NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#819: Takes you to go home

Chapter 820 takes you to go home 第820章接你回家 south day of state, above vault of heaven. 南天州,天穹之上。 Xu Yu puts to death clear Sage, but the fight has not stopped. 徐御诛杀上清圣人,但战斗并未停止。 Too clear Sage and jade clear Sage knew that on clear Sage falls from the sky, how possibly to let off Xu Yu, chased down Xu Yu crazily. 太清圣人和玉清圣人得知上清圣人陨落,怎么可能放过徐御,疯狂追杀起了徐御 Xu Yu is unable to face the attacks of two Immortal World Sage, can only be passive, leading ancient God to flee together. 徐御无法面对两尊仙界圣人的袭击,只能被动,带着古神一起逃离了起来。 A chase war breaks out above the vault of heaven of south day of state. 一场追逐战在南天州的天穹之上爆发。 Xu Yu leads ancient God to run away. 徐御带着古神逃窜。 Although they are running away, but is not distressed, on the contrary once for a while also has the ample force to counter-attack too clear Sage and jade clear Sage. 他们虽然是在逃窜,但是一点也不狼狈,相反时不时还有余力能够反击太清圣人与玉清圣人 Reviews too clear Sage and jade clear Sage, although they is a side of pursuit, but an advantage has not occupied. 反观太清圣人与玉清圣人,虽然他们是追击的一方,但是一点好处也没占到。 At this moment, the heart of too clear Sage and jade clear Sage sank. 此时此刻,太清圣人与玉清圣人的心都沉下来了。 Their complexion is extremely ugly. 他们脸色极度难看。 They discovered, they also are really, has no means with this Xu Yu completely. 他们发现,他们还真的是,完全拿这个徐御没有任何办法。 Cannot catch up with the opposite party. 根本追不上对方。 But they have no alternative. 但他们别无选择。 They must put to death Xu Yu. 他们必须要把徐御诛杀了。 This is not only because must add on clear Sage to revenge, what are more, if they could not put to death Xu Yu. 这不仅仅是因为要帮上清圣人报仇,更多的是,他们要是诛杀不了徐御 The Immortal World Sage dignity will sweep the floor henceforth, anybody will not think that again Immortal World Sage kept aloof, when the time comes their troubles may be big. 仙界圣人的威严将从此扫地,任何人都不会再觉得仙界圣人高高在上了,到时候他们的麻烦可就大了。 You have the courage not to walk! Looked how I put to death you!” “你有胆子别走!看我如何诛杀你!” jade clear Sage is also an impatient person, angry is shouting. 玉清圣人也是个急性子,怒气冲冲的喊着。 You have the ability, that pursues.” “你有能耐,那就追上来啊。” Xu Yu flies, while turns head to shout. 徐御一边飞行,一边扭头喊着。 Do not let me pursue you, if makes me catch up with you, I decide however extract your state of mind......” “你千万别让我追到你,要是让我追上你,我定然将你神魂抽出……” jade clear Sage also wants to put the aggressive statement. 玉清圣人还想要放狠话。 But his words have not said. 可是他话都还没说完。 The sound conveys from void together suddenly. 一道声音蓦然从虚空之中传来。 What's wrong, extracts the state of mind, then, then do you want to do?” “怎么,将神魂抽出,然后呢,然后你想要干什么?” This sound resounds slowly. 这道声音缓缓响起。 In an instant, a Supreme strength emerges to come, assigned the entire space and time. 刹那间,一股无上的力量涌现而来,将整个时空都给定住了。 At this moment, Xu Yu or ancient God, or are too clear Sage, is jade clear Sage, is unable to move, entire body stiff in midair. 这一刻,无论是徐御还是古神,亦或者是太清圣人,还是玉清圣人,都无法动弹,整个身体僵硬在半空之中。 Their four people of heart big quakes, do not know that had anything. 他们四人都心头大震,不知道发生了什么。 Quick, together going out of slowly form from void. 很快,一道身影从虚空之中缓缓的走出。 Ye Luo. 正是叶落 Going out of Ye Luo, the entire world seems vibrating, his back swordsmanship river empty shadow is partly visible, the whole body imposing manner incomparable terrifying, as if he in an instant, then can destroy the entire south day of state. 叶落的走出,整个天地都仿佛在震动,他的背后一条剑道长河虚影若隐若现,浑身气势无比的恐怖,似乎他一念之间,便能摧毁整个南天州般。 Big Apprentice Brother!” 大师兄!” Xu Yu sees Ye Luo to go out, immediately reveals the happy expression. 徐御看到叶落走出,顿时露出喜色。 