NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#824: Consuming

Above the battlefield of south day of state. 南天州的战场之上。 Chu Yuan to execute immortal sword, suppressed the Immortal World Heavenly Dao forcefully. 楚缘以诛仙剑阵,强行压制了仙界天道。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is forced to be suppressed under sword, is unable to depart, is unable to injure to Chu Yuan. 仙界天道被迫被镇压在剑阵之下,无法离去,也无法伤到楚缘 Similarly, Chu Yuan also having no way wound to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 同样的,楚缘也没法伤到仙界天道。 Temporarily, whose scene both sides are anyone unable to do. 暂时而言,双方属于谁都奈何不了谁的场面。 If both sides do not have the new move, but also really might refuse to compromise. 若是双方谁都没有新的招数的话,还真有可能就这么僵持下去了。 The strength of Immortal World Heavenly Dao originates from entire Immortal World, is in itself continuously. 仙界天道的力量来源于整个仙界,本身就是源源不断的。 But Chu Yuan is the god light/only, has the unlimited possibility, oneself repair capability is also extremely strong, the strength that he releases, recovers compared with him, is completely a drop in the bucket. 楚缘是神光所化,拥有无限的可能性,自身修复能力也是极强的,他所释放的力量,比起他恢复的,完全就是九牛一毛。 both sides not possible to be exhausted the strength. 双方都不可能被耗尽力量的。 If no law of collapsing, perhaps can only refuse to compromise like this. 所以若没有破局之法,恐怕只能这样僵持下去。 Variable! You think how long you can suppress my? I advised politely you to untie sword, otherwise do not blame me not being impolite.” “变数!你以为你能压得住我多久?我奉劝你自行解开剑阵,否则别怪我不客气。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao was pressed under sword, deeply inspires, said. 仙界天道被压在剑阵之下,深吸了一口气,说道。 He has not thought that by Chu Yuan to suppression under executing immortal sword. 他也不曾想过,会被楚缘给镇压在诛仙剑阵之下。 Really is this executes immortal sword, extremely in strange. 实在是这诛仙剑阵,太过于奇怪。 In execution immortal sword that on Chu Yuan arranges, the might can unexpectedly powerful to this situation. 楚缘手上摆下的诛仙剑阵,威力居然能强大到这种地步。 Is impolite? How I must look at your impolite law actually.” “不客气?我倒是要看你怎么个不客气法。” Chu Yuan is unhurried, the reassignment executes immortal sword, ruthlessly is pressing the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘也丝毫不慌,调动诛仙剑阵,狠狠的压着仙界天道。 He indeed could not put to death the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, but the Immortal World Heavenly Dao do not want to escape from his execution immortal sword. 他的确诛杀不了仙界天道,但是仙界天道也别想从他的诛仙剑阵下逃出来。 Goes away to me!” “给我滚开!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao erupts the imposing manner again, innumerable swords all around will breathe one's last all the destruction. 仙界天道再一次爆发气势,将周遭的无数剑气尽皆覆灭。 But has not waited for him to leave, some innumerable sword aeroseals cover to come densely, surrounds the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 但没等他动身,又有无数剑气密密麻麻覆盖而来,将仙界天道重新困住。 The sword air/Qi is unceasing. 剑气不绝。 And blocks the surrounding space and time. 且封锁周围时空。 Only if will execute immortal sword to break forcefully, otherwise is impossible to leave executes the immortal sword suppression range. 除非硬生生将诛仙剑阵打破,否则绝不可能离开诛仙剑阵的镇压范围。 Today I must have a look actually, how you come out!” “今天我倒是要看看,你怎么出来!” The Chu Yuan in addition holds to execute immortal sword full power, must suppress completely the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘全力加持诛仙剑阵,要将仙界天道给完完全全镇压下来。 Cracking a joke. 开玩笑。 Just this thing wanted to govern him in the deathtrap, when really he couldn't see? 刚刚这个玩意可是想要治他于死地的,真当他看不到? At present he has been executed an immortal sword help, can suppress the opposite party, how he possibly made the opposite party running. 眼下他得到诛仙剑阵的帮助,能镇压对方,他怎么可能让对方给跑了。 Damn.” “该死。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao complexion is very ugly. 