NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#832: Proselytizes difference that and explains religious doctrine?

Did Chapter 833 proselytize the difference that and explained religious doctrine? 第833章传道和讲道的区别? In space that Immortal World that piece fills the black fog. 仙界那片充满黑雾的空间之中。 At this moment, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is facing Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), is telling something. 此时此刻,仙界天道正面向青天圣人,吩咐着一些事情。 „The northern immortal state by the matter of destroying, is not needed to haggle over again, but the northern immortal state restores, needs you to complete carefully.” “北仙州被毁之事,无需再计较,但北仙州恢复一事,需要你上心去完成。” Moreover promotion of inexorable fate, must speed up, Immortal World this batch of lives, should vanish.” “另外劫数的推动,也要加快,仙界这一批生灵,也该消失了。” „After vanishing, the appearance time of next batch of lives has not decided for the time being, when the time is appropriate, will decide, at the appointed time also needs you to begin to handle.” “消失之后,下一批生灵的出现时间暂且没定,待时机合适时,会定的,届时也需要你去着手操办。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is speaking with confidence. 仙界天道正在侃侃而谈着。 Opposite Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) lowers the head, silently listening, to be nodding once for a while, does not dare to say anything. 对面的青天圣人低着头,默默听着,时不时点头,根本不敢多说什么。 Until after the Immortal World Heavenly Dao all said that. 直到仙界天道全都说完之后。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) dares to ask. 青天圣人才敢发问。 That, that may I ask, that inexorable fate source is not, how should this inexorable fate continue to deduce?” “那,那敢问,那劫数源头已经不在,这劫数该如何继续推演下去?” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) cautious asking. 青天圣人小心翼翼的问道。 How to continue to deduce? This matter you do not need to pay attention, raise the person of inexorable fate is not , but the inexorable fate will work as before.” “如何继续推演?这事你无需理会,掀起劫数之人不在,但劫数依旧会进行下去。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is sitting cross-legged, light saying. 仙界天道盘坐着,淡淡的说道。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) hears word, no longer asked anything immediately much, submissively the name was, then the little darling drew back. 青天圣人闻言,当即不再多问什么,拱手称是,而后乖乖退了下去。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao gazes after Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) to leave, then the vision fell in entire Immortal World, took a fast look around. 仙界天道目送青天圣人离开,而后目光落在了整个仙界之中,扫视了起来。 After taking a fast look around period of time. 在扫视了一阵子之后。 He felt suddenly in the heart moved, the innermost feelings have an anxious transmission inexplicably. 他忽然就感觉到了心中一动,内心莫名有种不安感传来。 This feeling made him wrinkle the brow, perplexed. 这种感觉让他皱紧了眉头,不明所以。 Un? Does Immortal World have what situation to happen? How otherwise to have this feeling.” “嗯?仙界难道有什么情况发生么?不然怎么会有这种感觉。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao first thought that is Immortal World has problems. 仙界天道第一时间觉得是仙界出了问题。 After all his basic Immortal World. 毕竟他的根本的仙界 Can make him uneasy, is Immortal World has problems most likely. 能让他感到不安的,十有八九就是仙界出了问题。 But the Immortal World Heavenly Dao takes a fast look around back and forth, actually discovered that Immortal World simply has not had an accident, all completely all in his grasping. 可是仙界天道来回扫视一番,却发现仙界根本没有出事,一切尽皆在他的掌握之中。 „Is that this matter? Immortal World has no turmoil, why to have this feeling.” “那这到底是怎么一回事?仙界并没有任何动乱,可为什么会有这种感觉。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was puzzled. 仙界天道不解了。 He does not know where completely this feeling came from. 