NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#828: Does the Heavenly Dao source have no way to use?

Several days later. 数日之后。 Immortal World, south day of state, in a stretch of ruins open area. 仙界,南天州这边,一片废墟空地上。 Chu Yuan optional standing in that his vision looks to the vault of heaven. 楚缘随意的站在那,他的目光看向天穹之上。 He has felt, these aura that beside Immortal World pace back and forth, all vanished. 他已经感受到了,仙界之外徘徊的那些气息,全都消失了。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao also returned to Immortal World. 仙界天道也回归了仙界 Has saying that the threat of this Immortal World Heavenly Dao, really strong. 不得不说,这个仙界天道的威胁力,是真的强。 He simply had not detected that has anything to fight. 他根本没有察觉到有什么战斗。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is to return to Immortal World merely, strengthened Immortal World aura, drives back these aura that paced back and forth outside. 仙界天道仅仅是回归仙界,增强了一下仙界气息,就逼退了在外徘徊的那些气息。 This makes Chu Yuan sigh with emotion the Immortal World Heavenly Dao the deterrent force to be powerful. 这让楚缘不由感慨仙界天道的威慑力强大。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao indeed is also very strong. 仙界天道也的的确确很强。 Compares, his Great Profound World was very weak. 比起来,他太玄界就很弱了。 However is also normal. 不过也正常。 His Great Profound World development until now and shortly. 太玄界发展至今并不久。 But the Great Profound World potential has shown. 太玄界的潜力已经展现了。 Present Great Profound World, although compared with Immortal World, that is results in weakly cannot be weak, but compared with the general world of mortals, that was powerful. 如今的太玄界,虽然比起仙界,那是弱得不能再弱,但是比起一般的下界,那是强大了很多的。 „The Immortal World Heavenly Dao returns, this/should fulfilled the commitment.” 仙界天道回归,也该把承诺兑现了吧。” Chu Yuan twittering was saying in a low voice. 楚缘低声呢喃着说道。 So many things. 那么多东西呢。 He may wait for the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to cash. 他可等着仙界天道兑现呢。 The Chu Yuan sharply not slow uphold palm, a god of journeys light does not condense in the palm, he lifts gently, the god is only flying toward the vault of heaven. 楚缘不急不慢的抬起手掌,一道神光凝聚于掌心,他轻轻一抬,神光往着天穹飞去。 Bang! 轰! The gods light/only explode to open in the vault of heaven. 神光在天穹之中爆炸而开。 The innumerable flowing light fly, seem the smoke and fire. 无数流光飞逝,好似烟火般。 But only Chu Yuan knows, the sense of purpose that his strikes, informs the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, does not have any offensive. 但只有楚缘知道,他这一击的目的性,是通知仙界天道,没有任何攻击性的。 The Chu Yuan means indeed are also effective. 楚缘的办法也的的确确是有效的。 As a Chu Yuan round of god light/only hit. 随着楚缘一发神光打了过去。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao also indeed arrived rapidly, arrived at Chu Yuan not far away. 仙界天道也的的确确迅速降临,来到了楚缘的不远处。 Two forms face each other across a great distance. 两道身影遥遥相对。 A god of journeys light. 一道神光。 Together golden light. 一道金光。 Two people each other are looking at each other. 两人彼此对视着。 But compared with the calm of Chu Yuan. 只不过比起楚缘的淡定。 The face of Immortal World Heavenly Dao is black, when he looks to Chu Yuan, the entire body is shivering. 仙界天道的脸黑得不行,他看向楚缘时,整个身体都在颤抖的。 He thought to act very much at this time, the town/subdues killed this variable. 他很想这时候出手,镇杀这个变数。 However he does not dare. 但是他不敢。 If he runs counter to the commitment. 他若是违背承诺。 Then he is also no better. 那么他也好不到哪里去。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is not willing to be mutually wounded. 仙界天道不愿意两败俱伤。 He thought that he is nobler than Chu Yuan, definitely does not need this. 他觉得自身比楚缘高贵,完全没必要这样做。 What's wrong, do you want to break a promise?” “怎么,你想要毁约吗?” Chu Yuan opens the mouth with a laugh, breaks solidification that two people confronted. 