NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#817: When executes!

Comparing notes above sea of nihility, dropped the curtain rapidly. 虚无之海之上的切磋,迅速落下了帷幕。 Finally unusual obvious. 结果非常的显然。 Su Qianyuan was defeated. 苏乾元落败了。 Facing Ye Luo spiritual power, Su Qianyuan was being pressed the friction, punched for a long time, ended this fight. 面对叶落的一丝法力,苏乾元被摁着摩擦,揍了许久,才结束了这场战斗。 Being defeated Su Qianyuan, does not dare to say anything again, dingy returns to the own bedroom palace, continued to practice. 落败的苏乾元,也不敢再多说什么,灰溜溜的返回自己的寝殿,继续修行了起来。 Other disciples have nothing to show off, the defense of their Su Qianyuan cannot break, this gave them to attack enormously. 其他弟子对此也没什么好炫耀的,他们连苏乾元的防御都打不破,这给了他们极大的打击。 one by one makes all-out efforts, goes back to cultivate. 一个个都铆足了劲,回去修炼。 Daoless Sect also because of this time comparing notes, became tranquil. 无道宗也因为这次的切磋,重新变得平静了起来。 However, on this day. 不过,这一日。 In the Daoless Sect side hall, namely in generation of Sect Master Main Hall. 无道宗偏殿,即代宗主大殿之中。 Tantai Luoxue goes to work daily, handles the business daily. 澹台洛雪日常上班,日常处理事务。 After being busy at being close to five double-hour, she sets out to leave. 在忙了接近五个时辰后,她起身就要走人。 But on this day is unusual. 但这一天却不同寻常。 In her close to getting off work, the information passed on together. 在她临近下班时,一道信息传了过来。 South Immortal World a day of state has the holy war. 仙界南天州发生圣战。 This time holy war is unknown existence, fight with on clear Sage. 这次的圣战是一位未知的存在,与上清圣人的战斗。 The eruption of again holy war, making south a day of state more chaotic. 圣战的再次爆发,使得南天州更加混乱了起来。 south day of state many palace doors petitioned jointly, south Daoless Sect can arrive at a day of state, ended the chaos caused by war. 南天州诸多仙门联名请愿,无道宗能够降临南天州,结束战乱。 Tantai Luoxue to this matter, the manages does not want to manage, she wants to get off work. 澹台洛雪对这件事,管都不想管,她想要下班。 But that crowd of Daluo do not ask her to leave, is blocking her stubbornly. 可那群大罗却不让她走,死死拦着她。 „It is not good! This is not good!! For Sect Master! You must take the larger situation into account!” “不行!这不行!!代宗主!您要以大局为重!” For Sect Master, behind this matter may hide the opportunity! Perhaps our Daoless Sect can complete the layout in a south day of state!!” “代宗主,这件事背后可隐藏着机会!说不定我们无道宗可以借此在南天州完成布局!!” For Sect Master, you do not walk, works overtime, working overtime, all things are open to discuss!” “代宗主,您别走啊,加个班,加个班,万事好商量!” For Sect Master, so long as you are willing to work overtime, what condition can open, we complied.” “代宗主,只要您肯加班,什么条件都可以开,我们都答应了。” That crowd of Daluo exist to worry. 那群大罗存在操碎了心。 They approve the Tantai Luoxue ability. 他们认可澹台洛雪的能力。 Knows that by the Tantai Luoxue this generation of Sect Master ability, can easily manage entire sect. 知道以澹台洛雪这位代宗主的能力,能够轻易管理得了整个宗门 However when this generation of Sect Master, rather also procurator. 但是这个代宗主,未免也太守时。 Arrives at the point to get off work each time, runs fast. 每次一到点下班,跑得飞快。 Does not pay attention to anything. 根本不理睬任何事情。 This time does not have the exception. 这次也毫无例外可言。 Tantai Luoxue wanted the racket directly. 澹台洛雪直接就想要拍拍屁股走人了。 