NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#829: Returns to the swordsmanship river

Chapter 830 returns to the swordsmanship river 第830章回到剑道长河 In the remote mountain of south day of state. 南天州的一座深山之内。 Chu Yuan is opening the god brilliant number, arrived here. 楚缘开着神光大号,降临了这里。 As soon as he arrived here, uses god strength light/only immediately, this stretch of area blocking, avoided anybody being able to detect here. 他一降临这里,就立马动用神光的力量,将这片地区给封锁了起来,避免任何人能够察觉到这里。 After blocking, he takes up the treasures cautiously, looked at carefully carefully. 在封锁完毕之后,他才小心翼翼的拿起一件又一件宝物,细细端详了起来。 After takes the treasure, an invisible pressure of big pile of treasure sending out, has almost not given this remote mountain collapsing. 当把宝物都拿出来后,一大堆宝物散发的无形威压,差点没把这座深山给震塌。 Frightens Chu Yuan hastily to think the light to wrap all treasures, and will receive. 吓得楚缘连忙用神光包裹所有的宝物,并且将之收了起来。 After receives the treasure, he felt relieved. 在将宝物都收回去后,他才放心了。 .” “呼。” These treasures may really be serious.” “这些宝物可真是不得了。” These innate spirit treasure especially, powerful, but, executes immortal sword is quite strong, Tong Tian(exceedingly high) is really a good person.” “尤其的那些先天灵宝,强大得不行,不过,还是诛仙剑阵比较强,通天真是个好人啊。” Chu Yuan is sighing with emotion secretly. 楚缘暗自感慨着。 He sighed with emotion the period of time, then restrains many thoughts, put out that half of Heavenly Dao source from the bosom. 他感慨了好一阵子,而后才收敛诸多念头,从怀中拿出了那一半的天道本源。 These half of Heavenly Dao sources, look from outside, is together the golden light group, only then fist size. 这一半的天道本源,从外面上看,是一道金色的光团,只有拳头大小。 However Chu Yuan knows, this is only seemingly small. 但是楚缘知道,这只是看起来小而已。 In fact, in this golden small light group contains the innumerable Heavenly Dao sources, but is unable to launch. 实际上,这道金色的小光团里面蕴含着无数天道本源,只是无法展开而已。 If launches, most Immortal World feared that is must be covered. 若是展开,大半个仙界怕是都要被覆盖。 Looks in front of own the group of golden light, he attempts to think the light to contact. 看着自己面前的这团金光,他尝试着用神光去接触。 However unexpected. 但是出乎意料的。 Always does not have the fled god light/only, after approaching this group of golden light, unexpectedly was separated forcefully. 一向无所披靡的神光,在靠近了这团金光之后,居然被强行弹开了。 This group of golden light do not allow the god light/only to approach. 这团金光不允许神光靠近。 Chu Yuan sees the thing to repel his god for the first time light/only. 楚缘还是第一次看见有东西排斥他的神光的。 This made him curious. 这让他好奇了起来。 Why this is. 这到底是为什么。 He took the golden light to look for a long time. 他拿着金光看了许久。 Suddenly, he remembers the words that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao spoke. 忽然,他想起了仙界天道所说的话。 The Heavenly Dao source, the non- Heavenly Dao cannot refine. 天道本源,非天道不可炼化。 His god brilliant number, indeed is not considered as the Heavenly Dao, will therefore be given the repel by the Heavenly Dao source? 他这个神光大号,的的确确不算是天道,所以才会被天道本源给排斥的? It is estimated that is this. 估计就是这样。 However, Heavenly Dao source his god brilliant number cannot refine. 不过,天道本源他神光大号不能炼化。 Does he seemingly have the Heavenly Dao large size? 他貌似还有个天道大号吧? The Heavenly Dao source non- Heavenly Dao cannot refine. 天道本源非天道不可炼化。 Did he adjust his Heavenly Dao large size to come to be always OK? 他调他的天道大号过来总可以了吧? The Chu Yuan intention moves, wants to adjust the Heavenly Dao large size to come. 楚缘心念一动,就想要去调天道大号过来。 But changes mind thinks. 可是转念一想。 His group of disciples, have not known for the time being is how a situation, might as well first return to Hidden Heaven Island, has a look at that group of disciples, lets that group of disciples relieved, so as to avoid that group of disciples were worried own safety. 