NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#831: Supports Su Qianyuan to become Saint

, Some really people will not think that Master is a mortal ,不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之中。 Chu Yuan in placed many treasures after Daoless Sect, returned to Sect Master Main Hall. 楚缘在将诸多宝物都安置在了无道宗后,就回到了宗主大殿之中。 As soon as he returns to Sect Master Main Hall, first is to then convene the coming swordsmanship river of Heavenly Dao large size from Great Profound World. 他一回到宗主大殿,第一时间便是召集天道大号从太玄界那边过来剑道长河这边。 The swordsmanship river exists in world any corner, therefore Heavenly Dao large size after obtaining god brilliant number summon, soon then found the swordsmanship river to be. 剑道长河存在于世间任何一个角落,所以天道大号在得到神光大号的呼唤后,很快便找到了剑道长河所在。 Naturally, the swordsmanship river is the Ye Luo home game. 当然了,剑道长河是叶落的主场。 Chu Yuan definitely is this big disciple greets beforehand, this assembles the Heavenly Dao large size. 楚缘肯定是和自己这个大弟子事先打了个招呼,这才把天道大号调集过来的。 Before long. 不一会儿。 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之内。 The Chu Yuan three numbers, gathered at one. 楚缘的三个号,都聚集在了一起。 God brilliant number, god light/only small-sized, Heavenly Dao large size. 神光大号,神光小号,天道大号。 Three people obtained Chu Yuan part of mind. 三个人都得到了楚缘的一部分心神。 This little while three people of you have a look at me, I have a look at you, is finding it fun. 这会儿三人你看看我,我看看你,正觉得好玩呢。 However, how long Chu Yuan has not played. 不过,楚缘也没玩多久。 He is putting out the Heavenly Dao source, after handing over on the Heavenly Dao big trumpeter, then the mind completely draws , after belonging to the Heavenly Dao large size . 他在将天道本源拿出,交到天道大号手上后,便将心神全部收拢,归于天道大号之后。 Other two numbers lose the mind, instantaneous on-hook. 其他两个号失去心神,瞬间挂机了起来。 Chu Yuan not multibarreled. 楚缘并未多管。 His mind all gathered in the Heavenly Dao large size. 他的心神全都聚集到了天道大号之中。 At this moment, Chu Yuan is grasping the Heavenly Dao source, is feeling this Heavenly Dao source carefully. 此时此刻,楚缘正握着天道本源,仔细的感受着这股天道本源。 He after a feeling, was slightly happy. 他在稍微一感受之后,就乐了。 Just as expected. 果然不出所料。 This Heavenly Dao source. 这股天道本源。 His Heavenly Dao large size can refine the absorption it. 他的天道大号是能够将之炼化吸收的。 Moreover the process is not even troublesome. 而且过程甚至不怎么麻烦。 Because the Heavenly Dao large size itself/Ben is the Heavenly Dao. 因为天道大号本就是天道。 Both, are essentially same. 两者本质上来说,是一样的。 Chu Yuan when grasping a that day source, a resonance transmission reached to come. 楚缘在握着那天道本源时,就有一种共鸣感传达而来了。 Feasible.” “可行。” Cannot absorb here, must refine the Heavenly Dao source, but must return to Immortal World to be good.” “不过不能在这里吸收,要炼化天道本源,还得返回仙界才行。” Chu Yuan is very clear. 楚缘很清楚。 Once he refining up the Heavenly Dao source, that will obtain the Immortal World Heavenly Dao half of lawful rights. 他一旦炼化天道本源,那将会获得仙界天道的一半权柄。 Therefore he needs to conduct to refine in Immortal World. 所以他需要在仙界之内才能去进行炼化。 Chu Yuan does not worry, he does not have to return to Immortal World now, refining up the plan of Heavenly Dao source. 楚缘也并不着急,他并没有现在就要返回仙界,去炼化天道本源的打算。 In his idea, is after a period of time, does this matter again. 他的想法之中,是过一段时间,再去做这件事的。 At present he also has other things to do. 眼下他还有其他事情要做。 For example supports disciple to become Saint. 比如扶持弟子成圣。 