NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#823: Executes immortal sword

south day of state, above battlefield. 南天州,战场之上。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is preparing to begin, puts to death Chu Yuan, he lifts the palm slowly, in his palm the golden light twinkle, tries a palm town/subdues to kill Chu Yuan. 仙界天道正准备动手,诛杀楚缘,他缓缓抬起手掌,其掌心中金光闪烁,试图一掌镇杀楚缘 To him, pats this Chu Yuan, is important. 对于他来说,拍死这个楚缘,才是重要的。 As for Hidden Heaven Island these thing, him, with Immortal World all living things not different, is the ants, can pinch momentarily, even does not need him to pinch personally. 至于隐天岛那些玩意,于他而言,与仙界众生无异,皆为蝼蚁,随时都能捏死,甚至都不需要他亲手来捏的。 When he prepares to begin. 正当他准备动手时。 Suddenly, in the ground brings destructive sword intent to fill the air. 突然之间,地面上一股带着毁灭性的剑意弥漫而出。 This sword intent points to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 这股剑意直指仙界天道。 And this sword intent truly made the Immortal World Heavenly Dao feel the threat. 并且这股剑意确确实实的让仙界天道感受到了威胁。 This is......” “这是……” Immortal World Heavenly Dao absent-minded. 仙界天道恍惚了一下。 He lowers the head closely looks at Chu Yuan, wants to see, is anything, unexpectedly made him feel so to threaten the feeling. 他低头紧紧的看着楚缘,想要看出,到底是什么东西,居然让他感受到了这般威胁感。 Sees only below Chu Yuan side, four small tangs around him. 只见下方楚缘的身边,四柄小剑环绕着他。 On these four small swords is contaminating the big terrifying, big causes and effects, and was disclosing destructive aura, the instance that four small swords present, causes is shaking all around void, has the shatter sign indistinctly unexpectedly. 这四柄小剑上面都沾染着大恐怖,大因果,且透露着一股毁灭性的气息,四柄小剑出现的瞬间,引得周遭虚空震荡着,隐隐约约竟有破碎的迹象。 Must know that void in all directions, that was held by the Heavenly Dao strength in addition. 要知道四面八方的虚空,那都是被天道力量加持的。 Can make void have this phenomenon that the Heavenly Dao strength in addition holds, it can be imagined, was terrifying. 能让被天道力量加持的虚空都产生这种异象,可想而知,到底有多么恐怖了。 Executes the immortal four swords!!” “诛仙四剑!!” Immortal World Heavenly Dao surprise. 仙界天道诧异了一下。 He recognizes certainly these four small swords. 他当然认得这四把小剑。 Executes the immortal four swords! 诛仙四剑! Serious magic treasure. 一件不得了的法宝 Four small sword compositions execute immortal sword, that the unusual terrifying, under a Chaos Sage arrange/cloth will execute immortal sword, then four Chaos Sage also do not act, cannot break through, its fierce degree, it can be imagined. 四件小剑组成诛仙剑阵,那将会非常的恐怖,一位混沌圣人布下诛仙剑阵,那么非四位混沌圣人同时出手,不可攻破,其厉害程度,可想而知。 This executes the immortal four swords, is not the extremely wild place, Saints of a Tong Tian Founder order treasure, why will fall on this Immortal World variable. 只是这诛仙四剑,不是极荒之地,秩序之圣之一的通天教主的宝物么,为什么会落在这个仙界变数手上。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao merely was the surprise, he understood. 仙界天道仅仅是诧异了一下,他就懂了。 This Immortal World variable, has the relations with the extremely wild that side unexpectedly. 这个仙界变数,居然和极荒那边也有关系。 Even the treasure of Saint of that order fell in the hand of this Immortal World variable. 连那位秩序之圣的宝物都落到了这个仙界变数的手上了。 You think that you with executing the immortal four swords, can defeat me?” “你以为你凭着诛仙四剑,就能战胜我了?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao does not fear as before. 仙界天道依旧不惧。 Can with unable, to try to know.” “能与不能,试过了才知道。” Is controlling Chu Yuan that executes the immortal four swords, may be disinclined with Immortal World Heavenly Dao many idle talk. 操控着诛仙四剑的楚缘,可懒得和仙界天道过多废话。 He loses to execute the immortal sword intermittent plate, immediately guides to execute the immortal four swords with the plate to coordinate, to prepare to establish to execute immortal sword. 他丢出诛仙剑阵阵盘,随即引导诛仙四剑与阵盘配合,准备立下诛仙剑阵。 