NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#818: Meets Xu Yu 【Third】

Rumble! 轰隆隆! Above the Immortal World vault of heaven, is cloudy, thunder and lightning have delimited, seems ascends the sky is being furious. 仙界的天穹之上,乌云密布,一道道雷电划过,仿佛是上天在震怒。 The next quarter, is the torrential downpour drops from the clouds. 下一刻,更是倾盆大雨从天而降。 This torrential downpour is the blood rain. 只是这倾盆大雨是血雨。 The heavy rain falls on Immortal World, a sorrowful meaning fills the air. 大雨落在仙界,一股悲哀之意弥漫而起。 Phenomenon! 异象! Phenomenon that Sage falls from the sky!! 圣人陨落的异象!! Also there is Sage to fall from the sky. 又有圣人陨落了。 Immortal World all living things stupid looked to south the direction of day of state. 仙界众生都痴呆的看向了南天州的方向。 This time, they do not have to be Sage fall from the sky again, but vacates the Saint position to be crazy, they felt that the world outlook is crashing. 这一次,他们没有再为圣人陨落,而空出圣位疯狂,他们感觉世界观都在崩塌。 Because they know that south that side a day of state is having anything. 因为他们知道南天州那边在发生什么。 Non- saints in on clear Sage war. 有一尊非圣者在与上清圣人大战。 But that non- saint, slaughter Saint! 而那尊非圣者,屠圣了! On clear Sage fell from the sky!! 上清圣人陨落了!! This Sage falling from the sky phenomenon, proves all sufficiently! 圣人陨落异象,足以证明一切! The innermost feelings of Immortal World all living things appeared a thought. 仙界众生的内心都浮现了一个念头。 Sage is not invincible. 圣人并非战无不胜。 Non- saint, but also slaughter Saint! 非圣者,亦可屠圣! Immortal World all living things raise this thought that was out of control. 仙界众生升起这个念头,就一发不可收拾了。 Before the profound Buddhist law person put to death to ask demon Sage, but made them feel the shock, but at this moment is not so exaggerating. 之前玄法道人诛杀求道魔圣人,只是让他们感觉到了震惊,但是并没有此刻这般夸张。 However this little while they really felt shocking. 但是这会儿他们是真的感到震惊了。 Non- saint who there is no fame, but also slaughter Saint. 一个没有任何名气的非圣者,亦可屠圣。 This is not the certificate, Sage is not always invincible. 这不是证明,圣人从来都不是无敌的。 Why do they pursue the Saint position? 那他们又何必追求圣位? Led a pious life wholeheartedly, strives for the strongest position not on the line. 一心修行,争取最强之位不就行了。 Raises this thought. 升起这种念头。 Immortal World all living things became crazier, the degree went to the beyond control situation. 仙界众生变得更加疯狂了起来,程度达到了无法控制的地步。 Immortal World all living things entered insanity condition. 仙界众生进入了‘疯魔’状态。 ...... …… But at the same time. 但与此同时。 In the eastern divine land, Hidden Heaven Island, in Sect Master Main Hall in a side hall. 在东神州,隐天岛,宗主大殿内一座偏殿之中。 Chu Yuan is thinking the light trumpet to receive Tantai Luoxue. 楚缘正在用神光小号接见澹台洛雪 In his hand takes, is south that the information of day of state. 他手里拿着的,正是那份南天州的情报。 However, he has not looked, noticed outside blood rain. 不过,他都还没看完,就注意到了外面的血雨。 Sage falls from the sky. 圣人陨落。 He thought the brilliant number to sweep hastily, determined, Xu Yu was all right, and successfully put to death on clear Sage. 他连忙用神光大号扫了一遍,确定了下来,徐御没事,并且成功诛杀了上清圣人 This made him shock slightly. 这让他微微震惊了一下。 Is this young suckling baby, so exaggerating? Did this achieve can put to death the Sage situation? 这个小奶娃,这么夸张?这就达到了能诛杀圣人的地步了? Although Immortal World Sage, but also is very extraordinary. 虽说是仙界圣人,但也是非常了不起的。 This suckling baby experienced anything. 这个奶娃到底经历了什么。 Chu Yuan has not gone to responds in the palace to stand Tantai Luoxue. 楚缘没有去搭理殿内站着的澹台洛雪 Tantai Luoxue looks that Chu Yuan has not acted, does not dare to ask, stands in that peacefully. 澹台洛雪看着楚缘没有动作,也不敢发问,安安静静站在那。 