NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#821: Opens the swordsmanship river?

Does Chapter 822 open the swordsmanship river? 第822章开辟剑道长河? Above south day of state vault of heaven. 南天州天穹之上。 Chu Yuan is opening the god brilliant number, launches fully-armed, with the most powerful stance, meets head-on the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘开着神光大号,展开全副武装,以最为强大的姿态,去迎战仙界天道。 Reviews the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, regarding this actually appears serene as before. 反观仙界天道,对此却依旧显得风轻云淡 As if not care about Chu Yuan. 仿佛根本不在意楚缘 Or. 或者说。 Thought that can take Chu Yuan at will, therefore has not cared. 觉得随意就可以拿下楚缘,所以没有放在心上。 You are very indeed good, Chaos Sage, strength very good, if you proceed again half step, I could not really have done to you, what a pity, you cannot go out that half step.” “你的确很不错,混沌圣人,实力非常的不错,若是你再往前走半步,我还真奈何不了你,可惜,你走不出那半步。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is saying calm. 仙界天道淡定的说着。 His words, making the Chu Yuan heart that prepares to fight be startled. 他的话,让正准备一战的楚缘心头一惊。 Chaos Sage again toward the first half step? 混沌圣人再往前半步? What is realm above Chaos Sage? 混沌圣人之上的境界是什么? Great Dao Sage! 大道圣人 Toward the first half step, but is half Great Dao Sage? 往上半步,而是半步大道圣人 Is this Immortal World Heavenly Dao half Great Dao Sage?? 仙界天道是半步大道圣人?? If the opposite party is really half Great Dao Sage, his pleasure was big. 如果对方真是半步大道圣人,那他的乐子就大了。 Chu Yuan may not think the opposite party is half Great Dao Sage. 楚缘可从没有想过对方是半步大道圣人的。 He thinks that the opposite party are most is also the Chaos Sage peak, then the strength of his also war. 他以为对方最多也就是混沌圣人巅峰,那么他也有一战之力。 But if went beyond the Chaos Sage range. 可若是超出了混沌圣人的范围。 Then he and opposite party do not fall into the same ranking existence absolutely. 那么他与对方绝对不是一个等级的存在。 Chu Yuan very clear this point! 楚缘非常的清楚这一点! The god brilliant number has the invincible condition, but also is only restricted under Chaos Sage, surpassed, that was not invincible. 神光大号有无敌状态,但也仅限于混沌圣人之下,超出了,那就并非是无敌了。 Escapes?” “逃?” After Chu Yuan innermost feelings is flurried, rapid calm. 楚缘内心一阵慌乱后,迅速冷静了下来。 If he wants to escape. 如果他想要逃。 By his strength, can escape absolutely. 以他的实力,是绝对能逃的。 Even half Great Dao Sage, cannot block him. 就算是半步大道圣人,也拦不住他。 However he cannot escape. 但是他不能逃。 If he escaped. 他如果逃了。 His these disciples must meet with a disaster absolutely. 他的那些弟子们绝对要遭殃。 Even if he must escape, must support some time, supports these disciples to leave Immortal World. 他就算要逃,也要撑一段时间,撑到那些弟子们离开仙界 Yes, Chu Yuan has made the decision. 是的,楚缘已经做出了决定。 Let these disciples first temporarily leave Immortal World, returns to the world of mortals. 让那些弟子们先暂时离开仙界,返回下界。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is half Great Dao Sage strength, he cannot protect these disciples, when this Immortal World Heavenly Dao handled him, will start to these disciples absolutely. 仙界天道是半步大道圣人的实力,他护不住那些弟子们,等这个仙界天道把他搞定了,绝对会对那些弟子们下手的。 Therefore he must make these disciples leave in advance. 所以他要让那些弟子们先行离开。 Chu Yuan branches out a mind silently, goes back that side the god light/only trumpet, lets its tell Hidden Heaven Island these disciples. 楚缘默默分出一丝心神,回去神光小号那边,让其去告诉隐天岛的那些弟子们。 But he himself prepares and a Immortal World Heavenly Dao war. 而他自己则是准备与仙界天道一战。 „Is mind scattered? Is where the preparation minute/share goes to?” “心神分散?