NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#826: Too many

Chapter 827 gives many 第827章给得太多 Before Sect Master Main Hall . 宗主大殿之前。 Ye Luo lowers the head, he does not know how should reply. 叶落低下了头,他不知道该怎么回答了。 He, he can say did oneself forget? 他,他能说自己忘了么? This he also says. 这他也说不出口啊。 Said accurately, he himself says embarrassed. 准确的说,他自己都不好意思说出口。 He can imagine that picture. 他都能想象得到那幅画面了。 Perhaps gluttonous ti that mixes the boy not to come back to seek for Hidden Heaven Island. 或许饕鬄那混小子不会回来寻找隐天岛 However Zhang Hao that boy is the absolute meeting. 但是张寒那小子是绝对会的。 When the sea of Zhang Hao difficult returning nihility, discovered when a piece is empty, can the person be silly. 张寒一路艰辛的杀回虚无之海,发现一片空荡时,会不会人都傻了。 Ye Luo thinks that picture, wants to smile does not dare to smile. 叶落想到那幅画面,想笑又不敢笑。 This when it's over unexpectedly is his negligence. 这件事毕竟是他的疏忽。 Forgot?” “忘了?” Chu Yuan also looked, he catches the eye slightly, quite helpless saying. 楚缘也看了出来,他微微抬眼,颇为无奈的说道。 Un......” “嗯……” Ye Luo very awkward reply. 叶落十分尴尬的回答。 Considers as finished, this little while Immortal World Heavenly Dao could not move, forgets to forget, will not be what big deal in any case.” “算了算了,这会儿仙界天道也动弹不得,忘了就忘了,反正不会出什么大事。” Chu Yuan was also speechless, but he did not say anything, beckons with the hand, said. 楚缘也是无语了,但他也不好说什么,摆了摆手,说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Ye Luo also wants to say anything. 叶落还想说点什么。 Suddenly, Chu Yuan detected probably anything, he gawked, immediately opens the mouth hastily, breaks Ye Luo that must speak. 忽然之间,楚缘像是察觉到了什么,他愣了一下,随即连忙开口,打断了原本要说话的叶落 Luo'er, in brief, the Daoless Sect matter, all hands over by you totally processes, starting today, you are Daoless Sect second Sect Master, has jurisdiction over entire Daoless Sect.” 落儿,总之,无道宗一概事情,全都交由你来处理,自今日起,你便为无道宗第二任宗主,管辖整个无道宗。” Master detected that some were not right, the mind needs to leave, remaining gave you, Luo'er, but do not disappoint the expectation of Master.” 为师察觉到了有些不对劲,心神需要离开,剩下的就交给你了,落儿,可千万不要辜负为师的期望。” The Chu Yuan god brilliant number that side felt beside Immortal World to have the mutation, immediately he prepared to assemble these half of mind to return to the large size. 楚缘的神光大号那边感受到了仙界之外有异变,当即他就准备调集这一半的心神返回大号了。 Before, him also passed to Ye Luo the position of Daoless Sect Sect Master just before leaving. 在临走之前,他还将无道宗宗主之位传给了叶落 He has worked as this Sect Master at present unintentionally. 他眼下已经无心当这个宗主了。 Gives Ye Luo the position would rather. 倒不如将位置给叶落 Ye Luo had the management entire sect ability. 叶落本来就拥有管理整个宗门的能力。 He should pass on the position. 他早就该传位。 Before had not thought. 只是之前没有想到而已。 At present the time arrived, he also followed the position passed to Ye Luo. 眼下时机到了,他也就顺着将位置传给了叶落 Chu Yuan said, then assembled the mind to leave. 楚缘说完,便调集心神离开了。 The god light/only trumpet sat cross-legged to sit on the ground instantaneously, shut tightly the eyes. 神光小号瞬间盘膝坐在了地上,紧闭双眼。 ...... …… Same place. 原地。 Ye Luo dull standing in that. 叶落呆呆的站在那。 Master, did this pass to him the Sect Master position? 师尊,这就将宗主的位置传给他了? Was his Daoless Sect second Sect Master? 他这就是无道宗第二任宗主了? Ye Luo has not responded. 叶落是没有反应过来的。 Past, whom he and Zhang Hao is also always struggling is the sect successor. 昔日,他和张寒还老在争谁是宗门继承人。 Now was good, Sect Master was he. 现在好了,宗主是他了。 Also does not know that the second child will come back in the future, will have what feelings. 也不知道老二日后回来,会有什么感触。 It is estimated that the second child people were silly. 