NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#816: Ye Luo detected

Chapter 817 Ye Luo detected 第817章叶落察觉 The sea of nihility, the vibration is enormous. 虚无之海上,震动极大。 The tranquil sea level was raised the intermittent disturbance. 原本平静的海面被掀起阵阵风波。 An intense incomparable war is launching. 一场激烈无比的大战在展开着。 Many Daoless Sect disciples jointly with a Su Qianyuan war. 诸多无道宗弟子联手与苏乾元一战。 A Su Qianyuan incarnation several million zhang (3.33 m) giant, meets many Daoless Sect disciples. 苏乾元化身一尊数百万丈的巨人,迎战诸多无道宗弟子。 This fights to the end is comparing notes, not extremely exaggerating, but its momentum is also huge. 这场战斗到底是在切磋,并没有太过夸张,但是其声势也是巨大的。 Tantai Luoxue checkerboard isolation world. 澹台洛雪的棋盘隔绝天地。 The Su Xi innumerable puppets completely all emit. 苏兮的无数傀儡尽皆放出。 magnificence highly skilled doctor adds holds many same side, cursed in Su Qianyuan again and again. 华神医加持诸多同门,更连连诅咒于苏乾元 Tu Xuexi constantly creates some barriers, to attack or hinder Su Qianyuan. 涂雪曦不断创造一些障碍,以攻击或阻碍苏乾元 Tu Yelin by the eye of nihility, is also hindering Su Qianyuan. 涂夜麟以虚无之眼,同样在阻碍苏乾元 Si Le by the sound of Great Dao, disrupts the Su Qianyuan mind. 司乐大道之音,扰乱苏乾元心神。 ...... …… Daoless Sect more than ten disciples, unfold divine ability respectively, showdown Su Qianyuan. 无道宗的十几名弟子,各展神通,对决苏乾元 Their moves regarding Su Qianyuan, are almost useless. 只是他们的招数对于苏乾元来说,几乎没用。 The mortal body defense of Su Qianyuan was too powerful, they are unable to break the mortal body defense of Su Qianyuan, the realm disparity is enormous. 苏乾元的肉身防御太强大了,他们根本无法打破苏乾元的肉身防御,境界差距极大。 But Su Qianyuan does not have the soul, any mind, the attack in energetic aspect disrupts, he can the direct immunity, a person stand in that just like an invincible weapon. 苏乾元没有灵魂,任何心神,精神方面的攻击扰乱,他都能直接免疫了,一个人站在那,就犹如一个无敌兵器般。 And, in Daoless Sect more than ten disciples, the strict sense, can pose the threat to Su Qianyuan, on two people. 并且,在无道宗的十几名弟子之中,严格意义上来说,能给苏乾元造成威胁的,也就两个人。 Perilla, Tantai Luoxue. 紫苏,澹台洛雪 Only then their two people are Daluo Golden Immortal. 只有她们两人是大罗金仙 But divine ability of perilla almost by the Su Qianyuan to subdue|grams stubbornly. 但紫苏的神通几乎被苏乾元克得死死的。 The chessgame suppression of Tantai Luoxue, the chess fictitious shadow, is almost invalid to Su Qianyuan. 澹台洛雪的棋局压制,棋子虚影,都几乎对苏乾元无效。 The Su Qianyuan mortal body was too powerful. 苏乾元的肉身实在太强大了。 More hits, the Daoless Sect disciples are more helpless. 越打下去,无道宗的弟子们就越无奈。 They take Su Qianyuan not to have the means completely. 他们完全拿苏乾元没办法。 Su Qianyuan was different, he stares at Doctor magnificence to hit. 苏乾元这边就不一样了,他就盯着华神医打。 A fist another fist, toward magnificence highly skilled doctor that side hammer in the past. 一拳又一拳的,往华神医那边锤过去。 His effort controls very well. 他的力度控制得非常好。 Each fist will only make magnificence highly skilled doctor feel the peak ache. 每一拳都只会让华神医感觉到极致的疼痛。 But will not harm magnificence highly skilled doctor, controls extremely exquisitely. 但又不会伤害到华神医,控制得极为精妙。 Sixth child, again come!” “老六,再来!” Su Qianyuan was also hits to become addicted, ignored the attacks of other disciples completely, stared at Doctor magnificence to hit stubbornly. 苏乾元也是打上瘾了,完全就不顾其他弟子的攻击,就是死死盯着华神医打。 This put in order magnificence highly skilled doctor depressed, he wanted to run, but a Su Qianyuan fist fell, the area was enormous, and blockade space, could not run away. 这把华神医都整郁闷了,他想要跑,可是苏乾元一拳落下来,覆盖面积极大,且封锁空间,根本跑不掉。 