Un, this matter indeed worries, therefore I will come to process tomorrow, now, is my rush hour, please do not block the way, I now am not generation of Sect Master, I am only the Master place next four disciples.” “嗯,这件事的确非常着急,所以我明天一来就会处理的,现在,是我的下班时间,请你们不要拦路,我现在不是代宗主,我只是师尊座下四弟子。” Tantai Luoxue every single word or phrase, enunciated clearly. 澹台洛雪一字一句,吐字清晰。 She is to leave now. 她现在就是要走人了。 Who came unable to block. 谁来了也拦不住。 Is the huge matter, cannot prevent her to go back to rest. 就是天大的事情,也不能阻止她回去歇着。 Only if Master opens the mouth personally, otherwise was Big Apprentice Brother came uselessly. 除非师尊亲自开口,不然就是大师兄来了都没用。 „It is not good, for Sect Master, this matter no small matter, processes now was quite good.” “不行啊,代宗主,这件事非同小可,还是现在处理了比较好。” That crowd of Daluo are not willing to let off. 那群大罗还是不肯放过。 This, Tantai Luoxue was also angry. 这一下,澹台洛雪也恼了。 To leave forcefully. 想要强行离开。 She and Zhang Hao may be different. 她和张寒可不同。 Zhang Hao is Golden Immortal. 张寒是一名金仙 But she is Daluo Golden Immortal. 而她是一名大罗金仙 This group of Daluo exist probably unable to block her. 这帮大罗存在可拦不住她。 Her checkerboard loses, it is estimated that this group of Daluo exist must kneel. 她一个棋盘丢过去,估计这帮大罗存在全都要跪。 To begin when Tantai Luoxue forcefully, rushes. 就在澹台洛雪想要强行动手,闯出去时。 Accidentally looked at one, these people deliver, about south day of state chaotic information. 偶然间看了一眼,那些人送进来,关于南天州混乱的情报。 This passes shortly, she gawked. 这一眼看过去,她就愣了下来。 Above writes, matter about so-called holy war. 上面写着的,是关于所谓圣战的事情。 The holy war of this south day of state, is named Xu Yu unknown existence, fight with on clear Sage. 这次南天州发生的圣战,是一名叫‘徐御’的未知存在,与上清圣人发生的战斗。 Xu Yu...... 徐御…… This name. 这个名字。 Then why is familiar. 为什么那么熟悉。 Where as if has listened. 似乎在哪里听过。 Tantai Luoxue frowns slightly. 澹台洛雪微微蹙眉。 She tried hard to recall the period of time, finally thought. 她努力回想了一阵子,终于想起来了。 This Xu Yu is not before, that slow Wazi on Skymist Mountain! 这个徐御不就是以前,那个在天雾山上的徐娃子么! That suckling baby! 那个奶娃! This suckling baby and on clear Sage to? 这奶娃和上清圣人对上了? Is impossible, should be the duplicate. 不可能啊,应该是重名了吧。 Suckling baby natural talent indeed, but should not achieve the Sage rank quickly, even if Immortal World Sage, that is also unlikely. 那奶娃天资的确了得,可是也不应该这么快就达到圣人级别吧,哪怕是仙界圣人,那也不太可能呀。 But if is really slow Wazi. 可是万一真的是徐娃子呢。 Tantai Luoxue realized the importance of this matter. 澹台洛雪意识到了这件事的重要性。 She had not proposed thoughts that must leave. 她也没有提出要离开的心思了。 But sat, takes up that information, carefully looked. 而是重新坐了下来,拿起那份情报,仔细的看了起来。 These Daluo exist saw that Tantai Luoxue sat, one by one long relaxes. 那些大罗存在们看到澹台洛雪重新坐了下来,一个个都长长松了一口气。 Tantai Luoxue is willing to work overtime on the line. 澹台洛雪愿意加班就行。 They also really feared that the Tantai Luoxue oil salt does not enter, really running. 他们还真怕澹台洛雪油盐不进,真的给跑了。 When really they want assists Tantai Luoxue to continue the work, Tantai Luoxue a few words, making them be shocked. 真当他们想要辅助澹台洛雪继续办公时,澹台洛雪的一句话,让他们愣住了。 This matter you did not need to manage again, I will go to Master that personally, making him glance.” “这件事你们不用再管了,我会亲自去师尊那,让他老人家过目。” You can busy own.” “你们可以自己忙自己的。” Tantai Luoxue said. 澹台洛雪说完。 She set out then to walk outward. 她起身便往外走去了。 After leaving Main Hall. 在离开大殿后。 She changes to together the flowing light, overtakes toward Sect Master Main Hall that side. 她化作一道流光,往宗主大殿那边赶了过去。 