他那帮弟子们,暂且还不知道是怎么一个情况呢,不如先返回隐天岛,看看那帮弟子们,让那帮弟子们安心一下,免得那帮弟子担心自己安危。 He must stuff in Daoless Sect these treasures while convenient. 顺便他也得把那些宝物都填进无道宗里面。 Chu Yuan want these treasures, is useless, all takes would rather to the disciples. 楚缘自己要那些宝物,也根本没什么用,倒不如全都拿给弟子们。 However the treasure is a much less. 不过宝物有点多。 Therefore most things, he plans to put in Daoless Sect, is putting the decoration, acts as their Daoless Sect facade. 所以大部分的东西,他都打算放到无道宗里面去,放着装饰,充当一下他们无道宗的门面。 The Chu Yuan intention moves, changes to a god of journeys light, left Immortal World instantaneously. 楚缘心念一动,化作一道神光,瞬间离开了仙界 He leaves Immortal World is smashes the Immortal World barrier to leave, did not fear completely the Immortal World Heavenly Dao knows. 他离开仙界是打破仙界壁垒离开的,也完全不怕仙界天道知道。 He grasps Immortal World Heavenly Dao half of sources, he does not believe Immortal World to dare to move him. 他掌握仙界天道一半本源,他不信仙界敢动他。 Moved him, he detonates half of sources at the worst, when the time comes Immortal World must be ruined. 动了他,他大不了引爆一半本源,到时候仙界也得被毁掉。 The fact is also so. 事实也是如此的。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao indeed noticed Chu Yuan to smash the barrier to leave. 仙界天道的确注意到了楚缘打破壁垒离开。 However he simply has not cared, but the knitting the brows head, restored the barrier, treated as to be all right to happen. 但是他根本没有在意,只是皱了皱眉头,修复了壁垒,就当做没事发生了。 ...... …… In Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 混沌虚无之中。 Chu Yuan shuttles back and forth to be one of them recklessly. 楚缘肆意穿梭在其中。 The Hundun(Chaos) nihility besides Immortal World, almost does not have any life exists, everywhere is the wind hot thunder and lightning of wreaking havoc. 混沌虚无除了仙界之外,几乎没有任何生灵存在,到处都是肆虐的风火雷电。 However here wind hot thunder and lightning, cannot do to Chu Yuan. 不过这里的风火雷电,根本奈何不了楚缘 The protecting body god of Chu Yuan whole body was too only powerful. 楚缘周身的护体神光太强大了。 Does not dare to approach to the wind hot thunder and lightning powerful, once close to meeting were destroyed instantaneously. 强大到风火雷电都不敢靠近,一旦靠近会瞬间被毁灭。 Chu Yuan shuttled back and forth the period of time in the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, could not find the so-called swordsmanship river. 楚缘混沌虚无之中穿梭了一阵子,也找不到所谓的剑道长河。 „It is not right, perhaps the swordsmanship river does not exist in the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, after all this is a derivation of Great Dao, must from saying the aspect seeks.” “不对,剑道长河或许并不存在于混沌虚无之中,毕竟这是一种大道的衍生,得从道方面去寻找。” Chu Yuan realized this point. 楚缘意识到了这一点。 He closes the eyes slightly. 他微微闭上双眼。 Buzz!! 嗡!! The god of whole body light/only explodes loudly flashes, looked at the past from afar, his body ray just like bright moonlight, was dazzling and radiant. 周身的神光轰然爆闪,远远看过去,他身上的光芒犹如一轮明月,耀眼而璀璨。 The gods light/only shine in the Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 神光照耀在混沌虚无之中。 After the moment, Chu Yuan opens the eyes fiercely. 片刻后,楚缘猛地睁开双眼。 Found.” “找到了。” Chu Yuan is single-handed toward the front immediately one pushes, the god light/only changed to the flowing light to pound together. 楚缘当即单手往前方一推,神光化作一道流光砸了过去。 His god of journeys light overcomes. 他的一道神光打下。 Immediately the channel condenses. 顿时有一条通道凝聚而成。 The channel opening is very tiny, but is actually passing a peak swift and fierce sword intent. 通道口子很细小,但其中却透着一股极致的凌厉剑意。 Chu Yuan flashes through solitarily, toward was flushing. 楚缘只身闪过,往着里面冲了进去。