Nearby ancient God also relaxes quietly, he knows certainly that Xu Yu is related with Daoless Sect. 一旁古神也是悄然松了口气,他当然知道徐御无道宗有关。 Since this too Sage appears at present, that all crises can easily reduce and solve. 既然眼下这位太一圣人出现了,那一切危机就能够轻易化解了。 slow Wazi, I present the life of Master, meets you to go back.” “徐娃子,我奉师尊之命,来接你回去。” Ye Luo looks to Xu Yu, reveals wipes the chuckle, so said. 叶落看向徐御,露出一抹轻笑,这般说道。 He waved gently, untied God the suppression to Xu Yu as well as ancient. 他轻轻挥手,解开了对徐御以及古神的压制。 Let two people be able to move. 让两人得以动弹。 Sect Master did he know my matter?” 宗主他老人家知道了我的事情?” Xu Yu gawked, asked. 徐御愣了一下,问道。 Your this is not the idle talk, your Sage put to death, Master can he not know? Master is worried about your safety, makes me take you to go home.” “你这不是废话么,你连圣人都诛杀了,师尊他能不知道?师尊担心你安危,特让我来接你回家。” Ye Luo shows the whites of the eyes, said. 叶落翻了个白眼,说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Xu Yu heart one warm. 徐御心头不禁一暖。 Takes him to go home...... 接他回家…… Ok, your boy first, these two Immortal World Sage, should fall from the sky at the same time.” “好了,你小子先到一边去吧,这两个仙界圣人,该陨落了。” Ye Luo waved, is disinclined to say anything again. 叶落挥挥手,懒得再多说什么。 His vision looked to too clear Sage and jade clear Sage. 他的目光看向了太清圣人与玉清圣人 In a flash, his look from relaxed amiable, turned ice-cold serious. 一瞬间,他的神色从轻松随和,变成了冰冷严肃。 Doting parent this. 护犊子这一块。 He studies clearly. 他是学得明明白白的。 These two want to put to death Xu Yu. 这两人想要诛杀徐御 He is impossible to let off two people. 他不可能放过两人。 He stretches out the palm, the sword air/Qi was hitting toward two people body together. 他伸出手掌,一道剑气往着两人身上打了过去。 Under two people panic-stricken vision extremely. 在两人惊恐万分的目光之下。 That sword air/Qi is getting more and more near to them, is approaching them fast. 那道剑气离他们越来越近,快速逼近着他们。 They want to flee, is actually incapable of escaping radically, can only look helplessly the sword air/Qi approaches unceasingly. 他们想要逃离,却根本无力逃脱,只能眼睁睁看着剑气不断逼近。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… At a crucial moment. 千钧一发之际。 The light beam drops from the clouds together, destroys the sword air/Qi. 一道光柱从天而降,将剑气摧毁。 Saw only the Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) form to appear before the bodies of two Immortal World Sage, was it prevented the sword air/Qi. 只见青天圣人的身影出现了在两尊仙界圣人的身前,为其阻挡了剑气。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) of this little while, imposing manner compared with before it, powerful too many were too many, the body golden light twinkle, obviously obtained Heavenly Dao enormous in addition to hold. 这会儿的青天圣人,气势比之之前,强大了太多太多了,身上金光闪烁,明显得到了天道极大的加持。 You also dare to appear.” “你还敢出现。” Ye Luo saw Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), the look also positively, said. 叶落看到青天圣人,神色也是正了正,开口说道。 This two people are Immortal World Sage, the command of Mandate of Heaven say/way, cannot make their two people die of your hand, if you retreat, unobstructive, if not draw back, then kills your town/subdues at the scene.” “此二人乃仙界圣人,奉天道之令,不能让他们二人死于你手,你若退去,无碍,若不退,便当场将你镇杀。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) has not revealed any timidly, instead said such words very much lightly. 青天圣人也没有露出任何胆怯,反而很是平淡的说出了这么一番话。 This boast said really well, you forgot that the previous time who was repulsed? Previous time my realm was unstable can still put to death you, this time my realm was stable, you think that you also did have the opportunity?” “这大话说得真好,你忘记上次谁败退了?