But Chu Yuan this little while, is thinking the brilliant number part of strengths, caught the Xu Yu aura, opened belonged to the latter character present situation by this. 楚缘这会儿,正在用神光大号的一部分力量,捕捉到了徐御的气息,以此来开启属于后者的‘人物现状’。 Your attendant Xu Yu obtains the Heavenly Dao destiny, the magical skill rises sharply 564 您的随侍徐御获得天道气运,道行大涨564 Your attendant Xu Yu encounters the Heavenly Dao destiny control, because the inborn supreme causes and effects are huge, reduces and solves automatically controls 564 您的随侍徐御遭遇天道气运控制,由于天生至尊因果过于庞大,自动化解控制564 Your attendant Xu Yu rushes to the mystical place by mistake, obtains the Heavenly Dao almighty troops to execute Saint lance 您的随侍徐御误闯秘境,获得天道神兵‘诛圣矛’ Your attendant Xu Yu destiny was controlled, because the inborn supreme causes and effects are huge, reduces and solves the control automatically 您的随侍徐御命运受到控制,由于天生至尊因果过于庞大,自动化解控制 Your attendant Xu Yu destiny was guided, to be under the Immortal World Sage attack slightly 您的随侍徐御命运受到轻微引导,遭遇仙界圣人袭击 Your attendant Xu Yu puts to death Immortal World Sage, obtains the Immortal World Saint position, achievement Immortal World Sage 您的随侍徐御诛杀仙界圣人,获得仙界圣位,成就仙界圣人 ...... …… Big pile of information. 一大堆的信息。 But is passing strange everywhere. 但处处都透着一股奇怪。 All, as if aimed at the Heavenly Dao. 所有的一切,似乎都指向了天道。 Does the Immortal World Heavenly Dao want to start to Xu Yu? 仙界的天道想要对徐御下手? Chu Yuan complexion one cold. 楚缘脸色一冷。 Looks at this stance, but also is really the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is acting. 看这架势,还真是仙界天道在出手。 Especially this destiny receives to guide anything. 尤其是这个命运受到引导什么的。 Unsurprisingly, is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao does. 不出意外,也是仙界天道所做。 That Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) did not have this skill. 那个青天圣人还没这个本事。 Chu Yuan very clear. 楚缘非常的清楚。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao!” 仙界天道!” The Chu Yuan look concentrates. 楚缘眼神一凝。 If others is planned like this, he will definitely not make anything. 如果是其他人被这样算计,他肯定不会多做什么。 However, Xu Yu is in his guard ring! 但是,徐御是他保护圈内的! He does not allow others to bump the person in his guard ring. 他不容别人碰他保护圈内的人。 Luoxue, this matter Master has known, you first get down, this matter Master own discretion.” 洛雪,此事为师已知晓,你先下去吧,这件事为师自有分寸。” Chu Yuan looks to Tantai Luoxue in palace, said. 楚缘看向殿内的澹台洛雪,说道。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Tantai Luoxue does not dare to say anything, immediately cupped one hand in the other across the chest, withdrew from the palace. 澹台洛雪也不敢多说什么,当即拱手,退出了殿内。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Chu Yuan shifts to the god brilliant number from the god light/only trumpet the mind. 楚缘将心神从神光小号转向神光大号。 ...... …… Sect Master Main Hall main shrine. 宗主大殿主殿。 Luo'er.” 落儿。” Opened god brilliant number Chu Yuan to open eyes, opens the mouth then to awaken Ye Luo. 开着神光大号的楚缘睁眼,开口便唤醒了叶落 He prepares to make Ye Luo go to meet Xu Yu. 他准备让叶落去把徐御接回来。 He is assumes Hidden Heaven Island, gaze all, if Ye Luo does not handle, he lends a hand to solve again. 他自己则是坐镇隐天岛,注视一切,如果叶落搞不定,他就再出手解决。 Master.” 师尊。” Ye Luo also rapid from cultivation condition, said submissively. 叶落也迅速从修炼状态中而出,拱手说道。 Luo'er, stops the cultivation for the time being, that side a south day of state has an accident, Xu Yu that boy put to death Immortal World Sage, but oneself were also planned by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, and you go to lead to come back him.” 落儿,暂且停下修炼,南天州那边出了点事,徐御那小子诛杀了一尊仙界圣人,但自身也被仙界天道算计,你且去将他带回来。” Chu Yuan opens the mouth slowly, said. 