NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#830: Presents as a gift the disciple magic treasure

In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之中。 Ye Luo listened to Chu Yuan saying that the fist got hold , an innermost feelings enormous helplessness. 叶落听着楚缘所说,拳头握紧了起来,内心一股极大的无奈。 Yes. 是啊。 Right that Master said. 师尊说的对。 If he is powerful enough, when Master facing powerful enemy, how he can only leave passively. 若是他足够强大,师尊面对强敌时,他又怎会被动只能离开呢。 If he is powerful enough, he can fight side-by-side with Master. 若是他足够强大,那他就能与师尊并肩作战了。 Strengthen! 变强! All roots grow stronger! 一切的根源都是变强! Ye Luo impatient wants to practice, becomes by this stronger. 叶落迫不及待的想要修行,以此变得更强。 Nearby observes Chu Yuan of swordsmanship river not to think so many. 旁边观察着剑道长河的楚缘可没想那么多。 He looked for a long time, then took back the vision. 他看了许久,而后收回目光。 Luo'er, walks, goes back Hidden Heaven Island, you call many disciples, Master had the words to say.” 落儿,走吧,回去隐天岛,你将诸多弟子召集出来,为师有话要说。” Chu Yuan looks to Ye Luo, says. 楚缘看向叶落,开口说道。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Ye Luo gives to depress many thoughts hastily, replied one. 叶落连忙将诸多念头都给压下,回答了一句。 Two people no longer talked immediately. 两人随即不再交谈。 Is guided by Ye Luo, they are going toward Hidden Heaven Island. 叶落带路,他们往着隐天岛而去。 At two people speeds, naturally is less than the moment time, then arrived in Hidden Heaven Island. 以两人的速度,自然是不到片刻功夫,便抵达了隐天岛 Arrives at Hidden Heaven Island, Chu Yuan excessively has not stayed in the island, but arrives at Skymist Mountain directly, in Daoless Sect range. 来到隐天岛,楚缘也并未在岛内过多停留,而是径直来到天雾山,无道宗的范围之内。 He made Ye Luo go all disciples to give to bring. 他让叶落去将所有弟子都给带了过来。 Quick, in the Daoless Sect Sect Master Main Hall square, the Daoless Sect disciples then gathered. 很快,无道宗宗主大殿广场上,无道宗的弟子们便聚集了。 Except for absence Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti, other Daoless Sect 14 passed on the disciples to arrive. 除了缺席的张寒和饕鬄,无道宗其他十四名亲传弟子都到场了。 Master! You are all right!!” 师尊!您没事!!” Good, Master can return safely well!” “太好了,师尊能安然归来就好!” Disciple and the others paid a visit Master!” “弟子等人拜见师尊!” Daoless Sect more than ten disciples see Chu Yuan, one by one was excited, salutes in abundance. 无道宗的十几名弟子看到楚缘,一个个都激动了,纷纷行礼。 „The dispense with ceremony, what matter can Master have? one by one completely thinks blindly.” “都免礼吧,为师能出什么事情?一个个尽瞎想。” Chu Yuan shakes the head, he regarding worry of these disciples, actually can also understand that therefore also overflowed says anything. 楚缘摇了摇头,他对于这些弟子的担忧,其实也是能理解的,所以也没过多说些什么。 He put out a hand to wield wielding. 他只是伸手挥了挥。 A god strength light/only, completely all supports by the arm all disciples immediately. 一股神光之力,顿时将所有弟子尽皆搀扶而起。 Master.” 师尊。” The disciples were supported by the arm, encircled side Chu Yuan in abundance, wanted intimate Chu Yuan. 弟子们被搀扶而起,纷纷围到了楚缘身边,想要亲近楚缘 Good was good, one by one, draws back, then Master planned that a person gives you a treasure, you according to the rank, come to receive one by one.” “行了行了,一个个的,都退开一些,接下来为师打算一人给你们一件宝物,你们按照辈分,挨个过来领取。” Chu Yuan light saying. 楚缘淡淡的说道。 Disciples hears word, then the lining up five, prepares to receive immediately. 弟子们闻言,立即便排成了队伍,准备领取。 