NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#822: Swordsmanship river

Chapter 823 swordsmanship river 第823章剑道长河 In the vault of heaven above Hidden Heaven Island. 隐天岛之上的天穹之中。 Ye Luo shoots up to the sky. 叶落冲天而起。 Existence of whole body innumerable black fog after feeling Ye Luo, as if lived came, crazy flushed toward Ye Luo body, as if wanted swallowing. 周身无数黑雾在感受到叶落的存在后,仿佛活了过来般,疯狂的往叶落身上冲了过来,似乎想要将之给吞噬了般。 Ye Luo looks at these black fog, knits the brows slightly. 叶落看着那些黑雾,微微皱眉。 He can feel, these black fog very strange, contains a very fearful evil strength. 他是能够感受得到,这些黑雾十分的诡异,其中蕴含着一股十分可怕的邪恶力量。 Perhaps generally Daluo Golden Immortal, has no way to deal with these black fog. 一般大罗金仙,恐怕都没法应对这些黑雾。 However regarding Ye Luo, the issue is not big. 但是对于叶落来说,问题都不大。 Because he is Sage! 因为他是圣人 Ye Luo double refers to merging the sword to refer, was cutting toward the front. 叶落双指合并成剑指,往着前方斩了过去。 The terrifying sword air/Qi sweeps away. 恐怖的剑气横扫而过。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… In an instant, the black fog of Ye Luo whole body thousand li (500 km) was quelled, all of a sudden a vacuum belt/bring formation. 刹那之间,叶落周身千里的黑雾被荡平,一下子一片真空带形成。 Was repelled the black fog outside thousand li (500 km), this also wants to continue to swallow to come, but these remain in the in the air sword air/Qi, actually prevented the advance of black fog. 被击退千里之外的黑雾,本还想继续吞噬而来,但那些残留在空中的剑气,却阻挡了黑雾的前进。 The black fog and sword air/Qi each other counter-balance, no one is able to gain the victory. 黑雾与剑气彼此抵消,谁也无法取得胜利。 Ye Luo may not have manages some not to have, his vision is staring at front void, behind him together swordsmanship projection release. 叶落可没管这些有的没的,他的目光盯着前方的一片虚空,他背后一道剑道投影释放而出。 Immediately, his whole body spiritual power toward front hit void. 随即,他浑身法力往着前方的虚空打了过去。 Bang! 轰隆! The front crashes to open void immediately, the aura of Hundun(Chaos) nihility fills the air. 前方虚空顿时崩塌而开,混沌虚无的气息弥漫而出。 Ye Luo not hesitant, sneaked in solitarily. 叶落没有犹豫,只身钻进了其中。 His figure one suddenly, arrived in a Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 他身形一恍,来到了一片混沌虚无之中。 Ye Luo opens single-handed, a swordsmanship the light sword appears in the hand, he grasps up the sword, is cutting to go toward the front horizontally. 叶落单手张开,一柄剑道所化的光剑出现于手上,他手持光剑,往着前方横斩而去。 The ray of light sword shone the Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 光剑的光芒照耀了混沌虚无。 The terrifying sword air/Qi wards off to the front. 恐怖的剑气辟向前方。 When the sword air/Qi hits the front, a white light from is small and big, when the crazy blooming ray, seemed same day Ye Luo opens a little world scene. 当剑气击中前方时,一道白光从小而大,疯狂绽放光芒,仿佛是当日叶落开一片小天地时的场景。 Ye Luo also indeed in the world. 叶落也的的确确在开天地。 The world that but he opens, is the swordsmanship river, rather than so-called little world. 只不过他开的这个天地,是剑道长河,而非所谓的小天地。 Today, the lord of my swordsmanship, opens the swordsmanship river with the swordsmanship, in the future every swordsmanship aptitude great strength, all may enter the swordsmanship river, comprehends the swordsmanship!” “今日,吾剑道之主,以剑道开辟剑道长河,日后凡剑道资质强大者,皆可入剑道长河,参悟剑道!” Ye Luo opens the mouth slowly. 叶落缓缓的开口。 His sound changed to a sound wave to spread over the entire Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 他的声音化作道道音波传遍了整个混沌虚无。 His voice falls. 他声音落下。 Holds up up the sword again, was losing toward the front that white light. 再度举起光剑,往着前方的那一点白光丢了过去。 The light sword departs, coerces the swordsmanship projection to pound together. 