚缘讲完后,他陷入了沉思,似乎在思考这些话。 Chu Yuan does not disturb, but gave fully the Su Qianyuan time ponder. 楚缘也不打扰,而是给足了苏乾元时间思考。 Crossed some little time. 足足过了好一会儿。 Su Qianyuan gets back one's composure finally, looks to own Master. 苏乾元终于回神,看向自家师尊 That, that may I ask Master, the say/way of disciple, where?” “那,那敢问师尊,弟子之道,在何方?” The Su Qianyuan flashing eyes, asked. 苏乾元目光炯炯,问道。 He felt, since oneself Master can say these words, that is certainly representing, oneself Master definitely knows, his road where. 他觉得,既然自家师尊都能说出这些话了,那一定代表着,自家师尊一定知道,他的路在哪里。 Your say/way, not in your?” “你之道,不就在你脚下么?” The Chu Yuan opens the mouth comes. 楚缘张口就来。 Although he for a long time did not have the flickering person very much, but this did not represent him unable the flickering person. 他虽然很久没忽悠人了,但是这并不代表他不会忽悠人了。 On the contrary, his foundation of basic skills of present flickering person, may grow stronger much, increases day by day four characters, described his flickering big law sufficiently. 相反,他如今忽悠人的功底,可变强了不少,与日俱增四个字,足以形容他的忽悠大法了。 Opposite Su Qianyuan one hear of this saying, gawked, the subconsciousness looked toward the own foot, witnessable, only then the floor of side hall. 对面的苏乾元一听这话,愣了一下,下意识向着自己的脚底下看去,可看到的,只有偏殿的地板。 His next quarter suddenly. 他下一刻就恍然了。 Say/Way that Master said under foot, does not refer to the path in his under foot, but has his intent. 师尊所说的道在脚下,不是指道路在他的脚下,而是别有他意。 This say/way, referred to be his say/way of practicing. 这个道,指的应该是他的修行之道。 That Master, what is the disciple does not need to do now, continued maintains practices is OK?” “那师尊,弟子如今是不是什么都不需要做,就继续保持修行就可以了?” Su Qianyuan looks to own Master, inquired. 苏乾元看向自家师尊,询问道。 Was unspeakable unspeakable .” “不可说,不可说。” Chu Yuan hitting primal chaos with a laugh. 楚缘笑呵呵的打太极。 He tricks, insisted saying that how should do specifically, where he knows. 他只是忽悠而已,硬要说具体该怎么做,他哪里知道。 Let this third child ponder over. 让这老三自己去琢磨去吧。 That Master......” “那师尊……” Su Qianyuan also wants to ask anything. 苏乾元还想问些什么。 But Chu Yuan does not give this opportunity from the start. 楚缘压根不给这个机会。 Heavens, Master for the thing that you told, are many enough, then must look at yourself, disappointed Master not by any means that this was the brick kitchen stove that you wanted.” “乾元,为师为你讲述的东西,已经够多了,接下来就要看你自己了,切莫让为师失望,这可是你想要的大灶。” Saying of Chu Yuan faint smile. 楚缘似笑非笑的说道。 He was disinclined to continue the flickering third child. 他懒得继续忽悠老三了。 Sends to leave simply, then goes to explain religious doctrine to the perilla with single-hearted devotion. 干脆打发走人,然后去专心给紫苏讲道。 As for Su Qianyuan, he uses the character present situation to look on the line once for a while. 至于苏乾元这边,他时不时用一下人物现状看着就行。 He does not believe that Su Qianyuan really can understand anything. 他就不信,苏乾元真能悟出点什么来。 „? Master, didn't this have?” “啊?师尊,这就没了?” Su Qianyuan was shocked, this several. 苏乾元愣住了,这才几句而已啊。 Didn't have? 就没了? Remaining all can become aware by oneself? 剩下的全要靠自己悟? Master, I regretted. 师尊,我后悔了。 I did not want the brick kitchen stove. 我不想要大灶了。 I thought that the special mess hall is more suitable I. 我觉得小灶更适合我。 That is, passing on the dao can only say said that said that wonderful, said uselessly, remaining became aware by yourself.” “那是,传道只能说这么说,道,妙不可言,说多无益,剩下靠你自己悟。” Ok, the heavens, draw back for the time being, Master can only help you to this.” “好了,乾元,暂且退下吧,为师只能帮你到这了。” Chu Yuan beckons with the hand to say. 楚缘摆手说道。 This...... is, Master.” “这……是,师尊。” Su Qianyuan does not dare to say anything, can only salute submissively, is about to leave the side hall. 苏乾元也不敢多说什么,只能拱手行礼,而后准备离开偏殿。 He turns around to walk outward. 他转身往外走去。 In the mind reverberates unceasingly Master has spoken the words. 脑海之中不断回荡自家师尊所说过的话。 Said, under foot. 道,就在脚下。 The say/way of Pangu, unlike him. 盘古之道,与他不一样。 Said, wonderful. 道,妙不可言。 What say/way his is? 他的是什么道? Refining up the say/way of body! 炼体之道! What is the core of his say/way? 他的道之核心是什么? Refining up the body! 炼体! The meaning of Master, is to make him persist in building up the say/way of body, should not be affected by the say/way institutes of others? 师尊的意思,是让他坚持走炼体之道,不要被其他人的道所影响了么? Yes, it is estimated that is such. 是的,估计就是这样的了。 But if walks to refine the say/way of body purely, when should that be able to prove to say? 可要是单纯走炼体之道,那该何时才能证道? These wills make him do, takes the path of big god Pangu. 那些意志让他做的,是走大神盘古的路子。 But Master said, obviously did not suggest he takes the path of big god Pangu, this, is the conflict. 师尊所说,明显不建议他走大神盘古的路子,这算起来,是冲突的了。 This is anything. 这算是个什么事。 It is not right. 不对。 Su Qianyuan gawked suddenly, probably thought of anything. 苏乾元突然愣了一下,像是想到了什么。 He is not big god Pangu, therefore cannot achieve like big god Pangu, not only has the state of mind, and has the mortal body, is big spiritual power. 他并不是大神盘古,所以做不到像大神盘古那样,既有神魂,又有肉身,还是大法力者。 But he can imitate the path of big god Pangu, opens the own road, rather than imitates completely. 但他可以模仿大神盘古的路子,从中开辟出自己的路,而非完完全全去模仿。 Master, I understood!!” 师尊,我懂了!!” Su Qianyuan turns around fiercely, looks to Chu Yuan, roared such...... 苏乾元猛地转身,看向楚缘,吼出了这么一句……
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