Stands exist in abundance in same place in same place these Daluo, they each other look at each other one, somewhat is puzzled. 站在原地的那些大罗存在们纷纷愣在原地,他们彼此对视一眼,都有些不解。 Did matter have this situation? 事情有到了这种地步么? Needs to make Sect Master in that legend glance personally? 需要让那位传说中的宗主亲自过目? This matter, but also there is anything is they do not know. 难道这件事,还有什么是他们不知道的么。 This matter, we seemed like the ginseng/partake unable to gather, ok.” “这件事,我们似乎参合不了,算了吧。” Sect Master must glance, this matter we do not need multibarreled, by Sect Master his strength, easily can process.” 宗主都要过目了,这件事我们无须多管了,以宗主他老人家的实力,轻易就能处理好。” Said, this time we succeed, making generation of Sect Master work overtime, this matter, definitely only then the zero degree and innumerable, since there is this beginning, after that facilitated.” “说起来,这次我们还是成功的了,让代宗主加班了,这种事情,肯定只有零次和无数次,既然有了这次开端,那以后就方便了。” Daluo exist each other is talking. 大罗存在们彼此交谈着。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 south day of state, above vault of heaven. 南天州,天穹之上。 On clear Sage and Xu Yu fight. 上清圣人徐御交手。 Within this short time. 在这短短的时间之内。 Xu Yu obtained the innumerable chances, almost went to a situation of chance, his strength also progresses by leaps and bounds, sang loudly, held in the situation of secret technique in in addition, achieved can compare favorably with the Immortal World Sage situation. 徐御获得了无数机缘,几乎达到了一步一机缘的地步,他的实力也突飞猛进,一路高歌,在加持秘术的情况下,达到了能够媲美仙界圣人的地步。 Afterward because of certain relations, Xu Yu and on clear Sage had the conflict. 后来因为某些关系,徐御和上清圣人起了冲突。 Two people fought thereupon. 于是乎两人大战了起来。 A Taoist trinity body. 三清一体。 jade clear Sage and too clear Sage wants to help, the attitude that but ancient God to go all out, blocked that two Sage stubbornly, to Xu Yu creation opportunity, with on clear Sage fair war. 玉清圣人和太清圣人本想帮忙,但是古神以拼命的态度,死死拦住了那两尊圣人,给徐御创造机会,与上清圣人公平一战。 Xu Yu has not disappointed ancient God, presses on clear Sage to hit forcefully. 徐御也没有辜负古神,硬生生压着上清圣人打。 Xu Yu at this moment, wears fights armor, grasps ancient lance, just like the deity, irresistible, is attacking on clear Sage crazily. 此时此刻的徐御,身披战甲,手持古矛,犹如天神,势不可挡,疯狂的进攻着上清圣人 Reviews clear Sage, under the Xu Yu offensive, is at a disadvantage unexpectedly completely. 反观上清圣人,在徐御的攻势之下,居然完全处于下风。 On clear Sage is also very aggrieved. 上清圣人也是憋屈得很。 He does not know completely had anything. 他完全不知道发生了什么。 Always feels a strength, can display, during insufficient half, probably are dark, there is a thing to limit him, but he cannot detect, is anything is limiting him. 总感觉一身实力,能发挥出来的,不足一半,就好像冥冥之中,有东西在限制他,但他又根本察觉不出来,到底是什么东西在限制他。 Thereupon, on clear Sage can only clench teeth to face the Xu Yu wild offensive. 于是乎,上清圣人只能咬着牙面对徐御的狂暴攻势。 Saint how! My say/way, when eternal invincible, blocks my say/way, when executes!!” “圣又如何!我之道,当万古无敌,阻我之道,当诛!!” The Xu Yu imposing manner even more surges upward, the angry sound drinks, the back indistinct reappearing Heavenly Dao aura, he lifts the ancient lance to discard toward on clear Sage. 徐御的气势越发高涨,怒声一喝,背后隐隐约约浮现天道气息,他抬起古矛朝着上清圣人丢去。 On clear Sage stares the big eye, finally knew, is anything limits him...... 上清圣人瞪大眼睛,终于知道了,是什么东西限制他……
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