Only can come under attack completely passively. 完全只能被动挨打。 In the one side, Tantai Luoxue and perilla gather together, spreads out, unceasing displays some useless attacks to Su Qianyuan. 在一旁,澹台洛雪和紫苏聚在一起,拉开距离,不断的对苏乾元施展一些无用的攻击。 They are also very helpless. 她们也很无奈。 Has no means with this three Senior Brother. 拿这位三师兄根本没有任何办法。 Ten Junior Sisters, do you have other means?” “十师妹,你还有其他办法么?” Tantai Luoxue looks to the perilla, asked. 澹台洛雪看向紫苏,问道。 No, no, my move to three Senior Brother radically useless......” “没,没有,我的招数对三师兄根本没用……” The perilla is also very helpless. 紫苏也很无奈。 Coping with this mortal body is powerful, but also grasps various Great Dao, immunity any spirit, the mind, existence of soul attack, she is the least bit means does not have. 对付这种肉身强大无比,还掌握各种大道,更免疫任何精神,心神,灵魂攻击的存在,她是半点办法都没。 I do not have the means that my checkerboard suppression, is itchy same as flexure to three Senior Brother, the chess fictitious shadow also is not three Senior Brother opponents.” “我也没办法,我的棋盘压制,对三师兄来说和挠痒痒一样,棋子虚影也全都不是三师兄对手。” Tantai Luoxue lets go, said. 澹台洛雪一摊手,说道。 We surrendered, about could not be victorious three Senior Brother.” “那我们投降了吧,左右打不过三师兄。” The perilla shakes the head to say. 紫苏摇头说道。 She does not care to the victory and defeat actually, but even the defense of this three Senior Brother cannot break, her some are unwilling. 她倒是对胜负不在乎,只是连这位三师兄的防御都破不了,她有些不甘心。 Wait, I try again, I by recording everyone's aura, changes board game piece, I not, if changes to the board game piece to try Big Apprentice Brother that some aura! Perhaps Big Apprentice Brother to become Saint, the board game piece projection will also change now.” “等等,我再试试,我是以记录所有人的气息,来化作棋子的,我不若将大师兄的那一部分气息化作棋子一试!大师兄如今成圣,说不定棋子投影也会变化。” Tantai Luoxue so said. 澹台洛雪这般说道。 She not being the Big Apprentice Brother board game piece loses. 她一直都没把属于大师兄的棋子丢出。 Her together, all living things are. 她之一道,众生为子。 Anybody all may for her board game piece. 任何人皆可为她棋子。 However Big Apprentice Brother to become Saint, she has naturally not dared to continue the turning board game piece projection to use again. 但是大师兄已经成圣,她自然不敢再继续将之变成棋子投影用出。 But this little while, does not have the means. 可是这会儿,已经没办法了。 She can only try, the board game piece projection of Big Apprentice Brother. 她只能试试,将大师兄的棋子投影而出。 Tantai Luoxue goes ahead. 澹台洛雪说做就做。 She stretches out the fair palm from the sleeves. 她从衣袖之中伸出白皙的手掌。 Two fingers stretch out, between two fingers, loose gatherings come, a white fictitious shadow is partly visible. 两根手指伸出,两指之间,一道道风流汇聚而来,一枚白子虚影若隐若现。 In this white fictitious shadow has to be the Ye Luo body aura. 这枚白子虚影上有属于叶落身上的气息。 In the white fictitious shadow will soon condense becomes. 就在白子虚影即将凝聚而成时。 The golden light flashes through together, the white shivered fiercely, is uncontrolled. 一道金光闪过,白子猛地颤抖了起来,不受控制。 This is......” “这是……” „Did Big Apprentice Brother detect?” 大师兄察觉到了?” Tantai Luoxue is somewhat shocking. 澹台洛雪有些震惊。 Is Sage so powerful? Her board game piece has not condensed, was detected? 圣人就这么强大?她连棋子都没凝聚而出,就被察觉到了? ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之中。 Explaining religious doctrine Ye Luo opens the eyes fiercely, is separated from the sitting in meditation condition. 正在讲道的叶落猛地睁开双眼,从入定状态之中脱离而出。 The Tantai Luoxue movement, he noticed certainly. 澹台洛雪的动作,他当然注意到了。 Sage read, may see the whole matter clearly. 圣人一念,可洞察一切。 The Ye Luo Saint knows rapidly is going toward the sea of that side exploration nihility. 