仙界天道脸色十分难看。 He has not really been able to break executes immortal sword. 他还真无法打破诛仙剑阵。 But he has other means! 但他并非没有其他办法! The Immortal World situation has understood. 仙界大势已明了。 Soon, the inexorable fate will restart Immortal World, at the appointed time Immortal World all living things will vanish into thin air. 在不久之后,劫数将会重启仙界,届时仙界众生将烟消云散。 Immortal World all living things vanish into thin air, are equal to returning to the Immortal World source, Immortal World phenomenally will be when the time comes powerful. 仙界众生烟消云散,等于回归仙界本源,到时候仙界将会空前强大。 Then he as the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, the strength will increase. 那么他身为仙界天道,实力将会大增。 At the appointed time, this executes immortal sword to be able absolutely it break. 届时,这个诛仙剑阵绝对能将之打破。 Snort, I must have a look actually, how long you can surround my!” “哼,我倒是要看看,你能困住我多久!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao does not worry, he sat cross-legged to sit. 仙界天道也不着急了,他盘膝坐了下来。 Does not worry, takes your time.” “不着急,慢慢来。” Chu Yuan smiled. 楚缘笑了。 His patient sitting in the center, suppresses the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他耐心的坐在阵中心,镇压仙界天道。 He transfers to open part of mind, only keeps part of mind , to continue to maintain to execute immortal sword. 他将一部分心神调转而开,只留一部分心神,继续维持诛仙剑阵。 Said that is both sides cannot move. 说是双方都不能动弹。 But his number many, the issue is not big. 可是他号多,问题不大。 This god brilliant number stays here, accompanies the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to consume. 这个神光大号留在这里,陪仙界天道耗着。 He goes back the god light/only small-sized, or opened the Heavenly Dao large size is not good. 他回去开神光小号,或者开天道大号不就好了。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In that inexhaustible darkness. 那无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 The Saints of three order , the Taoist trinity gathered in one. 三位秩序之圣,既三清聚在了一起。 At this moment, their vision all fell on the Immortal World direction. 此时此刻,他们的目光全都落在了仙界方向。 In the inexhaustible darkness, Immortal World is very obvious, because that side Immortal World the twinkle golden light, is looking at the past from afar, small stars, are shining probably unceasingly. 在无穷无尽的黑暗内,仙界十分明显,因为仙界那边正在闪烁金光,远远看过去,就好像一颗小星辰,在不断发光。 Immortal World is very unstable.” 仙界很不稳定。” Most Exalted Lord Lao faint saying such a few words. 太上老君淡漠的说出这么一句话。 Is far more than unstable, Immortal World almost must collapse, if not for the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is supporting, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao feared that has collapsed.” “何止不稳定,仙界差点要崩溃了吧,若不是仙界天道在撑着,仙界天道怕是早就崩溃了。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning wrinkles the brow, in a tone with a touch of serious saying. 元始天尊皱紧眉头,语气略带严肃的说道。 their two people stand are thinking same place, as if in thinking, must go to that side Immortal World to have a look. 他们二人都站在原地思索着,似乎在想,要不要去仙界那边看看。 „It is not right, that side Immortal World, before perhaps is that clear/pain fellow daoist at the war, I felt, executed the immortal four swords to be used, moreover probably was also executed immortal sword by the arrange/cloth under.” “不对,仙界那边,恐怕是之前的那位楚道友在大战,我感受到了,诛仙四剑被用出来了,而且好像还被布下诛仙剑阵了。” Tong Tian Founder actually in this little while, started talking. 通天教主却在这会儿,开口说话了。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Most Exalted Lord Lao and Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning gawked, then looked to Tong Tian Founder. 太上老君元始天尊都愣了一下,而后看向了通天教主 Executes immortal sword? 诛仙剑阵? When did Tong Tian Founder executing immortal sword hand over? 通天教主什么时候把诛仙剑阵交出去了? They have puzzled. 他们都心存困惑。 Somewhat puzzled. 有些不解。 