NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#825: Forgot?

In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之内。 Hidden Heaven Island floats in a corner. 隐天岛漂浮在一个角落之中。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 In Hidden Heaven Island, the Daoless Sect disciples gathered at one. 隐天岛内,无道宗的弟子们聚集在了一起。 Their this little while are discussing intensely. 他们这会儿正在激烈讨论着。 „Did the Big Apprentice Brother words say insufficiently are clear? The Immortal World Heavenly Dao must extinguish my Daoless Sect! Master with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao war, to the time that we escape, then Big Apprentice Brother leads us to come here!” 大师兄难道话说得还不够清楚么?仙界天道要灭我无道宗师尊在与仙界天道大战,给我们逃跑的时间,然后大师兄才带我们来到这里的!” Master at bloody battle! Creates the time to flee to us, we actually really escaped, like this does right by Master the graciousness of raising, the graciousness of cultivation!!” 师尊在血战!给我们创造时间逃离,我们却真的逃了,这样对得起师尊的养育之恩,栽培之恩吗!!” Puts me to go back, even the death, can I still for a Master war, what like this be?” “放我回去,就算死,我也要为师尊一战,这样子算是什么?” Daoless Sect many disciples display very radically. 无道宗不少弟子都表现得十分激进。 Especially Su Qianyuan and the others, most fearful. 尤其是苏乾元等人,最为可怕。 To them, Master that is similar to their one's savior, if no Master, does not have them. 对于他们来说,师尊那如同他们的再生父母,若无师尊,就无他们。 They are unable to accept to let Master at that bloody battle, matter that they actually escape. 他们无法接受让师尊在那血战,他们却逃跑的事情。 Therefore they want to clash very much, follows Master, together fight. 所以他们很想要冲回去,追随师尊,一同战斗。 Is calm, Master delays the time to flee for us, if we go back, that not actions that does a disservice to Master!” “都冷静一下,师尊为我们拖延时间逃离,我们若是回去,那不是对不起师尊的所作所为么!” Perilla exceptionally calm saying. 紫苏异常冷静的说道。 Perilla! You spoke this saying, you do right by Master!!” “紫苏!你说这话,你就对得起师尊吗!!” Su Qianyuan glares angrily, is staring at the perilla stubbornly, the air/Qi of desolate reveals from his body. 苏乾元怒目圆睁,死死盯着紫苏,蛮荒之气从他身上流露而出。 This moment he, just like an ominous beast. 这一刻的他,犹如一头凶兽。 How you want!” “那你想要怎么样!” The perilla does not fear, with Su Qianyuan looking at each other, the whole body purple light twinkle, the imposing manner also releases. 紫苏也丝毫不惧,与苏乾元对视,周身紫光闪烁,气势也释放而出。 Two people confront. 两人对峙。 Made the atmosphere in field solidify all of a sudden. 使得场上的气氛一下子就凝固了下来。 Three Senior Brother, everyone is a same side, first calms down!” “三师兄,大家都是同门,先冷静下来!” Ten Junior Sisters, you also leave this, three Senior Brother are also only the heart worries about Master.” “十师妹,你也别这样,三师兄也只是心忧师尊而已。” Yes, everyone is a same side, if we therefore had/left the gap, Master knew, does not meet happily.” “是啊,大家都是同门,若我们因此出了间隙,师尊知道了,也会不开心的。” Other Daoless Sect disciples come to advise. 其他无道宗弟子纷纷前来劝阻。 Su Qianyuan and perilla actually do not attend to dissuading quite the same as, each other is staring at the opposite party stubbornly. 苏乾元与紫苏却浑然不顾劝阻,彼此死死的盯着对方。 Noisy enough?” “闹够了没?” At this moment, together sound light resounding. 就在这时,一道声音平淡的响起。 This sound conveys. 这道声音传来。 Let Su Qianyuan and perilla the potential of confrontation disintegrates to open instantaneously. 苏乾元和紫苏的对峙之势瞬间瓦解而开。 Sees only Ye Luo from distant place arrival slowly, fell on sect within/inner. 只见叶落从远处缓缓的降临,落在了宗内。 Appearance of Ye Luo, let Su Qianyuan and perilla instantaneously does not dare to confront again. 