叶落的圣识迅速往着虚无之海那边探索而去。 Quick, he understood all. 很快,他就了解了一切。 Did the third child inflate? 老三膨胀了? Ye Luo shows wiped beautifully the smile. 叶落露出了一抹‘明媚’的笑容。 He a spiritual power release, following the causal relation, integrates in the Tantai Luoxue board game piece. 他将一丝法力释放而出,顺着因果关系,融入澹台洛雪的棋子之中。 Luo'er, how?” 落儿,怎么了?” Explaining religious doctrine Chu Yuan looks to Ye Luo, makes noise the inquiry. 正在讲道的楚缘不由看向叶落,出声询问。 Master, all right, disciple this continues to sit in meditation to practice.” 师尊,没事,弟子这就继续入定修行。” Ye Luo smiles, closes the eye, cultivated. 叶落笑了笑,重新闭上眼睛,修炼了起来。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Chu Yuan has not said anything , to continue to explain religious doctrine. 楚缘也没有多说什么,继续讲道。 ...... …… Another side, the sea of nihility. 另一边,虚无之海上。 That white on Tantai Luoxue lived probably came general, bloomed to make a debut a radiant golden light. 澹台洛雪手上的那枚白子好像活了过来一般,绽放出了道道璀璨的金光。 Then changed to a form. 而后化作了一道身影。 This form and Ye Luo are quite similar, but is very dim. 这道身影与叶落极为相似,但很朦胧。 The form melts obviously, not slightly hesitant, rushes over toward Su Qianyuan that side. 身影显化而出,没有丝毫犹豫的,朝着苏乾元那边冲了过去。 Tantai Luoxue was at that time ignorant. 澹台洛雪当时就懵了。 This board game piece...... 这棋子…… Why was not controlled by her. 为什么不受她控制。 She does not know that had anything, can only look helplessly that board game piece Big Apprentice Brother form charges into Su Qianyuan obviously. 她根本不知道发生了什么,只能眼睁睁的看着那棋子显化的大师兄身影冲向苏乾元 In not far away. 在不远处。 Su Qianyuan obviously the giant still punches Doctor magnificence in the violent, that called a mood to be joyful. 苏乾元所显化的巨人还在暴揍华神医,那叫一个心情愉悦。 Suddenly, he felt anything. 忽然之间,他感觉到了什么。 Turns the head toward his to look behind. 转头朝着他的身后看去。 Saw only the dim form to clash toward him together. 只见一道朦胧身影朝着他冲了过来。 This form he recognizes, is Big Apprentice Brother. 这道身影他认得出来,就是大师兄 „Is this...... the board game piece projections of four Junior Sisters? Said with four Junior Sisters, the projection has no way to beat me, how not to believe.” “这是……四师妹的棋子投影?都和四师妹说了,投影没法击败我,怎么就是不信。” But, this good and evil is also the projection of Big Apprentice Brother, scattered the projection of Big Apprentice Brother, calculates that bullied Big Apprentice Brother in disguised form, hehe.” “不过,这好歹也是大师兄的投影,打散了大师兄的投影,也算变相欺负了一下大师兄,嘿嘿。” Su Qianyuan cracks into a smile. 苏乾元咧嘴一笑。 He backhands to fight with the fists, tries scattering that dim form. 他反手就是一拳打去,试图将那朦胧身影给打散。 But his fights with the fists, the whole person was silly. 可是他这一拳打去,整个人就傻了。 During he imagines the dim form to be scattered, has not happened. 他想象之中的朦胧身影被打散,并没有发生。 Instead this dim form lifts the hand, caught his fist directly. 反而这朦胧身影抬手,正面接住了他的一拳。 This...... 这…… Su Qianyuan is shocked. 苏乾元愣住。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 The dim form grasps Su Qianyuan these several million zhang (3.33 m) giant bodies directly, is discarding toward within the four seas of nihility. 朦胧身影直接抓起苏乾元这数百万丈的巨大身体,往着虚无之海内丢去。 After will lose. 在将之丢出后。 The dim form pursued, continued to launch the attack, under read, changed to the innumerable sword air/Qi, dense and numerous cut toward Su Qianyuan...... 朦胧身影追了上去,继续发起了攻击,一念之下,化作无数剑气,密密麻麻的朝着苏乾元斩去…… ?? First ??第一更 ? ? ???? ???? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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