NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#820: Chu Yuan comes

Chapter 821 Chu Yuan comes 第821章楚缘现身 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The fight of two Saints continued several days. 两圣的这场战斗持续了数日。 No one can take anyone. 谁也拿不下谁。 If common time, two Saint fights, as long as exceeds the half day, Immortal World will crash. 若是寻常时刻,两圣战斗,但凡超过半日,仙界都会崩塌。 However this little while, holds in in addition of Heavenly Dao strength, Immortal World does not have the avalanche, instead is as stable as Mount Tai, how whatever two Saints fight, will not have anything. 但是这会儿,在天道力量的加持下,仙界没有崩塌,反而稳如泰山,任由两圣如何战斗,都不会有任何事情。 However, with extension of fight time. 不过,随着战斗时间的延长。 The Ye Luo strength was actually higher and higher. 叶落的战力却是越来越高了。 Battle several days. 交战数日。 Fight experience fast promotion of Ye Luo, moreover realm even more is also stable. 叶落的战斗经验快速提升,而且境界也越发稳固。 But the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) strength has actually frozen. 青天圣人的实力却是一直原地不动。 Continuously under. 此起彼伏之下。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) started to fall leeward. 青天圣人开始落入了下风。 Ye Luo gets the winning side. 叶落占据上风。 Was attained the advantage by Ye Luo, then this fight turned one-sided. 叶落拿到优势,那么这场战斗就变成一边倒了。 Ye Luo grasps up the sword, started the rapid suppression, a sword another sword, making Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) enter the disadvantage. 叶落手持光剑,开始了迅速压制,一剑又一剑的,让青天圣人进入了劣势。 I have said that you are not my opponent.” “我早已经说过,你不是我的对手。” Ye Luo superficial saying. 叶落轻描淡写的说道。 You, you......” “你,你……” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) pants, facing the attack of Ye Luo, is unable slow the god to come, can only resist reluctantly. 青天圣人气喘吁吁,面对叶落的攻击,无法缓过神来,只能勉强抵抗。 Suffers to death.” “受死吧。” Ye Luo grasps up the sword, the swordsmanship completely all holds in the sword on hand, causes the light sword sword light pardon, terrifying swordsmanship pressure encirclement in. 叶落手持光剑,剑道尽皆加持在手上的剑中,使得光剑剑光大赦,一股股恐怖的剑道威压环绕其中。 He prepared to solve this Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 他准备解决这个青天圣人了。 If general Sage, must solve another Sage, that is the almost impossible matter, incomparable difficulty. 如果是一般的圣人,要解决另一尊圣人,那是几乎不可能的事情,无比的困难。 However said regarding the by sword card, grasps Ye Luo of swordsmanship to start, that is can achieve. 但是对于以剑证道,还是掌握剑道的叶落开始,那是可以做到的。 By the strength of absolute murdering, can cut to kill Sage. 以绝对的杀伐之力,能够斩杀圣人的。 The Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) complexion big change, wants to avoid this sword. 青天圣人脸色大变,想要躲开这一剑。 However the invisible swordsmanship suppression has arrived, keeping him from fleeing. 但是无形的剑道压制已经降临,使得他无法逃离。 In he will soon be cut. 就在他即将被斩时。 An invisible strength arrives, forcefully Ye Luo this sword keeping off, the swordsmanship pressure completely all dissipated. 一道无形的力量降临,硬生生将叶落这一剑给挡了下来,剑道威压尽皆消散。 Waste.” “废物。” The light sound passed on together. 一道平淡的声音传了过来。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… The next quarter, golden light drop from the clouds, enormous and powerful heavenly prestige suppresses, sweeps entire Immortal World. Made Immortal World all living things completely all kneel to bend down on the ground. 下一刻,一道道金光从天而降,浩荡天威镇压而下,扫遍整个仙界。令仙界众生尽皆跪伏在了地上。 Ye Luo looks up, in the eye reveals to dread the color. 叶落抬头看去,眼中露出忌惮之色。 He felt a peak dangerous transmission. 他感受到了一股极致的危险感传来。 