叶落的出现,也瞬间让苏乾元与紫苏不敢再对峙了。 What's wrong, doesn't hit? Looks at your appearances, do not hit? Hits, is gawking doing.” “怎么,不打了?看你们的样子,不都要打起来了?打呀,愣着干什么。” Ye Luo visits two people indifferently, makes noise to reprove. 叶落冷眼看着两人,出声训斥。 Su Qianyuan and perilla regarding this, where dare to refute anything, lowers the head, does not say a word. 苏乾元与紫苏对此,哪里敢反驳什么,低着头,一言不发。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Ye Luo was also disinclined to say anything. 叶落也懒得多说什么。 He walked several steps toward the front. 他朝着前方走了几步。 „The Master incident, has not been no need to say again, at present Master has not defeated, our urgent matter, considers cultivates industriously, the card will soon say.” 师尊一事,已不必再说,眼下师尊还没败呢,我们当务之急,当是勤加修炼,早日证道。” You consider, when has this matter now, we are Sage, how to go so far as to need to escape? Needs Master for us the time that wins to escape?” “你们试想,若是现在发生这事时,我们都是圣人,何至于需要逃跑?需要师尊为我们争取逃跑的时间?” Ye Luo vision that in Daoless Sect more than ten pass on the disciple to past, said slowly. 叶落目光就那么在无道宗的十几名亲传弟子之中流转着,缓缓说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Daoless Sect disciples one by one got hold of the fist. 无道宗的弟子们一个个都握紧了拳头。 In the final analysis, was they are too weak. 归根结底,还是他们太弱了。 If their little while, have the Sage strength, they can follow in Master behind, followed a Master war. 若是他们这会儿,拥有圣人的实力,那他们就能跟随在师尊身后,追随师尊一战了。 Now, you may also probably hit to kill, can go out the dying war? Has this energy, has not rolled the cultivation, will strive for soon the card to say!” “如今,你们可还要打要杀,要出去死战?有这个精力,还不滚回去修炼,争取早日证道!” In Ye Luo this time sound took the meaning of scolding. 叶落这次的声音之中带上了呵斥之意。 Daoless Sect passes on the disciples each other to listen, silent period of time. 无道宗的亲传弟子们彼此听着,沉默了好一阵子。 Then did not say a word, returned to that side the disciple residential district in abundance. 而后一言不发,纷纷返回了弟子居住区域那边。 Looks on the field all of a sudden empty. 看着场上一下子空荡了下来。 Ye Luo then relaxes, he rubbed the forehead, felt that Formation Heart is chaotic. 叶落这才松了口气,他揉了揉自己眉心,感到一阵心乱。 Master that side matter. 师尊那边的事情。 Matter of swordsmanship river. 剑道长河的事情。 This Hidden Heaven Island matter, all piles in the same place, pressing him somewhat is weary. 还有这隐天岛的事情,全都堆在一起,压得他有些疲倦。 Master......” 师尊……” Ye Luo in a low voice twittering. 叶落低声呢喃着。 He arrived at Sect Master Main Hall, wants to shove open Sect Master Main Hall, has a look at beforehand Master that magic arts also. 他走到了宗主大殿,想要推开宗主大殿,看看之前师尊的那道法相还在不在。 He just shoved open Sect Master, the front surface bumps into to open god light/only small-sized Chu Yuan to walk. 他刚刚推开宗主,迎面就碰到了开着神光小号的楚缘走了出来。 Master, Master?!” “师,师尊?!” Ye Luo was shocked, dull saying. 叶落愣住了,呆呆的说道。 Luo'er, do you stand to do what here?” 落儿,你站在这里干什么?” What outside Chu Yuan sees is standing is Ye Luo, relaxes, asks. 楚缘看到外面站着的是叶落,松了口气,问道。 Master, are you all right? The disciples, the disciple was says that side your main body.” 师尊,您没事吧?弟子,弟子是说您本尊那边。” The Ye Luo half step walked, asked repeatedly. 叶落快步走了过来,连声问道。 Unobstructive, the main body and the Immortal World Heavenly Dao Master cannot decide the victory and defeat, towed at once there, you poured do not need to dread, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao was not able to leave, actually Luo'er you, where was here?” “无碍,为师之本尊与仙界天道分不出胜负,一时之间拖在了那里,你们倒也不用畏惧,仙界天道是抽不出身来的,倒是落儿你,这里是什么地方?” Chu Yuan is very curious. 