Sees only executes the immortal sword intermittent plate to fly the vault of heaven, escapes into void, four swords as if have absolutely tacit, interlocks mutually is flying the vault of heaven. 只见诛仙剑阵阵盘飞上天穹,遁入虚空,四剑似乎彼此之间有着绝对的默契般,相互交错着飞上天穹。 The next quarter, grand formation is centered on Chu Yuan, covered south most a day of state, four differences, the source is similar, but all brings the sword air/Qi of destructive aura to cover. 下一刻,一座大阵楚缘为中心,覆盖了大半个南天州,四股不同,却本源相似,但全都带着毁灭性气息的剑气笼罩其中。 These sword aeroseals are dense, mix in the spiritual energy between world, seizes every opportunity. 这些剑气密密麻麻,夹杂在天地间的灵气之中,无孔不入。 And, this each sword air/Qi has to destroy a Immortal World Sage strength. 并且,这每一道剑气都具有毁灭一尊仙界圣人的力量。 Even can say, even if true Sage, under this sword, receives together the sword air/Qi, cannot endure. 甚至可以说,哪怕是真正的圣人,在这座剑阵之下,受到一道剑气,都吃不消。 Chu Yuan by execution immortal sword that strength of in addition god brilliant number holds, naturally is not weak. 楚缘以神光大号之力加持的诛仙剑阵,自然是不弱的。 Just, opposite that Immortal World Heavenly Dao, the complexion of this little while became very strange. 只不过,对面那仙界天道,这会儿的脸色又变得非常奇怪了。 He looks at all over the sky sword air/Qi. 他看着满天的剑气。 Does not know that should say what good. 不知道该说什么好。 Executes immortal sword...... 诛仙剑阵…… Long like this? 长这样? The Immortal World Heavenly Dao has to see Tong Tian Founder to arrange to execute immortal sword. 仙界天道并非没有见过通天教主摆下诛仙剑阵过。 He remembers vaguely, executing immortal sword is not four small, is practicing respectively in the same place, each other exchanges? 他依稀记得,诛仙剑阵不是四座小阵,分别练着在一起,彼此互通的么? Execution immortal sword why this person variable suspends, is a body, moreover four entirely different sword air/Qi, actually very harmonious forms formation together? 为什么这个人变数摆下来的诛仙剑阵,是一体的,而且四股截然不同的剑气,却很融洽的一同形成阵法 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao fell into silent. 仙界天道陷入了沉默。 But he does not have to think, gets back one's composure quickly. 但他没有多想,很快回神。 No matter this executed immortal sword exactly to have what variation. 不管这诛仙剑阵到底是发生了什么变异了。 First broke through the formation said again. 先破阵再说。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao prepares to begin immediately. 仙界天道当即准备动手。 ...... …… In sword center region. 在剑阵最中心的地带。 Chu Yuan controls full power is executing an immortal sword revolution, he does not know own arrange/cloth a person non- person, ghost not ghost execution immortal sword. 楚缘全力控制着诛仙剑阵的运转,他丝毫不知道自己布了一个人不人,鬼不鬼的诛仙剑阵。 He is aware. 他自觉良好。 Felt oneself have the formation talent. 觉得自己有阵法天赋。 The first set up formation, is so successful. 第一次布阵,就这么成功。 Executes immortal sword, lives up to reputation, this aura, seriously is fearful.” “诛仙剑阵,名不虚传,这股气息,当真是可怕。” Chu Yuan is sighing with emotion secretly. 楚缘暗自感慨着。 The thing that this Tong Tian Founder gives is good. 通天教主送的东西就是好。 Worthily is execution immortal sword in myth. 不愧是神话之中的诛仙剑阵。 Under perhaps formation, several Chaos Sage, cannot break absolutely. 一座阵法之下,恐怕数名混沌圣人,都绝对破不了阵。 However, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is existence of half Great Dao Sage, can broken result in grand formation, this was very difficult to say. 不过,仙界天道是半步大道圣人的存在,能不能破得了大阵,这还很难说。 Chu Yuan looks up. 楚缘抬头看去。 He just raised the head, under the dense distribution of innumerable sword air/Qi, the golden light penetrates together forcefully. 他刚刚抬头,在无数剑气的密布之下,一道金光强行穿透而来。 Sees only the Immortal World Heavenly Dao to cross the innumerable sword air/Qi, was flushing in the midpoint direction. 只见仙界天道横穿无数剑气,往着正中央方向冲了进来。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Chu Yuan is not flustered, instead seems extremely calm. 楚缘也不慌张,反而显得极度冷静。 