光剑飞出,裹挟剑道投影一同砸去。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!! 嗡!嗡!嗡!! The grating sound buzzes. 刺耳的声音嗡嗡作响。 After the moment, the channel opening appears together. 片刻后,一道通道口子浮现而出。 Ye Luo turned around to break. 叶落转身冲入了其中。 He enters in this channel, actually discovered that anything does not have, a darkness. 他进入这条通道里面,却发现什么也没有,一片漆黑。 Here may once see the time river appearance with him when the future, is completely different. 这里可和他曾经在未来见到时间长河时的模样,完全不一样。 What was short of? Here indeed belongs to the territory of swordsmanship, but always felt short of anything.” “少了什么?这里的确是属于剑道的领地,但总感觉少了点什么。” What was short of?” “到底是少了什么?” Ye Luo cannot think. 叶落想不到。 However he has not stopped the movement, but continued to act. 但是他并没有停下动作,而是继续行动了起来。 Opening of swordsmanship river. 剑道长河的开辟。 Helps the people of all practicing kendoists. 是有益于所有修行剑道之人的。 Those swordsmanship aptitude is powerful, can enter here to practice by the state of mind. 凡是剑道资质强大的,都是可以以神魂进入这里来修行的。 But how as to practice, naturally is comprehends the swordsmanship. 而至于怎么修行,自然是来参悟剑道的。 The action of Ye Luo this little while, is to become the Saint beforehand swordsmanship comprehension oneself, engraving in this swordsmanship river. 叶落这会儿的行动,就是要把自身成圣之前的剑道领悟,给刻印在这条剑道长河之中。 By his Sage strength, wants to engrave to be one of them, naturally very simple. 以他圣人的实力,想要刻印在其中,自然是非常的简单的。 Quick, Ye Luo completed engraving. 很快,叶落就完成了刻印。 As he engraves to complete. 随着他刻印完成。 A light corpuscle floats in the swordsmanship river. 一点光粒漂浮在剑道长河之中。 This point light corpuscle filled the swift and fierce air/Qi, as if this point light corpuscle falls on any place, can the thing dividing into two. 这一点光粒充满了凌厉之气,似乎这一点光粒落在任何一个地方,都将可以把东西给一分为二。 In the future swordsmanship river, everywhere is the flowing light, is little swordsmanship comprehension adds up to? But must add up to the flowing light, how many swordsmanship comprehensions should have?” “未来的剑道长河之中,到处都是流光,难道就是一点点的这种剑道领悟凑成的?可是要凑成流光,该有多少剑道领悟?” Ye Luo knit the brows, thought. 叶落皱眉,思索了起来。 He thought for a long time. 他思索了许久。 As if was somewhat clear. 似乎有些明白了。 Grasps the swordsmanship, becomes the lord of swordsmanship. 掌握剑道,成为剑道之主。 Is the lord of this swordsmanship, in other words, grasps existences of all kendoists? 这个剑道之主,是不是就是说,是掌握所有剑道的存在? Does the meaning want him to comprehend all kendoists? Any swordsmanship wants him to learn, is this lord of genuine swordsmanship? 意思要他领悟所有剑道?任何一种剑道都要他学会,这才算是真正的剑道之主? Ye Luo is suddenly enlighted. 叶落恍然大悟。 Perhaps, this is true swordsmanship Sage. 或许,这才是真正的剑道圣人 By swordsmanship to become Saint. 以剑道成圣。 Grasps myriad kendoists, for the lord of swordsmanship. 掌握万千剑道,是为剑道之主。 Can grasp Sage of myriad kendoists...... 能够掌握万千剑道的圣人…… Ye Luo deeply inspires, he dares saying that can grasp him of myriad kendoists, may be able to achieve in Sage very much invincible. 叶落深吸了一口气,他敢说,能够掌握万千剑道的他,很有可能做得到圣人境内无敌。 However, at present do not perceive through meditation the swordsmanship time. 不过,眼下还不是要参悟剑道的时候。 Now should handle the Hidden Heaven Island matter first. 现在应该把隐天岛的事情处理完毕先。 The Ye Luo intention moved, left the swordsmanship river, is going toward Hidden Heaven Island again. 叶落心念一动,离开了剑道长河,重新往着隐天岛而去。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Immortal World, south day of state, in vault of heaven battlefield. 仙界,南天州,天穹战场上。 Two groups of rays are intertwined in the vault of heaven in the same place. 两团光芒在天穹之中交缠在一起。