楚缘笑呵呵的开口,打破了两人对峙的凝固局面。 Walks, goes Land of Heaven with me, I will give you thing.” “走吧,跟我去天土,我自会把东西都给你。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is cold the sound, spoke such a few words. 仙界天道冷着声音,说下这么一句话。 Immediately, he changes to together the golden light, is flying toward the vault of heaven above. 随即,他化作一道金光,往着天穹之上飞去。 Chu Yuan was very calm, changes to the god light/only, kept up with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao easily. 楚缘十分淡定,化作神光,轻而易举跟上了仙界天道。 Two people are certainly for the powerhouse. 两人都是绝代强者。 The suddenly time, then arrived at so-called Land of Heaven merely. 仅仅眨眼的功夫,便来到了所谓的天土 Has guiding of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 仙界天道的带路。 Chu Yuan also easily entered here very much. 楚缘也很轻易的进入了这里。 But enters here, Chu Yuan was shocked. 只不过进入这里,楚缘就愣住了。 Here everywhere is the black fog, but is not artistic. 这里到处都是黑雾,可并不美观。 He has not thought that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is usually staying in this place unexpectedly. 他没想到仙界天道平时居然就在这种地方待着。 However ok. 不过算了。 This is not his family/home, he manages so many to do. 这又不是他家,他管那么多干什么。 Chu Yuan walks with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao in this endless black fog. 楚缘随着仙界天道走在这无尽的黑雾之中。 He every step steps forward, the surrounding black fog city wants to well up, swallows him. 他每一步跨出,周围的黑雾都想要涌上来,将他吞噬掉。 But the god of Chu Yuan whole body is very powerful, these black fog were shone merely, then dissipates crazily. 楚缘周身的神光无比强悍,那些黑雾仅仅被照耀到了一下,便疯狂消散。 This also brought to the attention of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 这也引起了仙界天道的注意。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao carefully looked at the Chu Yuan body god light/only, anything has not looked, finally can only turn head to continue to proceed. 仙界天道仔细的看了看楚缘身上的神光,什么也没看出来,最后只能扭头继续往前走。 After period of time. 在走了一阵子后。 They arrived at a place that is similar to the altar. 他们来到了一座类似于祭坛的地方。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao arrives in the altar, stopped, turns around to look to Chu Yuan. 仙界天道走到祭坛上,停了下来,转身看向楚缘 Chu Yuan also stops the footsteps. 楚缘也停住脚步。 Two people look in the eyes again. 两人再次四目相对。 „The Immortal World destiny, as well as other, I can give you, but about the Immortal World half control incident, we whether to discuss?” 仙界气运,以及其他的,我都可以给你,但是关于仙界一半掌控权一事,我们可否商议一番?” I can give you a thing that compares favorably with the Immortal World half control, how do you look?” “我可以给予你一件媲美仙界一半掌控权的东西,你看如何?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao hesitated the moment, says. 仙界天道沉吟了片刻,开口说道。 Is impossible, you are having a dream.” “不可能,你在做梦。” Chu Yuan decisive rejection. 楚缘果断拒绝。 He wants not to bring to think. 他想都不带想的。 Chu Yuan, you must know, you obtain the Immortal World half control, has no function to you, your non- Heavenly Dao, is unable to refine these Heavenly Dao sources, is impossible completely to grasp that half of Immortal World, therefore might as well changes into other.” 楚缘是吧,你要知道,你得到仙界一半掌控权,对你根本没有任何作用的,你非天道,无法炼化那些天道本源,根本不可能完全掌握那一半的仙界,所以还不如换成其他的。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was explaining said. 仙界天道解释着说道。 He hopes that Chu Yuan can comply. 他希望楚缘能够答应。 Loses half Immortal World control, he does not want very much. 失去一半仙界的掌控权,他也是很不愿意的。 Isn't able to grasp? All right, you gave this place to be good, this place was a swayed at home decorated that your leave alone so many.” “无法掌握?没事,你给本座就行了,本座就是摆在家里当装饰那都可以,你别管那么多。” Chu Yuan does not bring politely. 楚缘丝毫不带客气的。 