Under this aura. 在这股气息之下。 He has one type, suppressed feeling. 他有一种,会被镇压的感觉。 both sides as if have the enormous disparity. 双方似乎有着极大的差距。 „Does Immortal World have other Sage?” 仙界还有其他圣人?” Ye Luo reveals the puzzled color. 叶落露出不解之色。 He does not know that who was arrives. 他不知道到底是谁降临了。 This aura. 这股气息。 Too was really powerful. 实在太强大了吧。 Powerful to letting him feels the somewhat desperate situation. 强大到让他感到有些绝望的地步。 He with the master of this aura, has absolutely my disparity. 他与这股气息的主人,有着绝对我差距。 Ye Luo can affirm. 叶落能肯定。 In the line of sight of Ye Luo. 叶落的视线之中。 Golden light float slowly, formed a golden light form. 一道道金光缓缓漂浮而下,形成了一道金光身影。 This golden light form stands in that then an absolute invincible imposing manner, one passes shortly, sees, seems entire Immortal World, rather than together the form. 这道金光身影站在那,便给人一股绝对无敌的气势,一眼看过去,所看到的,仿佛是整个仙界,而非是一道身影。 Also thinks, can have a look grasps the person of swordsmanship, how to fight , my spokesman, so weak.” “原本还以为,能看看是掌握剑道之人,是如何战斗的,没想到,我这个代言人,如此的弱。” The golden light form stands in that shoulders both hands, resembles was thinking aloud, resembles is speaking with Ye Luo. 金光身影站在那,背负双手,似在自言自语,又似在和叶落说话。 Who you are.” “你是谁。” Ye Luo is lifting the light sword, tone dignified asking. 叶落举着光剑,语气凝重的问道。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao.” 仙界天道。” Golden light form light saying. 金光身影淡淡的说道。 Immortal, Immortal World Heavenly Dao?” “仙,仙界天道?” Ye Luo gawked staring. 叶落愣了愣。 Will the Heavenly Dao have the consciousness? 天道怎么会有意识? The Heavenly Dao besides his family/home Master, is not a rule. 除了他家师尊之外的天道,不都算是一个规则而已么。 Does this Immortal World Heavenly Dao have the consciousness? 这个仙界天道有意识? Moreover there is a consciousness also even. 而且有意识也就算了。 Why will also melt the figure to come out obviously. 为什么还会显化身形出来。 Originally is also thinking keeps you to play, since you hit on my face, then, you do not need to exist.” “本来还想着留你们玩玩,既然你都撞我脸上了,那么,你也不必存在了。” The golden light form has not wanted saying that much anything meaning, he lifts the hand, wants the town/subdues to kill Ye Luo. 金光身影没有想要多说什么都意思,他抬起手,就想要镇杀叶落 Ye Luo also understands, he cannot escape, the backhand holds up light/only the sword, wants to cut to the golden light form. 叶落也明白,他逃不掉,反手举起光剑,就想要斩向金光身影。 But he just jumped, shaking flies by aura of golden light form. 但他刚刚跃起,就被金光身影的一道气息给震飞。 Does not know so- said.” “不知所谓。” The golden light form puts out four characters, his palm ray flashes, prepares to pat toward Ye Luo that side. 金光身影吐出四个字,他掌心一道光芒闪动,准备往叶落那边拍过去。 Ye Luo wants to set out, but was being suppressed by that aura, he has no way to move unexpectedly, can only look helplessly that ray to/clashes. 叶落想要起身,但被那股气息压制着,他竟然没法动弹,只能眼睁睁看着那道光芒冲来。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… In the ray will soon hit Ye Luo. 就在光芒即将击中叶落时。 Also the god of journeys light to/clashes, will soon hit the Ye Luo ray keeping off that say/way. 又有一道神光冲来,将那道即将击中叶落的光芒给挡了下来。 Ye Luo stunned, turns the head to look. 叶落错愕了一下,转头看去。 Sees only his side, the Chu Yuan figure appears, keeps off before his body, faces directly the golden light form above vault of heaven. 只见他的身边,楚缘的身形出现,挡在他身前,直面天穹之上的金光身影。 Master.” 师尊。” Ye Luo pants, said such a. 叶落气喘吁吁,道了这么一句。 All right?” “没事吧?” Chu Yuan is staring at the golden light form on vault of heaven, opened the mouth to say one. 楚缘盯着天穹上的金光身影,开口道了一句。 