NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#827: Swore to the Great Dao gods

Chapter 828 swore to the Great Dao gods 第828章向大道神明立誓 south day of state, above battlefield. 南天州,战场之上。 Chu Yuan complied finally. 楚缘最终还是答应了下来。 He actually does not want to comply. 他其实也不想答应的。 However cannot support, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao gave are really many. 但是架不住,仙界天道给得实在太多了。 As for complying condition, that were too many, Immortal World half of controls, Immortal World half of destiny, innate spirit treasure, heavenly materials and earthly treasure, Immortal World quantity tribulation decision-making power wait wait/etc. etc., innumerable, big bunch of things. 至于答应的条件,那就太多了,仙界一半的掌控权,仙界一半气运,先天灵宝,天材地宝,仙界量劫决定权等等等等,数不胜数,一大堆的东西。 Can make Chu Yuan move, saw the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to give many sufficiently. 能让楚缘都动心的,足以见仙界天道到底给了多少。 Just, Chu Yuan obtained these commitments even, but he has not put the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to leave immediately. 只不过,楚缘即便得到了这些承诺,但他还是立马没有放仙界天道离开。 He needs the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to make the pledge. 他需要仙界天道立下誓言。 Good all various professions, swore then swore, Heavenly Dao on......” “行行行,立誓便立誓,天道在上……” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants to open the mouth immediately. 仙界天道当即想要开口。 His words have not said. 他话都还没说完。 By Chu Yuan breaking. 就被楚缘给打断了。 „Do you put this set of kid? You are the biggest Heavenly Dao, do you put on this day on? Do you believe this you to suppress here, by ancient times?” “你搁这套娃?你就是最大的天道,你搁这天道在上?你信不信本座可以把你镇压在这里,直到天荒地老?” A Chu Yuan face heavy line. 楚缘一脸黑线。 When how this Immortal World Heavenly Dao he silly is. 仙界天道当他傻还是怎么的。 Did a Immortal World Heavenly Dao, swear to the Heavenly Dao? Who manages? 一个仙界天道,向天道立誓?那谁来管? This does not pull the calf. 这不是扯犊子么。 Chu Yuan has almost not been mad to clash and Immortal World Heavenly Dao fights hand-to-hand. 楚缘差点没气得冲进去和仙界天道肉搏了。 This is not when he is stupid. 这不是当他蠢么。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao silent. 仙界天道沉默了一下。 This also was really he neglects. 这倒还真是他疏忽了。 He is only because often listens to oath of all living things, long he himself was even brought leaning, thinks to take an oath, first is the Heavenly Dao on. 他只是因为经常听众生的宣誓,久了连他自己都被带偏了,一想到宣誓,第一时间就是天道在上。 You said how you do want me to make the pledge?” “那你说说,你想要我如何立下誓言?” Please say as soon as possible, I do not have so many time to accompany you to consume here.” “请你尽快说出来,我没有那么多时间陪你在这里耗着。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao that called one to worry. 仙界天道那叫一个着急。 He had a mortal hatred of the Saints and these Hundun(Chaos) demon gods that three order. 他心里恨死了那三位秩序之圣和那些混沌魔神。 If not that group of people, he can't be that bad? 如果不是那帮人,他何至于此? You take an oath by dao heart, if you violate vowing, is unable to step into the boundary of Great Dao Sage forever!” “你以道心起誓,若你违背誓言,将永远无法踏入大道圣人之境!” Chu Yuan very decisive saying. 楚缘很果断的说道。 Ok, I take an oath by dao heart, so long as variable...... your name why?” “可以,我以道心起誓,只要变数……你之名为何?” Chu Yuan.” 楚缘。” I take an oath by dao heart, so long as Chu Yuan is willing to untie to execute immortal sword, I will divide the Immortal World half control, Immortal World half of destiny, Immortal World...... give Chu Yuan, if violates this pledge, I am unable to step into the boundary of Great Dao Sage forever.” “我以道心起誓,只要楚缘愿意解开诛仙剑阵,我将分仙界一半掌控权,仙界一半气运,仙界……给予楚缘,若违背此誓言,我将永远无法踏入大道圣人之境。