Managing him is useful does, must be right, is forgettable, he also has the Heavenly Dao large size. 管他有没有用干什么,要就对了,可忘记,他还有个天道大号的。 Chu Yuan, you may know, what yourself are saying?” 楚缘,你可知道,你自己到底在说什么?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is very puzzled. 仙界天道很是不解。 The Heavenly Dao source, beyond the non- Heavenly Dao, some not possible people able to refine, let alone grasped half of Heavenly Dao. 天道本源,非天道之外,不可能有人能够炼化的,更别说掌握一半天道了。 Therefore sees through in him, the Heavenly Dao source gave Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan is unable to use. 所以在他看开,天道本源给了楚缘,楚缘也无法使用。 This is also his small planning. 这也是他的小算计。 But he has not thought. 可他万万没有想到。 Chu Yuan wants the Heavenly Dao source unexpectedly actually. 楚缘居然硬是要天道本源。 He did not understand. 他不理解。 This place knows certainly, in brief, you Heavenly Dao source, were good to this place, only if you want to break a promise, otherwise you give a bit faster.” “本座当然知道,总之,你将天道本源,给本座就行了,除非你想要毁约,不然你就快点给。” The Chu Yuan attitude is very strong. 楚缘态度十分强硬。 Heavenly Dao source, only then the Heavenly Dao can refine, can't you understand?” “天道本源,只有天道才能炼化,你懂不懂的?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was mad results in the whole body twinkle the golden light to shake. 仙界天道被气得浑身闪烁的金光都一抖一抖的。 I understand, I know, but I want, I bring the decoration, brings, when pendant, isn't good? Again bad, I brought to break up, incited the ground, that was not good.” “我懂,我知道,但我就是想要,我拿来装饰,拿来当挂件,不行?再不济,我拿来拆散了,滋地上,那也不是不行。” Chu Yuan was also cheerful, this Immortal World Heavenly Dao, was really enough that anything. 楚缘也是乐呵了,这个仙界天道,真的是够那啥的。 How can I say, the matter are many. 怎么说呢,事多。 Gave him not to finish up, grumble so many. 给他不就完事了,磨叽这么多。 You......” “你……” Immortal World Heavenly Dao silent for a long time. 仙界天道沉默了许久。 Finally he compromised. 最后他还是妥协了。 He clenched teeth to give Chu Yuan all things. 他咬牙把所有东西都给了楚缘 Chu Yuan the mouth smiled the crack at that time quickly, gave to receive all things, that called a happiness. 楚缘当时嘴都快笑裂了,把所有东西都给收了起来,那叫一个高兴。 Wishes one could run-up own Immortal World Heavenly Dao two. 恨不得跳上去亲仙界天道两口。 Big good person. 大好人啊。 He forgot quite the same as, before also hit the matter that lives to kill with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他浑然忘记了,之前还和仙界天道打生打死的事情。 Chu Yuan is receiving many things, immediately leaves, the preparation leaves this black fog spaces. 楚缘收着许多东西,当即动身,准备离开这片黑雾空间。 Although this black fog spaces he is treating and does not have any feeling, but he looks is not very pleasing to the eyes, good that walks earlier. 这片黑雾空间虽然他待着并没有什么感觉,但是他还是看着很不顺眼,还是早点走的好。 Chu Yuan leaves. 楚缘离开。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao stands is looking at the back that Chu Yuan departs same place, he silent for a long time. 仙界天道站在原地看着楚缘离去的背影,他沉默了许久。 Ok, that half of sources gave him, unobstructive, could not affect me to rule Immortal World.” “算了,那一半本源给了他,也无碍,影响不了我统治仙界。” „The Heavenly Dao source non- Heavenly Dao, cannot refine, giving him was also useless, he has no way to refine.” “天道本源非天道,不可炼化,给了他也无用,他根本没法炼化的。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao look is glittering, he looked at Immortal World, careful looks. 仙界天道眼神闪烁着,他将目光转向了仙界,仔细的看着。 He no longer pondered completely Chu Yuan took the matter of half of Heavenly Dao source. 他完全不再思考楚缘拿了一半天道本源的事情。 In his opinion, Chu Yuan took also no used, really brought the decoration, worked as a pendant...... 在他看来,楚缘拿了也没啥用,真就是拿来装饰的,当个挂件的…… Is impossible to have other functions. 不可能有其他的作用的。
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