是准备分去哪里?” Immortal World Heavenly Dao actually very keen detection to the Chu Yuan petty action. 仙界天道却很是敏锐的察觉到了楚缘的小动作。 He lifts the hand to want that mind that Chu Yuan divides intercepting. 他抬手想要把楚缘分出来的那一丝心神给拦截下来。 How Chu Yuan possibly made the opposite party achieve wishes, hits the lost light, blocked the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘怎么可能让对方如愿,打出神光,把仙界天道拦了下来。 A Immortal World Heavenly Dao look ice, no longer the interception mind, hit toward Chu Yuan body directly, wanting to suppress Chu Yuan. 仙界天道眼神一冰,不再拦截心神,直接往楚缘身上打了过去,欲要将楚缘镇压。 Chu Yuan does not fear quite the same as, turn around to forward, with a Immortal World Heavenly Dao war. 楚缘也浑然不惧,反身向前,与仙界天道一战。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That side Hidden Heaven Island. 隐天岛那边。 Obtained a Chu Yuan mind god light/only trumpet to act immediately, making Ye Luo that just returned enter the palace, transparent situation. 得到楚缘一丝心神的神光小号当即行动了起来,让刚刚归来的叶落进殿,与其说明了情况。 However, Ye Luo is a face compels ignorant. 不过,叶落是一脸懵逼的。 He just came back. 他刚刚回来。 Master not with Immortal World Heavenly Dao war? 师尊不是在和仙界天道大战么? In front of him this is, what thing? 那他面前这个,是什么东西? Master, Master, which is true you?” “师,师尊,哪个才是真正的您?” Ye Luo confused asking. 叶落迷茫的问道。 This is only a Master method! You first so many, make the disciples leave Immortal World now leave alone as soon as possible, even if not leave Immortal World, must hide, Luo'er, your duty moves to Great Profound World to go entire Hidden Heaven Island, the movement must be quick!” “这个只是为师的一道法相而已!你现在先别管这么多,尽快让弟子们都离开仙界,就算不离开仙界,也要藏好,落儿,你的任务就是把整座隐天岛给重新搬到太玄界去,动作务必要快!” The god light/only trumpet may simply not have the thoughts and Ye Luo explained that various some do not have. 神光小号可根本没有心思和叶落解释各种有的没的。 law, law? 法,法相? Ye Luo is somewhat ignorant. 叶落还是有些懵的。 However he is not difficult to guess correctly. 但是他不难猜出。 Is the Master true body also fighting in that side and Immortal World Heavenly Dao? Because has not grasped, therefore shouted him, making him retreat? 师尊真身还在那边和仙界天道大战着?因为没把握,所以才来喊他,让他撤退的? Master, haven't you grasped are victorious the Immortal World Heavenly Dao?” 师尊,您没有把握打得过仙界天道么?” Ye Luo was still inquiring. 叶落还在询问。 „The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is existence of half Great Dao Sage, Master is delaying its time, you act are quick, Master this mind needs to return, otherwise is unable the display full power.” 仙界天道乃是半步大道圣人的存在,为师只是在拖延其时间,你动作要快,为师这一丝心神需要回归,否则无法发挥全力。” The god light/only trumpet so said one. 神光小号这般说了一句。 At once, he closed one's eyes to sit cross-legged, this mind returned to that side the battlefield. 旋即,他闭眼盘坐了下来,这一丝心神返回战场那边。 Same place, Ye Luo stands in that helpless. 原地,叶落站在那,不知所措。 Master simply has not grasped, even can say, knows cannot be victorious the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 师尊根本没把握,甚至可以说,知道打不过仙界天道。 Reason that also hits with the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, because must delay the time, retreats to them? 之所以还和仙界天道打,只是因为要拖延时间,给他们撤退? The Ye Luo fist gets hold, his to become Saint. 叶落拳头握紧,他成圣了。 But he still could not help Master! 但他仍旧帮不了师尊 Even when the crisis-charged, needs Master to win the time to flee to them. 甚至在面临危机时,都需要师尊给他们争取时间才能逃离。 Ye Luo deeply inspires, he wants to make anything. 叶落深吸了一口气,他很想做些什么。 