Nearby Ye Luo has not lined up actually. 一旁的叶落倒是没有排队。 In his opinion, this is Master has not become the disciple of Saint to these, with his to become Saint difference. 在他看来,这是师尊给这些未成圣的弟子的,和他这种成圣的不一样。 Ye Luo just thought of here. 叶落才刚刚想到这里。 Near the ear the shout resounds together. 耳边一道呼喊声响起。 Luo'er, are you in a daze? Hasn't come?” 落儿,你发什么呆?还不过来?” The Chu Yuan opens the mouth, said such a. 楚缘开口,道了这么一句。 „? Master, do I have the share?” “啊?师尊,我也有份?” Ye Luo was shocked, but he gets back one's composure quickly, arrives at the Chu Yuan side. 叶落愣住了,但他很快回神,走到楚缘身边来。 Master did not say, everything is Junior Brother, a person of treasure.” 为师不都说了,凡是为师弟子,一人一件宝物。” Chu Yuan shakes the head said with a smile. 楚缘摇头笑着说道。 Master......” 师尊……” Ye Luo was curious. 叶落好奇了。 He already to become Saint. 他可是已经成圣的了。 The common treasure possibly has no help to him. 寻常宝物可能对他根本没有任何帮助。 Taking.” “拿着。” Chu Yuan without delay, he pulls out a treasure from the bosom, lost to Ye Luo. 楚缘二话不说,他从怀中掏出来一件宝物,丢给了叶落 That is a purple azure immortal sword. 那是一柄紫青色的仙剑。 Immortal sword, the entire swordsmanship river vibrated, as if felt to the emergence of strong sword. 仙剑一出,整个剑道长河都震动了一下,仿佛感受到了至强之剑的出现。 Ye Luo subconscious meeting sword. 叶落下意识的接剑。 As soon as he receives this immortal sword, whole body sword intent was inspired immediately, both normalizing, at once, the entire swordsmanship river was inspired. 他一接到这柄仙剑,浑身的剑意顿时被引动,两者归一,一时之间,整条剑道长河都被引动。 This......” “这……” Very powerful......” “好强……” The Ye Luo innermost feelings shock incomparably. 叶落内心震撼无比。 He is grasping the immortal sword, looks to own Master vision, is full of the shock. 他握着仙剑,看向自家师尊的目光,都是充满震惊的。 Master does body have the so powerful treasure unexpectedly? 师尊身上居然有这般强大的宝物? Other Daoless Sect disciples, similarly incomparable shock. 其他无道宗弟子,同样无比的震惊。 Master delivers such a treasure to give Big Apprentice Brother unexpectedly. 师尊居然送这么一件宝物给大师兄 This such powerful treasure, Master does not remain unexpectedly is using to oneself, but gives Big Apprentice Brother. 这种这么强大的宝物,师尊居然不是留着给自己用,而是送给大师兄 Master Big Apprentice Brother delivers such strongly, gives them, is not definitely weak. 师尊大师兄都送这么强的了,给他们的,肯定也不弱吧。 The one by one disciples anticipated. 一个个弟子都期待了起来。 They felt, Master estimated gives their treasure, compared with Big Apprentice Brother that immortal sword low grade, but can also be extremely the treasure absolutely. 他们觉得,师尊估计给他们的宝物,会比大师兄的那仙剑低等级,但是也绝对算得上绝顶宝物的。 Then, the second child...... is not right, the second child is not , the third child, the heavens, come.” “接下来,老二……不对,老二不在,老三,乾元,过来吧。” Chu Yuan has not gone to nearby the manages shocking Ye Luo. 楚缘也没去管一旁震惊的叶落 He looks to Su Qianyuan, light saying. 他看向苏乾元,淡淡的说道。 Nearby Su Qianyuan sees that walked hastily. 一旁的苏乾元见状,连忙走了上来。 Master.” 师尊。” Sees only Su Qianyuan to Chu Yuan, good a ritual. 只见苏乾元面向楚缘,行了一礼。 Heavens, then.” “乾元,接着。” Chu Yuan wants not to think, threw a axe toward Su Qianyuan that side directly in the past. 楚缘想都不想,直接往苏乾元那边丢了一柄斧头过去。 That is a portrays the Old Gu rune axe, is seemingly rusty, as if does not have any might, that moment when the axe falls to the ground, entire Daoless Sect vibrated. 那是一柄刻画着古老符文的斧头,看起来锈迹斑斑,似乎没有任何威力,但是当斧头落地的那一刻,整个无道宗都震动了一下。 