上次我境界不稳固尚能诛杀你,这次我境界稳固,你以为你还有机会?” Ye Luo does not show weakness, the whole body sword potential surrounds, having trend that must begin. 叶落毫不示弱,周身剑势环绕,有要动手的趋势。 You can try greatly.” “你大可以试试。” Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) opens the mouth again. 青天圣人再度开口。 Two people fight relative. 两人争锋相对。 On the field the atmosphere solidified suddenly. 场上气氛忽然就凝固了下来。 Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! The next quarter, two people body imposing manner collides in together, just like sparks/Mars to hit Earth, makes huge sounds in the midair. 下一刻,两人身上的气势碰撞在一起,犹如火星撞地球般,在半空之中发出一道道巨大声响。 A true holy war is going to start. 一场真正的圣战将要开启。 Ye Luo has not taken the lead to begin, but beckons gently, wrapped with spiritual power Xu Yu and ancient gods, was delivering toward Hidden Heaven Island that side. 叶落没有率先动手,而是轻轻一招手,把徐御与古神用法力包裹了起来,往着隐天岛那边送了过去。 Then he looks to Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 而后他才看向青天圣人 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) has not begun, is doing with the Ye Luo same movement. 青天圣人也没有动手,做着和叶落一样的动作。 Packs off too clear Sage and jade clear Sage. 把太清圣人和玉清圣人送走。 After two people clean up to be clean the field on, again to glancing. 两人将场上清理干净后,才重新对上眼了。 Two people looked at each other for several seconds. 两人对视了数秒。 simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform begins. 齐齐动手。 Ye Luo condenses a light sword with the Supreme swordsmanship, cuts toward Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 叶落无上剑道凝聚出一柄光剑,朝着青天圣人斩去。 Under a sword, a south day of state starts to crash, the inexhaustible spiritual energy gathers the sword glow, sweeps away to go. 一剑之下,南天州开始崩塌,无穷无尽的灵气汇聚成剑芒,横扫而去。 This sword, as to probably Immortal World be divided into two halves. 这一剑,仿佛欲要将仙界分成两半。 Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) also began, he takes out a bead, is discarding toward Ye Luo that side, the whole body spiritual power in addition holds in the bead, welcomed to the sword glow. 青天圣人也动手了,他取出一枚珠子,往着叶落那边丢去,浑身法力加持于珠子之内,迎向剑芒。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Two attacks collide in together, the explosive sound resound through one after another, unceasingly, entire Immortal World started to tremble one after another, as if could not withstand the attacks of these two Sage. 两道攻击碰撞在一起,一道又一道爆炸声响彻,接连不绝,整个仙界都开始震颤了起来,似乎承受不住这两尊圣人的攻击了。 However, Immortal World trembled shortly, stabilized. 不过,仙界震颤没多久,就重新稳定了下来。 Heavenly Dao strengths arrived, stabilized entire Immortal World. 一股股天道力量降临,稳定了整个仙界 But the Heavenly Dao strength has not intervened the fight of Ye Luo and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky). 但天道力量并没有干预叶落青天圣人的战斗。 As if the Heavenly Dao intends to see a play. 似乎天道有意在看戏。 However in Ye Luo in battle, has not noticed these. 不过处于交战中的叶落,并没有注意到这些。 He at this moment, with heart and soul and Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) fierce combat, without paying attention to other things. 他此时此刻,正全心与青天圣人激战,没有注意其他东西。 Ye Luo realm gradually consolidates, but Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) obtains the Heavenly Dao in addition to hold , the strength is uncommon. 叶落境界逐渐稳固,但青天圣人得到天道加持,也实力不凡。 Two people fight, tied unexpectedly. 两人大战起来,竟然战平了。 No one can take anyone. 谁都拿不下谁。 Moreover no one has gotten the winning side. 而且谁都没有占据到上风。 Fights to a draw completely...... 完完全全是打成了平手…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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