However he knows, his anything could not do, if he hurried back to support Master rashly, not only could not help Master, will possibly implicate Master. 但是他知道,他什么都做不了,如果他贸然赶回去支援师尊,非但帮不了师尊,甚至可能会拖累师尊 Moreover, when the time comes entire Daoless Sect because of his tenacity, will be implicated! 而且,到时候整个无道宗都会因为他的固执,被拖累! When the Ye Luo suddenly god. 就在叶落恍神时。 Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! Above outside vault of heaven, giant sounds passed on. 外面天穹之上,一道道巨大响声传了过来。 A Ye Luo brow wrinkle, walked instantaneously, looks out. 叶落眉头一皱,瞬间走了出去,往外看去。 Sees only on the outside vault of heaven, black fog fill the air, completely all swallows the cloud layer. 只见外边的天穹上,一道道黑雾弥漫而出,将云层尽皆吞噬。 The black fog covered the entire vault of heaven, making all go black, at this moment, as if world end. 黑雾笼罩了整个天穹,让一切都陷入了黑暗之中,这一刻,仿佛世间末日。 These things are anything......” “这些东西是什么……” Ye Luo looks at the black fog above vault of heaven, wrinkled the brow. 叶落看着天穹之上的黑雾,皱紧了眉头。 He can look, these black fog feared that comes to their Daoless Sect. 他看得出来,这些黑雾怕是冲着他们无道宗来的。 He does not know that these black fog are anything. 只是他不知道这些黑雾到底是什么。 These black fog give him a very strange feeling. 这些黑雾给他一种很诡异的感觉。 Also cannot say that is strange. 也不能说是诡异吧。 Probably, an evil feeling? Very evilly very evil feeling. 好像是,一种邪恶的感觉?很邪恶很邪恶的感觉。 As if these black fog represented the absolute evil thought in world. 似乎这些黑雾是代表了世间的绝对恶念般。 Big Apprentice Brother!” 大师兄!” The distant place voice conveys together. 远处一道声音传来。 Saw only Tantai Luoxue to fly fast, the look was slightly flustered. 只见澹台洛雪快速飞了过来,神色略显慌张。 Four Junior Sisters, how?” “四师妹,怎么了?” Ye Luo looks to the opposite party, asked. 叶落看向对方,问道。 Big Apprentice Brother, in the sect these Daluo said, Land of Heaven arrived, the goal seems like our Daoless Sect, how should we deal?” 大师兄,宗内那些大罗说,天土降临了,目标似乎是我们无道宗,我们该如何应对?” Tantai Luoxue said repeatedly. 澹台洛雪连声说道。 Land of Heaven? Is this Land of Heaven?” 天土?这就是天土?” Ye Luo gawked, somewhat cannot get back one's composure. 叶落愣了一下,有些回不过神来。 These Daluo said, this is Land of Heaven! Land of Heaven is world all evil thoughts, is the Heavenly Dao habitat, the Heavenly Dao also aiming at the suppression evil thought that this place is also called Land of Heaven!” “那些大罗们所说,这就是天土天土是世间一切恶念所化,更是天道栖息之地,天道也意在镇压恶念,这片地方也被称为天土!” Tantai Luoxue has in the mouth to know that from these Daluo, all said. 澹台洛雪将自己从那些大罗存在口中得知的,全都说了出来。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Ye Luo remembered suddenly, when oneself once saw in the future, in the future will once say with him. 叶落忽然想起了,自己曾经见到未来时,未来曾经和他说的。 Giant crisis. 巨大危机。 Land of Heaven arrives. 天土降临。 Daoless Sect disintegrates. 无道宗分崩离析。 He opened the swordsmanship river, did not have jurisdiction by the Heavenly Dao. 他开辟了剑道长河,不受天道管辖。 Ye Luo suddenly, became aware. 叶落突然之间,悟了。 He knows that oneself should make anything. 他知道自己该做什么了。 Opens the swordsmanship river, guards the swordsmanship river! 开辟剑道长河,镇守剑道长河! In the swordsmanship river, Daoless Sect can survive! 在剑道长河之中,无道宗就可以得以生存! Ye Luo acted immediately, his vision looks to the foreign vault of heaven, whole body sword intent surges, he rushed to the vault of heaven, prepares to open the swordsmanship river...... 叶落当即行动了起来,他目光看向外方天穹之上,浑身剑意涌动,他冲上了天穹,准备开辟剑道长河…… ?? Made up yesterday third! ??补昨天第三更! ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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