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is almost saying such words of clenching jaws. 仙界天道几乎是咬牙切齿的说出这么一番话的。 He does not have the means. 他也没办法。 Now must compromise to Chu Yuan. 现在必须向楚缘妥协。 The uncompromising his terrible business are bigger. 不妥协他的麻烦事更大。 I feared that a pledge is not calm and steady, you come a pledge again.” “我怕一个誓言不安稳,你再来一个誓言吧。” Chu Yuan feels the chin, thought deeply about one, says. 楚缘摸着下巴,思索了一阵,又开口说道。 How you want!!” “你到底想要怎么样!!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao went wild. 仙界天道抓狂了。 He wishes one could to clash, butchered this Chu Yuan. 他恨不得冲出去,宰了这个楚缘 You said that you stand not vertical, either sets up one again, either we are consuming here.” “你就说你立不立,要么再立一个,要么我们就在这里耗着。” Chu Yuan deeply inspires, said. 楚缘深吸一口气,说道。 He does not fear the Immortal World Heavenly Dao quite the same as. 他浑然不惧仙界天道。 You said how you want me vertical.” “你说,你想要我怎么立。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao diligently by oneself calm, makes noise to say. 仙界天道努力让自己冷静了下来,出声说道。 You take an oath to the Great Dao gods.” “你向大道神明起誓一遍。” The Chu Yuan opens the mouth said such a few words. 楚缘张口说出了这么一句话。 Great Dao gods!!” 大道神明!!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao pupil shrinks fiercely, he looks to Chu Yuan. 仙界天道瞳孔猛地一缩,他看向楚缘 He is very puzzled. 他很不解。 Why this variable, will know ‚the Great Dao gods existence. 为什么这个变数,会知道‘大道神明’的存在。 Because he is the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao belongs to under Great Dao, therefore he knows ‚the Great Dao gods existence. 他因为是天道,天道归属大道之下,所以他才知道‘大道神明’的存在。 As far as he knows, even if extremely wild place the Saints of three order, is as for many Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, does not know ‚the Great Dao gods existence. 据他所知,哪怕是极荒之地的三位秩序之圣,乃至于诸多混沌魔神,都不知道‘大道神明’的存在。 But why this variable can know. 可为什么这个变数会知道。 Why will you know the Great Dao gods?” “你为什么会知道大道神明?” Asking that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao clenches jaws. 仙界天道咬牙切齿的问道。 „Do you manage me? Did you swear the word, if not vertical, do not want to leave today.” “你管我?你立不立誓言,若是不立,那你今日别想离开。” Chu Yuan said directly. 楚缘直接说道。 It is not he does not want to explain, because he himself is not clear. 不是他不想解释,而是因为他自己也不清楚。 He will know the Great Dao gods , because in his god brilliant number, contains the information of this part, therefore he will know. 他之所以会知道大道神明,是因为他神光大号之中,蕴含着这部分的信息,所以他才会知道的。 Who as for the Great Dao gods is? 至于大道神明是谁? He does not know. 那他也不知道。 But in the god brilliant number information told him, took an oath to the Great Dao gods, the percentage hundred can fetter the Immortal World Heavenly Dao 但神光大号的信息之中告诉他,向大道神明起誓,百分百可以束缚得了仙界天道 Ok!” “可以!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao can only helpless complying. 仙界天道只能无奈的答应。 He starts to make the pledge to ‚the Great Dao gods. 他开始向‘大道神明’立下誓言。 Completes this. 做完这个。 Chu Yuan relents finally. 楚缘终于松口。 His intention moves, will execute immortal sword untying. 他心念一动,将诛仙剑阵给解开。 Crash-bang crash-bang...... 哗啦哗啦…… Four small swords fell his side fast. 四柄小剑快速落到了他的身旁。 Chu Yuan puts out a hand to turn, will take back in oneself sleeves. 楚缘伸手一翻,将之收回了自己衣袖之中。 Everywhere sword air/Qi vanishes does not immediately see. 漫天的剑气顿时消失不见。 Also proliferated the battlefield of air/Qi of withering, instantaneously became quiet. 原本还遍布肃杀之气的战场,瞬间变得清静了起来。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao withdraws, the whole body golden light explodes flashes, a Supreme heavenly prestige fills the air, he first stared Chu Yuan, then wants not to think, was flying toward Immortal World beside. 