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The contact of ray, has the explosive sound unceasingly in the deafening sound. 光芒的接触,不断有爆炸声在震响。 After the moment, a god of journeys light knocked down, falls on the ground, raises the intermittent dust. 片刻后,一道神光被打落,坠在了地上,扬起阵阵灰尘。 Above the vault of heaven, Immortal World Heavenly Dao calm standing in that looks god who distantly below that falls down light/only. 天穹之上,仙界天道淡定的站在那,遥遥看着下边那坠地的神光。 In the ground, the Chu Yuan stand, the body god is only glittering unceasingly, as if some are unstable. 在地面上,楚缘站着,身上的神光不断闪烁着,似乎有些不稳定。 Obviously, two people battles, Chu Yuan fell leeward, and is injured. 明显,两人的争斗,楚缘落了下风,且受了伤。 I have said that your non- is my rival, my not yet full power, you already so distressed, if my full power, you how, when to resist?” “我已经说过,你非是我之敌手,我尚未全力,你已这般狼狈,若我全力,你当如何抵挡?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao stands in that both hands shoulder, light saying. 仙界天道就那么站在那,双手背负,淡淡的说道。 Tone so should not be full.” “口气可别这么满。” Chu Yuan panted, fights to fall leeward, but in his tone may decline leeward. 楚缘气喘吁吁,打架落了下风,但他语气上可没落了下风。 He indeed is not the opponent of Immortal World Heavenly Dao, his unusual determination. 他的确不是仙界天道的对手,他非常的确定。 Even he possibly compels the strength that the opposite party goes all-out not to have continually. 甚至他可能连逼对方尽全力的力量都没。 The disparity was too big. 差距太大了。 Just, his goal does not defeat the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, but is the protracted time. 只不过,他的目的并非击败仙界天道,而是拖延时间。 Therefore he does not worry. 所以他也不着急。 Slowly socializes with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 慢慢和仙界天道周旋。 I know that you are thinking anything, you are want to delay the time, making your Confucian orthodoxy that group of people leave, how making them leave, I never pay attention.” “我知道你在想什么,你不过是想要拖延时间,让你道统那帮人离开罢了,让他们离开又如何,我从未放在眼里。” Saying that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao taunted. 仙界天道略带嘲讽的说道。 „, Your this tone is very big, really wants to press you on the ground rubs.” “啧啧,你这口气是真的很大呀,真想把你摁在地上摩擦。” Chu Yuan deeply inspires, is adjusting own condition, says. 楚缘深吸了一口气,调整着自身的状态,开口说道。 „Can you press me are rubbing me not to know, but I can certainly press the friction you.” “你能不能把我摁着摩擦我不知道,但我一定能把你摁着摩擦。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao smiles to say lightly. 仙界天道淡淡一笑说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan has not said anything again. 楚缘没有再多说什么。 He condenses the god light/only, prepares to act again. 他凝聚神光,准备再次出手。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looked that the Chu Yuan preparation begins, did not have to say anything again, he stretched out the palm, the golden light twinkle, was prepares to act. 仙界天道看楚缘准备动手,也没再多说什么了,他伸出手掌,金光闪烁,也是准备出手了。 Below Chu Yuan, planned to continue again with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao dogfight. 在下边的楚缘,本来是打算再继续与仙界天道缠斗的。 But suddenly, he gawked, thought of something. 可忽然之间,他愣了一下,想到了一些事情。 It is not right. 不对啊。 He is silly. 他傻啊。 Why can he with this Immortal World Heavenly Dao hard steel? 他为什么非要和这个仙界天道硬钢? He has to execute the immortal four swords. 他有诛仙四剑啊。 Tong Tian Founder gave his thing at that time, how he gave to forget. 通天教主当时给他的东西,他咋就给忘记了。 Chu Yuan wishes one could a palm of the hand to pat on the own forehead...... 楚缘恨不得一巴掌拍在自己的脑门上…… 1 : 00 pm also has two. 晚 1 点点还有两更哦。
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