Disciple is all right, but the disciple...... the disciple disappointed the expectation of Master.” “弟子没事,只是弟子……弟子辜负师尊的期望了。” Ye Luo very ashamed saying. 叶落很是惭愧的说道。 You did are good, Luo'er, went, first returned to Hidden Heaven Island to go, here gave Master.” “你做得已经很好了,落儿,去吧,先回隐天岛去,这里交给为师。” Chu Yuan turns around, looks at Ye Luo, patted the latter shoulder gently, said one in a soft voice. 楚缘转身,看着叶落,轻轻拍了拍后者肩膀,轻声道了一句。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Ye Luo caught the eye to see a that golden light form. 叶落抬眼看了一下那金光身影。 He also understands, the following battlefield, he stays here is useless. 他也明白,接下来的战场,他留在这里是没用的。 Instead will implicate Master. 反而会拖累自家师尊 Therefore he left very much decisively, is flying in the Hidden Heaven Island direction. 所以他很果断离开了,往着隐天岛方向飞去。 Similarly, Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) also found an opportunity, quietly mew mew departure. 同样的,青天圣人也找了个机会,悄咪咪的离开了。 Above the battlefield, is only left over the golden light form and Chu Yuan stand. 战场之上,只剩下金光身影与楚缘站着。 Two forms, person of whole body blooming golden light, a person of whole body blooming god light/only, faces each other across a great distance. 两道身影,一人浑身绽放金光,一人浑身绽放神光,遥遥相对。 Two rays to bumping. 两阵光芒对碰。 Mutual counter-balance. 互相抵消。 Ray to bumping into, no one has lost to anyone. 光芒的对碰上,谁也没有输给谁。 But by imposing manner. 但论气势上。 Chu Yuan compared with golden light form weak incessantly a section. 楚缘比金光身影弱了不止一截。 Variable? Interesting.” “变数?有意思。” The golden light form is staring at Chu Yuan, as if being interested of ten points. 金光身影盯着楚缘,似乎十分的感兴趣。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao?” 仙界天道?” Chu Yuan is also looking at the opposite party. 楚缘也在看着对方。 He sees this Immortal World Heavenly Dao for the first time. 他还是第一次见到这个仙界天道。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao, by, is the immediate superior of his Heavenly Dao large size. 仙界天道,论起来,还是他天道大号的顶头上司。 Good, you are very interesting, I have not thought that my deep sleep this period of time, Immortal World can have Chaos Sage, was really, before saw Sage, can grasp the swordsmanship, I am very surprised, has not thought that also had your such a person to exist.” “不错,你很有意思,我没有想到过,我沉睡这段时间,仙界会出一位混沌圣人,着实是了得,之前看到一尊圣人,能掌握剑道,我已经很是惊讶,没想到还有你这么一人存在。” Golden light form Immortal World Heavenly Dao light saying. 金光身影‘仙界天道’淡淡的说道。 Therefore, what do you mean, injures my disciple, plans my attendant.” “所以,你是什么意思,伤我弟子,算计我随侍。” Although Chu Yuan imposing manner weak in the opposite party, however his tone does not see weakly. 楚缘气势虽然弱于对方,但是他的语气可丝毫不见弱。 His whole body god is only radiant, glitters unceasingly, seems stars, is mystical and mysterious. 他浑身神光璀璨,不断闪烁,好似一颗星辰般,神秘而玄妙。 Variable should not exist in Immortal World, if you leave Immortal World is still permissible sooner, but you drag now.” “变数不该存在于仙界,若是你早些离开仙界尚可,可你拖到现在。” Since you drag the present, you did not use.” “既然你拖到了现在,那你也不用走了。” Golden light form Immortal World Heavenly Dao the attitude not mince expressed. 金光身影‘仙界天道’的态度毫不掩饰的表达了出来。 Doesn't use? That must look at that you do have this skill to remain me.” “不用走?那也要看你有没有这个本事把我留下来。” Chu Yuan a few words fall. 楚缘一句话落下。 The body god light/only starts crazily rises suddenly, he opened the complete strength, prepares to go all-out a war...... 身上的神光开始疯狂的暴涨起来,他开启了全副战力,准备尽全力一战…… ?? Second, third tomorrow morning. ??第二更,第三更在明天早上哦。 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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