他完全不知道这种感觉来自哪里。 After one hesitates . 一番犹豫之后。 He has not paid attention. 他还是没有理睬。 Closed eyes to cultivate. 闭目修炼了起来。 ...... …… Another side, in swordsmanship river. 另一边,剑道长河之中。 In a flash, is about a year passes. 转瞬间,已是将近一年的时间过去。 Hidden Heaven Island, in Sect Master Main Hall. 隐天岛,宗主大殿之内。 The sound is intermittent. 道音阵阵。 Closed the eyes among Su Qianyuan, full power practicing. 在其内的苏乾元闭紧了双眼,全力修行着。 Nearby Chu Yuan is slowly is explaining religious doctrine. 旁边的楚缘则是缓缓的在讲道。 Explaining religious doctrine at the same time, he is also thinking up the trumpet, examines the Su Qianyuan character present situation. 讲道的同时,他也在用神光小号,查看苏乾元的人物现状。 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan listen respectfully to your say/way sound, magical skill rises sharply 64 【您的三弟子苏乾元聆听您的道音,道行大涨】64 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan listened respectfully to your say/way sound, clear(ly) becomes aware dao heart of war 【您的三弟子苏乾元聆听您的道音,明悟战之道心 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan listen respectfully to your say/way sound, comprehension......】 【您的三弟子苏乾元聆听您的道音,领悟……】 ...... …… Also ok. 还行。 This third child is promoting with steady steps. 这个老三在稳步提升。 Very good. 很不错。 Should come to arrive in the Quasi Sage peak again some time. 应该再来一段时间就能抵达准圣巅峰了。 However, a matter that lets the Chu Yuan very surprise. 不过,让楚缘很是诧异的一件事。 Before looked at Su Qianyuan, in his character present situation, everywhere was so-called ‚during was dark will help, now his here, sees from the start cannot see these words. 之前看苏乾元,他的人物现状里,到处都是所谓的‘冥冥之中意志帮助’,现在在他这里了,压根见都见不到这些话了。 Difficult to be inadequate these wills to dread him, therefore he presents, doesn't dare to approach? 难不成那些意志忌惮他,所以他在场,不敢靠近? Chu Yuan thought of this point. 楚缘不由想到了这一点。 But he does not have to think that many some do not have, but directly looks to Su Qianyuan, he wants to know very much, Su Qianyuan is away from Sage at present, is far. 但他没有过多去想那些有的没的,而是径直的看向苏乾元,他很想要知道,苏乾元眼下距离圣人,还有多远。 Therefore he awakened Su Qianyuan, inquired. 所以他唤醒了苏乾元,询问了起来。 Su Qianyuan regarding the inquiry of Chu Yuan, naturally can only the little darling reply. 苏乾元对于楚缘的询问,自然只能乖乖回答。 Opens reports Master, disciple present range Sage, perhaps a big section distance, in a short time, cannot break through Sage.” “启禀师尊,弟子现在距离圣人,还有一大段距离,恐怕短时间内,不能突破圣人。” Only listens to Su Qianyuan so to say. 只听苏乾元这般说道。 Un? Like this...... considers as finished, all right, and you continue to listen to say.” “嗯?这样啊……算了,没事,你且继续听道吧。” Chu Yuan hesitated the moment, nods. 楚缘沉吟了片刻,点了点头。 Good, Master, but Master, disciple, disciple whether to ask a you small question?” “好的,师尊,不过师尊,弟子,弟子能否问您一个小小的问题?” Su Qianyuan wants to continue to listen saying that but changes mind thinks, there are other thoughts to reappear, low voice opens the mouth. 苏乾元本想继续听道,可是转念一想,又有其他念头浮现,不由小声的开口。 Asked that what issue the heavens you do have?” “问吧,乾元你有什么问题么?” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow, curious asking. 楚缘挑眉,好奇的问道。 That is Master, disciple's position in Master heart, inferior to Big Apprentice Brother?” “那个师尊,弟子在师尊心中的地位,是否不如大师兄?” Su Qianyuan feels the head, asked. 苏乾元摸着脑袋,问道。 Un? Why will you ask?” “嗯?你为什么会这么问?” Chu Yuan gawked, said. 楚缘愣了一下,说道。 In many disciples, indeed is Ye Luo and he most intimate, is the disciple who he most regards as important. 诸多弟子之中,的确是叶落和他最为亲近,也是他最看重的弟子。 However the foreign words, he to all disciples, treats impartially. 但是对外来说的话,他对所有弟子,都是一视同仁的吧。 How this third child can also look, he and are Ye Luo most intimate? 