In the ground a slight fissure breaks to open. 地面上一条细微的裂痕破碎而开。 Daoless Sect is condensed by the Heavenly Dao source. 要知道,无道宗可是由天道本源所凝聚的。 Among incomparable firm, wants cutting broken Daoless Sect, that is not easy. 其内无比的坚固,想要把无道宗给斩破,那可不容易。 However this axe achieved. 但是这柄斧头做到了。 Without a doubt, this is top magic treasure. 毫无疑问,这又是一件顶级的法宝 Su Qianyuan looked to this axe, the eye shines. 苏乾元看向这斧头,眼睛都亮了。 He naturally can feel, this axe was powerful. 他当然感觉得出来,这柄斧头的强大了。 This is a is as good as in the Ye Luo hand magic treasure of immortal sword. 这是一柄不亚于叶落手中仙剑的法宝 Su Qianyuan began immediately, wants to touch magic treasure. 苏乾元当即上手,想要去摸法宝了。 Stands in Chu Yuan of not far away, has not responded Su Qianyuan, but looks directly to Tantai Luoxue. 站在不远处的楚缘,也没搭理苏乾元,而是径直看向澹台洛雪 Then was this four disciples. 接下来就是这个四弟子了。 Chu Yuan looked, found a checkerboard, will give Tantai Luoxue. 楚缘找了一下,找到一座棋盘,将之给了澹台洛雪 Then, each disciple naturally received a treasure. 接下来,每一个弟子自然都收到了一件宝物。 However, even if each disciples divided one, on Chu Yuan still had too many treasures. 不过,即便是每个弟子都分到了一件,楚缘手上也有太多太多宝物了。 Therefore Chu Yuan after dividing, instantly left, arrived at the almighty troops pavilion, prepared to put in these treasures. 所以楚缘在分完后,就立即动身,来到了神兵阁,准备将这些宝物全都放入其中。 But these disciples in square may not be calm. 但在广场上的那些弟子们可就不淡定了。 Their one by one looks at carefully magic treasure that obtain, that called one to treasure. 他们一个个都端详着自己得到的法宝,那叫一个珍惜。 Wishes one could to paste the face on magic treasure, with magic treasure exchange sentiment. 恨不得把脸都贴在法宝上,和法宝交流感情。 Master, on where lane so many magic treasure.” 师尊,上哪里弄来这么多法宝。” Su Qianyuan grasps that axe, the look is shining, is grasping, while is saying. 苏乾元握着那柄斧头,眼神都在发光,一边握着,一边说着。 This who knows, Master divine ability are not always general.” “这谁知道,师尊一直以来不都神通广大的。” Tantai Luoxue is holding appreciatively the new checkerboard, chuckle, said. 澹台洛雪把玩着新的棋盘,轻笑一声,说道。 Big Apprentice Brother, do you know?” 大师兄,你知不知道?” Su Qianyuan cannot get the answer Tantai Luoxue here, looked to Ye Luo. 苏乾元澹台洛雪这里得不到答案,又看向了叶落 What does this have not to know? You think well, Master before giving our these treasures, is Master doing.” “这有什么不知道的?你们好好想想,师尊在给我们这些宝物之前,师尊在干什么。” Ye Luo actually looking pensive, saying with a laugh. 叶落倒是若有所思,笑呵呵的说道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 All is holding appreciatively the magic treasure disciples to be shocked. 所有在把玩法宝的弟子们都愣住了。 Before Master, is doing...... 师尊之前在干什么…… Master in...... 师尊在…… With Immortal World Heavenly Dao war. 仙界天道大战。 After the war, Master also had these treasures. 在大战之后,师尊又有了这些宝物。 Revolving fears extremely. 细思极恐。 Many Daoless Sect disciples were silent. 诸多无道宗弟子都沉默了下来。 Difficult to be inadequate Master, really defeated the Immortal World Heavenly Dao? Then does the Immortal World Heavenly Dao have to compensate to give Master these magic treasure? 难不成师尊,真的战胜了仙界天道?然后仙界天道不得不赔偿给师尊这些法宝 This, this was also too inconceivable...... 这,这也太不可思议了…… « Some Really People Will not think that Master Is Mortal " chapter will continue to renew, 《不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧》章节将持续在更新,
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