仙界天道脱身而出,周身金光爆闪,一股无上天威弥漫而出,他先是瞪了一眼楚缘,而后想也不想,往着仙界之外飞了出去。 Chu Yuan stands in same place, looks that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao leaves, beckoning with the hand, being disinclined manages are too many. 楚缘站在原地,看着仙界天道离开,摆了摆手,懒得管太多。 He does not leave. 他也不离开。 Is standing, prepares to wait for the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to come back. 就那么站着,准备等待仙界天道回来。 He cannot attain the Immortal World Heavenly Dao in any case the thing, he kills does not walk. 反正他拿不到仙界天道的东西,他打死也不走。 Did not believe the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to dare to him to give the thing black. 不信仙界天道敢给他把东西给黑了。 Black his thing, Immortal World Heavenly Dao also unlucky, he does not believe the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to have courage does this matter. 黑了他的东西,仙界天道也得倒霉,他不信仙界天道有这个胆子干这种事情。 Chu Yuan did not worry, stands to wait for same place. 楚缘也不着急,站在原地等待了起来。 ...... …… Meanwhile, close to sea of nihility side. 与此同时,在接近虚无之海的一边。 A group of people are going forward fast. 一批人正在快速前进。 The leaders are Zhang Hao. 为首者则是张寒 This batch of person Zhang Hao create shadow strength, he will name it falls a gate unreliably. 这一批人正是张寒所创造的‘暗部力量’,他将之取名为‘玄落道门’。 He received matter of Daoless Sect and Heavenly Dao, is leading the influence, prepares to return to Daoless Sect. 他收到了无道宗与天道之事,正率领势力,准备返回无道宗 According to the idea of Zhang Hao, he must gather soldier one with Daoless Sect that side, when the time comes can better facing all. 按照张寒的想法,他是要与无道宗那边合兵一处,到时候能更好的面对一切的。 Therefore Zhang Hao is having the influence on return fast. 所以张寒正带势力快速返回。 A bit faster, has the opening secret technique of secret technique again, we must hurry back to Daoless Sect within today.” “都再快点,有秘术的开启秘术,我们必须在今天之内赶回无道宗。” Zhang Hao clenches teeth, with is saying hand/subordinate. 张寒咬牙,和手下们说着。 Under the helper gate hears word, leaves in abundance, picks up the speed, follows Zhang Hao. 那帮手下门闻言,纷纷动身,加快速度,跟上张寒 Zhang Hao sees that the intention moves, he opens formation, in addition holds body under that helper, making its speed speed up. 张寒见状,心念一动,他开启一座阵法,加持在那帮手下身上,让其速度加快一些。 Quick, before they all rushed to the sea of nihility . 很快,他们全都赶到了虚无之海之前。 Here, Zhang Hao led the person to stop finally, making him rest slightly. 在这里,张寒终于带人停了下来,让其都稍微休息一番。 Rests, I first sent for and that side Daoless Sect say one.” “都休息一下吧,我先派人去和无道宗那边说一声。” Zhang Hao beckons with the hand to say. 张寒摆手说道。 Then, he sent a person immediately, grasps the faith token to go to that side the sea of nihility. 而后,他当即派了一个人,手持信物去虚无之海那边。 Completes these, he also sat cross-legged to sit, prepared to control one's breathing. 做完这些,他也盘膝坐了下来,准备调息一番。 He controls one's breathing shortly. 他才调息没多久。 Came back by that person that he sends, and gave him to have a news to come back. 被他派出去的那人就回来了,并且给他带了一条消息回来。 Could not find Hidden Heaven Island. 找不到隐天岛 Hears this saying. 听到这话。 Zhang Hao cannot believe completely. 张寒完全不敢相信。 „Were you blind? Hidden Heaven Island is so big a place, couldn't you find?” “你是瞎了吗?隐天岛那么大一个地方,你找不到?” Zhang Hao scolded one, then oneself leave, goes to seek for Hidden Heaven Island. 张寒骂了一句,而后自己动身,前往寻找隐天岛 But when he rushes to the place that Hidden Heaven Island , others were silly. 可是当他赶到隐天岛原来所在的地方后,他人就傻了。 Hidden Heaven Island? 隐天岛呢? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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