怎么这个老三还能看得出来,他和叶落最亲近? Big Apprentice Brother becomes the Saint is so quick, definitely also Enlightenment from Master, Master makes me come now, I become aware am slow, Master your is not the bias.” 大师兄成圣那么快,肯定也是从师尊这边悟道的,师尊现在让我来,我悟得却这么慢,师尊您这不是偏心么。” Su Qianyuan somewhat suffering saying. 苏乾元有些委屈的说道。 In his opinion, Big Apprentice Brother Enlightenment must be blessed by God, rapid on to become Saint. 在他看来,大师兄悟道如有神助,迅速就成圣了。 At present he is so slow. 眼下他却这么慢。 Definitely was Master gave the private lesson to him, operated the brick kitchen stove to Big Apprentice Brother. 肯定是师尊给他开了小灶,给大师兄开了大灶。 Therefore he so will be slow. 所以他才会这么慢。 Moreover, before thinking back on, Master does not bring to explain religious doctrine, is direct proselytizing, then makes them become aware. 而且,遥想之前,师尊根本不带讲道的,都是直接‘传道’,然后让他们自己悟。 The saying of present, the remarkable results were smaller. 现在的这种讲道,明显效果更小了。 „, Bias?” “偏,偏心?” This gave Chu Yuan entire unable. 这就给楚缘整不会了。 Doesn't he to Ye Luo, explain religious doctrine like this? 他对叶落,不也是这样讲道? Now gives Su Qianyuan, all isn't same? 现在给苏乾元的,不都全是一样的? He how on bias. 他咋就偏心了。 Master, I must eat the brick kitchen stove!” 师尊,我也要吃大灶的!” Su Qianyuan puts in great inconvenience to saying anxiously. 苏乾元委屈巴巴的说道。 What brick kitchen stove non- brick kitchen stove, do you want to listen to Master to explain religious doctrine?” “什么大灶不大灶的,你到底想不想要听为师讲道的?” Chu Yuan was also mad smiles. 楚缘也是被气笑了。 This third child, the courage was so how fat, added what brick kitchen stove non- brick kitchen stove. 这个老三,怎么胆子这么肥了,还说什么大灶不大灶的了。 Master, does the disciple want Master to proselytize?” 师尊,弟子想要师尊传道?” Su Qianyuan was also brave. 苏乾元也是胆大了。 Proselytized? How did proselytize the law?” “传道?怎么个传道法?” Chu Yuan ignorant. 楚缘懵了一下。 When does he also meet this skill? How he himself does not know. 他啥时候还会这个技能的?他自己咋不知道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 The Su Qianyuan cautious opens the mouth, said with Chu Yuan hastily. 苏乾元连忙小心翼翼的开口,和楚缘说了起来。 After Chu Yuan hear, immediately is suddenly enlighted. 楚缘听完后,顿时恍然大悟。 Originally this so-called proselytizing, is asks him to trick. 原来这个所谓的传道,就是叫他忽悠啊。 This third child has any big ice. 这个老三是有什么大冰吧。 He formally explaining religious doctrine does not want, can make him flicker? 他正儿八经给讲道不要,非要让他忽悠? Moreover felt tricks is better? 而且还觉得忽悠的才是更好的? The Chu Yuan complexion was black. 楚缘脸色都黑了。 This is anything. 这算是什么事。 Therefore, the third child you do want Master to proselytize?” “所以,老三你想要为师传道?” The Chu Yuan complexion sinks, said. 楚缘脸色一沉,说道。 That, that......” “那个,那个,咳咳……” Su Qianyuan does not know how should open the mouth, but he grins to smile, the meaning is obvious. 苏乾元不知道该怎么开口,但他咧嘴笑着,意思已经非常明显了。 Good all various professions, do you want Master to proselytize? That Master comes to proselytize for you, and you sat.” “行行行,你想要为师传道是吧?那为师就来为你传道,你且坐好了。” Chu Yuan was also the air/Qi, wanted to trick simply directly Su Qianyuan, must say that his flickering was useful. 楚缘也是气得不行了,干脆直接想要忽悠苏乾元了,非要说他的忽悠才是有用的。 He tricks. 那他就来忽悠一番。 He does not believe that this third child can also become aware anything from flickering. 他就不信,这个老三还能从忽悠里面悟到什么。 But Chu Yuan does not plan to trick now, he planned that makes the god light/only trumpet come and Su Qianyuan plays. 楚缘并不打算现在就忽悠,他打算让神光小号来和苏乾元玩。 The large size expunges to the perilla explains religious doctrine. 大号开去给紫苏讲道。 This Su Qianyuan wants to tow to become the Saint rhythm, he supports the perilla! 这个苏乾元想要拖着成圣节奏,那他就来扶持紫苏! ?? Late hundred million point have the renewal! ??晚亿点点还有更新! ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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