估计老二人都要傻了。 To think. 想是这么想的。 However Ye Luo this little while, does not have the thoughts to work as this Sect Master, he planned does not expose, pit next four Junior Sisters, making four Junior Sisters continue present age Sect Master. 但是叶落这会儿,并没有心思当这个宗主,他还是打算不暴露出去,坑一下四师妹,让四师妹继续当代宗主 He must comprehend the swordsmanship. 他还要去参悟剑道。 Comprehends myriad kendoists, becomes the lord of genuine swordsmanship. 领悟万千剑道,成为真正的剑道之主。 Ye Luo shakes the head, the form flashed, left Hidden Heaven Island, went to the swordsmanship river to comprehend. 叶落摇了摇头,身影一闪,离开了隐天岛,前往剑道长河之中进行领悟。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 south day of state, above battlefield. 南天州,战场之上。 Executes in immortal sword. 诛仙剑阵之中。 Chu Yuan opened the eyes slowly, the body god light/only explodes flashed. 楚缘缓缓睁开双眼,身上的神光爆闪了一下。 He looks up to the vault of heaven. 他抬头看向天穹。 He felt that has several a powerful aura to approach Immortal World. 他感觉到了有数股强大的气息靠近了仙界 But he felt that these several aura are somewhat familiar. 但他感觉这数股气息有些熟悉。 But he forgot, has felt these several aura there. 可他又忘记了,到底在那里感受过这数股气息了。 In executing the Immortal World Heavenly Dao under immortal sword also felt certainly, he opened the eyes, similarly looked to Immortal World. 在诛仙剑阵之下的仙界天道当然也感受到了,他睁开双眼,同样看向仙界之外。 His fist got hold of suddenly. 他的拳头忽然就握紧了下来。 As if felt the oppression. 似乎感受到了压迫。 Variable!” “变数!” I urged you executing immortal sword untie, beside Immortal World, the Saints of that three harboring evil intentions order have arrived! The innumerable Hundun(Chaos) demon god is approaching!” “我劝你把诛仙剑阵解开,仙界之外,那三个居心叵测的秩序之圣已经到了!还有无数混沌魔神在靠近!” You are also the person of Immortal World! If ignores these people close to Immortal World, greatly will be disadvantageous to Immortal World!” “你好歹也是仙界之人!若是放任这些人靠近仙界,对仙界将大大不利!” You open now execute immortal sword, after I outside these thing all expel, I may put you to leave, no longer seeks you to trouble!” “你现在打开诛仙剑阵,我将外面那些玩意全部驱逐后,我可放你离开,不再寻你麻烦!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks to Chu Yuan, cold sound said. 仙界天道看向楚缘,冷声说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan was happy, he is disinclined to respond the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘乐了,他都懒得搭理仙界天道。 Continues to maintain to execute an immortal sword revolution, suppresses the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 继续维持诛仙剑阵的运转,镇压仙界天道。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao also got angry, he erupted full power, wants to break executes immortal sword. 仙界天道也是怒了,他全力爆发了起来,想要打破诛仙剑阵。 The golden light shakes, innumerable sword air/Qi destruction. 金光震荡,将无数剑气覆灭。 But the sword air/Qi quickly restores again , to continue to suppress the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 但剑气很快又再度恢复,继续镇压仙界天道。 Helpless Immortal World Heavenly Dao instantaneously, 仙界天道瞬间无奈了, These sword air/Qi cannot do to him. 这些剑气根本奈何不了他。 But he cannot break to execute immortal sword. 但他也打破不了诛仙剑阵。 Where has such arrange/cloth Zhuxian sword? 哪有这样子布诛仙剑阵的? Is this formation that the person arrange/cloth comes out? 这是人布出来的阵法 If four small the arrange/cloth leaves simultaneously, forms true execution immortal sword, he can break one by one, breaks by the absolute strength executes immortal sword. 若是四座小阵同时布出,形成真正的诛仙剑阵,那他可以逐个打破,以绝对的实力打破诛仙剑阵。 But some where person of such arrange/cloth Zhuxian sword. 可哪有人这样子布诛仙剑阵的。 Blends a body four types of sword air/Qi, making the might rise sharply, unexpectedly gave the suppression his half Great Dao Sage forcefully. 