楚缘很是好奇。 He looks up the vault of heaven. 他抬头看着天穹。 Above the vault of heaven is darkened one piece, anything does not have. 天穹之上全是昏黑一片,什么也没有。 Where his not clear here is. 他不清楚这里是哪里。 Ye Luo hears word, explained with Master immediately. 叶落闻言,当即和自家师尊解释了起来。 Opens the swordsmanship river him, as well as integrates the matter of swordsmanship river Hidden Heaven Island, all said. 将他开辟剑道长河,以及将隐天岛纳入剑道长河的事情,全都说了出来。 Chu Yuan static is listening. 楚缘静静的听着。 After listening, he nods silently, regarding quick-witted of Ye Luo, is pleased. 在听完之后,他默默点了点头,对于叶落的机智,是感到很满意的。 Originally he be forced, wants to return to Great Profound World Hidden Heaven Island. 本来他是迫于无奈,想要将隐天岛送回太玄界的。 However currently has a better choice, that was certainly good. 但是现在有了更好的选择,那当然是再好不过了。 The swordsmanship river is the swordsmanship is. 剑道长河是剑道所在。 Swordsmanship in the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, everywhere, this on behalf of the swordsmanship river can in any place, later want to return to Immortal World Hidden Heaven Island obviously, that convenience many were many. 剑道于混沌虚无之中,无处不在,这代表了剑道长河可以在任何一个地方显化,以后想要将隐天岛重新送回仙界,那就方便很多很多了。 However, after listening . 不过,听完之后。 Chu Yuan opened the character present situation to look, he must further determine, his these treasure disciples were all right. 楚缘还是打开了人物现状看了起来,他还是要进一步确定,他的这些宝贝弟子们都没事。 Your big disciple Ye Luo leaves Immortal World 【您的大弟子叶落离开仙界 Your big disciple Ye Luo sudden enlightenment, opens swordsmanship river, becomes the lord of swordsmanship 【您的大弟子叶落顿悟,开辟剑道长河,成为剑道之主】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao rush to the Quasi Sage mystical place by mistake, has been inherited, magical skill rises 【您的二弟子张寒误闯准圣秘境,得到传承,道行微涨】 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan leave Immortal World 【您的三弟子苏乾元离开仙界 【During your three disciple Su Qianyuan are dark obtains mysterious will help, mortal body has transformation 【您的三弟子苏乾元冥冥之中得到神秘意志帮忙,肉身产生蜕变】 Your four disciple Tantai Luoxue leave Immortal World 【您的四弟子澹台洛雪离开仙界 Your four disciple Tantai Luoxue......】 【您的四弟子澹台洛雪……】 ...... …… Your 15 disciple gluttonous ti are under Immortal Emperor big monster attack 254 【您的十五弟子饕鬄遭遇仙帝大妖袭击】254 Your 15 disciple gluttonous ti are under the Immortal Emperor cultivator attack 125 【您的十五弟子饕鬄遭遇仙帝修士袭击】125 Your 16 disciple Chen Jun leave Immortal World 【您的十六弟子陈君离开仙界 Great Dao of your 16 disciple Chen Jun comprehension articles, condenses Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, steps into the boundary of Golden Immortal 【您的十六弟子陈君领悟文之大道,凝聚金仙道果,踏入金仙之境】 ...... …… This...... 这…… On each disciple marked to leave Immortal World. 每个弟子上面都标了个离开仙界 Why second child and small 15 heads? 为什么老二和小十五头上没有? Moreover, small are 15 still coming under attack?? 而且,小十五还在挨打?? Luo'er, Hao'er and small gluttonous ti?” 落儿,寒儿和小饕鬄呢?” Chu Yuan asked one in a soft voice. 楚缘轻声问了一句。 Ye Luo: „......” 叶落:“……” Ended, he remembered Li Chen at that time, Li Chen as well as subordinate influence moving into the swordsmanship river, then travelled. 完了,他当时就记得一个李城,把李城以及麾下的势力给挪入剑道长河,然后就跑路了。 He Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti forgetting...... 他把张寒和饕鬄给忘记了……
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