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Ye Luo situated in swordsmanship river, felt instantaneously some people intruded. 正处于剑道长河之中的叶落,也瞬间感觉到了有人闯入。 The swordsmanship river is he opens, turns over to him to control. 剑道长河是他开辟的,也归他掌控。 Anybody enters, he can detect. 任何人进入,他都是能够察觉到的。 Even if has swordsmanship talent peerless existence, entered in the swordsmanship river to comprehend, he can also detect. 哪怕是有剑道天赋绝伦的存在,进入了剑道长河之中参悟,他也是能察觉到的。 Now but he detects, was intruded the swordsmanship river. 可是现在他所察觉的,是被人强行闯入了剑道长河。 Who dares to rush to the swordsmanship river.” “何人胆敢闯剑道长河。” Ye Luo anger. 叶落怒了。 The swordsmanship river is his home game. 剑道长河可是他的主场。 Intrudes recklessly, this does not hit his face. 肆意闯入,这不是打他的脸。 Ye Luo leaves on the preparation immediately, clutches that person. 叶落当即就准备动身,把那人揪出来。 He is very discrete. 他还是很谨慎的。 Knows that can intrude the swordsmanship river, is not inevitably weak. 知道能强行闯入剑道长河的,必然不弱。 He does not dare to be negligent. 他也不敢大意。 Ye Luo changes to the sword light, flew toward the place that the future is entering. 叶落化作剑光,往着来者进入的地方飞了过去。 In the wink of an eye, he found the future. 瞬息之间,他就找到了来者。 After he sees clearly the future, the whole person was silly, a cavity anger vanishes into thin air instantaneously. 当他看清来者之后,整个人都傻了,一腔怒火瞬间化为乌有。 Future Chu Yuan. 来者正是楚缘 After he sees Chu Yuan, salutes immediately. 他看到楚缘后,立马行礼。 Disciple Ye Luo, see Master.” “弟子叶落,参见师尊。” Ye Luo said repeatedly. 叶落连声说道。 In his heart felt relaxed suddenly. 他心中忽然就释然了。 So that's how it is. 原来如此。 He said how the swordsmanship river will be intruded, if Master, that all could talk clearly. 他就说,剑道长河怎么会被闯入呢,如果是师尊,那一切就都说得清楚了。 By the energy of Master Supreme, wants to enter the swordsmanship river forcefully, is completely passable. 师尊无上之能,想要强行进入剑道长河,也完全说得过去。 It is not right, he should think that is these? 不对,他该想的,是这些么? He should think that should not be, why Master will appear here. 他该想的,不应该是,师尊为什么会出现在这里么。 Master not with Immortal World Heavenly Dao war? 师尊不是在和仙界天道大战? Master, you, you and did the fight of Immortal World Heavenly Dao end?” 师尊,您,您与仙界天道的战斗结束了?” Ye Luo deeply inspires, asks. 叶落深吸一口气,问道。 Good, he compromised, naturally finished, your swordsmanship river may be really difficult to look, almost Master could not find.” “不错,他妥协了,自然结束了,你这个剑道长河可真难找,差点为师就找不到了。” Chu Yuan looks at the surroundings, black Qi the black swordsmanship river, expressed admiration. 楚缘看着周围,乌漆嘛黑的剑道长河,啧啧称奇。 Immortal, Immortal World Heavenly Dao compromise?” “仙,仙界天道妥协了?” Ye Luo is somewhat in a daze. 叶落有些发愣。 His family/home is Master so unexpectedly fierce? 他家师尊竟这般厉害? Before was inextricably involved with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, even reduced to needs to make Hidden Heaven Island leave Immortal World, at present unexpectedly lets the Immortal World Heavenly Dao compromise? 之前还和仙界天道难解难分,甚至沦落到需要让隐天岛离开仙界,眼下居然让仙界天道妥协了? This disparity was too rather big. 这差距未免太大了。 Good, is accidental/surprised, is only because of some reasons, he compromises, but he was still our archenemies, Luo'er you may need to cultivate well, next war time, Master hopes that you can follow side Master.” “不错,无需意外,只是因为一些缘故,他才妥协,但他仍旧是我们的大敌,落儿你可需要好好修炼,下一次大战的时候,为师希望你能跟在为师身边。” Chu Yuan along with the tastes, had not cared. 楚缘随口道了一句,并未在意。 His little while with heart and soul is observing the swordsmanship river...... 他这会儿正全心观察着剑道长河…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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