Since present this eldest child Ye Luo already to become Saint. 既然眼下这个老大叶落已经成圣。 That following, naturally is supports the second child......, third child. 那接下来,自然是扶持老二……咳咳,老三。 The third child now is Quasi Sage, tries harder would rather, lets third child fast to become Saint. 老三现在已经是准圣,倒不如加把劲,让老三快速成圣。 Chu Yuan thinks of here, slightly nodded, feels feasible. 楚缘想到这里,微微点了点头,觉得可行。 However, he does not have to shout immediately Su Qianyuan comes. 不过,他也没立刻就喊苏乾元过来。 But gathers god light/only trumpet body the mind completely, he must examine a ranking anything first. 而是将心神全部聚集到神光小号身上,他要查看一番排行榜什么的先。 About the Immortal World strength ranking, he does not want to look again. 关于仙界战力排行榜,他也不想再看了。 His disciples present in Immortal World, the Immortal World strength ranking, naturally cannot record the disciples, therefore does not need to look. 他的弟子们眼下都不在仙界,仙界战力排行榜,自然不会记录弟子们的,所以没必要看。 He opens, naturally is the strength ranking of Daoless Sect disciple. 他打开的,自然是无道宗弟子的战力排行榜。 First: Ye Luo 【第一:叶落 Second: Su Qianyuan 【第二:苏乾元 Third: Perilla 【第三:紫苏】 Fourth: Tantai Luoxue 【第四:澹台洛雪 Fourth: Ai Qing 【第四:艾晴】 Sixth......】 【第六……】 ...... …… Tenth: Doctor magnificence 【第十:华神医】 11 th: Lin Mo 【第十一:林漠 12 th: Zhang Hao 【第十二:张寒 ...... …… 15 th: Ignorant gal 【第十五:蚩伽】 16 th: Chen Jun 【第十六:陈君 ...... …… The ranking has not roughly changed, but realm of disciples promoted much. 排行榜大致都没有变化,只不过弟子们的境界提升了不少。 Especially the perilla, achieved Quasi Sage unexpectedly, makes Chu Yuan at present one bright actually. 尤其是紫苏,居然达到了准圣,倒是让楚缘眼前一亮。 Un, generally speaking, the ranking is similar. 嗯,总的来说,排行榜都是差不多的。 However, he remembers before the second child, isn't 11 th? Now how to fall to 12 th? 不过,他记得老二之前不是第十一么?怎么现在掉到第十二去了? Considers as finished. 算了算了。 Second child that goods, do not raise. 老二那货,不提也罢。 The Chu Yuan vision looked to second Su Qianyuan. 楚缘目光看向了排行第二的苏乾元 Then his following matter, was to support Su Qianyuan to become Saint. 那么他接下来的事情,就是要扶持苏乾元成圣了。 Read hence. 一念至此。 Chu Yuan does not bring hesitant, belongs to the god brilliant number the mind, after puts the side hall two trumpets, immediately passes message, making Su Qianyuan come Sect Master Main Hall. 楚缘也不带犹豫的,将心神归于神光大号,在把两个小号放到偏殿后,当即传音,让苏乾元过来宗主大殿 Faces passes message of own Master. 面对自家师尊的传音。 Su Qianyuan where dares to delay anything, instantly leaves, goes to Sect Master Main Hall. 苏乾元哪里敢耽搁什么,立即就动身,前往宗主大殿之中。 ...... …… In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿内。 Su Qianyuan enters, he one gave Chu Yuan good a big ritual, the respect of look, was as good as Ye Luo. 苏乾元进入其中,他一来就给楚缘行了个大礼,神色之尊敬,丝毫不亚于叶落 Disciple Su Qianyuan, pays a visit Master.” “弟子苏乾元,拜见师尊。” Only listens to Su Qianyuan salutes at the same time, in the mouth is so also saying. 只听苏乾元行礼的同时,口中还这般说着。 Is overly courteous, the heavens, you are away from Sage now, is far?” “无需多礼,乾元,你如今距离圣人,还有多远?” Chu Yuan extended putting out a hand, supported by the arm Su Qianyuan by god strength light/only, inquired about the latter realm issue. 楚缘伸了伸手,以神光之力将苏乾元搀扶了起来,询问起了后者境界的问题。 Does not bring loathsome any. 不带任何拖泥带水的。 „? Sage?” “啊?圣人?” Su Qianyuan dumbfounded. 苏乾元呆住了。 Master this comes up, asked that he does leave Sage far also? 