将四种剑气融汇成一体,使得威力大涨,居然硬生生把他这个半步大道圣人给镇压了。 Variable! So long as you let loose me now, when I expel outside these scoundrels, Immortal World you may result in half! Your my series two state!” “变数!只要你现在将我放开,等我驱逐外面那些混账,仙界你可得一半!你我各统两州!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao absolutely did not have the means. 仙界天道完全没办法了。 He can only make the compromise. 他只能做出妥协。 Laughable, when you this place do believe? If this little while lets loose you, when you slow the god had come, this place had bad luck.” “可笑,你当本座会相信?本座要是这会儿将你放开,等你缓过神来了,本座就倒霉了。” Chu Yuan laughs at one. 楚缘嗤笑一声。 He kills does not believe this Immortal World Heavenly Dao the words. 他打死也不相信这个仙界天道的话。 His time is because this Immortal World Heavenly Dao does not know that executes immortal sword fierce, was suppressed accidentally by him. 他这次是因为这个仙界天道不知道诛仙剑阵的厉害,才被他偶然镇压下来的。 If comes again one time, the opposite party had the protection, he may not grasp can suppress. 若是再来一次,对方有了防备,那他可就没把握能够镇压得了了。 Chu Yuan does not plan to let off the Immortal World Heavenly Dao in any case. 反正楚缘是不打算放过仙界天道的。 About finished up on suppression this Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 左右就镇压这个仙界天道就完事了。 Therefore, Chu Yuan does not have scruples, will say changed to this. 所以,楚缘也毫不顾忌的,将自称改成了‘本座’。 That called one to entrain. 那叫一个拽。 I can take an oath by dao heart, so long as you put me to leave, Immortal World, you may result in half!” “我可以以道心起誓,只要你放我离开,仙界,你可得一半!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao stares at Chu Yuan stubbornly, the congealing sound was saying. 仙界天道死死盯着楚缘,凝声说道。 Ok, you continued, if this listened, that calculates that this place lost.” “行,你继续说,本座若是听了,那算本座输。” Chu Yuan is calm, meaning that has not gone to listen to slightly. 楚缘淡定无比,丝毫没有去听的意思。 Puts me to leave, Immortal World you half, the Immortal World destiny you may also result in half!” “放我离开,仙界你得一半,仙界气运你也可得一半!” Un, next time certainly.” “嗯,下次一定。” Immortal World you half, the Immortal World destiny you half, I give innate spirit treasure that you 72 Heavenly Dao sources condense again......” 仙界你得一半,仙界气运你得一半,我再给你七十二件天道本源凝聚的先天灵宝……” „.” “哦。” Again additional 53 heavenly materials and earthly treasure that compares favorably with the innate spirit treasure rank.” “再加五十三件媲美先天灵宝级别的天材地宝。” Continued.” “继续说。” Again in addition......” “再加……” „......” “……” Immortal World Heavenly Dao unceasing increasing price. 仙界天道不断的加价。 Chu Yuan just started not to care. 楚缘刚开始还不在意。 With behind unceasing increase, he palpitated with excitement. 随着后面不断的增加,他怦然心动了起来。 This feared that is not cracking a joke. 这怕不是在开玩笑吧。 This, so many? 这,这么多? How his old clear/pain has also seen the person of great storms, how generally the thing possibly can make him have stance so. 他老楚怎么样也是见过大风大浪的人,一般东西怎么可能能够让他有这般姿态。 But, but this Immortal World Heavenly Dao, given were too many. 可,可这个仙界天道,给的实在太多了呀。 Are much more. 多得离谱。 Chu Yuan silent for a long time, chose complying finally. 楚缘沉默了许久,最后还是选择了答应。 It is not he wants to comply, was really this Immortal World Heavenly Dao gives many. 不是他想答应的,实在是这个仙界天道给得太多了呀。 But he needs the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to make vowing, otherwise he did not feel relieved. 但他需要仙界天道立下誓言,否则他绝不放心。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao regarding this, naturally complied...... 仙界天道对此,自然是答应了下来…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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