楚缘缓缓的开口,说道。 Such remarks. 此话一出。 Ye Luo first gawked. 叶落先是愣了一下。 At once gets back one's composure fast. 旋即快速回神。 Disciple respectfully follows the command of Master.” “弟子谨遵师尊之令。” Only listens to Ye Luo so to reply. 只听叶落这般回答。 His naturally surprise puts to death the Immortal World Sage matter in Xu Yu very much , the surprise Immortal World Heavenly Dao plans anything. 他自然很诧异于徐御诛杀仙界圣人的事情,也诧异仙界天道算计什么的。 However he will not ask anything. 但是他不会多问什么。 Master has anything to need him to do, he completed on the line. 师尊有什么事情需要他去做,那他就去完成了就行。 Does not need to ask anything. 不需要多问什么。 He and Master sentiment with the father and son, Master cannot the pit his. 他与师尊情同父子,师尊不会坑他的。 And goes.” “且去。” Chu Yuan beckons with the hand to say. 楚缘摆手说道。 Ye Luo hears word, changes to together the sword light immediately, escapes into the nihility, is going toward south a day of state. 叶落闻言,当即化作一道剑光,遁入虚无,往着南天州而去。 Saw that the Ye Luo form disappears in the palace. 看到叶落的身影消失在殿内。 The Chu Yuan slight nod, then he opened the Immortal World strength ranking, he must have a look at Xu Yu this little fellow, pats in several. 楚缘微微点头,而后他打开了仙界战力排行榜,他要看看徐御这个小家伙,拍在第几。 He after looking one next, finally found. 他在找了一下后,终于找到了。 Tenth: Xu Yu( practices breathing exercises boundary???) 第十:徐御(练气境???) Tenth! 第十! It is not right, why this tenth can put to death on clear Sage. 不对啊,这个第十为什么能够诛杀得了上清圣人 He remembers previous time looks, on clear Sage, but is ranked the sixth. 他记得上次看的时候,上清圣人可是排在第六的。 How by tenth Xu Yu putting to death. 怎么会被第十的徐御给诛杀了。 Planning of Immortal World Heavenly Dao? 仙界天道的算计? Chu Yuan is guessing. 楚缘猜测着。 But how long he has not thought. 但他还没想多久。 Suddenly he saw Xu Yu following realm. 忽然他就看到了徐御后面的境界 This is any thing. 这是啥玩意。 Chu Yuan stared in a big way the eye. 楚缘瞪大了眼睛。 Practices breathing exercises the boundary? 练气境? Did practice breathing exercises the boundary to arrange the Immortal World strength list's tenth? 一个练气境排到了仙界战力榜第十来? His god light/only small-sized function has not made a mistake. 他的神光小号功能也没有出错啊。 This is how possible. 这怎么可能。 Chu Yuan is very puzzled. 楚缘很是不解。 But he saw after Xu Yu that practices breathing exercises behind the boundary a big fleeing question mark, looking pensive. 但他看到徐御那个练气境后面一大窜问号后,就若有所思了。 It is estimated that the issue emerges in this big pile of question marks mostly. 估计多半问题出现在这一大堆问号之中。 This big pile of question marks definitely have what situation. 这一大堆问号肯定有什么情况的。 In any case, Xu Yu possibly is not practices breathing exercises the boundary. 反正,徐御绝不可能是练气境。 Cracking a joke. 开什么玩笑。 Did practice breathing exercises the boundary to put to death Immortal World Sage? 一个练气境诛杀了仙界圣人 That was also too odd. 那也太离谱了吧。 Chu Yuan feel inconceivable. 楚缘自个都感到不可思议。 Concluded that Xu Yu realm, is definitely impossible is so simple. 断定徐御境界,肯定不可能这么简单。 Does not practice breathing exercises the boundary. 非常绝不是什么练气境。 If Xu Yu really practices breathing exercises the boundary, his Chu can at the scene at present this Sect Master Main Hall eating. 要是徐御真是练气境,那他楚某人能当场把眼前这座宗主大殿给吃了。 In Chu Yuan heart snort/hum. 楚缘心中哼了一句。 But changes mind thinks, he had also had similar words in the past? Eats various types of things...... 可是转念一想,他当年是不是也有过类似的话?吃各种东西的…… Recalled initially. 一回忆起当初。 The Chu Yuan mood missed immediately, does not know how should say he dreary immortal cultivation life, was really once a long story...... 楚缘的心情立马就差了下来,不知道该怎么说他曾经惨淡的修仙人生,真的是一言难尽……
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