Before I felt like old friends at the first meeting with the clear/pain fellow daoist, was worried that his safety, will execute immortal sword to lend him, at present was arranged in Immortal World, Immortal World also had this sound, perhaps was the clear/pain fellow daoist and person hits.” “之前我与楚道友一见如故,担心他的安危,就将诛仙剑阵借给他了,眼下在仙界之中被摆下,仙界又有这种动静,恐怕是楚道友和人打起来了。” Does not know that the clear/pain fellow daoist are fighting with whom.” “就是不知道楚道友到底在和谁打。” In the Tong Tian Founder eye is passing a thick curiosity. 通天教主眼中透着一股浓浓的好奇。 Can create this sound, it is estimated that can only be the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, but has not thought, executes immortal sword after so many years, will also be placed in Immortal World.” “能造成这种动静的,估计只能是仙界天道了,只是没想到,诛仙剑阵时隔这么多年,还会被摆在仙界之中。” Most Exalted Lord Lao sighs gently. 太上老君轻轻叹了一口气。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder looking at each other, smiles, recalled. 元始天尊通天教主对视,不由一笑,也是都回忆了起来。 Will execute an immortal sword swayed previous time in the place of Immortal World that origin, to seal/confer Shenliang tribulations time?” “上一次将诛仙剑阵摆在仙界那块起源之地,还是封神量劫的时候吧?” Tong Tian Founder recalls, smiles quietly, said. 通天教主回忆起来,悄然一笑,说道。 Good, at that time I and other Sage collaborated the layout, performed in a play, you arrange to execute an immortal sword that little while, but let alone, in a big way frightened us one to jump, but also thinks that you flew into a rage, hahahaha.” “不错,当时我等圣人联手布局,演了一场戏,你摆下诛仙剑阵那会儿,可别说,吓了我们一大跳,还以为你急眼了,哈哈哈哈。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning looks at Tong Tian Founder, laughing. 元始天尊看着通天教主,大笑着。 In his eye full is favors to drown. 他的眼中满是宠溺。 Did not have the Taoist trinity relations in hearsay extremely to be bad quite the same as a saying. 浑然没有传闻之中的三清关系极差一说。 This different, if at that time I displayed do not fly into a rage, that couldn't instead be justified is not? I arrange to execute immortal sword, instead was more lifelike.” “这不一样,当时我要是表现得不急眼,那反而说不过去了不是?我摆下诛仙剑阵,反而更逼真了。” Tong Tian Founder saying with a laugh. 通天教主笑呵呵的说道。 Junior Brother said right, if had not arranged to execute immortal sword at that time, instead not like, but, we should say at present, is the matter of Immortal World, past makes him pass.” 师弟说得对,如果当时没摆下诛仙剑阵,反而不像真的,不过,眼下我们该说说的,是仙界之事,过去的就让他过去吧。” Most Exalted Lord Lao walked, on that faint face revealed wiped the chuckle, w said. 太上老君走了出来,那淡漠的脸上露出了一抹轻笑,w说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder two people, has not mentioned to seal/confer Shenliang tribulation the incident again. 元始天尊通天教主两人,也没有再提及封神量劫一事了。 But looked again to the Immortal World direction, seems pondering, the matter of Immortal World, how should process. 而是再度看向了仙界方向,似乎在思考着,仙界之事,到底该怎么处理。 Senior Brother, can we probably go to Immortal World?” 师兄,我们可要前往仙界一趟?” Tong Tian Founder hesitant, asks. 通天教主犹豫了一下,开口询问。 Temporarily does not need to pass, but can first go to the Immortal World surrounding to wait, if there is a change, first enters Immortal World, in Immortal World, we will be suppressed, is not his Heavenly Dao opponent, must therefore probably add carefully.” “暂时不必过去,但可以先去仙界外围等着,若有变动,第一时间进入仙界,在仙界内,我们会受到压制,不是其天道对手,所以务必要多加小心。” Most Exalted Lord Lao stands in that pondered, spoke such words. 太上老君站在那,思考了一番,说了这么一番话。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning and Tong Tian Founder naturally do not have the opinion. 元始天尊通天教主自然对此没有意见。 Three people reach the agreement, changes to the flowing light, was flying toward Immortal World that side, frequently is staring at Immortal World that side change...... 三人达成共识,化作流光,往着仙界那边飞了过去,时刻盯着仙界那边的变化……
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