师尊这一上来,就问他离圣人还有多远? Good, Master needs to know, you at present, from some Sage also long-distance ranges.” “不错,为师需要知道,你眼下,距离圣人还有多远距离。” Chu Yuan is bearing the temper, asked one again. 楚缘耐着性子,再次问了一句。 This...... returns to Master, the disciple is away from Sage, perhaps a big section distance, moreover...... how moreover the disciple including a tenth Saint, in addition does not know.” “这个……回师尊,弟子距离圣人,恐怕还有一大段距离,而且……而且弟子连如何成圣尚且不知。” Su Qianyuan honest reply. 苏乾元老实回答。 This is also his truth. 这也是他的实话。 He until now breaks through, all during is the will of relying on these is dark comes. 他一直以来的突破,全是依赖那些冥冥之中而来的意志。 But these wills have not told him, how should a tenth Saint. 但那些意志可并未告诉他,该如何成圣。 „A big section distance? The heavens, starting today, you then follow to practice side Master, Master will say for you , helping you soon achieve the boundary of Sage.” “还有一大段距离?也罢,乾元,自今日起,你便跟在为师身边修行,为师为你讲道,助你早日达到圣人之境。” Chu Yuan says. 楚缘开口说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Su Qianyuan first stares, is overjoyed. 苏乾元先是一愣,而后大喜过望。 He also thinks, oneself Master thought he practice too slowly. 他原本还以为,自家师尊觉得他修行太慢了呢。 Originally Master is to help him break through Sage, but also keeps side him, explains religious doctrine for him. 原来自家师尊是想要助他突破圣人,还把他留在身边,为他讲道。 This does not give the private lesson. 这不是开小灶么。 It is not right, this operates the brick kitchen stove! 不对,这是开大灶了! He said why Big Apprentice Brother breaks through such quickly. 他就说,大师兄为什么突破得这么快。 It is estimated that is because Master gave the brick kitchen stove. 估计就是因为师尊给开大灶了。 Now finally is one's turn him. 现在终于轮到他了。 Many thanks Master! The disciples decide however practice industriously, will soon become the Saint!” “多谢师尊!弟子定然勤加修行,早日成圣!” Su Qianyuan said repeatedly. 苏乾元连声说道。 Ok, sat down.” “行了,坐下吧。” Chu Yuan was also disinclined to say anything, he beckoned with the hand gently, said one. 楚缘也懒得多说什么,他轻轻摆手,道了一句。 Then, he by his god strength light/only, fabricated a rush cushion in the side, making Su Qianyuan sit down. 而后,他以自身神光之力,在身旁凭空捏造了一座蒲团,让苏乾元坐下。 Su Qianyuan is unambiguous, sat, the preparation listens to say. 苏乾元也不含糊,一屁股坐了下来,准备听道。 Chu Yuan sees this third child is so decisive, he shakes the head smiles, restrains the mind, starts to explain religious doctrine. 楚缘见这个老三这么果断,他摇头一笑,收敛心神,开始进行讲道。 When his say/way sound starts to spread. 当他的道音开始传出时。 Su Qianyuan sits in meditation instantaneously, perishes in in Daoyin. 苏乾元瞬间入定,沉沦于道音之中。 The god brilliant number after all is the god brilliant number. 神光大号终归是神光大号。 The gods light/only have the infinite possibility. 神光拥有无限的可能。 What Su Qianyuan cultivates is the mortal body, general saying, to him, naturally has no function, even possibly his completely unable to understand. 苏乾元修的是肉身,一般的讲道,对于他而言,自然没有什么作用,甚至可能他都完全听不懂 However say/way that the god brilliant number institute spoke, was actually different. 但是神光大号所讲的道,却是不一样。 The god brilliant number say/way sound spreads to anybody's ear, is different, spreads to the ear of Ye Luo, naturally is the swordsmanship, spreads to the ear of Zhang Hao, naturally is a say/way. 神光大号的道音传入任何人的耳中,都是不一样的,传入叶落之耳,自然是剑道,传入张寒之耳,自然是阵道。 Now spreads to the ear of Su Qianyuan, naturally is the say/way sound of its match...... 如今传入苏乾元之耳,自然是与其匹配的道音……
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