His vision ice-cold looks above the vault of heaven, the whole body god light/only explodes flashes, transfers the full power, performs all holds, in executed above immortal sword. 他目光冰冷冷的看着天穹之上,浑身神光爆闪,调动全力,尽皆加持在了诛仙剑阵之上。 In a flash, executed immortal sword also to erupt a more fearful aura. 一瞬间,诛仙剑阵也爆发出了更为可怕的气息。 Keeps off!!” “挡!!” Under Chu Yuan read, the innumerable say/way sword air/Qi kills toward that side that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is flushing. 楚缘一念之下,无数道剑气往着仙界天道冲来的那边杀去。 Executes the immortal sword air/Qi. 诛仙剑气。 Falling immortal sword air/Qi. 陷仙剑气。 Certainly immortal sword air/Qi. 绝仙剑气。 Unites the immortal sword air/Qi. 戮仙剑气。 These four identical, actually the entirely different sword air/Qi, should repel one another. 这四种同出一辙,却又截然不同的剑气,本应该相互排斥。 But strange. 可是诡异的一幕。 Under the Chu Yuan god light/only strength, four entirely different sword air/Qi, actually sharing a common hatred, the meaning of simply not having repelled. 楚缘的神光力量之下,四股截然不同的剑气,却‘同仇敌忾’了起来,根本没有排斥的意思。 This also caused four types of sword air/Qi to fuse mutually, executes an immortal sword might to rise sharply. 这也导致了四种剑气相互融合,诛仙剑阵威力大涨。 Let alone, Chu Yuan transfers the innumerable sword air/Qi to kill toward the Immortal World Heavenly Dao that side, at once, but also really the Immortal World Heavenly Dao intercepting. 别说,楚缘调动无数剑气往仙界天道那边杀去,一时之间,还真把仙界天道给拦截了下来。 Chu Yuan looked to intercept the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, did not bring ambiguously. 楚缘看拦截了仙界天道,也丝毫不带含糊的。 The intention moves, entire executed immortal sword most sword air/Qi to press toward Immortal World Heavenly Dao body, he tried to transfer sword, suppressed kills the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 心念一动,整座诛仙剑阵大部分的剑气全都往仙界天道身上压了过去,他试图调动剑阵,剿杀仙界天道。 If can successfully suppress kills the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, he may gain in a big way. 若是能成功剿杀仙界天道,那他可就赚大了。 He can transfer the Heavenly Dao large size immediately, comes, when the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, his Heavenly Dao large size strength rises when the time comes absolutely rapidly. 那他立马就能调动天道大号,过来当仙界的天道,到时候他天道大号实力绝对飞速上涨。 In Chu Yuan thinks of here. 就在楚缘想到这里时。 The distant place by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao sudden whole body twinkle golden light that the innumerable sword air/Qi encircle, an enormous and powerful heavenly prestige sweeps across, suddenly then all around innumerable sword air/Qi destruction. 远处正在被无数剑气围剿的仙界天道突然浑身闪烁金光,一股浩荡天威席卷而出,眨眼间便将周遭无数剑气覆灭。 But executes the immortal sword sword air/Qi, can it be that like that easy destruction. 但诛仙剑阵之剑气,又岂是那般容易覆灭的。 After Immortal World Heavenly Dao destruction innumerable sword air/Qi, there is a new sword air/Qi to supplement unceasingly, continuously, talked endlessly. 就在仙界天道覆灭了无数剑气后,又有新的剑气不断补充上去,源源不绝,喋喋不休。 As if not suppress the Immortal World Heavenly Dao thoroughly kills, executing immortal sword is impossible to diverge. 似乎不将仙界天道彻底剿杀,诛仙剑阵就不可能散去般。 Saw that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao falls leeward. 眼看仙界天道落入下风。 Was also worried the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will explode Chu Yuan that plants, relaxes. 原本还担心仙界天道会爆种的楚缘,不由松了口气。 If really can suppress the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, that was OK. 如果真的能压制得住仙界天道,那就可以了。 His god brilliant number, even if when the time comes could not put to death the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, that can still depart, at least by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao not staying behind...... 那他这个神光大号,到时候就算诛杀不了仙界天道,那也能离去了,至少不会被仙界天道给留下……
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